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Posts posted by hockeyken

  1. :D:D


    Z : you are a putz. Do you know what you spilled, you baboon ?


    Jordan ( Sonoma) , is a high end estate that has been producing excellent wines for many years. The buildings were built with imported tiles from Italy, as well as importing the craftsmen to set them. The winery itself ( like many others is so clean you can eat off the floor). Even the driveway leading in to the Estate was built to California Highway code specifications.


    The wines themselves are excellent, and actually pretty good value considering the cost of some other top Californians.When I was the first to import them into Canada nearly 20 years ago, we had no problem selling out 100 cases in short order at $40 per bottle.


    Now get back to your cruise.



  2. In regards to the Bacardi comments, never, ever drink it because it tastes as if you are biting into a two by four. No self-respecting Puerto Rican like me would be caught dead drinking it. If you have to mix rum with coke I recommend Don Q any day, any time, any where.

    Z and TB



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    My good friend Z is correct. He has had it any time, and everywhere. Bacardi is for rum virgins. In January, Z and I put a hurtin on some Zacapa 23 yr old. Also, from Guyana, El Dorado, both the 15 yr old, but especially the 21 yr old are excellent : the Cognac of the Caribbean......best served neat in a cognac snifter. Mother's Milk :whiskey-glass:. Also makes a very fine breakfast drink.


    I do admit, however that I was very surprised to find that Senor Z kept his DonQ rum, while on our Med cruise in 2010, in his underwear drawer in his cabin. Very peculiar.



  3. Wow, what a busy weekend! Z your neighbors pooled their money and moved your belongings to temporary storage. I’ve never seen them so happy. Yesterday your Mom had a Block Party in your old/former backyard. Her Fiancé, Juan, brought his Mariachi band over to play. You and him will get along splendidly, he plays the Triangle as well as you! Boy can he drink! It was no time before he went through your private stock and your Manischewitz wine collection. BTW., Juan is a huge collector of fake sports memorabilia. He said most of your stuff is fake, except the John Rocker autographed baseball. He said, he will keep it for his collection. Juan is also a great dancer, Your Mom and him won the Limbo contest for couples. All and all it was a great time. When you return from your trip, your belongings are at CheapStorage in Fort Lauderdale. You’ll want to see them right away, as we did not have money left over to pay them. The auction is on Friday. Anyway, have a great trip.



    ELCID : As you exit Z's kitchen, look in the cabinet immediately to your right. That is one of his booze hiding places. Also the cabinet on the north wall just past the end of the dining table - he likes to keep the better stuff in there : you know - the booze he won't serve to guests.


    Don't bother looking for his collection of Salsa Records. I took those in January when I was there.



    Next time you two get together ask him to tell the story about a certain day in Santorini where I found him, hands on hips, swearing and ranting at a parked van, with no one in it.:eek:


    Glad to see you are enjoying yourself, Putz.



  4. :)


    We took a ship's tour, Catamaran Sail and Nevis beach swim. It was excellent. Great views of the Islands, lots of drinks. Even the good local beer was included, where many similar excursions only provide rum punch ( and usually made with really cheap rum). There was a full hour to swim on Paradise Beach on Nevis, and the crew set up a portable bar on shore. Lots of music on the way back too. A most enjoyable day. Price was fair as well.



  5. ;p


    We were on the Silhouette Jan. 14th-26th and tried the Porch one evening. Here are a few notes.


    1) How can they call this a seafood restaurant ? There is exactly one (1) type of fish available. Yes you heard correctly ONE. And it was of the frozen variety. My wife ordered it, and this miniscule piece was served on a large plate, all by itself. No veggies, no starch, no nothing. Pretty pathetic considering the cost.


    2) I had the seafood tower. Except it is not a tower. It came in a basic aluminum bowl, on a bed of ice. The taste and quality was fine, but the quantity was very lacking - especially the lobster part.


    3) We had two different appetizers, and they were very ordinary.


    From our perspective, and we love seafood, we will never eat there again. Not even if it was free.



  6. :eek: I definitely noticed it on our last Baltic cruise. They congregated outside of the elevator banks, especially near the buffet, like packs of vultures, pitching everything, everyday. Also circulating thru the buffet area, endlessly, everyday.


    Each day I would return to my cabin to find sales pitch literature shoved in our mail slot.


    Inside, I would always find the message light on our phone lit up. Thinking it might be one of our friends, I would retrieve the message only to find another sales pitch or four !!!


    Every evening when I turned on the TV (usually to access the music channels) it indicated a "message" waiting. And you guessed it, not a legitimate message but MORE sales pitches.


    I filed a complaint when I got home and of course never even had the courtesy of a reply. So much for customer care.


    I am giving them a last try this January. Hoping for better treatment.



  7. Rachel, Wes, and Ken. Two out of three of you know TB. She is the sweetest, quietest person in the world. At the same time, her temper is epic and historic. As soon as she reads all this, my name is mud and my life is not worth a plug nickel. C'est la vie.


    Jackie: Risky, Olivia, and Massimo all say hello.

    Z and TB



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    :wine-glass: When is your funeral ? Then again, for a small monetary and "Rum" consideration, I could forget all about that comment and help preserve your sorry carcass.



  8. :D Bubba Z : drinks, baseball, more drinks, wine tours : I've seen this movie before. ;p


    A question : I don't see on your spreadsheet any reminders to take your medication ?


    Please promise me you won't get into any embarrassing situations like you did in Santorini where you were cussing at that parked van.


    Some Canadian advice while in Alaska - don't eat yellow snow. Have fun, Putz.



  9. :D:eek: I did the 2 day tour last year ( with SPB ). Stairs are not so much the issue as is distance. By the way, I did it with a badly torn meniscus ( happened first day on the Silhouette out of Amsterdam). Every step was agony, and I did eventually skip a few sites as well as frequently had to sit while our tour moved on ( drove our guide nuts ).


    Yes there are stairs :not so many floors , but the Czars sure loved their Grand Staircases - often 40-50 steps.


    Yes the hike from the Hydrofoil dock to Peterhof is long, but many benches to rest on.


    The biggest problem was getting caught up in crowds and being unable to move forward or exit a room, therefore having to stand in one place for 30-45 minutes : The Catherine Palace took first place for this.


    One of our friends had a distance calculator via GPS on his phone. The results :


    Day 1 - we walked 9.8 miles

    Day 2 - we walked 6.7 miles in St. Petersburg.


    Upon my return, I required extensive knee surgery.


    Yet, in some twisted way, it was worth it. So go , have fun, and rest when necessary, but don't worry about stairs.



  10. :) We did it last year, on Celebrity. Berlin is a 3 hr train ride, in each direction, from Warnemunde.


    We did 2 days in St. Petersburg. Absolutely, use a private tour company. Visas are included. The terminal is new and efficient. Finding your guide and bus is simple. Groups are smaller, and even private tours are not too expensive. We used SPB, but many others are equally good. Our guide was a dead ringer for Cameron Diaz..........easy to find in a crowd and easy to follow ;). We had a private tour for a group of 8.



  11. :) If your budget allows : Celebrity by a huge margin. The ship is far superior. But you are privileged no matter what you choose ( we did Celebrity last year). As a previous poster said, the sail in/out of Stockholm thru the archipelago is magnificent - plan to be on deck or on your balcony.


    The money may seem like a lot, but after all, it is probably a once in a lifetime event as a family.



  12. :) The most stress free method is a water Taxi. Private, fast and efficient, as well as extremely scenic. The downside : easily the most expensive way. Depending on #/people, luggage etc,, it could be as much as 150E.


    Be aware that Marco Polo airport is quite small, very congested, and chaotic. To try and control the number of people and bags being processed at any time, usually you cannot check in for flight until 2 hours before departure time : and yes, they do enforce it. This can lead to non moving lines in the concourse : but don't panic, that situation is normal.



  13. :) We did the longer version which included Seurasaari Island ( a look at village life in Finland 200 years ago with preserved buildings etc).


    The balance of the tour is the same, and a good way to see the highlites of Helsinki. The Rock Church was very interesting, and different. Since the city is not very large, this tour manages to show you most of it.


    We enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone. Mostly non strenuous. Some walking.



  14. :eek: Be aware that 2 or 3 different HOHO bus companies pick up at the pier, all aggressively courting your business. What they fail to tell you is that you have to change buses on the way back at the last stop ( usually the Little Mermaid ) and this final shuttle bus will take you the last 2 miles to the ship. HOWEVER, they only usually operate one (1) shuttle to the pier and it gets packed. Also, there can be delays caused by confusion as people from other HOHO tours mistakenly try to get on the bus. ( and you mistakenly try to get on theirs ).


    NOT a good system, but we survived , and loved Copenhagen.



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