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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning, It is difficult to type while wearing a sling, so this will be short. I have sent the medical report to the Doc at the Mayo Clinc and am waiting for a reply. My right upper arm continues to be very painful due to a possible bicep tear. Will report more when I know more. Terri
  2. Well, I have another tale of woe. On Thursday, while taking a shower I hurt my arm and the pain has not subsided. Yesterday when I awoke my upper arm looked like someone implanted an egg underneath the skin and it was very painful. I sent a note to my orthopedist at the Mayo Clinic and he asked me to get care locally. I had three things to do today. I got my nails done and then had the car serviced. Then, when I heard from the nurse at the Mayo Clinic, I got myself over to the Express Care for Beaufort Memorial Hospital as my Doc at the Mayo asked me to do. They decided that I tore the Biceps Muscle and put me in a sling. I will be in touch with the Ortho Doc at the Mayo tomorrow and see what the next steps are. Meanwhile I can’t do very much. Things are just not going very well around here. Terri
  3. Just want to say Good Morning! And let everyone know I am still alive and kicking. Still feeling very tired but doing a bit better. I had to run some errands yesterday and that finished me off. Will post more after I have breakfast and watch Mass on TV. I have not yet read the posts. Happy Sunday. Terri
  4. Hello everyone, I meant to post this morning but time got tight. I had to take DH to the dentist. When we got home I was so tired I went to bed and slept all day. Got up and made dinner. While I may no longer have Covid, I am quite fatiqued. Hope everyone had a great day. Terri
  5. Good morning, or what is left of it. I was up earlier and then went back to bed. Had breakfast and then tested for Covid and am happy to report that the test was NEGATIVE. While I am not feeling great, at least I am over the worst of it. I feel very tired and will try to rest as much as I can. Thank you all for your concern and prayers. Terri
  6. Terry, Thank you for your concern. I did not go. My pulse ox is okay and I do not have a fever. My basic problem is terrible fatigue. I took a nap and will go to bed early. The reason I did not go is because of DH. He would have been very upset. I did nto want to take him with me and did not want to leave him alone. The nap helped a bit. Depending on how I feel tomorrow I will decide what to do. Also tomorrow I can go to a better place than the ER. I appreciate your concern. Terri
  7. Thank you all for the advice. i am not offended. The fact is that I am feeling really bad. If this continues I will seek medical help tomorrow. I have been sick now for 9 days and it does not show signs of getting better, i am happy for all and any advice you may provide Terri
  8. RomeCabs.com Wonderful service. Highly recommend them and have used them many times. Terri
  9. Thank you. I am not feeling better yet. I still have symptoms and am staying home. As a matter of fact, I feel worse today than I have. I feel very weak and tired. I understand what you are saying, but I am not ready to about my daily routine. Terri
  10. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for all your contributions and dedication to the FR&D. Happy Birthday to Clark Kent. I am a Superman Fan. I don’t like Sushi. I am all for eliminating Hate Speech. Have not been to Mindelo. i am still testing positive for Covid. I have a oough and feeling very tired. So far I have not lost my sense of smell or taste. My symptoms started last Monday evening so it is now 9 days. I only self tested on Saturday. I just thought it was a cold but this is going on too long. The last time I had Covid I tested positive for 11 days. I will test again tomorrow. DH remains negative. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. God Bless Terri
  11. The Covid vaccine causes a flare-up in the PMR and I have to start a new course of Prednisone again. It appears that the PMR is in remission and I am a course of weaning myself off. The Rheumatologist and Internist both have advised no more Covid shots. So this is the price I pay for that. Terri
  12. @StLouisCruisers, I am sorry I missed you before. I hope you are feeling better. If not, please get medical help. I thought I just had a cold and when I got home took a Covid test. It was too late for Paxlovid. So now I have to wait and let it run its course. Hope you are on the mend. Terri
  13. Good Monday morning to all. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for your contributions to this thread. I hope everyone is doing well today. I have not been to the destination. The meal looks lovely but I am not up to cooking these days and cannot rely on DH for a meal. So it will be the simplest thing I can do for the two of us. I continue to feel sick and plan to remain indoors and have a few indoor projects that need attention with little physical exertion. I have to cancel two appointments for tomorrow since I do not think it is fair to expose others to Covid. I also have to postpone having my car serviced. I really do not have much else to report. We will both take Covid tests again today to see where we stand. The plan is to do this every two days. If DH does not come down with Covid, I am going to make sure he gets another vaccination. I am not able to have anymore because of my PMR. @durangoscots Susan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That’s about all, folks, Take care and God Bless, Terri
  14. Jane, I hope you get over your fatigue soon, it is not easy. This is my second time with Covid. After the first time I could not shake the fatigue for months. I am really hoping this does not happen again. Take care. Terri
  15. Thank you Pennie. I forgot about the Pulse Oximeter. I don’t even know where to look for mine. I haven’t had to use it in such a long time. Terri
  16. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the FR&D. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. Thank you to all that contribute to this thread—Vanessa, Ann, Dixie and Debbie. Father David’s sermon was very inspiring this morning. I am still feeling quite ill. I will continue to stay home and isolate until I test negative. Jim and I are now sleeping in separate bedrooms as a precaution. Thankfully the house is large enough that we have room to avoid each other. I will take another Covid Test tomorrow and see where we are at that point. Since I has symptoms since Monday, it is too late for me to get Paxlovid. I will call the pharmacist today and see if there is anything else I can take. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  17. Thank you Lenda. The last time it took 11 days. From my calculations my first symptoms appeared on Monday night. So I should be into it 5 days already. I just thought it was a bad cold. Just decided to test and it was positive. As a matter of fact, I didn’t believe it and took 3 tests. All were positive. Terri
  18. I definitely got it at the hotel. I have been sick since Monday night. Terri
  19. Well, as if things could not get any worse, I have tested positive for Covid. It looks like Jim is okay. But I definitely have it. I knew I was just too sick. The thing is I have been sick since Monday and don’t know if I can still take Paxlovid. i will call the pharmacy tomorrow and see what he has to say. I don’t even know how I got this. Jim is okay. He tested negative. Terri
  20. Thanks Vanessa. i am trying to do that. I helped change DH’s dressings after he showered. My big problem is being able to hear. I can hear very little. After using the neti pot it gets a little better but then deteriorates again. If this keeps up, I will have to see an ENT doctor next week. Hope you and BFF are doing okay. Terri
  21. @rafinmdRoy, Thanks for the update. I sure hope you are doing okay. Every procedure like that takes a toll on the body. Take your time and let your body recover from it. Hope you are feeling better. Prayers for you and i hope the results are in your favor. God Bless, Terri
  22. Good Saturday morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for your dedication to the FR & D. Where would we be without all of you! I have been to Ketchikan and it was a beautiful day when we were there. That was our first HAL cruise back in 2007. It is so good to be home. I have never been so happy to see a vacation come to an end. It was wonderful to sleep in my own bed last night. Unfortunately my cold is continuing and is now traveled to my chest. I am also concerned because I seem to have some hearing loss from the cold. It appears that it happened on the two plane rides on Thursday. I am hoping that this is temporary and will clear up as the cold dissipates over the next few days. I am using saline solution and a neti pot and hoping this will clear up some of the problem. Today is dedicated to unpacking and laundry. Yesterday, after we arrived home I had to go food shopping and that just finished me for the day. I managed to pick up a rotisserie chicken and all the fixings so that I did not have to cook and have enough leftovers for tonight. I was just pooped after that. Figured the unpacking and laundry could wait until today. I will also have to help Jim with his wounds. He just cannot do it by himself. His skin is very thin and it I have to be very careful in cleaning the wounds and applying the dressing. Thank you again for all your prayers and well wishes for us during this “mis” adventure we had. Someday we will look back and think it was amusing. (Maybe!) Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
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