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Posts posted by DrD

  1. So you have NEVER had 3 snot-nosed kids sitting behind you with the youngest balling her eyes out because ... well, just because. To help you understand an better empathize here is a link for "infant cognition" should it happen to impact your enjoyment of a cruise. For me, I'd MUCH rather have those sitting next to me wearing shorts than dealing with "out of control" kids dressed in tuxes at a table next to us



    If you are my Dr. D please don't take this personally as I think I have a physical coming up sometime next week.. LOL


    Haha no I don't think I'm your doc.


    I agree with you 100% but it doesn't change my point. Yes I'd rather have an under dressed person that an crying kid. But best of all is neither.


    And as a parent I can tell you it's a heck of a lot easier to put on decent clothes than it is to control children, sometimes.

  2. I just don't care what other people wear to a meal. Wear what you want, it, it doesn't impact the taste of my food at all.


    I for one hope they continue to not enforce the suggested dress code.


    It wouldn't of course.


    But dining is about more than taste, it's an experience, a feast for all 5 senses. Hence the great attention land- and sea-based dining venues pay to decor, ambiance, soundproofing, etc.


    I like sitting by the window and watching the ocean at a meal sometimes, it doesn't affect how the food tastes either, but it's pleasant.


    And of course how others dress is part of that. There is a reason for the fashion, makeup and hairstylist industry. People like to look good and like others to look good.


    There is an entire field of "embodied cognition" that deals with the way our appearance changes other's perceptions. See: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/03/science/clothes-and-self-perception.html to start.


    One thing these types of experiments show is that when we're more dressed up we tend to be more polite and better able to engage in abstract thinking. people are also more likely to be polite to someone dressed well than otherwise


    Similarly, Professor Karen J. Pine, of the University of Hertfordshire (U.K.) writes in her very short book Mind What You Wear: The Psychology of Fashion “When we put on a piece of clothing we cannot help but adopt some of the characteristics associated with it, even if we are unaware of it.”


    so if you don't care to dress up fine, but let's PLEASE stop this BS that "no one cares" or "why does anyone care" because they do. It's just an excuse to be lazy, disrespectful, and rude.


    Personally, I do care how people look at dinner and when they are under dressed it bothers me. But I don't freak out because I'm hardly perfect and I'm sure I do things that annoy people on cruises also. But at least I'm not disingenuous about it.


    So I really wish people would stop pretending that it's crazy to care how other people look. It's clearly established through science, history, and culture that appearance is important to most of us. It's not just a made up thing. It's not easily explainable like some many other thing about the human brain but it's still true.

  3. I can tell you it's pretty pricey and not covered by Medicare. And they don't direct bill insurance so you have to pay upfront.


    And if it's on RCCL they will charge a certain rate and then when you get your dialysis they will ask if you want the premium package with medications for only $59.95 more (just kidding.)

  4. had to google "white hot" to find out what it was as the op never really said what it was but that a hot was a white hot.


    This is the result:


    The white hot is a variation on the hot dog found primarily in the Rochester, New York area, as well as other parts of Western New York and Central New York. It is composed of a combination of uncured and unsmoked pork, beef and veal; the lack of smoking or curing allows the meat to retain a natural white colour. White hots usually contain mustard and other spices and often include a dairy component such as nonfat dry milk.

    From the look of this, I'll give it a go but never seen anything like it on a cruise.


    If I remember right they have a veal hotdog on the boardwalk on Oasis, it was white and very tasty. Like me.

  5. Clearly we disagree philosophically. I see RCCL cutting as many corners as it can and I find it upsetting. Where do they stop? A cruise used to be a fabulous vacation experience. Unfortunately it’s starting to go the route of commercial airlines- cram on as many people as possible, cut service and benefits, and nickel and dime for everything.



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    Contrary to popular belief, a public-traded company's only fiduciary responsibility is to its shareholders. RCCL has been doing quite well (quote from 2017):


    "We have tripled our earnings, delivered four consecutive years of double-digit earnings growth, grown the dividends by five times and now exceeded $6 in [adjusted] earnings per share," Fain said. "These financial results are extraordinary."



    So they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.



    Now if the nickle and diming gets to the point where people get turned off and stop cruising and profits decrease, then you have a point. But apparently we're not there yet.

  6. Exactly!! I went with DH to a land based JR and ordered a chocolate shake that arrived very pale. When I asked to have more chocolate syrup added a manager was called and argued with me that the amount of chocolate used was the corporate standard. I said that a chocolate shake should be brown and not ecru. He actually lectured me like I was an idiot.



    Don't mess with my chocolate !!


    Did he know what "ecru" meant?

  7. Absolutely they should be tipped. Do you tip for Room Service at a hotel? Room Service food at every hotel I have stayed has an up charge to the food and tip on top of that.



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    Actually I’m a very good tipper but I don’t tip for hotel room service when there is a service charge. That is the tip.

  8. Ok I'm bored let's go:


    790,000 heart attacks in the US per year per AHA


    population is 325.7 million, so that is about 1 heart attack per 412 people


    Per cruise industry overview, 12 million people from North America cruised in 2016


    So we would expect 29,126 heart attacks over the course of the year, or about 80 per day throughout the entire industry


    So I am forced to conclude that the cruising population is actually far healthier than the general, since this seems very high.

  9. I was born in Miami and raised in Florida (except during my Army days) and have NEVER seen these routes on the road. What experience do you have in Denver with Hurricanes?



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    I lived in New Orleans from 1990-2004 and we used it a few times over the causeway during some storms (I don't recall which).


    And I know how to google something before I comment.

  10. I haven't gotten through most of this thread, but wanted to comment because the majority of replies are barking at the poster for being negative and complaining. I sincerely didn't read his post that way at all, and it sounded to me like he was just bored and kidding around, thinking about the mister drill and wondering why it's necessary to do it twice. Everyone is so quick to beat him up for thinking out loud, did I miss something? Geeze Louise.



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    I think it's because many of us can only cruise a few days every few years or so, and here comes a guy talking about how his usual 10-14 days cruise didn't work so he has to do a back to back but oh no he has to do muster twice. It comes off as very boastful and insensitive.

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