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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. Another great night on Valiant! After dinner at Test Kitchen I headed over to the Red Room for the Miss Behave show. I bumped into some friends from the other group so we sat together and had an absolute blast! I legit had zero idea what was going on 90% of the time but it was a fun! And inappropriate! 🤣
  2. Dinner tonight was Test Kitchen menu A. I did the cocktail pairing. All was fabulous!
  3. Another solo meet up this evening which was fun! I met some “new to me” people, only to find out that in actual fact I had met them yesterday and may or may not have been dancing with them at the PJ party! More than one “stranger “ has approached me today to tell me how much fun they had last night…Ooops!
  4. @MeganGC1983 found Alejandro! He is the Bounce!
  5. Brews and Crews was a lot of fun - I didn’t like the two dark beers but we won the contest and got the table the tower of beer!
  6. I probably should have paid more attention to where my room was. I’ll be honest, I didn’t even think about it. Whatever is directly above me is LOUD - maybe the gym? Lots of banging and bumping.
  7. Hmmm. I’m at the 90s boyband class and Brandon is hosting. I’ll have to look out for Alejandro. Maybe they are overlapping. Brandon is pretty awesome!
  8. @MeganGC1983 I’m confused! The Hype is Brandon? Or is there more than one Hype?
  9. I have the Brews & Crews booked for 1pm today. I’m not sure I can handle any more alcohol right now! Lol
  10. I took a peek in the cabanas that you can book.
  11. When I got back to the room last night I tried to order breakfast on the app but it wouldn’t let me. I called sailor services and placed the order by phone and it arrived on the dot at 8am!
  12. Oh what a night! After dinner I went to the Grog Walk which was a lot of fun with good drinks! We started at Sip and hit up three other bars. Each had a “mission “ to get your drink and it got everyone talking to one another! From there, back to the room to get changed for the PJ party where I danced and danced and danced! I finally called it a night around 2am! There was a “thing” towards the end where I noticed a very young girl very intoxicated who had a creepy older guy following her and being very handsy. I stuck close to her and enlisted the help of another couple and we ended up getting security to warn him off.
  13. Next up is PJ party which changed a week ago to ugly sweater party. Ummm. I have pjs or a Christmas dress! I’m going with pjs!
  14. Lots of fun at the solo meet up. Relocated to Razzle Dazzle for dinner!
  15. Just had a bit of a freak out as I realized my final payment for NCL April cruise was due today! Rushed back to the room to pay it. All good again! Headed to mustard now, then the solo meet up followed by solo dinner at Razzle dazzle followed by grog walk followed by PJ party. I’m exhausted!
  16. The cruise has officially begun! First beer and snacks at the Dock. My fave place onboard!
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