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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Joy, I hope your stepson's case is mild and that he and the neighbors are well soon. We're probably overdue for a booster, but we're trying to wait until the new one comes out. In the meantime, we're trying to be careful. Lenda
  2. Good afternoon from a partly cloudy central Texas where the 8mph wind is not moving the neighbor's flag. It is 90F and feels like 96F. The yard was finished in just a little more than two hours. One good thing about yardwork this time of year when we haven't had any rain for weeks, is the non-watered part of the yard does not need mowing, or at least, not as often. I did discover that while some of the Bermuda had turned brown where the sprinklers did not reach it, it was not dormant, and still needed mowing. I've cooled off and showered, and have now finished reading The Daily, and yesterday's Daily. Gerry, I'm glad your weather will be about perfect for the party today. It was nice of your Ukrainian friends are helping set up this morning. Pennie, I like the design for the hutch top. The picture of the cruise route is nice, too. Eva, I'm sorry you now have a cold and cough, and I hope you feel better soon. I'm also sorry your friend contracted Covid, and I hope her husband does not catch it. I hope things improve and you don't have to change your plans, but traveling while not feeling well is not fun. Carolyn, it is a shock when you realize how old your children and their friends are. My stepmother said there were only two things about getting old she did not like. One was she was out living all her friends. The other was realizing her children were middle aged. Our oldest daughter was not amused when I told her that, and she was in her early 40s then. Roy, that is concerning about @HAL4NOW Tony. I hope he and his wife are well and just very busy. Lenda
  3. We have been to Horta once in 2002 on the Noordam III. I don't think too many ships had called there before. We just walked around town. I hope there is only one picture that is a repeat of those @StLouisCruisers Sandy posted. Lenda
  4. Good morning from central Texas where it is sunny, but I see one of our daily clouds already forming. It is 75F and feels like 75F with what the weather app says is a 4mph wind. The neighbor's flag says not enough wind to get it moving. The humidity is 92% with a heat index of 73F. The predicted high is 91F and the wind is supposed to increase to 13mph this afternoon. I hope there is more of a breeze in an hour or so when I head out to mow the yard, but there will be a little less to mow since we also haven't had any rain in weeks, except the little bit we got from Beryl last week. We got an interesting but unexpected call last night from the imagining center where DH has an appointment Monday morning for a follow up CT scan after his last shunt adjustment. They called about 6:45 to tell us they had not gotten the orders for his CT scan, which we are sure they got on June 14th because they texted DH to make his appointment. The orders were on his patient portal for UTSW, and we emailed them to the imaging center. I also printed the orders and have them in my purse. DH and I were both gruntled workers and enjoyed our work. Barbershop music is good in small doses, but "Give Me That Old Time Rock and Roll" any time. The quote from Mahatma Gandhi is true and should be kept in mind, especially during unsettled times. The meal sounds good, but I'm not sure about using a good drink on the chicken instead of drinking the Mojito. We'll pass on the drink, but I would try a glass of the wine if it was offered. We were in Horta once on Noordam III. Three good days in history, but this might have been the voyage that Captain Cook did not get to complete. Yes, on Krispy Kreme donuts. I remember the Live Aid concert. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad the weather is better today. Enjoy your day in St. Anthony. @1ANGELCAT I'm glad your friend Denise was not injured in the accident. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you got most everything done with the house, but sorry your legs are hurting so much. I hope the prospective buyers make an offer this weekend. @marshhawk Annie, I hope today is a better day for both of you. The last time we stopped at Popeye's the chicken was the only thing that was good. The sides and biscuits were not as good as we remembered. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad everyone enjoyed the meal last night. I'm also glad Tana requested another meal from years ago. Since 2020, I've been making meals from my childhood and early in our marriage. Sometimes something from the past is exactly what is needed to whet the appetite. @aliaschief Safe travels today to your DS and family. Your St. George get away sounds like fun. Lenda
  5. Annie, there are no words to let you know how badly we all feel about what happened yesterday. Lenda
  6. Annie, there is no need to apologize, especially here. What they have put your DH and you through three times, is unbelievable. I can see the second attempt, but honestly, what were they thinking. Vent all you want here. You have been busy, and I hope you enjoy the clean rooms now. Hope all this wasn't too hard on your DH. Lenda
  7. Sharon, I take the easy way out. It costs a bit more, but I buy the skin-on bone-in legs and thighs for "frying" and casseroles. I only buy whole chickens for roasting or smoking and for chicken and dumplings. I have to cut the chicken in half to lay flat in the Dutch oven for the chicken and dumplings. Annie, I was so hoping they would be able to open the stent today. I don't blame you for being angry about the situation, DH still being in pain, and having to go through all the waiting to reschedule. Take your anger out on the house today. They say no one cleans a house faster than an angry woman; so your house should sparkle when you finish. HUGS! Lenda
  8. Terry, that is good news about Tana asking for a special dinner. I hope her appetite is returning. Thanks for the pictures of the shed. You did a great job, and it looks professionally built. I just wish our shed looked half as organized and clean. Joy, I'm glad Bonnie's MRI showed the cancer is still just in her right breast. I hope the surgeon can get her operation scheduled soon. Maureen, I'm glad your DH was better yesterday with more antihistamines. That made me wonder if the itching was caused by an allergy other than the eyedrops he'd had to take for so long. Susan, I'm sorry the thrift store is in such a disarray. I hope things get straightened out soon. I know it must be disappointing in the BOD's lack of interest or concern in what is happening. Gerry, it sounds like you pretty much have things under control for tomorrow. I hope the weather cooperates. Jacqui, I hope with all going on that everything for your surgery works out as planned even with the added doctor's appointment for a prescription. HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY, IVAN! Thanks for the pictures, Tony. Karen, I'm glad your DM is home and doing well and that she sounds good. I'm sorry about the fall and the gash and black eyes. Thank you, Graham. The memory garden looks lovely. Lenda
  9. We have been to Nanortalik twice. The first time was on the Tahitian Princess in 2009, and the second was on the Prinsendam in 2017. The first time the weather was clear and sunny, but on the Prinsendam there were low clouds and some rain. It should be easy to tell which cruise the pictures were taken on just by looking at the weather. This was the village from the ship or the tender. A few pictures as we walked around. The buildings in the third picture are part of their museum where you can go through various buildings and can climb to the view platform by the flagpole. There are stairs on the far side of the big rock. Their museum was interesting and showed how they lived. A carving representing a whale. Some overall pictures of the village and area. A call to a tender port would not be complete without a picture of the Elegant Explorer at anchor. Lenda
  10. Good morning from another sunny morning in central Texas. It is 74F and feels like 74F. There is not wind, and the weather app actually says calm for the wind speed. The humidity is 95% with a dew point of 73F. Our high should reach 95F this afternoon. The main thing on the agenda is laundry, so I better get it going soon. Jello-O is nice especially on a hot summer day, but I don't think I have any in the house. Pecan pie is DH's favorite, and I haven't made any since Christmas, but I'll probably wait until it is cooler to make one. Night of Nights is an different day to honor. The Laurence J. Peter quote is amusing. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I prefer a medium Riesling to a sweet one. We have visited Nanortalik twice, and enjoyed our days there. The ratification of the Habeas Corpus Act in 1679 by Charles II was a good step forward in jurisprudence. @Crazy For Cats Jake, we found it was good to sign up for Medicare the month before we were eligible. A word to the wise, be sure to cancel you existing health coverage the month effective the month you turn 65. Our plan kept charging us even though they would no longer cover us once we were 65. Even telling them to cancel the policy didn't stop them from trying to get the monthly premium until I called. Congratulations to your DH on the Omaha Steaks bonus. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the information on Night of Nights. @marshhawk Annie, 🤞 that this time the surgery works. I hope all goes smoothly for DH today. Good meme. As an unrepentant chocoholic, I say you can't go wrong with dark chocolate. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I'm sorry your friend is not improving, and I hope they can remove the feeding tube. Glad you found an accessible cabin, but sorry you will need to wait until October for the cruise. @dfish Debbie, I agree. Hamburgers have beef patties. Chicken burgers are a chicken sandwiches under false pretenses. @kochleffel Paul, thanks for all the information on Night of Nights. I didn't realize the commercial Morse operations didn't end until 1999. Lenda
  11. Great place to meet. And of course, we'll arrive by cruise ship! Lenda
  12. Oh, Annie, I'm sorry your DH is having such a hard day today, and so much pain. I hope tomorrow is better. Hugs to both of you. Carolyn, I'm glad both families are having a good time on their vacations. RV trips with the DDs when they were little were a lot of fun. Pennie, good luck with your project. It sounds like you have a good plan in place. A looooooong two hours. 😁 Maureen, I remember when the 7-11 type stores first opened in my home town in the mid-50s. There was one where when you drove up, the clerk would come out to the car, take your order, and then deliver it to the car and take the payment. That went the way of full service gas stations decades ago, before I graduated from high school. I'm sorry your DH's eyes are itching again. I hope the new cream helps. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a sunny and windless central Texas. It is 75F and feels like 75F with 84% humidity and a dew point of 70F. Our predicted high is 97F with no chance of rain. I need to go to the store and run another errand, which I plan to do as soon as I finish here, and before it gets too hot. I will not be honoring Bowdler's Day since I do not believe in rewriting someone else work or censorship. I think the world population is way beyond five billion now. It is always good to cheer up the lonely or even someone who could be lonely. I'm not a fan or this quote from Oscar Wilde. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. We have not been to Maceio, but we've sailed by it from a great distance when sailing along the east coast of Brazil. Today is another great day in England's and the Catholic Church's history. @grapau27 Graham, please wish Father David a happy 51st birthday for us. Thank you for the explanation of two or our days. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad your neighbor is brining you boxes and taking things to a local charity. If I lived closer, I would come help you get the house ready. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry your neighbor hurt his eye, and they have to head home today. I hope the eye heals quickly. I hope your DB does all right at home and does not have any more problems with the knee until he see's the doctor. @Mr. Boston I'm sorry your cold is worse, and hope it's gone quickly. Otherwise, I hope the move into your new home went smoothly, and you are beginning to settle in. @smitty34877 Terri, I'm glad the edibles helped Tana with her nausea a bit, and that she didn't feel any side effects. Her comfort should be the first consideration. Camilla is still so cute and so grown up. Thanks for sharing the picture with us. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I've cut my news watching way back. I just don't want to hear the same stories over and over, much less the talking heads. I agree the Texas bugs are relentless, and they have to be to survive in Texas. Sending positive thoughts to Bonnie for her MRI today. Lenda
  14. Good evening. It's still hot, 86F, but the good breeze made the golf cart ride pleasant. We had a call yesterday from DH's brother who lives just north of The Woodlands, and he did all right during Beryl. He did not have power, but his generator was running the refrigerator and a/c unit in his bedroom. He is in Montgomery County, and said 80% of the county was without power. There was no power in The Woodlands except the 55+ neighborhood. Thanks for the beautiful flower pictures, Brenda. Joy, I hope all goes well for Bonnie tomorrow. Annie, I hope they can unblock the stent Friday. Quite a lot of excitement with all the animal escapes today. Tony I've enjoyed all your pictures today, but especially the last batch. Joy, those bushes are huge and pretty. Lenda
  15. Debbie, meeting you, Sue, Sharon and Dixie on the Hawaii cruise made it all the more special. I'm looking forward to meeting Carolyn @Cruising-along and Edi @NextOne next year year on the Westerdam 28 day summer solstice cruise. You and Sue should think about doing that one. Lenda
  16. Lorraine, I don't think the cruise is a silly thing, and with all RCCL ;has on the ships now, it will be a destination in itself. Sharon, thanks for clarifying what I was trying to say. I do add the pictures one at a time, and even then can still mess them up. RNB, about two years ago, when I had some iffy results on my blood tests, I knew it was time to lose some of the extra pounds I hadn't been able to lose. I've lost about 20+ pounds, and I've be able to keep them off even with cruising, although I admit I do gain a few back on a cruise, but then they come off quickly. I haven't given up much, but try to have the "bad" things less often. I've added more fish and healthy food, and now use the air fryer instead of the deep fryer. Carolyn, I hope you get that second medical excuse from the nephrologist. The cut off age for jury duty in Texas used to be 70, but now it's 75. We're still exempt due to age. There are some pluses to getting older. Ann, I love the poem. I'm sorry about your refrigerator. I hope they get the motherboard soon. Thanks for the pictures from Sihanoukville. We didn't get to see the town or area since the ship docked away from town, and we had a long tour to Phnom Penh. Susan, I hope you join several of us on the Westerdam cruise, and I would love to meet you. We did get a cabin with a shower, but I don't know how many cabins have showers. The more Dailyites on the cruise, the merrier. Lenda
  17. Thank you, Graham. We had an interesting day in Cambodia. Lenda
  18. Karen, the way I put space between the pictures and add information about the pictures is easy if you do it when you first start posting pictures. I don't attempt it when reposting pictures without spaces between them. When I'm ready to add a picture to a post, I put a space (blank line) after the previous picture, then I add the picture. If I want to say something about a picture, I type my comment, then add the picture just under the comment. I hope it helps. Lenda
  19. On October 23, 2002, the Volendam visited Sihanoukville as part of the Asia Pacific Explorer Cruise (APEC). That day we took a long tour to the capitol, Phnom Penh. It is about an 4 1/2 hour drive between the two cities. Our arrival in Sihanoukville with the sun rising and peeking out of an heavy cloud cover. The buses were lined up on the dock as we approached the dock. The rest area where we stopped to break up the journey both ways After that long drive, our first stop was a very nice hotel for lunch. The pool area and a shrine in the gardens of the hotel Phnom Penh from the top of the hotel The street outside the hotel, which you can get a glimpse of on the left side of the picture. The next stop was the Royal Palace of Cambodia. We noticed two billboards on the drive to the palace that were advertising two upcoming international events, which referred to Cambodia as the Kingdom of Cambodia. The grounds were well kept and lovely, but up close some of the buildings showed wear and tear. This picture is an example of what time and weather can do. More of the palace buildings and grounds This statue was outside the palace grounds These final pictures were taken from the bus as we started our return journey to Sihanoukville. A local gas station We saw shrines along the drive though Phnom Penh, and these are just two of them. Lenda
  20. Good morning from another sunny day in central Texas. It is 77F and feels like 77F with no wind. The humidity is 88% with a dew point of 73F. The predicted high is 95F, but I think we'll be warmer than that, especially since we were warmer yesterday than the predicted high. Not much on the agenda today except staying cool this afternoon. Clerihew Day and the Clerihew poetry was new to me, and I'll not attempt to write a poem. I hope I don't step on a bee, and I've only been stung once. I did step on a yellow jacket once and when he stung me, I moved my feet, and he stung the other foot. Energy independence is probably not 100% achievable, but using alternative energy sources is good since fossil fuel supplies are limited. I don't like or agree with the Abraham Cahan quote in general. Sadly life is too short for some people. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. It looks like we'll be passing on the wine since it's hard to find. We were in Sihanoukville in 2002 on the Volendam 64-day APEC cruise. Good for the Episcopal Church approving a rite to bless gay marriages in 2012. They were also the first church to have an openly gay bishop. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Ren and the team do well in the tournament in Mexico city. I'm sorry your twin will have to have shoulder replacement surgery sooner than expected. I hope the weather improves and you can go ashore today in Nuuk. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the information on Clerihew Day. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad the fish are beginning to bite. I hope you catch some big ones soon. @RedneckBob RMB, congratulations on the weight loss. That's a hard thing to do, and I hope keeping it off is not too hard. Loved the poem. @marshhawk Annie, good luck with the kittens at the vet. I hope the tree doesn't cause any more problems. Loved your Clerihew poem. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the couple next week loves your house and makes a great offer. Glad you have a surgery date, and I hope it and Ivan's surgery both go well. I don't think the realtors here use the lower asking price to start a bidding war strategy here. The houses in our community seem over priced to us. One house, despite lowering the price, has been on the market for more than a year. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad Tana decided to try the edibles. I agree with your thoughts about what will work at this stage for her. Lenda
  21. Dixie, while we're not affected by Beryl, we have relatives and friends who do not have power. As the daughter of an electric utility employee, and the wife of a former electric utility employee, on behalf of those affected, please thank your nephews for heading to Texas to help restore power. Linemen are the unsung heroes of the electric utility industry, who drop everything to help their fellow linemen after disasters. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon from a sunny and breezy central Texas where the afternoon clouds are just beginning to build. While we often have some clouds in the summer, they are normally not rain clouds. It is 88F now, and until a few minutes ago, it was pleasant sitting outside in the shade and breeze. The breeze died briefly, but it was long enough for me to decided it was time to come inside for the rest of the day. Denise, I'm sorry you are losing your lease on your office. Could you train Fancy as a therapy dog? I'm happy you made the break through and are now able to finish the last two chapters of your dissertation. Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better today. Joy, I can't understand how people can leave their pets in a locked car in the heat, and that also goes for those who leave their kids in the car. One time at Ikea in Phoenix, we saw two kids locked in a car on a warm day with no one around. As soon as we got to the store, we told their security who were concerned. We took them to the car just as the parents arrived. We left so we don't know what happened then. Lenda
  23. We have driven to Alaska in our motorhome seven times, and have taken many cruises to Alaska. All our visits to Fairbanks were on motorhome trips. Below, is what I posted on April 13, 2021. DH and I just went through our pictures from our motorhome trips to Alaska. Evidently, all the pictures of Fairbanks were taken the old fashion way and are in the photo albums. The other alternative is that somehow I accidently erased them from the computer, but that seems unlikely as there were quite a few from more than one trip. I did find a few from that area, plus a couple from Fairbanks. These pictures are of the Dalton Highway (aka Haul Road) that goes to Deadhorse near Prudhoe Bay. The start of the highway is about 80 miles from the outskirts of Fairbanks. We drove up the Dalton Highway, but did not go as far as the Yukon River. A view of the highway and the surrounding area. This is a roadhouse shortly before you reach the beginning of the Dalton Highway, and the last pitstop before the highway, complete with outhouses. This sign was at the viewpoint along the pipeline. A group of car enthusiasts gave us a antique car parade through the campground in Fairbanks. We could walk around and look at the cars, many of which had not been restored. We especially liked the Metropolitan since we had a black and white one in New Jersey when DH was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, NJ. We also visited Pioneer Park which is free. There is a transportation museum in the middle of the park in addition to buildings from the area that have been moved to the park. Alaska weather is a lot like Texas weather and changes often. Shortly after we entered the park the dark clouds in the picture above opened up and the rain poured. Being the smart people we are, we left and came back later that day. The weather had changed completely by then. You will find wildflowers, including lupines, along the highways. They are a different variety than the Texas Bluebonnets. Lenda
  24. Good morning from a sunny central Texas. It is 74F and feels like 74F with a 4mph wind that has not reached the flag. The humidity is 94% with a dew point of 72F. Our predicted high is 93F, and that's the coolest high in the 14 day forecast. We enjoyed our cooler weather Sunday afternoon and yesterday. Like most Americans, I had not heard of The Bab. I do not have dimples, but our old Volvo station wagon did after being in a hail storm at DFW many years ago. We learned that it was the only car in the immediate area of the parking lot that did not have a single broken window. The meaning behind No Bra Day is good, but no one wants to see me without a bra. I do get yearly mammograms. The Charles Darwin quote is intriguing. We'll pass on the broiled cod, but DH has cod cooked in the air fryer when I have salmon. I'll definitely take a mojito since the mint mojito is what you get on a BHB. We'll pass on the wine. We have been to Fairbanks many times as we've driven to Alaska in a motorhome seven times, and at least once went back to Fairbanks on the way out. A good day in 1877 when the first tennis match was held at Wimbledon. @luvteaching Karen, I was sorry to read about your DM's fall and injuries plus the need for a pacemaker. I'm glad she got it quickly and is recovering well. I'm glad you are enjoying your cruise, and that your friend is now a "cruise junkie". @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you enjoy your visit to Nuuk tomorrow. Your DD certainly put a lot of work into the tree this month. @summer slope Dixie, I hope the appointment today goes well. @Heartgrove Bruce, I'm glad your DSIL has a surgery date, and that it will be done laparoscopically. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I admire you for making the difficult and sad but wise decision to modify your estate documents so you DH will be protected and looked after if it becomes necessary without the added stress of having to make difficult decisions. I hope the water leak is not bad and is easily fixed, along with the other problems. I also hope the nurse or doctor at Mayo can help you with your arm pain. You deserve a break from stress. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the interesting information about the Bap. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope Tana can get some relief and her appetite back if she decides to go the edibles route. It is a tough decision considering her history and your history. I'm glad you reached out to her AA sponsor for guidance. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better, and I hope you are over whatever it was. @Mr. Boston I'm sorry you are getting a cold, and hope the move-in went well yesterday. Lenda
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