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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. So odd. I don’t recall ever seeing that before!
  2. Random question…in all my cruises, I don’t ever recall seeing flies while on the ship. Last night there was one in my room annoying the crap out of me. This morning there were several flying around in the Wake. Is it just the area we are sailing or are we about to get overrun with killer flies or something?
  3. French Crueller Clam Chowder Steak and Eggs Pana Cotta
  4. I wasn’t able to reserve a spot for breakfast today but rolled up at The Wake at 8am and they seated me right away. It was pretty empty for the first half hour or so when they opened. By the time I was done, the whole place was full. Again, I had heard some grumbling that the food wasn’t as good but everything I had was excellent!
  5. After the Ship Show I went to scope out Dual Reality. There haven’t been spots available to book since we got it n the ship and I’ve been checking constantly. Tonight, half hour before the show, it opened up and showed available so that snapped it up! The show was every bit as good as I remember! Again, the raw talent on VV is amazing! The strength, stamina, and skill of those dancers and acrobats blow me away! After the show I decided to grab a pizza and call it a night. Chicken Pesto for the win!
  6. It’s a Ship Show. I had heard lots of joy so great things about the food but, personally, I thought it was pretty good! The show was fun - I’m always blown away by the talent that VV finds. What annoyed me about tonight was the way they seated people. We got in line around 6:40. We weren’t front of the line but certainly weren’t at the back. When they showed us to the table, they put us all the way at the even though there were empty tables in front of us. People behind us in line that came in after were seated in front of us. 😖
  7. Deep Blue Extras sailaway party tonight. No pics but know there was lots of free flowing alcohol. Followed by the other group sailaway party. Followed by dinner and It’s a Ship Show
  8. Heading back to the ship! I highly recommend Iguana Mama if anyone is looking for an excursion in Puerto Plata!
  9. Cigar making, dancing, and the fort! Though I realize I didn’t get any pictures of cigars or dancing. By this point I had finished one of the bottles of Mama Juana!
  10. Next was a stop at the pink street and the umbrella street
  11. Next stop was lunch where we had a traditional DR rice, beans, and chicken. It was delicious and it was so sweet chatting to the “waiters” - one of whom was the same age as my son. It really made me realize just how privileged we are! One of our group told the poor kid that the beans tasted like dirt. He was so offended. Who does that?
  12. My favourite was the Mama Juana otherwise known as the Dominican ***** or the baby maker. I fully expected an extortionate price in the gift shop but nope. Literally $10 for a litre bottle. I knew I couldn’t carry that back to Canada so opted for 3 small bottles for $4 each! It was almost free! Let me tell you, no way could we buy ANY alcohol in Vancouver for that price!
  13. Back to the bus and several rum and cokes later we headed to the rum factory. After a brief video about the history of rum making we were invited to taste 8 different rums. You could have a taste or request a double or triple. The rest is history as they say.,,
  14. Puerto Plata today. I booked an independent excursion through Iguana Mama called Eat, Drink and Be Merry. It was an all inclusive that hit all the tourist areas and included free flowing rum and a lunch for $90usd! The instructions to meet were VERY clear and clear and one of our group (spoiler - it was me) followed them. No matter what time the ship docks, make your way out immediately as the tour leaves 45 minutes after the ship arrives. Simple right? The gangway opened at 8:50am and I was at our tour bus at 9:10am. There would only be 4 of us. I sat in the bus and waited and waited and waited. Two more made it at 10:10am. The fourth person, to be fair, hadn’t even made the ship in Miami so was joining today and arranged to meet us at the first stop rather than make us wait. Seriously, though. Don’t be the person that makes others wait cause you don’t have your crap together. I’m going to post some pics from the day but wanted to say it was excellent! I drank so much rum and mama Juana (the baby maker). I also ran into so many people from the ship who apparently know me. I think maybe I need to not drink for a couple of days!
  15. Avo Toast and Buckwheat Waffle with a side of bacon!
  16. I haven’t tried to book anything but they do keep pushing them on the daily schedule so I’m assuming there are still spots for some available!
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