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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. In 2013, our last visit to PEI was on September 17. We had a beautiful, sunny day to drive around the island. I'm not sure where these were taken, but it was on the north shore of the island, and probably near the northern most point. They were putting in wind generators near a lighthouse. We timed our visit to the Anne of Green Gables Museum so we were there between buses from the ship. We left when we saw a bus approaching. It is a museum of a period house, and a working farm owned by relatives of Lucy Maud Montgomery. A local catching some sun by the side of the road on a beautiful day. Scenes from our drive around the island and back to Charlottetown Charlottetown from the Veendam's top deck. Lenda
  2. On September 13, 2013, we visited the Anne of Green Gables House, the birthplace of Lucy Maud Montgomery, and the Confederation Bridge. We enjoyed Lucy Maud's birthplace more than a house based on a fictional character. It was a rainy day, but with a car, we had no problems. The Anne of Green Gables House, but just the ones of the outside. Lucy Maud Montgomery's birthplace. She was born on November 30, 1874. We could not take pictures inside. A section of the Confederation Bridge outside the visitor's center. Our next call to Charlottetown was on September 11. This time, we took the shore excursion book information, and drove to the various lighthouses on the island. Three of the many lighthouses on the island. The ferry and a small harbor Lenda
  3. In 2013. HAL offered the Canada-New England cruise as a 14-day roundtrip out of Boston. Since we prefer longer cruises, we did the 14-day as b2bs, so we were in Charlootetown four times in August and September. On August 28. we walked around town and took the tourist trolley. I'll post those pictures here, then look at the ones from the other three visits when we rented cars and toured PEI. It was a very cloudy day,, but at least it didn't rain. The Veendam and the smaller boats. This was our first, but not last time on the Veendam. Pictures of the town and the little market where we stopped. Lenda
  4. Good morning from a sunny central Texas where it is75F and feels like 75F. The good news is our high will be 98F. Not much on the agenda except my walk. Meteor Day will be celebrated, but probably the best viewing will be in August during the Perseid meteor shower. The National Organization for Women has done a lot to help with equality, but sadly more work is still needed. We stopped shaking hands on ships before Covid because of all the other bugs and viruses going around. I am surprised at how many health care professionals, especially doctors and nurse practitioners, shake hands now. All I can say is today's quote by Oscar Wilde is interesting. DH likes halibut, but we'll pass on the meal. The drink sounds interesting. I'd like to try the wine, but it's another expensive, elusive one from NZ. In 2013 we did two 14 day b2bs on Veendam with four stops in PEI. I'll look for my pictures of that lovely island. The famous debate in 1860 must have been very interesting. Unfortunately, Roy, not everyone accepts evolution even today. I hope your air quality improves soon. Beautiful flowers, Jacqui. Ann, how did you know it felt like a blast furnace when we open the front door? My little toe lives up to the second meme, and also checks to see that door frames have not moved. 🤣 Denise, I'm sorry about the neighbor issues and the need for a security system and a new survey. Terry, I'm glad the transfusion has helped and the blood work is better. I hope it's a one and done, and that Lou has an uneventful recovery from now on. Please wish Lou a very HAPPY 75TH BIRTHDAY for us. I hope you can get some help with Tana over the weekend, and that you can get some rest. Welcome home, and I'm happy you didn't get a sniffle on the cruise, just some very happy memories. Debbie, I'm sorry Sue has another migraine, and I hope she feels better soon. Story time and the splash park sound like fun. Karen, @luvteaching I hope you are doing all right, and we're thinking about hou and your family during this time. @bennybear Brenda, please wish your DH a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. This was on my FB feed yesterday, and sums up ERCOT and regulating the power grid in Texas. When you ask for directions and the answer is go north. Lenda
  5. @kochleffel Paul, I hope your last day of work is drama free. Retirement takes some getting used to, but soon you'll wonder how you ever had time to work. Enjoy your well earned retirement. Lenda
  6. I'm very happy you are doing much better, and I also hope it does not come back. Take care. Lenda
  7. Terri, I'm sorry the day in Oslo is a bust. Will you be back on the next segment? I was hoping you would repeat the port, and that's why a added the information I did. Lenda
  8. Some of our cameras are film cameras, and for one there is a digital back, but it is expensive. I've had a few digital cameras for the past 21 years, but the current one is a Sony DSC TX30, which I've had since 2013. I like it because it is small, fits in my pocket, has a wrist strap that tightens down and is waterproof. It's great for snorkeling, but it's been quiet a while since we've been snorkeling. DH used it to get some great pictures of a whale shark in La Paz, Mexico. I'm sorry Houdini's blood work was not good. I hope the increased level of the medication helps and it's not something more serious. Terry, I hope the transfusion helps your DH and he feels better soon. Everyone is entitled to be be upset and grumpy occasionally. Bruce, that's great news. The airlines have been a mess and will continue to be over the holiday, so I'm happy you were not affected. Enjoy your recliner. Terri, sometimes there are ports when you wonder why are we here. The Nobel Peace museum is not far from the ship, but the waterfront can be crowded even without a special event going on. Close by the museum is the City Hall where the Peace Prize is awarded. It's worth a visit too. Oslo has a good Ho-Ho as does Copenhagen. Lenda
  9. Good afternoon from a still sunny and windy central Texas where it is hot. The morning got away from me somehow. After my walk, I got my errands done and was home by 10 am. After putting everything away and breakfast, I was just getting to the last couple of chores when the doctor's office called. The wanted to let DH know the endocrinologist's office had finally sent the orders for the blood test for his next visit early next month and they could see him before they closed for lunch. Naturally, that's when the car with the wonky battery decided to not start after working perfectly for a couple of months. We switched cars and made it to the doctor's office with time to spare. We've had the battery checked at least twice, and they say it's all right. The alternator was checked and it's okay. So despite everything we're convinced it's the battery, especially now that it's not charging like it should. Taking care of the battery is for another day. All the chores are finished, and now I've had time to get back to the Daily. I wish I had found better news. I have been enjoying all the pictures of Ushuaia. Thank you to all who shared their pictures. Terry, I was very sorry to read that there were complications yesterday. I hope Lou's surgical team has some options that will easily take care of the complications. I'm sending very positive thoughts for a successful outcome, and for strength for you and your family. I hope all this stress is not causing Tana added difficulties. Please take care of yourself. Thank you, Graham. That part of the world is very interesting, and you and Pauline should add it to your bucket list of cruises. Penny, I'm glad your grandson had a good outcome with his surgeries to repair his heart defects. Someday we hope to make it to Barrow. We have been within 5 miles of the polar ice cap north of Spitsbergen, and that is about fen degrees further north than Barrow. Gerry, DH still has most of his cameras that he's gotten since we met. He worked as a photographer at Texas Student Publications (the U T owner of the student paper, year book, etc.) while he was in school. I'm glad your friend has someone to keep him company, and the dinner with them sounds lovely. Linda, fingers crossed 🤞 that the carport stays on the neighbor's side of the property line. You will enjoy Disney World, and remember there are plenty of benches in the shade to sit and watch the teenagers. When our DDs were in high school, we let them go their way in the Magic Kingdom while we did our own thing. It worked out well, and we were all at the meeting place at the appointed time. Jack, I love the new color as it gives more contrast with the brick. Jacqui, what a nice birthday present. Your neighbor was nice to make that for you at your sister's request. Gerry, I'm glad the new door and side lights were easily installed, and they are what you wanted. Lorraine, I'm sorry the surgery was postponed, but I'm glad Murphy is stable and can be with her parents. Vanessa, I'm so sorry your friend is nearing the end of her long fight with cancer. I hope they can keep her comfortable and at peace. Sending positive thoughts for comfort for you and for her family. RNB, just remember those are geeky scientists doing the pi fight, and there was no intention to disparage any scientists on the Daily. I'm glad they caught the cow. Mary Kay, I hope they can control the fire near you soon. I hope some of your treasures find new homes with the step kids. That's what I have in mind with the DDs someday, but I doubt they'll want very much. Susan, I hope the lost hiker is found safe, and that they can recover the body tht was seen. Bruce, I'm glad your fight was smooth and hassle free, and that you will soon be home. It looks like you managed to avoid the mess with the airlines that has been happening this week. Lenda
  10. We have been to Ushuaia twice. The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III. The second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess. We walked around town in the morning and took the tour to the end of the road (the Pan American Highway.). By the time it reached the end in South America, it was a well-maintained dirt road which is how it begins in Alaska. These first pictures are from our morning walk. These were taken when we returned from our tour in the afternoon when the weather was better. The second one was taken from our aft balcony as we sailed toward Punta Arenas, Chile. The view from the end of the road and the road looking back from the shoreline. Another picture of the sign that shows the distance to Alaska on the northern end in Prudhoe Bay. Our next stop was the headquarters of the Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego. One of the best views we had that day. Lenda
  11. Good morning from a sunny central Texas where it is 79F. Our high should be about 101F. While we are still in the triple digits and still getting heat advisories, the highs are not as high as originally predicted. Unfortunately, the heat is moving east toward those Dailyites in the southeast part of the US. This morning after a quick walk, I have some errands to run, and I plan to stay inside and keep cool. I'll celebrate camera day, and I still use my small camera when we cruise. It has a wrist strap and is less likely to get dropped than my phone. Hugs are always nice and welcome. Mud Day not so much. I like the Garrison Keillor quote. The meal sounds interesting, and we enjoyed the food when we visited Vietnam. I'll pass on the drink, and was interested in trying the wine until I saw the price. We have been to Ushuaia twice. In 1999 we were there on Noordam III in the predigital age. We were there again in 2015 on Ruby Princess, and I'll post my pictures in a few minutes. Another interesting day in history. Lorraine, sending positive thoughts for Murphy as she undergoes her surgery. for her family and for the medical team. I hope she has a quick and easy recovery after her successful surgery. Enjoy your visit with your DD. Lenda
  12. @Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Lenda
  13. Good evening. This afternoon, the husband of the neighbor who saw the close call yesterday, told their neighbor that she had almost hit me with her car. She came over to apologize and she was very upset. We talked a while, and I tried to reassure her that I was not upset and there were no hard feelings. Surprisingly, once I saw her and had time to get out of the way, I wasn't scared or upset, just surprised she didn'tsee me. BTW, she mentioned that her sister's name is also Lenda. I hope the brace works and that it gets more comfortable. Paul, I hope your last too days at work are better than today. Lenda
  14. Good afternoon. I thought I'd check in before I turn the computer off for the day. What a lovely setting for a wedding. Sharon that looks like an interesting place to visit, but now, I'm not sure we'd take the tour. Terri, thanks for the information. I hope they can give the cabins a facelift next year. Terry, thanks for the pictures of Visby. We haven't been there -- yet. It looks like an interesting town. That is a wonderful area to sail in or to sail out. Terri, your pictures of the ABBA Museum and the Vasa brought back some great memories. We saw the Vasa in 2005 on our first visit, and toured the ABBA Museum in 2016 on Prinsendam. We really enjoyed the ABBA Museum, and would go back again. Lend
  15. Good morning again. It was still not too bad out when we went to get the mail, and had a nice visit with a neighbor at the mailbox. We also made a detour to check on the progress of a new house being built in our small community. There are a couple of other new houses in the works, and a lot that has had16 large loads of dirt added to build it up for another new house. It doesn't take much to entertain us. Susan, I hope there are no more fires in your area. I can sympathize with you on cleaning the frig after tackling ours yesterday. I don't mind our bottom freezer except when having to take everything out and then put it all back in. Bruce, thanks for more lovely pictures from your day in The Netherlands. Safe and on time flights tomorrow. Maureen, I hope the hip continues to improve. I'm glad the Benadryl seems to be helping your DH. Enjoy your weekend visit with your DGD and her DH. It is nice they want to help you declutter. Terri, Stockholm is a lovely city that we've enjoyed visiting twice. BTW, we wanted an old episode of Mighty Cruise Ships last night about the Oceana Marina. What we saw of the public areas was beautiful. Ann, I'm glad the doctor found the cause of the headache and that a visit to the physical therapist is in order. I hope Pat's infections are cleared up soon. While it is always sad to cancel a cruise, it's better to do it before final payment. Karen, I'm glad you have the support not only of Jeff and his SO, but of friends. Not only did letting your DM make the calls to the family in Canada relieve you of some of the burden, but It helped her feel useful and being able to support you. ((((HUGS)))) Carolyn, I can understand the love-hate relationship with insurance. So far we have been lucky and not had too many issues. I learned early on to document everything and make sure the insurance company has copies of all documents when filing a claim. I think once they paid quickly because I over whelmed them with paperwork. Gerry, I forgot to mention that I'm happy your new front door and side lights are arriving today. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a sunny and breezy central Texas, where it will be another hot day. Since our humidity has been lower the last few days, walking in the mornings has not been too bad. Our after dinner golf cart rides have been pleasant even with the temperatures still in the 90s. We are trying to go out after 8 pm when the sun is almost down. Last night, we could only see it briefly from the high point in one of our roads where no trees or houses blocked the view. It was just a big, beautiful orange ball. This morning I met another new neighbor when she stopped me to tell me she saw the scary incident that occurred on my walk yesterday. Another neighbor started backing out of her driveway just as I was by the middle of it. Fortunately, I saw her and could move out of the way in time before she backed into me. I just stood there and watched her finish backing up and turning into the street. She never looked to her left and never even knew I was there. I started to knock on her car window, but decided I would scare her too much. Now, I look at her driveway before I pass it, and if she's out, I'll move to the other side of the street or stop. Somethings make you appreciate the dull moments in life. We are aware of the need for insurance, and if we weren't there are enough ads on tv to remind us. 😁 The only piercings I have are my ears since I found clip on earrings caused too much pain, and I wear earrings almost every day. Columnists who write op ed pieces give us a different perspective on the issues of the day. I too disagree with today's quote, and agree if you have the luxuries, you also have the necessities for the most part. The meal looks interesting, and I'll check out the recipes Debbie @dfish has found. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. Today in history ended a brutal war, but also set in motion the rise of Adolph Hitler and the *** Party. We have been to Cozumel many times, both as trips to the island and on cruises, but not a BHB. Our last time there was in 2002 on Rhapsody OTS with DH's brother and DSIL. That day we did a snorkeling tour and never went into town. These are the two pictures I posted on December 10, 2022. They were taken from the catamaran of the shore line. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for your pictures of Cozumel. It has really changed since our first visit in 1987. @0106 Tina, we only started purchasing trip insurance in 2016, when we were going to be on a cruise for 122 days. That was the only time we needed the insurance, and once I got all the paperwork in order, we were paid promptly without a hassle. We still self insure for short cruises close to the US. @GTVCRUISER I will gladly celebrate National Alaska Day, and that wonderful state. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope BFF's MOHS procedure goes well and only requires the first cut. Be careful when you are outside. @kochleffel Paul, I'm glad the kitties are eating, and I hope they feel more comfortable in their new home each day. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope you won't need to use the rescue inhaler again. Thanks for more pictures of the lovely flowers. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad your DH was finally moved to a room yesterday afternoon, and that he was looking pretty good. Get some rest and take care of yourself. I know that's easier said than done. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad your friends made it home safely, but I'm willing to bet they wished they'd waited until today to leave. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I agree that some people's piercings are too much. BTW, the two pictures sort of grossed me out. 🤣 @rafinmd Roy, thank you for reminding us about the sad anniversary of the murder of the five columnists. @Nickelpenny Penny, that's good news that you didn't qualify for the study since you don't have a fatty liver. @luvteaching Karen, you and your family continue to be in our thoughts during this time. Lenda
  17. Greetings from a rather warm central Texas. This turned out to be a busy morning. I realized that before I could get the meat I bought today packaged and in the freezer, I needed to rearrange every thing so I could find what was in there. That meant getting the coolers and putting all the frozen food in them. That's when I realized the freezer and refrigerator both needed cleaning. Long story short, the refrigerator and freezer are clean and organized -- until I need to find something. 😁 I should have done that yesterday before I went shopping. It turns out I bought a couple of things I really didn't need right now, and didn't get some things I needed. Oh well, they will all get eaten eventually. Jake, first congratulations on the upsell. I'm sorry about the layoffs, but glad your job is safe for now. I don't envy you and the others in the office today. Graham, I've looked into doing the tour again since more movies and tv shows have been filmed there. We booked the tour independently in 2007, but later it was only available through the cruise lines and much more expensive. I'm glad we did it when we did. Paul, I agree that the kitties will come out when they are more comfortable in their new home. I'm glad they are using the litter box. I'm sorry you cut yourself. I hope the cuts heal quickly, and this is the last of such incidents. Jacqui, you may not have gotten what you planned done yesterday, but that doesn't mean you got little done. Taking care of Ivan and helping your friends in need, is doing a lot that is really important. Bruce, all I can say is WOW! on all those plants. I was surprised that your cruise was already at an end. I will miss your travelogue. Thanks for taking us along. Enjoy Amsterdam tomorrow and safe fights home Thursday. Annie, I hope the PT will help with your pain. Joy, all I can think about your doctor suggesting going through the VA for the specialist, is that as difficult as dealing with the VA is, he may think that is the quicker route. Getting appointments with specialists can be daunting and the appointments weeks and months off. I hope you can get Allen an appointment soon. In the meantime, stay cool in this heat. Jack, I hope the painters can make good progress on your house today. It looks like Sam has a loving and caring vet. I hope he has more good days like Sunday. He is a very handsome dog and a very lucky one to have you as his human. Roy, when DH didn't want to pay $527+ for a 30 day supply of the blood thinner he was prescribed, we just told the pharmacy we didn't want it. Usually, they will hold a prescription 10-12 days before restocking it. BTW, he did not go without a blood thinner, but got an older drug that was $5 for 30 days. It worked just as well, and needing blood tests every so often was not a problem. Maureen, I'm sorry your DH is having allergy problems again with the drops. I hope the August surgery eliminates the need for the drops. Linda, I'm happy you are doing better. When we have been on BHBs, they normally had a crew drill once a week on a port day. Some of the drills are simulated fires, and that was probably what was happening the the picture you saw. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the PT and exercises help you too. Lenda
  18. @luvteaching Karen, our deepest sympathy to you and your son on Phil's passing. As others have said, the love you shared came through in all your posts about Phil and his recent illnesses. May the love and memories of good times sustain you during this time and always. Lenda
  19. I have a few more pictures from our various cruises to Kauai and from our drives around the island. Most are from areas that the tours do not visit. A church in Hanalei, and IIFC, it is the oldest church on Kauai. I believe these are taro fields And this colorful bird was sitting on the fence The Kilaueu Lighthouse on the north shore of Kauai An abandoned sugar mill on a back road on the way back from Poipu Duane's Ono Char Burger is north of Kapaa. We try to stop there and split a burger and an order of onion rings. A friend recommended it, and he was right, they are great burgers. There are tables under the trees, along with the resident chickens. Lenda
  20. These are some of the pictures I posted previously of Nawiliwili and Kauai. The Hollywood tour is a great tour if your like movies and tv shows. All of these pictures relate to the Hollywood tour and our Na Pali coast tour in 2007. The Coco Palms was featured in Blue Hawaii, but unfortunately, it was very badly damaged by about 30 years ago by Hurricane Iniki. On July 27, it was sold in a foreclosure sale, and it's fate is unknown. One interesting fact about the movie is the movie company expected the owner to tell her guests to leave while they filmed the movie. They were thinking the could stay there and not have to make reservations. The owner had other ideas, and refused to ask her guests to leave. Elvis had stayed at the Coco Palms before, and knowing the owner, had wisely reserved a bungalow for himself. Since they could not film in the bungalows, they had to use the one Elvis had rented and redecorate it for the shots set in other bungalows. Coco Palms in 2007 The barge from the wedding scene without the outriggers Coco Palms in 2018 when we made it to Nawiliwili on Coral Princess that fall. The other iconic movie site was the pier on Hanalei that was used in South Pacific. In 2007, it still had the roof from the movie before it was destroyed by a storm a few years later. Without the roof in 2013 With the new roof in 2014 Some views of the Na Pali coast and caves that can only be accessed by boat Some of these views were featured in Jurassic Park. Lenda
  21. Good morning from central Texas. It is 77F and feels like 77F with a 11mph wind. I will take my walk in a few minutes then head to the store before it gets hot. It looks like a sunny day, but it will still be in the triple digits until Sunday. We line onions in a lot of our dishes, and the last time I was at the warehouse club, they had a great deal on sweet Vidalia onions. In Texas and Arizona, you need sunglasses most days. Helen Keller was an amazing woman, and so was Annie Sullivan who opened the world for Helen. As usual, the Mae West quote made be chuckle. The meal sounds good and the recipes look good. We'll pass on the drink and the wine though. I've lost track of how many times we've been to Nawiliwili beginning in 1996. It's also another important in the exploration of the New World. Roy, I was thinking the same thing about @luvteaching Karen and Phil's outing to the concert. In spite of the problems with the transportation, it will be a great memory for her in the coming days and months. Terry, I'm glad your DH, Lou, is doing well. I hope he gets a room soon, and that it is easy to find him. Nancy, I'm glad you got some much needed rain, and I hope the road stays passable with the rain. I hope the toe is feeling better today. Debbie, I hope Sue does not have a migraine, and if so, that she feels better soon. Enjoy your day of rest. @RedneckBob RNB, this one is for you. Lenda
  22. Karen, thank you for taking the time to give us an update. I'm glad Phil is resting comfortably. Over the past months you've done everything humanly possible for Phil to make his wishes happen. Home hospice will be a wonderful way to help make that happen. It was very nice of the nurse from the care center to stop by and to bring the candy and card. You and Phil have touched many lives and made them brighter while you were on this journey. Take care of yourself and get some rest, knowing that all of us are here for you. Lenda
  23. Gerry, I'm very glad your friend is doing well after his angioplasty. Terry, thank you for sharing the good news that Lou is out of surgery and everything went well with the chemo and surgery. It is amazing what they can do laparoscopically. I know you and your family are very relieved. I hope you can get some much needed rest tonight and while Lou is in the hospital. Carolyn, that's good news that you are doing much better now. Lenda
  24. Good afternoon from a sunny and windy central Texas. It's 100F, but with the wind it doesn't feel too bad if you are only outside for a couple of minutes. I just set the little telescope with the solar filter on it outside. The sun is almost straight overhead now. Paul, I'm glad you were not bruised after your fall, but I'm sorry about the swelling. I suspect and hope that as DaVinci and Mona Lisa get used to you and their new home, they will come out of hiding. I thought of you when I saw this today. Carolyn, I hope your neck is feeling better by now. Vanessa, I hope your BFF's MOHS procedure goes well on Wednesday, and they can get it all on the first try. I hope your appointment and PT session go well tomorrow. Bruce, I'm glad your head is better and that your knee and ankle are also doing better. Thank you for your pictures from Flanders. Unlike stargazing, using the telescope to look at the sun doesn't take much time, especially when the sky is not optimal. The telescope was back inside before I finished this post. Lenda
  25. Good morning from a sunny and slightly breezy central Texas. It was not bad when I took my walk before 8 am, but the predicted high is 103F. We did not get as hot yesterday as predicted, but it was still 100F yesterday afternoon. I hope today is cooler than predicted, but I still won't be spending much time outdoors. I'll gladly celebrate Beautician's Day. My wonderful beautician (yes, that term fits her) retired three years ago, and I now have a young stylist. My retired beautician had a sign on her station that read, "I'm a beautician, not a magician". Forgiveness is always good even when it is very hard to do. I was in a canoe once, and realized I like my watercraft to be a bit more stable, maybe like a BHB. 🛳️ I don't agree with today's quote. Sometimes talking is necessary, especially when imparting information. I would like today's meal, but DH doesn't care for lamb. I guess I'll wait until I'm on a BHB for lamb. We'll pass on the drink and wine. We have not been to Puerto Princesa. The Victoria Cross is a great honor to many British military, but I wish there would not be wars which necessitates the need for such honors. Karen, @luvteaching I hope you got some rest last night after your update on your DH. You, your son, your DH and all those caring for your DH are in our thoughts. Graham, @grapau27 thank you for the information on the Victoria Cross. Terri, @Cruzin Terri I hope you are enjoying a pleasant and relaxing "sea" day. Lorraine, @cruising sister I'm sorry about your toe, and hope it is not too painful. I'm also sorry your sister let you down when you needed her the most. Penny, @Nickelpenny welcome home. I'm happy you had such a great trip, and wish your friend safe travels today. Tina, @0106 thank you for honoring all the caregivers here. It's understandable, but I don't think our loved ones realize what caregivers go through besides the physical parts of caregiving. Terry, @smitty34877 sending good wishes to you and your DH, Lou, for a successful surgery and an easy recovery. Also, all those who's husbands are ill, @marshhawk Annie and Chuck, @Vict0riann Ann and Pat, @Seasick Sailor Joy and Allen, and anyone else I might have missed, I'm sending positive thoughts that all the issues are being taken care of or getting a treatment plan and all are beginning to recover.
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