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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. I still cannot figure out how to separate the photos and add a caption to them. Terri
  2. It is very possible. We did quite a number of HAL cruises (especially in the Med, and sometimes in the Caribbean) prior to moving over to Oceania. We usually sailed in a Neptune Suite. Might have seen each other in the Neptune Lounge. Sorry we did not get to meet. Terri
  3. Back from Endodontist’s office. All I can say is that people have jobs and they do not know what the #$%& they are doing! i am trying to be nice. It took her 45 minutes to figure out how to pull up the first EOB. Then she could not find the claim for the secondary claim. When I asked to see the resolution she said there is none. Then she wanted the balance. I said NO. She will refile the claim. We shall see. Terri
  4. Just a few photos of our time in Athens prior to boarding our cruise in Piraeus in 2018. We could see the Acropolis from our hotel room.
  5. @dfishDebbie, have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute of your cruise. Stay safe. Terri
  6. Melissa, This is such good news. I am so glad he has made good progress and is able to return home. Prayers for his increased recovery. Terri
  7. Good morning. I think I need to check in early lest the day slip away from me like yesterday did. Thank you to both Rich and Roy for the lists. Again, my condolences to @StLouisCruisers Sandi on the passing of Buddy. Prayers for your family during this sad and stressful time. May he Rest In Peace. As for the days, i understand the importance of sharks, but keep them at a distance. I don’t need and pandemonium in my life. I have had enough of that. Just need some peace now. I like Mac and Cheese and wouldn’t mind some. As long as someone makes it for me. Not fond of Marilyn Monroe and the quote is typical of something she would say. I will skip the meal. Coconut and cabbage are not two of my favorites, So I will give that a pass. I have never had an amaretto sour, but I would like to try one. I will wait for instructions. Like Rose and it fits my budget. May see if I can get a bottle. Been to Piraeus a number of times and stayed in Athens twice. Don’t know if I can find some photos to posts. Today I have to go out and do battle with the endodontist’s office. When I had a root canal back in May they wanted half the money and said they would file the insurance claim. Now they want the other half. I have dental benefits under two different sources. First under my health insurance and secondly under DH’s union. I tried to explain and brought the forms with me that my own insurance has to be filed first and then that EOB must be sent to DH’s union. Well yesterday I received a bill for the remainder of the amount less the $9 my insurance paid with the notation that DH’s union paid $0. When i pulled up the claim from DH’s union, there is no claim. So Lord knows what and if they filed anything. This is my third trip to that office regarding this claim. I gave them the claim forms, put sticky notes on them with the instructions on what needed to be filed first, etc. They just do not pay attention. I am certainly not paying them another $850 when there is no evidence of a claim being filed. I will try to be nice and patient when I am there. End of rant! Prayers for all on the cares list. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Enjoy but be careful and safe. The Omicron variants are showing their ugly heads again. Happy Bastille Day to our French Friends. Have a wonderful day. God Bless, Terri
  8. Sandi, Has any of your medical providers mentioned getting an MRI? Something is going on. Terri
  9. Good afternoon. Happy Tuesday. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and the Daily. I like the days. I really appreciate cows mostly for the products we get from them. Milk and cheese, etc. I am not a fan of red meat, but many do. So cows are an important part of our dietary needs. Etch a sketch. I’m sure I had one as a child. Paper Bags. Well, here in Beaufort County, plastic bags are no longer allowed. So paper bags are in abundance. Also reusable bags are encouraged. I am a bit confused with the quote. I have read The Notebook and seen the movie. I am trying to figure out where in either the book or the movie that quote would fit. I have to skip the meal as pesto and my tummy do not get along. However the drink and wine both sound good. I have been to Whitehorse. Thank you to @rafinmdRoy for the Cares and celebration lists. And Condolences on the loss of your cousin,. Prayers to all those on the cares list, especially Buddy, Tana, and @Heartgrove’s brother as well as nephew of @HAL Sailer. @grapau27 Prayers for your Sarah that she recovers quickly from Covid. @durangoscotsSusan, hope you heal from your wounds from your fall. How wonderful that your neighbor came to your rescue. @aliaschiefglad you are on the plane. Cheers to all who are celebrating and cruising. Hope all have a wonderful Tuesday with sunshine and clear skies. God Bless, Terri
  10. To those of you going to Europe. A word of advice from my Mayo Clinic orthopedic doctor. Go to a pharmacy in any country. You can get a higher strength Voltaren over the counter. Just ask for Voltaren Forte. It costs about 20 Euros. i have two tubes at home. Must more effective than the OTC you can get in the US Terri
  11. Do you have any Voltaren? If so, rub it on the back of your knee. Also some advil may do the trick. So don’t aggravate it and take it easy. Listen to Dr. Terri. LOL. Terri
  12. I am sorry for your loss Roy. Prayers for her and for her family. Terri
  13. Debbie, I hope this resolves quickly. There is someone else on CC that had to buy a return ticket and is now trying to get reimbursed from HAL Flight Ease. Don’t let them do this to you. Terri
  14. Thank you Graham. It left me with some pulmonary issues. That is why I was terrified of getting Covid and it took me so long to recover from it. Terri
  15. @StLouisCruisers. Sandi. If you are having that much pain, do not wait for your doctor. Go to the ER and tell them you recently had flown from Europe and are having pain in your leg and suspect a DVT. They will do an ultrasound. Even if you don’t have one, it will put your mind at ease. Don’t play around with this stuff. I waited too long and ended up with pulmonary emboli that almost killed me a number of years ago. Please do it. Terri
  16. Good morning. Thank you to both Rich for the Fleet and Daily Report and Roy for our lists. Cheer up the Lonely Day sounds good. Sometimes when trying to cheer someone else up, it also lifts your own spirits as well. I’ll pass on the blueberry muffins for the same reason i passed on the blueberries the other day. Forced to eat these things as a child and just don’t want them. I like the quote. We all need some magic in our lives. Bowdler’s Day==I really don’t think he deserves a day. He should be the patron saint of all these states where they want to re-write history and decide what to teach and not teach kids. i need to go find an censored book and read it today. I give the meal a pass, but wait for the drink and the wine. I have never been to the port. I don’t have much planned for today except to get some laundry and ironing done. We will be going to Williamsburg next Sunday for the week to visit some friends. I posted late yesterday and am making another plea for help if there is anyone with any smarts on how to stop my TV from constant buffering when trying to stream Mass from the internet. I have tried contacting my internet provider, I have restarted the system, cleared the cache and data. Don’t know what else I can do. If there is someone who has any suggestions, I am open to them. Please email me by clicking the red EMAIL ME link below. Thanks. Last night DH and I watched the movie The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I had never heard of the book or the movie. I read the book on my B&N nook and then we watched the movie. Quite interesting. I liked the book better. Prayers for Buddy and @Heartgrove’s brother. Also for Tana and her caregiver @smitty34877. Prayers also for @St. Louis Sal and for @HAL Sailer’s nephew. Hope i got everyone. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Be careful. Looks like we have two new strains of the Omicron variant. Highly contagious. Not good news and it does not look like we are ever going to get rid of this thing. I for one do not want to battle this thing again. Once was enough. Have a great Monday. God Bless and Stay Safe. Terri
  17. I didn’t get to do my usual post, just answered others today. So here goes. Thank you for the daily to Rich and for the Cares and Celebration Lists to Roy. We did not do much today. Had a bad night so slept late. We are still not going to church but streaming Mass. i am having one heck of a time doing this and we have now resorted to watching Mass on the IPad instead of streaming it on the Smart TV. All it does is buffer and I can’t get it to stop. If anyone has any suggestions I am open to them. I have call my internet provider and they cannot help. I have unplugged the TV, restarted the system to no avail. I have a SONY Bravia smart TV that is about 4 years old. We also have a Samsung Smart TV. That one will not allow us to stream from the internet at all. We used to be able to stream from both. Now the Samsung will not let us do it at all and the Sony just keeps buffering. Very frustrating. Any suggestions from anyone with any smarts in this area is more than welcome. ’Prayers for all that need them and Cheers to those celebrating. God Bless, Terri
  18. We get a theology lesson every Sunday. Nothing on how to apply the readings to our daily lives. And talk about long winded. Terri
  19. Thank you for the advice. I will put it in my notes for that day. Terri
  20. Thank you Lenda. It really helps to get an idea of what to expect. We stop there on our cruise next summer. Terri
  21. Thank you for the photos Sandi, even though it was a wet day. Our Scandinavian/Norway cruise next summer stops in Kristiansand so it is nice to be able to see what it looks like. Have not yet made any decisions on what to do in that port. Terri
  22. I’m so glad you are going away and getting a break. You really deserve it. Have a wonderful time. Terri
  23. Thanks for the reports. We spent a day in Zaans Schaans and also had a wonderful time. That was quite a while ago. Glad you’re all enjoying your trip. Terri
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