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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Prayers for you and your DH as you both enter a new phase in your life. God Bless, Terri
  2. Good morning, Happy Thursday. Thank you for Fleet report and Daily to Rich and the List to Roy. Roy, I hope you enjoyed your cruise on the QM2. It seems like you only just embarked and you are talking about disembarking tomorrow and getting a transfer to Penn Station. I never got around to posting yesterday. It just seemed to get busy. I was also very tired and went to bed very early. Finally got a good night’s sleep. This has been a real problem for me. Prayers for Buddy as he enters hospice. This is always a difficult time for everyone. It is not an easy decision. Hopefully the hospice staff will be very supportive to the patient and family. Interesting collection of days. Love Chocolate. Global Forgiveness. We can all use some of that. We need some love in this world. As for taking a walk with my father, it never happened.unfortunately and that was all on his part. i don’t agree with the quote. Love a Cobb salad but would never be able to finish all that are on the photos that Debbie presented. I would get about a third through one of those. Pass on the drink. We have a New England Canadian cruise planned for next year and I think Corner Brook is on the itinerary. Looking forward to lots of photos today. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Prayers for everyone, especially on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Stay safe, God Bless, Terri
  3. I really appreciate the photos of Stockholm. We will be taking a Scandinavian cruise next Summer, which includes Stockholm. I am so anxious to go there. All these photos make it more exciting. Thank you to all that posted them. Terri
  4. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich and Roy for the lists. i love Apple Turnovers, i don’t think i should wear a bikini, and in my working days, I guess I was known to be a work-a-holic. Those days are over, thank God. I will skip the cookies, but may try the drink and the wine. The quote? Not sure about that. Count me in as one of the ones who feels that we need to do something about gun possession and the ensuing violence in these United States. It is getting so that you don’t know where it is going to happen next. First Covid kept us in our homes, now the fear of getting shot will do the same. Welcome to Hermitville! Prayers for all on Roy’s Care list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Roy, I am enjoying your blog. Thank you for taking us along. Prayers for those in Highland Park, and everywhere else in the US where gun violence occurred yesterday. Stay safe everyone, God Bless, Terri
  5. We were on the Nautica from April 11 to May 5. On April 20 both my husband and I tested positive for Covid and were quarantined for six (6) days on the ship. We were permitted to remain in our own cabin. We received care from the medical staff daily free of charge. Our butler would deliver meals from any restaurant we chose. He would knock and he would leave a trolley at our door. When we were done, we would call, the trolley came and we would put the tray out and he would collect it. We were called each day by the General Manager and housekeeping to ask if we needed anything. If so, it would appear at our door. I have no complaints in the way we were treated. The only disappointment was that we contracted Covid and were confined to our cabin. After we returned home, my TA and I both contacted Oceania and claimed a REFUND for the days in quarantine. We had to produce our negative pre-boarding tests. Within one week we were credited the full amount of the fare for each day we were in quarantine. I thought that was very generous of Oceania considering that we had a place to sleep, we were fed three meals a day and received free medical care. I hope this helps. Terri
  6. Prayers for the citizens of Highland Park, Ill. This has got to stop! Terri
  7. Just want to chime in and wish everyone a Happy Fourth
  8. Good morning, Thank you for the lists to both Rich and Roy. As for the days. Well, since I live on a golf course I could only imagine the repercussions if I built a scarecrow! So that is out. I don’t think i could do much to compliment a mirror these days. As for disobedience, I did enough of that in my younger days. Don’t have enough energy for that any more. Don’t like those that think it is their right to take matters into their own hands and act that way. I like the quote. The meal is okay, but too many carbs. Thanks to all for the suggestions on how to break up the flights so that we could get to Hawaii. Will take it under consideration. We don’t have much planned for today. The sun is out and hopefully it won’t rain. Just planning a quiet day at home. Take care everyone. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating. Take care and God Bless, Terri
  9. Good evening. I had internet service this morning, but didn’t have time to post because I had to bring my car in for servicing. When I got home my wonderful provider decided that we did not service for a good part of the day. Then the postal service has also decided that we did not need our mail either yesterday or today. Thank you Mr. De Joy — Oh I mean KillJoy! Well, my car checked out so I am all set for another six months. Thank you to Rich and Roy for the lists. Roy, I hope you are rested from your ordeal yesterday and having a good time on your cruise. I like the set of days. I Forgot Day—That is my day every day. World UFO Day—Well, can’t say I ever saw one Special Recreation Day for the Disabled—i wholly endorse this. Having been the caregiver to DBIL, I cannot tell you the joy on his face when there were special events that he was able to participate in. Especially when we took him to Disney World. I agree with the quote. As for the destination. I guess I am the odd one out here. I have never been to Hawaii. i really want to get there one day. I dread the long flight from the east coast. i am prone to blood clots and that is my first concern. I’ll have to figure out a cruise that goes through the canal and then one that does round trip to Hawaii and then another back through the canal. We’ll see. Well, the weather improved today. The predicted rain did not happen. So we had beautiful sunshine. Prayers to all who need them @aliaschiefGlad your flights were on time. @dobiemomPrayers for your GF’s DH. @rafinmdEnjoy your cruise. Cheers to all who are celebrating Happy Holiday Weekend. God Bless, Terri
  10. Good morning. Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends. Enjoy your day. Thank you Rich for the Daily and to Roy in advance for the Cares and Celebration list. The Collection of Days is good. Zip Codes to move the mail efficiently. Well, these days I am not sure how efficient the mail moves any more. American Zoo Day. Well growing up, I lived in New York and it was always a treat when my Mom would take me to either the Central Park Zoo, or better yet, the Bronx Zoo. A special day. Financial Freedom—Wouldn’t we all love that. Meal sounds good. I’ll never refuse a Margarita and Malbec is a favorite of mine. Waiting to see the recipes. @StLouisCruisersHope you are doing better today. Take it easy. i admire you for getting all the laundry done so quickly. It took me a while. Today we can expect more rain—as a matter of fact, the whole weekend looks that way. Bummer. @rafinmdRoy, enjoy your cruise. Hope it is wonderful. Hoping to follow along on your blog. Take care everyone. Happy Friday. God Bless, Terri
  11. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I am so sorry for what you went through at Heathrow. in my opinion it is the worst airport on earth. I won’t even begin to enumerate my horrible experiences there. I too have had problems with swollen feet. It started right after I had Covid and lasted for quite a while, even after we got home. i did take some extra doses of my diuretic and it finally subsided. i also had pain behind the knees. At first I thought I might have had a blood clot. I did have one before. I did not go for an ultrasound. Not sure if I was right or wrong, but the pain finally went away. I will tell you that Covid did strange things to my body, besides the fatigue. Please just take it easy. If the problems don’t go away on their own, go see a doctor. Don’t worry about unpacking, just do the bare minimum until you feel better. i hope all these things resolve quickly. God Bless, Terri
  12. Good morning, Happy to be here this morning. Thank you for the lists to both Rich and Roy. To answer @aliaschief. While HAL is no longer my cruise line of choice, I still frequented the HAL board. I didn’t post as much. I used to read the Fleet Report and then the Daily and finally felt comfortable to post. Everyone made me feel very welcome. Well, today proves to be another rainy and gloomy day here in the LowCountry. More thunderstorms. I figured I had better post early before everything shuts down again. I like the days. I don’t think I have ever seen a meteor. I haven’t shaken hands with people in a long time due to COVID. And I still managed to get it anyway. As for social media, Cruise Critic is where I spend most of my time. I do have a facebook account but rarely post. I think I will pass on the meal. Maybe the drink and the wine. Prayers for all who need them. @rafinmd. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Bon Voyage! Carol, I hope Sam is recovering well from Covid, @kazuGlad you made it home with your luggage. Kudos to your kind neighbor. Prayers to all who need them and cheers to all celebrating. Hope you all have a wonderful day. God bless, Terri
  13. @1ANGELCAT My condolences on Jaguar going over the rainbow bridge. Prayers for you. Terri
  14. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich and Roy for the lists. I am posting now while my ISP is cooperating. We expect thunderstorms again today and that could mean that all communications (TV, phone, internet) shuts down. I like two of the three days. Camera Day—I love taking photos. I have a DSLR, which I rarely use because of the weight, a point and shoot and my new iPhone,, which gets most of the use these days. I took the DSLR with me on the last cruise and because of our quarantine, hardly used it. What a waste! Hug Day—I am always happy to get a hug and will gladly give one as well. A big hug to all of you, my Dailyite friends. International Mud Day—I’ll pass on that. I don’t like getting down and dirty. A bit puzzled by the quote. I guess Edison was referring to heaven. I will pass on the meal and the drink. I have not been to the port, but have a cruise to Norway next year. Prayers for those on the cares list. @kazu I hope you are finally on your flight and will be home shortly, @mamaofamiprayers for Sam’s recovery, @St Pete Cruiser prayers for a speedy recovery from the appendectomy., @Heartgrovecontinued prayers for your brother @HAL Sailer more prayers for your nephew and his recovery from his mowing accident. Cheers to those celebrating. @dfish I like the hair color. @rafinmdglad you have another cruise booked. @aliaschiefdid you try the washing machine for the keys? The plane situation has me concerned. We usually drive to Miami for our departures. Last year we decided that the drive was getting a bit more than we would like, so I booked flights for our cruise in December. Now I’m wondering whether I did the right thing. We are doing 18 days from Dec. 10 to the 28. I guess getting down there won’t be bad but thinking that getting back from Miami to Jacksonville may be a problem on Dec. 28. Might be stuck in Miami for a few days. We have non-refundable tickets so we don’t have much of a choice unless the airline cancels the flight. Just something else to worry about. Prayers for all those who need them. i hope everyone has a good day and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  15. i am going to try to post this while my internet provider lets me. I have tried all day to post and keep getting knocked off. The internet in this area is awful and there is nothing we can do about it because Hargray has a monopoly in the area. So rather than enumerate everyone, please know that I am praying for all of you and cheering with those celebrating. Love you all. God Bless, Terri
  16. Good evening. Sorry I am so late to the game today. I have not had an opportunity to read all the posts but will do so. I had a very difficult night sleep wise. Woke up at 4 am. Then went back to bed at 6:30 and slept til 10:30 am. After breakfast I had to shower and get ready to go get my nails done. A crazy day all around. As I said, I have to still read all the posts. Hope all are doing okay. Prayers for those who need them and cheers to those celebrating. God Bless and stay safe. Love you all, Terri
  17. @mamaofami Carol. A Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Enjoy your day. Sorry Sam cannot be with you. Terri
  18. Good morning, Thank you Rich for the list and nice collection of days. i like my hairdresser. She’s really great. I like the quote. Forgiveness. When you forgive you not only do it for the person who offended you, but also for yourself. You are able to let go. It doesn’t always mean you forget, but you no longer let that person rent space in your head. I have not been in a canoe. Does a kayak or a rowboat count? I will skip the spicy meal. Spicy and my tummy do not go well together. A Mexican julep sounds interesting. I will wait to see what it is like. I think the wine is above my budget. I am sure it is good. Have not been to Cairns. Prayers for those on the Cares list. @mamaofami Prayers for Sam’’s recovery from Covid and release from the hospital @smitty34877Prayers for Tana that she recovers from yet this new bout of pneumonia @JazzyVhere’s hoping that leg infection clears up @HAL Sailercontinuing prayers for your nephew @Heartgroveprayers for your brother @bennybearPrayers for your DH @kazuthinking about you and hoping all is going well this weekend For all celebrating, Cheers. For those cruising, Enjoy and stay safe,. Have a wonderful Sunday and God Bless, Terri
  19. Did you try the second email? I don’t have any others. No one else has had any difficulty contacting me. I looked at your profile and you do not have an email listed there. Thanks for trying. Terri
  20. Did you click on the red Email Me below my name? When I click on it it opens up my email app. I did not see an email in your profile. Try Tbrein at hargray dot com Terri
  21. If you click on the red EMAIL ME it will take you to my email. If not, it is cruzinterri at hargray dot com thanks for reaching out. Terri
  22. That sounds about right. You will not be disappointed with RomeCabs. Terri
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