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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. @mamaofami Carol, I hope your pre-birthday party was fun and that today you have a great birthday with many more to follow. Lenda
  2. Thank you, Graham. Thanks for the interesting information about the beach. Debbie, it sounds like you had a full morning, and I'm glad River had a good time. Yuck to the dirty diaper. I'm glad you had a quiet, relaxing afternoon. Thanks for the flower pictures. The roses are beautiful. Paul, I'm glad DaVinci and Mona Lisa have finally arrived. I know they will enjoy their new home. Terri, @Cruzin Terri thanks for the beautiful sunset. Lenda
  3. Terri, thank you for your pictures from your day in Warnemunde. We rented a car the day we were there and drove along the coast and to Rostock. I much prefer Warnemunde to Rostock. Out first time there was the beginning and ending of a cruise. When we disembarked, we did a tour that included a train to what was east Berlin, a city and river tour with two nights and a free day in Berlin. Carolyn, catfish is a fairly mild white fish that can either be breaded, many times with cornmeal and fried or cooked as a fish fillet. I season our fillets with Old Bay and cook them in the air fryer. Jake, I'm glad Juan's sister enjoyed her first cruise. Now, you need to convert her to HAL. Annie, I'm so sorry about Chuck's @catmando cancer return. I hope they have a newer chemo drug that won't make him so sick, or that there is something they can give him to lessen the side effects. Sending positive thoughts that it was caught early and can be treated easily with a good outcome. ((((HUGS)))) to both of you. Annie, I'm glad you could sleep, and I hope the meds will begin to give you some relief from the pain. @aliaschief Bruce, I forgot to say I'm sorry about your ankle and the fall. I hope you are correct and there was no damage except maybe to your pride. Lenda
  4. We have been to Mykonos twice. In 2003, we were there on the old Regal Princess as part of the mystery cruise. We rented a car and drove around most of the island. In 2016, we were there on the Prinsendam and just walked around town. Today's picrtures are a combination from both visits. After going to Santorini twice, we decided we like Mykonos better. A couple more pictures of the iconic windmills on Mykonos. Outside the town For the Garden Club Back in town, Paraportiani Orthodox church on the waterfront Some of the back streets in town Mykonos from the ship Lenda
  5. Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas. It is ready 86F at 9:06 am, but it feels like 93F. Since my walk, the humidity has dropped to 67% with the dew point still at 73F. The weather app says the wind is 16mph from the south. Our clouds are getting thicker, but there is still no chance of rain in the foreseeable future. Our high today will be 103F and will climb higher everyday until it reaches 107F on Wednesday, we the highs will slowly return to the 90s next Sunday. It wasn't too bad when I took my walk when I was able to catch the breeze, but when I got where the sun was shining on me, it warmed up some. I was lucky that it was 80F when I walked. I think except for early grocery runs and walks, we will be inside most of the time in the coming days. If it wasn't for log cabins in the early days of our country, the westward expansion would have been much slower. We had catfish Thursday, so it will be hamburgers and French fries tonight. I think we celebrate the day of the Seafarer here everyday. With each new development in technology, today's quote becomes even more true. The first recipe loos good, and I'm always looking for new ways to cook salmon. I just looked at the first recipe, and except for the oregano, it is basically one of the ways I've cooked salmon. It will also work in the air fryer, set on 400F and for 10-13 minutes depending on the thickness of the salmon. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Mykonos twice. The first time was in 2003 on the old Regal Princess and the second time was in 2016 on Prinsendam. I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes. Even with a techie husband, some how we missed the first global satellite television program. We were both busy with college and wedding plans. Carol, @mamaofami I hope the weather cooperates and the pool party can take place out side. Enjoy the pre-birthday celebration where ever it is held. @kazu Jacqui, even though we can get fresh catfish around here at times, I keep a bag of frozen catfish fillets in the freezer for a quick dinner. In Texas, it is almost a sin to serve catfish any way that is not breaded and fried. I prefer to just season the catfish and cook it in the air fryer. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry about the power outage and lack of sleep, but I'm glad you and Tana managed well with the oxygen tanks. I'm also glad the power company called to see if everything was all right after the power was restored. Sending good and positive thoughts for Lou's surgery tomorrow. I hope it all goes well, and that the recovery is easy. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope the toe looks better when you change the bandage today. Thanks for the picture of your lovely cabin, but in my book it is a house not a cabin. 🙂 @dfish Debbie, I hope you and Sue enjoy your week with River. I'm sure she will have a good time. @RedneckBob Now, RNB, your "home sweet home" is what I would call a log cabin. 😉 @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the great pictures of the castle. @Crazy For Cats Jake, please wish your DH, Juan, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us. Enjoy your dinner out. Lenda
  6. Good afternoon from a warm (?) 96F central Texas with a strong breeze. In honor of Fairy day, and in spite of the quote of the day, we ditched what feeble plans we had and took the convertible for a ride. We hadn't driven it since we had the front end aligned, which didn't work our well. We finally got a new wheel to replace the one that was bent when we hit that pot hole in March. The car now rides a lot better, but still pulls slightly to the right. While the sun was too strong to have the top down, we were able to keep the windows open for about the first hour or so. Because it is Fairy Day, we decided to make a return visit to the small town (and I use the word loosely) of Fairy, Texas, which we stumbled across in the last two years. We went a different way, and almost missed it since the turn off was not marked. It was nice to get out of the house and enjoy some of the Texas scenery without even passing a doctor's office or a hospital. Just so you know this is not a late April Fool's joke, here are some pictures I took today. The cemetery and historic marker. Beautiful downtown Fairy. Susan, I agree about the food trucks in town locations. I wouldn't hesitate to get food at one. Linda, I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well lately, but are feeling better. Growing old is not for sissies. Ann, I am very sorry Pat is having problems with kidney infections. I hope the medicines can take care of them and further surgery is not needed. Sending positive thoughts to both of you and his doctors for a good outcome. Please give him our best wishes, and take care of yourself. Brenda, thank you for the lovely pictures from Japan. Gerry, I'm glad a bed opened up for your friend so he can have the procedure sooner rather than later. I hope all goes well and the procedure solves the problem. Lenda
  7. Karen, I'm so very sorry about the latest turn of events. Your DH was making such great progress, and I hope he can rally again. If not, I hope he can be made comfortable and will know you and your DS are there with him. Sending positive thoughts for him and for both you and your son, that you will have the support and comfort of those around you, besides the support of this wonderful Daily family. Lenda
  8. Good morning from a sunny central Texas where there is a decent breeze. It is 84F and feels like 91F. We have a predicted high of 104F with the heat index between 105 and 110. I took my walk earlier while it was still comfortable out. Otherwise, there is not much on the agenda today. I'm not sure I completely agree with today's quote. Some our best adventures happened when we decided on the spur of the moment to change plans. Three interesting days to celebrate today. When DH had his office in the house, our two dachshunds would be in the office with us. Younger DD and her SO like food trucks, but the only one we've eaten at was on the northeast point of Oahu. They have very good shrimp dishes. We like sweet and sour chicken and sweet and sour pork, but I prefer for someone else to prepare it. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine if it wasn't elusive and pricey. We have not been to today's port. This anniversary of Picasso's first Paris exhibition was the beginning of a long career. The only Picasso I've owned was a t-shirt with his drawing of Don Quixote on it. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish your DD a very HAPPY 51ST BIRTHDAY for us. @kochleffel Paul, I hope you can enjoy your retirement party. It's better than having them just pointing to the exit door. IIRC, your official retirement date is July 1. @kazu Jacqui, you are in my thoughts today on your 29th anniversary. ((((HUGS)))) I hope today is not too difficult and that Ivan can comfort you. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad your toe is feeling better today, and that your tetanus shot is up date. I'm also glad you got some much needed rain. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you are enjoying your cruise and that the tour in Skagen was good. Thank you for sharing your pictures. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad your prescriptions are ready, and I hope the help with the pain. I was happy to read last night that Momma Norma was released from the hospital. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm sorry Allen is having medical problems, and I hope the tests and doctors can help. @Nickelpenny Penny, I hope your friend finds and area that she likes for her move. Lenda
  9. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, wishing you a wonderful birthday, and many more happy years ahead. Lenda
  10. Good afternoon from a slightly sunny central Texas where it is now 90F with a good wind. It wasn't too bad earlier with all the clouds and wind when I started mowing and trimming. It only got to feel very humid when the wind died down for a short while. Otherwise, it was not a bad day to be mowing except the grass was still a little wetter than I would have liked, but it's done for another week along with one more round to spraying weed killer. Everything took less than three hours, and then I enjoyed a much needed shower. Penny, I hope you and your friend have a great time in Denver. Eva, I hope your weather cooperates tomorrow and you get to enjoy the Bavarian village. Glad you got much needed rain. Bruce, thanks for the pictures from Mont-Saint-Michel. Even 19 years ago when we were there, and younger, the steep stairs and walkways were a challenge. We enjoyed our day there, and since it was the 60th anniversary of D-Day, most of the tourists were along the Normandy coast. We also enjoyed touring St. Malo several years ago. Gerry, I'm sorry you needed to cancel the cruise, but understand it wouldn't be the same if one of you really didn't want to be there. You'll find another one you both want to do. Vanessa, I'm glad you had a good time at the dinner last night and visiting with friends. I'm sorry about BFF's car, but he was lucky the other driver stayed to tell him what happened. I hope the PT and exercises help, but the first few days do seem to cause a few more aches and pains. Debbie, I'm sorry the meds aren't enough to quell the allergies. I hope things get better as the grass pollen goes down. Jacqui, somehow in trying to get out side early, I missed your post this morning. I'm sorry yesterday was such a rough day, and hope today is a lot better. ((((HUGS)))) I'm glad Ivan is doing better, and I'm sure your TLC is a big factor. Debbie, I'm glad a couple of hours resting this morning and some of the meds are making it a little better now. Sandi, oh no about your DB's fall. I hope all he has are bruises, but I'm glad he got checked out. Lenda
  11. On September 9, 2009, we arrived in Grundarfjordur on Tahitian Princess. The weather was not the best, cool and rainy, but we enjoyed our walk around the town. Grundarfjordur is a small town located on a bay on the north side of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. On August 17, 2016, on the first day of an overnight stop in Reykjavik on Prinsendam, we rented a car and drove around the Snaefellsnes Peninsula, stopping in Grundarfjordur. The entire area is beautiful, and we enjoyed our visits there. These pictures are a combination from our two visits, and you can tell the difference in the weather. In 2009, on our walk around town, we saw these little ones at recess. The local church. The exterior picture was taken in 2016 and the interior in 2009 The local grocery store and a car in the parking lot in 2009. The car was in the same place in 2019 A nice apartment complex on the waterfront Various other housing areas IIRC, this is the visitor center or hotel across the road from the grocery store An interesting statue Local scenery Lenda
  12. Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas. It looks like it will be an okay day for yardwork, and it's the last of our 90F high temperatures for a while. Beginning tomorrow, we'll be in the triple digits with highs ranging from 101 to 107 for the several days. Next Saturday will see us back in the 90s for a week. Today's predicted high will be 95F. It is now 76F and feels like 76F. The humidity is 98% with a dew point of 75F. It should not be too uncomfortable when I get outside about 8 am.🤞 I salute all the widows, especially the ones on the Daily and those in my neighborhood who are adjusting to a new reality. In the past couple of years, I have been letting go of a lot of unneeded things around here so the DDs won't have to deal with it. There are still too many things left though. I have been trying to let go of past hurtful things and worries, but that is not nearly as easy. By coincidence, the sweat band I picked out for the mowing is pink and the t-shirt I will wear after my shower has pink in it. Another very true quote today. The meal would be nice if someone cooked it for us, and I'd like to try the drink and the wine, but not at that price. We have been to Grundarfjordur twice, and I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes. It is an easily walkable small town. It's nice that we have an Icelandic port on the day we celebrate the formation of their parliament, the world's oldest. The modern Olympic games have changed greatly since their formation in 1894. @rafinmd Roy, I'm happy that you are having minimal pain from the tooth extraction yesterday. Enjoy your special day. @dfish Debbie, I'm sorry your allergies are so bad right now. Have you tried using Flonase? DH and our younger DD use it daily during allergy season and while they still suffer, it does make a difference. Enjoy your lunch with former classmates. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry about your toe and I hope it heals quickly. Thank you for more wonderful pictures of your iris. Ours stopped blooming two months ago. @smitty34877 Terry, we are lucky in our small community that the widows are accepted by all their friends. My nextdoor neighbor and I often laugh at things that happened as we were growing up. @Heartgrove Jack, I hope they can start the house painting soon. Lenda
  13. @rafinmd Roy, we wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY with many more to follow. Lenda
  14. Good afternoon from a still cloudy central Texas where it is about 89F, which is better than expected. Sandi, I'm sorry the team lost today, and with Ren and Colton basically carrying the team, it is good they made it to the semi-finals. They should be very proud of the way they played and how far the team went in the tournament. Great pictures, Tony. Vanessa, enjoy the 69th anniversary dinner. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures. Thank you, Graham. Brenda, I enjoyed your pictures from Greenwich. We also took a boat down the Thames from the Docklands area of London. Sandi, congratulations on booking the cruise. It sounds very interesting. That is sad news about the Titan imploding. The connection to the Strausses who died on the Titanic explains the interest in the ship. Lenda
  15. We have been to Montevideo twice. The first time was in 1999 on the old Noordam in the time of non digital cameras. The second was in 2015 on the Ruby Princess. We walked around town some and then took the Ho-Ho. When we saw the long line at the first stop, we just stayed on until we got back to the starting point. My pictures are just random ones from the Ho-Ho and from our walk. We were there on a Sunday, and most of the stores were closed. The activity picked up a little in the afternoon. Some scenes from our Ho-Ho ride. A view of their lovely beaches. After our tour, we walked around and back to the port. These are from an indoor arcade. Some interesting things around the port entrance. Pictures as we sailed, including the lighthouse on top of the building. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a partly sunny central Texas. When I started my walk about an hour ago, it was pleasant outside, 74F, with just a touch of humidity. By the time I finished, the sun was out and it was beginning to get warmer, but not bad. That's when I wimped out and only did the middle length walk. It is currently 78F and feels like 84F. We'll get to about 94F this afternoon. Last night, while we were supposed to get heavy rains and wind, it was pleasant for our golf cart ride. It was in the lower 80s with low humidity and no wind. We didn't get any rain as all the storms went north and south of us. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers I know the Jaguars are already playing in Frisco where it is 80F and feels like 85F. The humidity there is a bit lower and there is a 9 mph wind, so it shouldn't be too bad there right now. Fingers crossed 🤞 that Ren, Colton and the rest of the team have a good game and move on to the finals. Just read your update on the game. I hope the second half is better for the Jaguars. Chocolate Éclair day and onion ring day will definitely be celebrated in this house even though we probably won't have either one today. Our rain forests need all the protection we can give them. I always loved Rodney Dangerfield's one liners. We'll pass on the meal, drink and the wine. We visited Montevideo twice, in 1999 on Noordam III and in 2015 on Ruby Princess. I'll repost my pictures from 2015 in a few minutes. In honor of the anniversary of the establishment of Royal Greenwich Observatory here are a couple of pictures from our visit in 2009. @ottahand7 Nancy, please wish John a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us. Enjoy your day fishing now that the road is fixed and the boat is in the water. Thank you for your Montevideo pictures. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I was sorry to read about the medical issues and the appointments. I hope things are better now. @rafinmd Roy, HAPPY ATTAINMENT DAY! I hope the extraction isn't too rough and you do not have a difficult time afterwards. @cruising sister Lorraine, I know that was a difficult decision to sell the Mustang, but under the circumstances, I can understand why you made the decision. I still miss my 1989 Mustang GT 5.0. @ger_77 Gerry, that could be a mess with two of the five bridges out of commission. Enjoy your lunch with your friend. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you can get some help with the back pain. Both my DH and my father were prescribed exercises to strengthen the back and core muscles when they had disc problems. The exercises kept my father from having back surgery the rest of his life. Unfortunately, DH needed surgery to relieve pain from a pinched sciatic nerve. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon. We are back, finally from DH's post-op visit. It was originally scheduled for 12:45 pm, but he got a call about 10:45 asking if he could come at 11:30 as there was a cancelation. When we got there, the staff said that the doctor was in surgery and would be about an hour. We could either go get lunch and come back, see him in Waco in two weeks or wait. We decided that we'd just wait. Evidently, the surgery took longer than planned, because it was about 1:l5 when they called us back. The visit was less than five minutes, but the news was good. The x-ray showed the bone was growing nicely and everything looked good. We see him in August and one final time with an x-ray in October. It is 94F right now, but when we left the hospital, it actually felt good since they keep it cold in there. Bruce, thanks for the pictures of Quimper. Since we've been to Brest twice, we may make a side trip to Quimper next time. Also, thanks for another picture of the former Maasdam. She still looks good. Terry, I'm sorry you are having a "moment" and I hope it passes quickly. Hang in there. I hope the brace shows up by next week, and that the stretching exercises help. The last time Joy @Seasick Sailor posted, she mentioned that she and her houseguest had taken an early walk. I hope she is just busy with company and life. @erewhon That is good news your scan was clear. Lenda
  18. In honor of Yoga Day. Gerry, our local grocery store has bi-color corn on sale for 4 ears for $1. Usually they are 33-50 cents an ear. Annie, don't wait too long to see the doctor. Congratulations on the donation and the pledge plus a good sale day yesterday. I hope the dog can be cleared for surgery. Sending positive thoughts that Momma Norma is doing okay and will have a full recovery. Lenda
  19. Good morning from central Texas. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record as our weather is about the same -- cloudy, humid, windy and warmer than it should be this time of year. It is 79F but feels like 89F with a 7 mph wind. At least, the condensation on the window this morning was not bad, and I can see out. It is 96% humidity with a dew point of 78F, and our predicted high will be 98F. In fact, the highs are not supposed be be triple digits until Saturday, and then they will range from 101 to 106. Today might be the official start to summer, but it's been summer here for a while. I'll pass on skateboarding as I want to remain in one piece with nothing broken. I probably should do yoga, but I doubt I could get in some of the positions, and if I did, someone might have to pry me out of the positions. An interesting quote today, but I'm not sure t is always true. We'll pass on the meal (like meat in my stuffed peppers), drink and wine. I'm not a fan of Syrah. We have not been to Ibiza, but we did enjoy Majorca and Minorca. Today is an important day in history. Jacqui, @kazu I hope Ivan continues to improve with no more problems. I'm glad he is eating well. Loved the pictures of your flowers. Nancy, @ottahand7 I hope your road gets finished soon. Bruce, @aliaschief thanks for the picture of the former Maasdam. It's good to see former BHBs getting a new lease on life, but I wish they were still BHBs. Jack, @Heartgrove thanks for the picture of your sister's family, which is a good looking bunch. I hope today isn't too difficult for you. Now, I'm going to see if I can get a walk in before it warms up more. Then, I have a much needed haircut appointment at 9:30. DH has his eight month post-op follow appointment early this afternoon. Fortunately, we don't have to drive to Austin since the surgeon comes to our regional hospital office building one or two afternoons a month. After that, it will be staying inside and keeping cool. Lenda
  20. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you and Jim have a wonderful, relaxing and restful cruise. Lenda
  21. One of our dachshunds weighed about 7 pounds, so we also had to watch out for red tailed hawks. However, as much as she put on a show telling other animals that she'd take them on, she knew when to be still and quiet. Once she was leashed, but our daughter was carrying her back to the motorhome in a primitive campground in the Yukon, when we spotted a young black bear. I'd never see that dog so still and quiet. Lenda
  22. Good evening. We just got back from our nightly golf cart ride. It is still hot, but down to a not too bad 93F. Debbie, you did share a couple of pictures, but not this many. I can't wait to see the final results when the rest of the trim is painted. It looks good. I can’t fault the original color as it's close to the color of our house in AZ, but we have a darker brown trim as contrast. Jacqui, I couldn't agree more about not letting pets out alone, especially from just before dusk until well after dawn. There have been stories making the rounds i Quartzsite about hungry coyotes jumping fences and grabbing pets. This usually happens in the summer when there are fewer people around. In the winter, there are always misguided people who put food out for the coyotes no matter how often they are told not to feed them. The coyotes become dependent on a steady food source. Lenda
  23. Debbie, we had a lot more wildlife living in the planned development of The Woodlands, than we do here in the country. We do see deer occasionally. Thanks for the pictures. It looks like great place for a walk. Sharon, I hope you can stay safe from the fire. Interesting picture. Sandi, good news about the win without any penalty kicks. It's too bad Ren and Colton will be on different teams next year. They make a good combination. I'm glad today and Thursday's game are early, when it is a lot better to be outside. Marcia, I know that was a relief. You'll enjoy the Alaska cruise. Vanessa, @JazzyV I hope the exercises work and make it easier to handle stairs. It was an interesting afternoon on Ancestry. I learned that one of my Ancestors literally lost his head on Tower Hill in London thanks to Cromwell. You never know what interesting tidbits are lurking in the family history waiting to be unearthed. Lenda
  24. Good afternoon. I got my walk in fairly early this morning, since surprisingly, it wasn't really bad out with the good wind we had. I really didn't even get hot. After I ran my errands and got the mail from the cluster box, it was almost time to spend the rest of the day inside. So far, I've caught up on a lot of paper work that I've let slide. Gerry, good for you booking a cruise for next January. Terry, I'm sorry your DH will have months of chemotherapy ahead of him, and sending good, positive thoughts that the chemo is not too rough on him. You are fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family to help you both. Annie, I hope your diabetes numbers get straightened out and your back pain eases soon. I hope you can get the bumper fixed and at a reasonable cost. Ann, I'm sorry you are both having to spend so much time at the hospital, but I hope it means things are becoming better. Playing games and reading helps me when I have too much unpleasantness on my mind. A very pretty flower, Carolyn. Terri, I'm sorry the London weather did not cooperate today. You'll just have to book a few more days in London in the future. I'm glad you both got some rest and the wine. Safe travels to Southampton tomorrow. Graham, my grandfather officially died of a heart attack about 11 months after my grandmother died. However, my father and I believed the real cause was loneliness and a broken heart. We tried to see him as often as possible, especially my father, but it just wasn't enough. Vanessa, I'm sorry your friend is not responding to the treatment anymore. I hope she and her mother have a good support system over the coming months and that she can be kept comfortable. @marshhawk Annie, and @JazzyV, Vanessa, and all the others who have expressed concern about my working outside during this heatwave, rest assured I am being very careful. I get outside as early as possible while the temperatures are in the 70s and low 80s to get everything done early and while at least part of the yard is still in the shade. I also keep a cooler with a bottle of water and ice which I use to refill my large insulated cup often, I wear loose clothes, a hat with a big brim and when it starts warming up, I use a cooling towel which really helps. Also, I don't forget the sunscreen. Even then, there are times when I take a few minutes to rest in the shade and cool off. The concern expressed by everyone is heartwarming and shows what a great group we have here. If people did not get out early during our summers, which seem to be starting earlier each year, nothing would get done. This sign outside an Austin restaurant sums up our summers. Lenda
  25. Good morning from a very uncomfortable central Texas. At 7:30 am it is already 80F and feels like 88F. The humidity is 97% with a dew point of 78F. It will reach at least 100F this afternoon with a higher heat index. We keep the house cool at night, and the windows are covered in condensation our the outside this morning. I can see outside now, but earlier the view was obscured by the condensation. It is also cloudy with a breeze, but I doubt I'll be taking my walk this morning. I'll be running my errands this morning before it gets too hot. @StLouisCruisersUnfortunately, Sandi, the weather is about the same in Frisco where the Jaguars and Ren will be playing in less than an hour. The only difference is it is warmer there than here. Wishing the team good luck and hoping the heat and humidity does not cause them any problems. I was never a fan of ice cream sodas, but do like a root beer float, while DH likes coke floats. Bald eagles are majestic birds, but because of their diet, they are rather smelly up closed. Besides a day to honor world refugees, we need to treat all refugees better. Jackie Gleason owned the line, "How sweet it is!" I would enjoy the meal, especially if it was the crab fried rice in the Tamarind. I prefer a plain Mai Tai, and would like to try the wine if it was not so elusive and pricey. We have not been to today's port, and I had to Google it. Interesting about the Newport Festival in1969. but we were busy with DH in the Army and me working. @kazu Jacqui, I hope Ivan feels better soon. @Nickelpenny Penny. I'm glad you enjoyed your cruise, and are having a good time with your friend heading back to AZ. Safe travels. Lenda
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