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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good morning from a cloudy central Texas where the chance of rain is about 15-20%. However, the actual weather does not look at the forecast. When I think of iconic American restaurants, Howard Johnsons comes to mind, and yes, I'm dating myself. Sadly, the last one closed earlier this year. Going to the top of Vesuvius has never appealed to us, but we've been to Pompeii and Herculaneum. There is a lot of strange music. I like today's quote. We'll pass on the meal, but a margarita would be nice. The wine is a bit pricey. We have not been to the UAE. It was on our two canceled Princess cruises, but today's port wasn't the scheduled port. It's time to go start the laundry. Lenda
  2. This is getting better and better. BTW, I also use a roller, so your back will be covered. Lenda
  3. With cardbordeaux, I can see the four of us turning into the Three (Four)Stooges and hitting each other in the face with loaded brushes. Maybe, I should have skipped the wine tonight. 🤣 Lenda
  4. On Lake Whitney, but not on the lake. We're near the Katy Bridge, which was the old railroad bridge that was made into a road bridge. We're about 4 or 5 miles outside of Whitney. In other words, we're about 2 1/2 hours north of Austin. Lenda
  5. We made it to Dallas and back in one piece, but traffic was heavy in places. It was particularly slow on I-35W coming home. We took I-30 to Ft.Worth with some slow downs and then the toll road to Cleburne and home from there. It was longer, but not as crazy as the other way. The MRI showed a couple of problems that need checking out and one that will probably need surgery before the nph is addressed. At least, it looks like we'll be headed in the right direction. Keeping our fingers crossed 🤞 the are no more surprises. We had some rain going and coming, but saw no flooding. Last time, the Trinity River bed was grass. Today it was a river. Lenda
  6. And messier too, so our reputations as the messiest painters would be intact. Lenda
  7. Texas weather is unpredictable. Right now, our wind has changed to out of the north and it can't decided whether or not it should be cloudy or sunny. @dfish Debbie, @superoma, and @Cruising-along Carolyn, just think how much fun and messy it would be if we all got together to paint a room, or maybe help paint the hull of a BHB. 🤣😉 @HAL Sailer I'm glad your DSIL came through the extensive surgery and is resting comfortably. I hope the further tests do not show much more spread of the melanoma. Sending positive thoughts for a complete recovery for you DSIL. I'm happy her son was able to get the news to you about the surgery. I am amazed at how well he is doing given the extent of his injuries. @Heartgrove Jack, , thanks for the wonderful picture of Lily. Have you thought of getting a bigger couch for Sam, although he does look comfortable. @Horizon chaser 1957 Thank you, Laura for the pictures of Tonga. Lenda
  8. Good morning from a cloudy central Texas. Our rain chances are a lot less than they were yesterday. The good news is the car that sits outside no longer needs washing. I like the days, but I'm not sure how I'd ride the wind now days. I've always loved daffodils, but I can't get them to grow here. I like the Longfellow quote. I think it could apply to all of us at times, but hopefully not now. We'll pass on the drink and the meal. I might try the red wine in a can sometime. We have not been to Tonga. @grapau27 Enjoy your anniversary dinner with Sarah. @rafinmd Roy, I hope today's test gives you some answers, and an easy fix. @superoma We only got 2 inches of rain here and no flooding. The DFW area was hard hit with floods. @mamaofami Carol, I hope you get the needed rain, but not in torrents. @dfish Debbie, I think we might be tied as the messiest painter. I have a shirt and a pair of shorts just for painting, and sometimes, I have more paint on me than on what I'm painting. @kazu Jacqui, it sounds like Henry and Jack are just what you need right now. I hope you wrist is better. We'll be heading to Dallas to see the PA later today. Lenda
  9. @Vict0riann 🎉🌹🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANN! 🥂🍾🎈 We both hope you have a great birthday and many more to come. Lenda
  10. We had the original shot in 2009 and did not have a reaction. Still even a bad reaction is better than shingles. Lenda
  11. In the past two hours, we've had two more waves of very heavy rain come through. We have now received 2 inches of rain today, and we will probably get a little more this afternoon. Our rain chances will diminish but possible rain is still predicted through Friday. Our bushes and grass should be happy, and the weeds should be easier to pull later this week. The small front yard is full of Johnson grass which is an invasive grass that is just about impossible to kill or completely weed out. If I can get most of it this week, then we won't have much grass in the front yard. I'll either reseed it or put down sod if I can find it. Even then, it will still probably be a losing battle again next year, but I'll try. The only good thing I can say about the Johnson grass is it's green, 🤣 Sandy, I also hope the therapist is correct and the exercises will help. Until I had the second Covid vaccine, I never had a reaction to a shot except a sore arm. I was expecting a bad reaction to the next shingles vaccine shot, but only a sore arm with this one. I bet I even get a reaction now to the flu shot next month. These reactions may be another unexpected side affect of Covid related things. Still, I agree that a few hours of feeling bad with a reaction is a small price to pay to prevent getting shingles, the flu or Covid. Lenda
  12. Good morning again. It is raining again and this time thunder has been added. The forecast is for rain today and tomorrow morning. It is predicted to slow down or stop here and in Dallas by the time we have to leave for DH's appointment at UT Southwestern in the afternoon. One advantage of the clouds and rain over the heat and sun is we can now open the blinds and look out. I will be the first one to admit that I am no angel no matter how hard I try. Sometimes, the imp in me just takes over. Happy Hoodie Hoo day to our friends in the southern hemisphere. I also had to look up the day, and I learned we get to celebrate Hoodie Hoo Day on February 9 to help chase away winter. It's been quite a while since we had to round up coins for the tooth fairy to leave, and my wonderful dentist is doing everything he can to prevent the tooth fairy from visiting me. I like the Suzanne Collins quote. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I prefer strawberry daiquiris. The wine sounds nice. @superoma Please wish your DH a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @grapau27 Graham, enjoyed seeing your wedding pictures. Thank you for your comments about my pictures. @dfish Debbie, I don't envy you painting your house. I have painted several of our houses over the years, but that does not appeal to me now. Besides, our ceilings in the great room and our bedroom are sloped from 9 feet to 17 feet, with crown molding. That is more than I want to tackle. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I cleaned out my side of the closet last year and this year, but I still have several formals, just in case. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope they come up with a plan to help alleviate your leg pain. @kb4683, @smitty34877, and @Cruising-along Thank you for your pictures. I'm still amazed so many of us go to the same place, and see such different places and things. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you are feeling close to normal. Please, don't try to do everything at once. The chores will still be there when you feel better and stronger.🤣 There's that imp again! 😈 @Cruzin Terri Terri, how nice of your neighbors to fix your mailbox. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope you feel better. @mamaofami Carol, keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 that one call is all it will take to get the insurance mess corrected. The rain is getting heavier, and we're probably going to get a little more bad weather as the satellite dish just lost the signal. I was expecting a sore arm from the shingles shot Saturday, and I did get it, along with a red lump that was warm to the touch. What I was not expecting was getting the same reaction to the shot yesterday that I got from my last Covid booster. It hit me like a ton of bricks about 24 hours after the shot. Luckily, it didn't last as long, and maybe it was because I took Advil for the headache that was part of the reaction. I had wanted to comment on several posts yesterday, but even after the Advil kicked in, I was mentally too tired to comment. After a good night's sleep, I feel fine now, but I'm not looking forward to the second shingles shot. Our theory is with all the vaccines we've had in the past 18 months, my body reacted to a new invasion, but I guess it means the vaccine is working. I just checked and we've received a total of 0.61 inch of rain this morning. The grass will love it and hopefully, it will put an end to wildfires in the areas getting rain. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a rainy central Texas. So far, we've received 0.14 inch of rain, and nothing like the rain that the DFW has received. Because I'm a little late today, I'm going to post my pictures of our one visit to Cartagena, Spain, first. We were there with @rafinmd Roy, on the Prinsendam on November 4, 2017. We walked around town and visited a couple of museums, the Roman theater, and the archeological site on top of the hill. Cartagena from the Prinsendam. Walking into town, the National Museum of Underwater Archeology, and across the street from the museum. Walking into the older part of town. There was a festival that day, and I think they were celebrating their Roman heritage. The Roman Theater My Latin isn't good enough to translate this sign. More scenes of the festival The Military Museum These are from the hill with the archeology museum. Torre Linterna The old Plaza de Toros The new amphitheater next to the ancient Roman Theater. Overlooking Cartagena One of the many peacocks The elevator to reach the top of the hill There were three ships in town that day, Thompson Dream aka Westerdam, which sadly has gone to the breakers, Veendam and Prinsendam. Your can see the Thompson Dream in the upper left had corner of the picture of the two theaters. Our two favorite HAL ships. We also visited the House of fortune, which is below street level and show how the ancient Romans lived. The pictures are not that good. Lenda
  15. We've only driven through Boston once when we were heading to Cape Cod from a camping trip in Acadia National Park, and that was in 1974. Since then, we've always let someone else do the driving in Boston. Lenda
  16. Now, for the rest of the pictures. These are from 2013 when we did two roundtrips to Quebec City on the Veendam. @rafinmd Roy, it looks like we just missed you, since we boarded on 8/24. We were back in Boston for the turnaround day on September 7, 2013. Because a short day, we opted to take a ship tour of Boston. Our first stop was Boston Commons. These pictures are in around the Commons. Paul Revere statue with Park Street Church in the background. Our next stop was Harvard Yard. Our final stop was the Old North Church, Christ Episcopal Church. The first is a common garden with the church in the background. The church is tall and the area around it does not give much room for a photo. I had to take two pictures to get the entire front of the church. The inside of the church A neighborhood street leading to the church. Lenda
  17. Good morning from breezy central Texas. The forecast was for clouds and rain, but we woke up to sunny skies. The clouds are slowly moving in, and the rain should start later today. I think DH had spumoni and liked it, but I'm not a fan. It's the fruit bits that I don't care for. I don't feel like a senior citizen, but then once in a while by body reminds me that I'm not that young any more. I will honor poets, but poetry is not my favorite form of reading material. I like the quote, and think we should all try to laugh more often. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I might like to try to wine. @dfish Debbie, that last recipe looks like a chili relleno, which is popular in Texas and the southwestern US. We have been to Boston a few times either driving through, sailing to and from and as a port day. I have quite a few pictures, and will share them in two posts. @aliaschief When we did b2b2b2bs twice on Koningsdam recently, the shows and the menus were the same each week. While the ship was never more than 50% capacity there were generally less than 75 people doing b2b. I loved the ship, but not sure I would want to sail on her when she was full. I agree, they under utilize the World Stage, and what they did show there was not that great, especially after the first time or two. Fortunately, we could always find seats in Billboard on Board, and could here the duo and the music from the Rolling Stone Rock Room. @richwmn Rich, thanks for the information on Friday's wine. @kochleffel Good luck with the tent sail. @lindaler Linda, how awful about the non disclosure about the roof. Your real estate agent might have a suggestion for a remedy for the extra cost of a new roof. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for letting us know Father David will be away the next two Sundays. I hope he has a great vacation. @1ANGELCAT I'm glad Fluff is doing better. @ottahand7 Beautiful picture. I love seeing eagles catch fish. @ger_77 Gerry, our condolences to the both of you, and your friend's family, especially her husband. In 2004, on the old Regal Princes, we stopped in Boston twice on a roundtrip from NYC to Montreal. The first day, we took the Ho-Ho around town. We'd planned to go to see the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) the second time we were there. However, Mother Nature had other ideas, and it poured rain that day, which turned into a sea day. These are a few of my pictures from 2004 and from our sail awyas. The area where the Boston Tea Party took place Quincy Market, which we wandered through for a little while. We also visited Faneuil Hall, but I don't have any pictures. The Charlestown Navy Yard This is as close as we came to Old Ironsides. We did tour her sister ship the USS Constellation in Baltimore many, many years ago. A few pictures from our sail aways leaving Boston. Lenda
  18. Melisa, I'm sorry such difficult choices will have to be made during and after your DSIL's surgery. I'm sending positive thoughts the doctors and your DSIL will do what is best for her. Thank you for the update on Curt. That is very good news that he's made such good progress nand that he will be able to help his mother. Lenda
  19. We're back from my getting my first shinlge vaccine shot. I was surprised that it hurt more than other vaccines. The pharmacist said others have made that comment and wanted to know if it was a burning or stinging pain. It was more of the latter, but really it was just intense. Fortunately, it didn't hurt for long. The pharmacist mentioned that he'd heard the second shot is more of a problem with reactions. He suggested if I had any reaction, even a sore arm, to wait until closed to the six month time to get the second shot. Since the arm I got the shot in was already sore, I might not know if that is partly a reaction. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I forgot to mention earlier that if the mosquitoes are biting me, and either DH or younger DD are close, then I know the mosquitoes are bad. Those two are my mosquito repellent. 😉 I hope your DD's eye is better soon. An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your DH. Beautiful sunset. Fred, thanks for the pictures of Nassau. Susan, I hope the roof leak is finally fixed. I'm happy the new mother and her 7 puppies were found. The foster fail wouldn't be a total failure if the mother found a loving forever home. Melisa, I'm sorry the melanoma has spread, and that your DSIL is facing a much more invasive surgery and probably other treatments. Sending positive thoughts that she does well and can be cancer free. BTW, how is her son doing in rehab? Denise, I hope you have cooler weather for the fair and your anniversary. Vanessa, I'm sorry the steroid shot is not working as well. I enjoyed the pictures of Atlantis. We visited there on two of our stops in Nassau. A very interesting resort. Gerry, I'm sorry you're still testing positive, and that you both are still fatigued. Hope tomorrow is a better day for both of you. We've had good visits in Nassau and ones like you described, Lovely bird. @grapau27 An early HAPPY 41ST ANNIVERSARY to both of you. Lenda
  20. Good morning from central Texas. It looks like it will be sunny, but with a slight chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Our forecast is for rain beginning tomorrow afternoon and continuing through Friday, with Monday and Tuesday being the wettest. Honey bees are important not only for their honey, but for pollinating plants. We get bees when our Silverado sage blooms. We still listen to the radio, and DH has several shortwave radios. I suppose mosquitoes are necessary, but we try to avoid them. Like most Marilyn Monroe quotes this one is sad. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have been to Nassau a few times, but all our visits were pre-digital. @StLouisCruisers Thank you, Sandi, for your pictures. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you are beginning to feel better. @aliaschief Bruce, thank you for sharing your cruise with us, and I'm looking forward to another week of cruising. Lenda
  21. You might ask them about the vaccine. The worst that could happen is they say no. Lenda
  22. While I would not enjoy a bad reaction after either of the shingle shots, just like with the Covid vaccine, I consider it a small price to pay. My stepmother, DSIL and many of our neighbors have had shingles, and it wasn't fun. Reading all the posts, the odds are that I'll have a reaction. However, if I look at it on an individualbasis, I have 50-50 odds. I'll either have a reaction or I won't. 🤞 I caught chickenpox from older DD when I was 35 and had a mild case; so i know I need to get the vaccine. BTW, younger DD also got chickenpox from her sister, but DH didn't. He can't remember if he ever had chickenpox. DH and I had the originaal vaccine when it was first introduced. @grapau27 Graham, the vacinne is recommended for those who had shingles to prevent getting them again. @Kurtybee123 We've been keeping an eye on the forecast here and in Dallas for next week. DH has an appointment Tuesday at UT Southwestern that we can't postpone. It looks like we'll be rained on that day. We don't look forward to making the round trip in the rain, but aren't complaining since Texas needs all the rain we can get. Debbie, that's an idea. I'm afraid if we did all that baking, not only would we "leave as baggage, we'd board as baggage". 🤣😉 Lenda
  23. I guess I'll know about the side effects tomorrow or Sunday. I cancelled my appointment for today and will get the shot tomorrow morning. A retired nurse told me the second shot was the one that hit her hard. Lenda
  24. I just made an appointment to get my first shingles vaccine at 3pm. I've been putting it off, but got to thinking that with everything that's been going on with DH, it wouldn't be really bad if I came down with shingles. Thank you, Bruce, for the pictures of a beautiful part of the world. Susan, how horrible after all the work to still have roof leaks and a bad tile job. I hope they can finally get the leaks stopped. And I hope the tile guy does a better job the Next time. Carolyn, thank you for your pictures of Opatija. It's another option if we visit Rijeka again. I hope you find the perfect place for you DM. It's a wise person who knows and admits when they need more help. Sharon, thanks for the pictures of Las Vegas. It's been awhile since we were there. We have reservations for November, but we're still not 100 per cent sure we'll go. Vanessa, everyday your decision to skip your reunion seems wiser. The number of attendees testing positive has me rethinking our next reunion, if and when it happens. Debbie, how did you guess? Was it all the cruise pictures or the misspelling? 🤣 As I've said, proofreading is not my strong point. I tend to see what I meant to type, not what I typed. And like today, I clicked on the wrong word when trying to correct it. Lenda
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