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Quartzsite Cruiser

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    Texas summer, Arizona winter
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    Bora Bora,Alaska

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  1. When we were poor college students and DH was in the Army, we got the can, but it was chow mein. No that great either. Been decades since I bought it. Now, I get a kir with sauce and noodles and make pad Thai. It helps that I can add what we like. Lenda
  2. I was looking for a recipe in my mother's recipe box, when I found a recipe for American Chop Suey that she'd clipped from a magazine. I know I've not made it, and I can't remember her making it either. We usually just opened a can of La Choy Chop Suey. After our discussion of Chop Suey a few days ago, I thought I'd share the recipe. I'm not sure when she clipped the recipe, but it was before 1957 or 1958. Lenda
  3. Joy, I hope Bonnie's scleroderma does not cause too many problems for the surgeon. It's good she is able to spend so much time with the doctor, getting an MRI and the surgeon so quickly. Lenda
  4. Ann, thanks for sharing the good news. It's always good when they do not have to remove any lymph nodes. I'm glad you are feeling like working in the garden. Good luck with the radiation, and I hope it's not too difficult.. Lenda
  5. Karen, I hope all goes well for your DM tomorrow. The party sounds like it was a nice send off your friend's DS. Annie, I couldn't like your post, but thanks for letting us know. Pennie, I'm glad the surgeon was pleased with how your incision is doing. Oh, Joy, that's not the news anyone wanted to hear. I hope your DS's cancer was caught early, and can be taken care of easily. Sending positive thoughts to both of you. Lenda
  6. 🐰RABBIT 🐰 RABBIT 🐇 WHITE RABBIT! Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian Dailyites. A later good morning as I was just plain lazy this morning. It is 86F at 9:15 and feels like 94F. Our predicted high is 99F. and I wouldn't be surprised if our outdoor thermometers read 100F this afternoon. We're still under a heat advisory, which I don't expect to be lifted until sometime in September. The humidity is 68% with a dew point of 74F; so it wasn't too bad when I put the trash out a little while ago. Our 7mph wind from the SW hasn't reached our neighbor's flag yet. There's not much on the agenda except staying cool today. Three good days to honor today. I like the Mark Twain quote, but that is as far as I'll go. We'll pass on the meal, drink and the wine. Aburatsu, Miyazaki, Japan, is another Japanese port we haven't visited. A good day to celebrate the 1867 formation of the Dominion of Canada. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry your DH has caught a cold. I hope he is better soon. @marshhawk Annie, I hope your DH's infusion goes well today. I also hope you get to talk to the doctor or the PA regarding the behavioral changes. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope your DB starts improving soon. It sounds like he needs to be seen by the surgeon, and maybe transferred back to the hospital. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm sorry you are still having such bad arm pain and that nothing seems to be easing it. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope all goes well at the eye doctor this morning. @cunnorl Charlene, I bet the dogs, cats, and little kids will be glad to celebrate July 4 without fireworks. @dobiemom Marcia, thanks for checking in, and letting us know everything is all right just busy. Enjoy your Alaska cruise. @0106 Tina, thanks for the quote. It is a good one to remember. Thanks for adding the rest of the quote that @superoma Eva shared. @superoma Eva, I like that quote, too. We've found that we have a different world view and more open minds than many we know who have never traveled far from where they were born. @aliaschief Safe travels today and tomorrow to Sue. Lenda
  7. Carolyn, I also like the smaller towns, but sometimes we want to see some of the bigger cities. When we were Inchon, SK, in 2018, it was still polluted, but not as bad as it was in 2000. Overall, Asia is still polluted, but again not as bad as it was 20 years ago, if it is still like it was in 2018. Debbie, I wonder if all the tourists have something to do with all the lobster roll in Canada/New England. If you don't have much time, lobster rolls are probably quicker and easier than a lobster dinner. Thank you, Graham. Joy, DH also liked the Morimoto lobster in the MDR. It was okay, but I though it masked the wonderful lobster flavor. We were lucky with the two lobsters we ordered in the Pinnacle on Koningsdam. They were good. Lenda
  8. When we visited Busan in 2000, I was still using a film camera. These are some of the pictures I scanned them into the computer. It was a sunny day, but as you can see from the pictures, the pollution was bad. We did a tour that day which included a temple and the UN cemetery. Our first stop was the Tongdosa Temple. This Buddhist temple is known for having shrines instead of statues and includes 35 buildings. The UN Memorial Cemetery which is divided into sections, each of which contain the graves of soldiers from the same country. It is the only UN cemetery in the World. This is the section where the British soldiers were buried. Interestingly, there is a small section for the US since most the US dead were repatriated home. All my pictures of the city were taken form the ship when we sailed. Lenda
  9. Good morning from sunny central Texas. It is a little cooler this morning at 78F and feels like 85F. The predicted high is 97F. Currently, the weather app says there's a 3 mph wind, but the neighbor's flag is just hanging there. We could get an 8 mph wind this afternoon. The humidity is 93% with a dew point of 73F. There is still no rain in our future, so basically, it is a typical summer day. California avocados would be good today. Parliamentarians are good at keeping a meeting on topic. Leap seconds help us stay on time. I like the Maya Angelou quote. The one lobster roll we shared was good, but we also prefer our lobster with just butter. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We were in Busan in 2000 on the old Regal Princess when the town was still Pusan. The 1860 debate on Darwin's theory would have been interesting to see. I don't remember "The Johnny Carson Show", but in 1955 we only had one tv station and it was not CBS. @StLouisCruisers I hope you can make up the lost time to Alesund. Thanks for the pictures from Busan. @MISTER 67 I don't remember a major tropical storm or hurricane this early in the season. The two so far seem to targeting the Gulf of Mexico. @dfish Debbie, while I would enjoy your cooler high today, I would not enjoy your morning low. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope the cardiologist can help your DH. It's good that the doctor got the appointment rescheduled sooner. Lenda
  10. Debbie, that's a good idea. Wish I'd thought of it. Besides Icy Hot, we've found Apercreme to work very well. Lenda
  11. Dixie, it would be nice, but the timing is not good for us. Terri, I'm sorry you're still having so much pain in your arm, and that the injection did not help. I hope you have a good night's sleep tonight. Lenda
  12. Dixie, that itinerary sounds wonderful, and we'd love to do the cruise, except for the timing. We'd get back to Quarzsite too close to Christmas, and our "kids" like to spend Christmas playing in the desert. It would be nice to cruise with you and your DH again. Eva, I've seen the same thing at W-M, and wondered how they can keep the orders straight. I've not ordered groceries on line since I like to see what I'm buying . However, I've noticed at our local grocery store, they do one order at a time. Last week, there were three employees filling orders at the same time. Rich, basically, we look at the itineraries, but generally we like the smaller ships. We almost sailed on all the R and S class ships, but they sold the Maasdam before we could sail on her. The only two bigger ships we've sailed on were Westerdam and Koningsdam. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon from a still breezy and now partly cloudy central Texas. It is 95F now, and I'm glad I'm inside. The mowing wasn't too bad with the 11mph wind, which along with the cooling towel kept me cooler except when the house blocked the wind while mowing the backyard. After all the rain we got this spring, the grass is now looking brown in many places since it's been two weeks without rain. I had to increase the number of days I'm watering. Hopefully that will be enough. The good news is the grass was not as full of moisture and as heavy as it was with the rain. I even managed to sit outside for a while with the fan blowing on me along with the wind. Annie, thanks for the pictures of the kittens and the other cats. You definitely have a house full. Thanks for the pictures from your tour and the mudding ones too. We'd be interested in see the shed when it's finished. Joy, we also saw four deer when we took our ride last night. One was a young buck just getting his antlers. I don't want any damage from Beryl, but it would be nice to get some of the rain though. Gerry, I'm glad your rain stopped for a while, and you can dry out some. It's good the cardiac rehab is going well. Safe travels tomorrow. Carolyn, I wish people would leave the fireworks to the professionals. We don't have pets now, but I remember how scared they were, and how younger DD was when she was little. The fireworks stand about half a mile from us has been open for a week now. I haven't seen any customers when I've driven by, but I'm sure we'll hear from the next week. Pennie, I'm glad you got some rain and cooling weather yesterday, and hope you get more today. I also hope Quartzsite gets some rain. Vanessa, I'm glad you had a nice time last night. I hope the storms this afternoon are not severe. Thank you for the pictures of your day in Puerto Chacabuco. Wow, either the deer was very brave or very hungry. Karen, enjoy your time at the lake house. I will use my phone camera at times, but I still prefer my point and shoot camera. It fits in my pocket, and since I'm such a klutz, I like having a wrist strap that tightens, especially when I'm leaning over the rail on a BHB. Lenda
  14. Good morning from sunny central Texas. It is 81F and feels like 89F, with 89% humidity and a dew point of 77F. There is an 11mph wind from the south which should make it a bit more comfortable while I trim and mow the grass. We are under an excessive heat warning until 7pm today, but our predicted high is 98F. As soon as I finish this, it will be time to get ready and get the yardwork done as early as possible and practical. I'll skip playing in the mud today, especially since the ground is dry and hard. Cameras deserve a day, and we own quite a few. DH worked as a photographer for Texas Student Publications which oversaw The Daily Texan newspaper, Cactus yearbook and other print media at The University of Texas. I hope they find a cure or a way to prevent Scleroderma. I also like the Charles Schulz quote. The meal sounds good, and I like the looks of the first recipe. It would be good on a much cooler day. We'll pass on the drink and the wine which seems overpriced. We have not been to Puerto Chacabuco, although we've enjoyed seeing the fjords in Chile. Today marks a sad day for the Globe Theater, but a great day for Star Trek fans. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope the patient who needed land based care recovers quickly. I'm sorry about more missed ports. We enjoyed seeing Grundarfjordur twice. Huuk was an interesting stop for Rotterdam VI in 2003 even though it was rainy and muddy. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for information about Scleroderma Day. @0106 Tina and @ottahand7 Nancy, thank you for your pictures from today's port. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, thank you for the explanation of Mud Day. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana doesn't feel like eating much, but glad she is trying. @Denise T Denise, I'm sorry your back is a bit sore. Hope it improves quickly. @dfish Debbie, I'm sorry Sue has been dealing with a migraine. I hope the headache is gone soon. Lenda
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