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Posts posted by K.T.B.

  1. 15 hours ago, Steelers36 said:

    US isn't alone - UK loosening up to.  Canada remains in the dark ages bringing up the rear - as usual, unfortunately.


    People of the World who get vaccinated cannot be expected to be held hostage ad nauseum by those who choose not to get vaccinated.  People don't wear masks to protect against coughs, colds, the flu.  


    That said, you and anyone else are welcome to continue wearing masks to infinity and beyond.


    Your characterization of a cruise ship as a "breeding ground" for Covid is unfounded when virtually all of the indications thus far are going towards almost total vaccinated crew and passengers.



    Re: the red line I highlighted.


    YES, they do.  The Japanese have been doing this for years, especially while flying.  It just hasn't taken hold worldwide until the pandemic hit.  By the way, this past flu season had the fewest cases and deaths since they've been tracking it.  The hospital rate was only  0.7 per 100,000 people. Masks work.

  2. 5 minutes ago, scottca075 said:


    If an earthquake destroyed hundreds of Alaskan businesses, we'd declare a State of Emergency and dispatch FEMA. Why should this situation be any different?


    Even worse, it is as if you could have prevented the earthquake from happening, but didn't.


    We've seen how easy it is to circumvent federal law by the chief executive. Why aren't the livelihoods of many Americans worth saving?


    Of course, but there's still this thing called a pandemic going on.  And, until very recently, there was a major safety issue to be considered in terms of people getting sick and dying.  However, with the vaccines working, now they're attempting to get the waiver, but they're approaching this the right way.  What they're asking for is only temporary, whereas if Biden just did the waiver it couldn't temporary.  


    It's not often where I think that politicians are doing things the right way, the smart way, but this time they are.

    • Like 3
  3. 11 hours ago, HMR74 said:

    I am not sure about everybody else, however,  I want to find out for myself what "showstoppers" there would be for my next cruise coming in Apr 22.


    Mostly Vaccinated people on board--pretty much checked off as ok.


    Masks not required, not quite there yet, but working in that direction--almost checked off


    frequent on board testing--I can live with that


    Looks like private non cruise line excursions allowed--check


    I would like to see everybody on board have to provide a note from DR that the person is in pretty good condition, eg, only 1 or 2 co morbidities, but pretty robust. That, with being vaccinated,  would cut down on the magnitude, risk,  of a problem.


    Which affects the "what if" there is an outbreak on board, an outbreak defined by CDC. which I think depending on the ship size, as I read last week which might be last weeks news, as few as 20-30.


    IN that case, I believe the protocol is to end the cruise at nearest port that will accept them. Remember cruise lines have to have agreements with various ports ahead of time as to handle hte influx.

    What if that nearest port is a smallish island, and the infrastructure to quarantine the passengers might be tight, and or flights out  for 1000-3000 people , or more, might be pretty lean.


    Those with cruises soon, have to deal with that sooner than others,


    and like others , I would like to see the travelers reviews on the first cruises. What went better than expected, what went worse.


    But overall it looks like things are progressing with a bit more urgency than a month ago.


    But its what we do not know, that can bite us in a hurry.



    Port agreements need to be signed.  Once that's done, I think there's one more step to be taken, of which I am forgetting currently, but I know @nocl has mentioned previously.

  4. 2 hours ago, paulh84 said:

    Testing of Embarking and Disembarking Passengers for Restricted Voyages

    Screening Testing of All Embarking and Disembarking Passengers for Restricted Voyages
      Not Fully Vaccinated Passengers Fully Vaccinated Passengers
    Embarkation Day Testing Viral (NAAT or antigen) Not Applicable*
    Disembarkation Day Testing Viral (NAAT or antigen) Not Applicable
    Back-to-Back Sailing¥ Testing Viral (NAAT or antigen) Not Applicable


    Paul, where did you get the picture from?  CDC or somewhere else?

  5. 36 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

    The Senate's unanimous consent to this bill makes me think the political landscape for cruising has changed.  It wouldn't have happened without the leadership of both parties being on board, and that likely means the White House was also included.  If it passes the House in a similar fashion, I would expect the CDC to be pressured to drop all the red tape.


    IMO, the CDC has already been pressured in some ways based on the "no need for masks if you're vaccinated" announcement yesterday.  Just a week ago they were saying the complete opposite.  The science doesn't change THAT quickly for a pandemic that's been happening for nearly 16 months.


    I just hope this gets through the House very quickly and Biden signs it just as quickly.  That could mean Alaska cruises by July-ish.  And there are cruises in Alaska, that means ALL of cruising is open.

  6. 6 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

    Well I do not plan to visit anybody in prison or hopefully not in a hospital either.  I will not be homeless anytime soon.  I will drop off food at a shelter at the outside drop box or donate online.  I do not use public transportation except airports and airplanes.  I think the CDC is still overreaching on requiring masks for fully vaccinated passengers on airplanes since there is not one piece of evidence that the virus is spread on flights.


    Overreaching is a bit of an understatement.  When you look at what was released on May 5th as opposed to what was announced yesterday, the CDC doesn't know what the hell it's doing.  What was announced yesterday in terms of (mostly) ditching masks for those that are vaccinated flies directly in the face of what they're expecting of cruise lines.  There is no differentiating vaccinated vs unvaccinated either, at least no in terms of dining.  But, again, it goes against what was announced yesterday....


    Heck, even news channels are taking the CDC to task about the mixed messages in the past week or so!  Morning Joe really called them out on their their apparent ineptitude.  

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

    I have been saying repeatedly here that there is no need to wear a mask on a fully vaccinated ship onboard.  Not outdoors.  Not even indoors.  So hopefully that will be the case when cruising returns.  The use of masks in ports in different countries will be decided by the local authorities.  It will highly depend on their local vaccinations.  I am happy with the epiphany from the CDC yesterday on their new relaxed restrictions.  But I am more than a little worried that they left mask restrictions in place for fully vaccinated on public transportation.  Yes cruises are private transportation but the CDC might lump them in with public transportation.


    I suppose they could try to do that, but public transportation generally means anyone can use it to start at point A to get to point B.  Closed loop cruises aren't that. Cruises aren't Amtrak.

  8. 47 minutes ago, ChucktownSteve said:

    The last line in the story is the key, "If the bill moves through other branches of the U.S. government efficiently, the next step would be for the industry to gain CDC approval to operate. "


    Does anyone have confidence in the CDC to do the right thing in a timely fashion?


    Um, no.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, By The Bay said:

    A few more hurdles to get over.


    1. The House will need to vote it through.

    2. The President will need to sign it.

    3. The CDC will need to allow cruise ships to resume.


    Good luck. 🤞


    1 will probably happen. 2 is definitely better than 50/50. 3 is under pressure now, so once 1 & 2 happen, they'll acquiesce. 

    • Like 5
  10. 57 minutes ago, nocl said:

    Where do you get your news from? Did you not hear about CDC updating their mask recommendations today for those fully vaccinated?


    As well as the changes to the CSO manual adding more options to the cruise line for fully vaccinated passengers.


    But then again you seem more interested in making snide comments than any real discussion.





    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, ipeeinthepool said:


    Well the CDC has finally admitted what's been obvious to the rest of the world.  Vaccinated people are well protected against Covid and don't pose a risk to anyone.  Just because the CDC guidelines were internally consistent, did not make them correct.  


    One thing to point out:  It took meeting with the President and his advisors on the pandemic for the CDC to make this change.  Regardless, this is some great news for a change from the CDC!

  12. 13 minutes ago, Ken the cruiser said:

    Now if the cruise lines can just get the go-ahead to ask passengers at Florida ports if they have been vaccinated prior to boarding, that would be another big positive! I know, baby steps ... 😎


    I'm even more thankful that my next cruise is out of California now!

  13. 24 minutes ago, Christine Frances said:

    How are they going to monitor this for indoor dining?   Everyone is just going to take off their masks unless there is a way to verify they have been vaccinated. 


    Well, if you're unvaccinated, you're taking your life in your own hands.  It's your right, of course, but it's stupid.

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