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Everything posted by lancashire_cruisers

  1. As a somewhat irregular contributor to the thread I’d be sad to see it disappear particularly when it isn’t the general consensus but just the opinion of one or two ‘individuals’ who seem to voice the same opinion every few months or so. If people didn’t want the thread they wouldn’t post and it would naturally disappear into the ether. So what are things like where I am? Well my daughter graduated and secured her first job within a week of graduating, we’re coming to the end of a 6 month full house renovation and was looking forward to relaxing a wee bit but sadly my Mum had other ideas and passed away just over a week ago so I’m in the process of dealing with her estate and making arrangements whilst somehow trying to find the space to process what’s happened.
  2. So pleased to hear that she’s well enough to come back to the UK. I hope her improvement continues.
  3. I can’t begin to imagine how I’d feel in your position and having read the thread on the Princess board I’m furious on your behalf. Princess have completely dropped the ball on this and should hang their heads in shame. Really hoping for a positive outcome for your Aunt x
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