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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. After the Coral Princess docked in Keelung, we hired a taxi to take us to Taipei in 2018, and were lucky to have a clear day. The views from the Taipei 101 Tower were amazing. When looking at the tower, it looks like it was built upside down. This is a view from the tower. This is the ballast that helps lessen the swaying of the building in high winds. After we left the Taipei 101 Tower, we took the ho-ho. We stopped at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. There was a big gathering where the children could do different activities and have them checked off on a form. To keep the parents there, at the end of the afternoon, there was a drawing where they gave away ten cars. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. We did not go inside though. The crowds We took the train back to Keelung. From the train station we walked to the night market. We find Chinese night markets very interesting. Lenda
  2. Good sunny morning from central Texas. It is 80F and feels like 89F with 89% humidity since the dew point is 76F. There is a 2mph breeze from the SW, so it won't help much. Our predicted high is 101F, and our low tonight will be 80F at 7 am tomorrow. Starting next Tuesday, we'll have a string of double digit days. I guess summer is back. The only thing on the agenda is laundry and changing sheets. I may make a quick run to the dollar store just down the road. Last night, I watched the former Russian prisoners return to the US. It was a low key event, but still very nice to see. Braham Pie Day sounds good, but I'll wait to bake a pie. Dinosaurs are interesting to study. DH used CAD a lot in his business, and it made his schematics much easier to do than drawing them like he did when he first started licensing his software. An interesting quote by Virginia Woolf. The meal looks good, but I prefer a ribeye, and normally don't put anything on my steaks except seasoning before cooking. We'll pass on the drink, but might try the wine. We were in Keelung in 2018 on Coral Princess. The handover of the government in India from East India Company to the British Crown in 1858 probably didn't change much for the population of India. Interestingly, I found from many sources the first underground railway was the London metro which opened on January 10, 1863, not in 1870. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Ren doesn't have any problems from having his wisdom teeth removed yesterday. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information about CAD. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope your flights today are smooth and on time. Enjoy your weekend. @cruising sister Welcome home, Lorraine. I'm glad your visit to Minnesota was fun, especially for the DGC. Wishing your friend a speedy recovery from her surgery. I've learned the past two years to dress warmly for hospital waiting rooms and rooms. @superoma Eva, thanks for the information about Braham Pie Day. @dfish Debbie, enjoy the Fish Sandwich Festival today. @Heartgrove Jack sounds like an interesting way to get to Australia. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your friend has a smooth recovery after his surgery yesterday. It's too bad they could not do a bypass on the artery and save his foot. @mamaofami Carol, I'm sorry your tested positive for Covid and are battling fatigue. I hope you feel better soon. @marshhawk Annie, I hope today is a much better day. The people in the restaurant make up for a lot of the unthinking jerks in this world. You are also one of those people who go out of their way to help others. @Nickelpenny Pennie, the problem with applying gift cards to cruise fares is not new. We had the same problem when we used two gift cards for our 2025 cruise. DH called our PCC, and she was able to get the cards applied. Lenda
  3. Annie, I hope you can get a good night's sleep. Chuck is in good hands. I hope by tomorrow, they will have a better idea what is going on, and have a plan to go forward. HUGS! We might have the same sense of humor as I loved what you posted and also laughed. Lenda
  4. Tony, good luck getting the new computer set up. Elizabeth, it seems like your boss is treating you like an hourly employee not salaried. Maureen, thanks for the update. I hope things have improved a lot by November. Paul, I'm glad the conference went well and you are home safely. Lenda
  5. Gerry, thanks for letting us know what is happening with Annie and Chuck. My heart goes out to them. With all they have been through, they don't need this. Sending positive thoughts to them and Chuck's care team. Lenda
  6. In April 2001, we were on Ryndam from Valparaiso to Ft. Lauderdale when we stopped in Arica. Our tour took us to Lake Chungara in the Lucca National Park. We stopped on the way up to help acclimate to the elevation since we were coming from sea level. Lake Chungara is the highest lake in Chile at 14,820 feet or 4,517 meters. HAL was very careful on the tour, and took as many precautions as possible to deal with any problems at that high altitude. Each bus in the convoy had two or more oxygen tanks on board with someone from Medical or someone who knew how to administer the oxygen. There was also an ambulance with us in case someone had a severe case of altitude sickness. IIRC, no one needed the ambulance, but there were some who needed oxygen. The guides and people from the ship were always telling us to slow down when we were off the bus. I'm glad we were still in our mid-50s that day. Please keep in mind that these pictures are 23 years old, and were scanned into the computer. I worked on them to make them the best they could be. Some of the country outside of Arica as we headed up into the Andes. Irrigation can really transform a desert. My notes say that this an ancient fortification and a national monument. A small store that is selling Inca Cola which is actually a drink from Peru that has lemon verbena as the main ingredient. We did not get to try it. We were getting closer to the Andes. Looking down on the town of Putre, Chile. The view from the bus as we climbed. Finally, Lake Chungara A high mountain field with llamas grazing. On the way back to Arica, we made a brief stop in Putre, and I got a few pictures of the cemetery. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon from a hot, about 92F now, and windy central Texas. The house is clean, and I'm waiting for the first dryer load to finish while the second load of towels are washing. At least, the internet is working on the computer again. Joy, I hope all goes well for Bonnie today with both the surgeon and plastic surgeon. I hope they will be able to both surgeries at the same time, and the date isn't that far off. Thank you for the pictures from your day in Arica. You visited an area we did not see. Pennie, I'm glad the removal of the stitches was not as bad as you expected. Pete, thanks for the pictures. I doubt the socks Henk was wearing were regulation ones for the uniform. Debbie, I'd check the offers now, and try to see how they stack up to offers while on board. Carolyn, I'm glad everyone had a good time last night. I've never canned, but when we lived in Pennsylvania, I'd blanch and freeze green beans, and corn we bought by the crate. I'd also fix yellow squash and freeze a lot of it to use throughout the winter. I found my pictures from our Day in Arica, and will scan some of them into the the computer. Lenda
  8. RABBIT RABBIT WHITE RABBIT! Good morning from central Texas where it is 73F abd feels like 73F. Our predicated high is 96F, but I'll be inside cleaning h9use today. Thisnwill be quick since I need to get to work, and because we are having internet problems. I have internet on the phone and tablet, but not on the computer. Three interesting days, plus Emancipation Day in Canada. I'm not sure about the quote. Like others, the soup will wait until until much cooler weather. We'll pass on the drink, but I would try the wine if it isn't too sweet or dry. We were in Arica on Ryndam in 2001, but the picturesnare not digital. The discovery of oxygen was huge. I remember MTV. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, if you had trip insurance, that might be an option for getting a refund. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you have your computecomputer back. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the explanation. @aliaschief Bruce, safe travels tomorrow, and enjoy your weekend with family. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you can get all the appointments and contacts with doctors straightened out. @dfish Debbie, good news about no leg pain. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope your DH has a good visit with the eye doctor. @smitty34877 Terry, best wishes for a boring day today. Lenda
  9. Sandi, you could have a lot of time to work on the stocking while Ren is in school and at practice. Just remember it will still be hot in Texas in August. Oth the girls' quilts are wonderful. What a generous gesture to give the quilt to Project Linus so a little girl who doesn't have a quilt will het one. Debbie, all the cruise ideas sound good. Lenda
  10. Debbie, I hope the pain goes away with time and more movement. I'm glad you can still waking up without pain. I had forgotten another unusual instrument that younger DD gave DH for Christmas one year. It's a mini Kalimba Gourd Wood 8 key thumb piano. We saw time on our African cruise in 2009, and I learned they are essential part of life in Burkina Faso. The leather strap goes around the neck and as the name implies, it is played with the thumbs. Lenda
  11. Good morning again from central Texas. I'm back from my haircut, what a difference, not only in the hair looking less shaggy, but in what a haircut can do for the morale. Even with my very short hair style, there was a good size pile of hair on the floor after she finished. While it was pretty warm and sunny, it was still a good day to have the top on the Smart open. Your DGD is lovely, and the quilt top looks good. I like the colors and pattern. Annie, I love the quote and the t-shirt. Gerry, our condolences to you, and your DH on the passing of his friend. Also, our condolences to your friend's family and other friends. Thanks for the pictures of one of my favorite places in Iceland. I hope you indulged in some of the great pastries at the bakery. Charlene, thanks for the pictures of Vigor Island. Vanessa, I'm glad the maneuver and keeping your head elevated last night helped and you were feeling better today. I hope the new RA medicine works, and does not have all the side effects of the old one. Pennie, I hope your incision is healed and the stitches can come out today. Debbie, I'm glad the gym helped with the leg pain. Could it be from being able to do more since the ablation, and the leg getting used to more movement? Carolyn, have fun with the DGS today. Lenda
  12. Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas where it is already 78F and feels like 85F. There is an 11 mph wind from the SSE and a predicted high of 97F. We're under a heat advisory today until 8 pm and the heat index is supposed to be 108F. It will be a good day to be inside, but not until after I get a much needed haircut this morning. Three good days to celebrate today. Love is always good, and mutts give unconditional love. I looked up Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day, and it honors instruments that people recognize but don't know the name. We have an instrument that is common in Australia, but not in the US or Canada. DH bought a didgeridoo on the beach in Darwin, and had it shipped home. He can make a noise with it. Another good quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. And some call us the weaker sex? The salad sounds good, but will have to wait for another day. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting, and it's not too expensive. We have not been to Stornoway. A good day in history when the Pilgrims began their journey from The Netherlands in 1620. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the pictures of the twins and Ella Rose. Such sweet looking babies, and a lovely grown up little girl. Also, thanks for sharing your day in Stornoway. @luvteaching Karen, please wish your DS a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @marshhawk Annie, I know the cats are sad to be missing the vet for their shots. I hope the vet is better soon. I hope you can get some rest today. @dfish Debbie, I'm sorry the left leg is painful again, but it's good you can usually walk it out. I hope they have a solution at your follow up visit after the ablation. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you have helpers to move all the boxes. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm glad you and Allen both liked the new doctor, and the appointment went well. Lenda
  13. Vanessa, I know that was probably the most difficult decision you had to make for your DM. Hugs to you for making the decision that you felt was best for her in her condition. Lenda
  14. Annie, there really are no word so express how I feel about what you learned today. HUGS! to both of you. Ray, if I wrote what I really think of spell check, I would be in CC jail for a long, long time. I have spell check just underline the words it doesn't like in red, and then if it is questioning a spelling that us unusual, but correct, I add it to the dictionary. I once had my boss' boss ask me how long I'd been misspelling my name. Lenda
  15. Linda, I hope you didn't get seriously hurt by the flying rock. Our old gas walk behind mower could throw rocks across the street. Our battery powered mower hasn't thrown any rocks so far in the three summers we've had it. However, I now used the trimmer in the areas with a lot of rocks. I'm glad Mr. Trouble's appointment went well. I also hope you had earplugs for the loud journey. 😉 Ray, before she was Tahitian Princess, she was one of the Renaissance ships, but I can't remember which number. Princes bought two of the ships when Renaissance ceased operations after 9/11. The other was Pacific Princess, also gone from the Princess fleet. Lenda
  16. I looked through my pictures from our 2017 visit to Funchal on Prinsendam. With a little work, some of the ones on the other side of the island are now decent enough to share. Quite a few were taken from the car, so please forgive the pictures of the dashboard. This was taken as we headed toward the north shore of Madeira. On the way, we took the main road that traveled through several tunnels. These pictures were taken along the coast road between Sao Vincente and Seixal. The next few were taken in the area of Porto Moniz at the northwestern tip of the island. This island is just off the coast at Porto Moniz, and if you look carefully at the top, there is a navigational light powered by solar panels. These rock formations were just off shore at Riberia da Janela. The town of Seixal Going back across the island, we took the scenic road that goes over the mountains. We passed this vineyard. Views from the lookout point at the top of a pass. Looking down at the road we would be traveling back to Funchal. A few pictures of Funchal We drove up a valley on the other side to the main area of Funchal. We took a couple of pictures of this bridge, but weren't planning on crossing it. Somehow, we managed to get on the road that took the bridge across the valley. It was scarier looking up at it than driving across it. Lenda
  17. We have been to Madeira four times on different cruises. The first time was in 2000 while on the P&O World Cruise out of Southampton. Then next time was in 2004 on Noordam III. Capt. Jon Scott suggested that we try the toboggans that go down a steep street. It was an interesting ride, and the two men who guide each toboggan down the street do a good job. The scary part was the cross traffic that did not stop. The third time, we were on the Tahitian Princess, and yes she was a long way from home. The ship was headed to Singapore for a drydock and name change to Ocean Princess. Our final visit was in 2017 on the Prinsendam's TA to Ft. Lauderdale. When we have visited Madeira, we have walked around town, taken a tour, taken the Ho-Ho and the last time rented a car. Our one tour was a 4-wheel drive to the mountain top which was partially successful. It had snowed on the mountain the night before, and while we drove up there, we could not do the off-road part. Instead, we had our picnic lunch in the vehicle and then proceeded back to town to tour a winery. This is a view from our 4-wheel vehicle. The toboggans after we finished our run. A view of the main shopping street. The outside of the market that sells fish, fruits, vegetables and arts and crafts. Two blue-hulled beauties in 2004. The Prinsendam was on her World Cruise. One of our tablemate's parents were on the Pdam and they got to visit the ship. The other side of the island is totally different. It is the windy side of the island and the towns are smaller. None of my pictures there were very good. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a sunny and windy, 9mph from the south, central Texas. It looks like the winds will increase to about 15mph this afternoon. It is already 78F with 96% humidity and a dew point of 76F. At least, as it warms up, the humidity will drop and be more comfortable. Our predicted high is 95F, and it will get warmer as the week progress with triple digit highs Friday and Saturday. Then it's back in the upper 90s next week. As soon as I finish this, I'm heading to the thrift store, and since I'll be in town, a quick stop at the grocery store. Earlier when I tried to read the Daily, our internet kept cutting in and out. It appears to be working now, and I hope I didn't just jinx things. 🤞 Both our fathers-in-law died about 30 years ago, and I miss my great FIL. I think DH is a good FIL to our DSIL and younger DD's SO. Friends are important and I'll gladly celebrate Friendship Day. We'll also celebrate Medicare's birthday, and are happy we have original Medicare and a great supplemental plan. I like the William Wallace quote. I'm not a pineapple fan, but Debbie @dfish almost had me with the suggestion of chocolate sauce on the grilled pineapples. I bet DH would like them. We'll pass on the drink, and I would try a glass of the wine and hop it wasn't too dry. We have been to Funchal several times, mostly on BHBs. A great day in 1619 when the Virginia House of Burgesses formed. @seagarsmoker I'm glad you like your new job. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you both like the new doctor, and he is able to help your DH. @kazu Jacqui, you made good progress yesterday. I'm glad the representatives of your new home are coming to you to sign the final papers. @1ANGELCAT Good luck getting the cat in the cage and at the vets today. Lenda
  19. Ann, that is good news, and I hope she got through to the lab in time to have the blood drawn today. We we lucky, and it was a wonderful experience to see how they lived. Who can blame them for barring visitors after Covid, especially so far from major medical help. Lenda
  20. Anne what a bummer about Pat's appointment. Since it was their mistake, I hope they can work him in sooner. Thanks for the pictures from Prince Christian Sound. The small village in your picture is Aappilattoq. In 2017 on Prinsendam, we stopped near the village and Captain DD and some of the officers went ashore to arrange a visit by the Prinsendam for our return trip through the sound. It was an interesting stop for the passengers. We were allowed to go ashore in groups of about 1/3 of the passengers each and had two hours ashore where we could walk around. We were surprised when we went ashore there were so few villagers and no children around. They were all on the Prinsendam enjoying hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza and ice cream. Some of the crew in the shore party had fun that day. Lenda
  21. Good afternoon from a partly sunny, muggy, windy and hot, 92F at 12:45 pm central Texas. I've been inside most of the day going through the closet in our bedroom, plus a couple of drawers and cabinets. As usual, it took longer than expected, but now my little Smart is loaded with things for the thrift store tomorrow. I got rid of some dress shoes I haven't worn in 10 or more years. Over the past three years, I've weeded out a lot of my clothes and shoes. DH even decided to donate some of his slacks that he never wears, and even some with the labels still on them. We were going to go through his shirts this afternoon, but that will have to wait for another day since there's no more room in the car. Somethings did not make the cut for the thrift store, and went in the trash, which was just picked up. With all the stuff from the old motorhome out of the closet, it looks a lot bigger now. I decided to have an easy to fix dinner with "grilled" shrimp cooked in a pan, vegetable rice that has been frozen and more of the cantaloupe we've been working on for a week or more. The last two I bought were huge, but since they were not very ripe when I bought them, they are lasting a while. Annie, those cabins look so cute. Gerry, I hope the garage door repairs aren't too expensive. We have some of the tempura shrimp in the freezer for another day. The are so good. Roy, I remember "Mr. Belvedere" even though we didn't watch it often. I also remember when we had three tv stations watching the Mr. Belvedere movies with Clifton Webb in the afternoons. Linda, that is good news the shed is finished and got most of the things in it, along with moving the garden shed to a more convenient location. I don't blame you for wanting your older son to do his laundry at your place so you can visit. Our kids get so busy, we hardly see them. And our oldest is 48 and the youngest is 46. Hard to believe. Annie, I'm also everything you mentioned except being the chauffeur, which is DH's duty. However, I am also the yard person. At least, I get some exercise that way. Loved the pictures from Victoria. Benson was my favorite too. He could be so sarcastic, and Robert Guillaume was so good in the role. He was also good in "Soap". Susan, I hope your friend can make the breakfast date tomorrow. Debbie, I'm glad you are able to walk more even if you need the Aleve. I'm sorry it appears the neighbor's cat did not survive the fire. That must be so hard on them. And, Yikes, on the hernia popping open. Karen, I'm happy the birthday party was such a success. Sharon, it's a bit ironic because we moved from The Woodlands, 30 miles north of Houston, in 1999 to get away from the humidity. This are was so much drier until about 9 years ago when the humidity followed us north. It is still not as bad most days as that in south Texas. There, by the time you get in your car to go someplace, you already need a shower. Lenda
  22. Good humid morning from central Texas on what appears through the condensation on the window to be a clear morning. It is 77F and feels like 77F with a 9mph wind from the south. The humidity is 96% with a dew point of 76F. We are warming up to more July temps with a predicted high of 95F. Yesterday when it was cooler, we worked outside in the port doing some necessary things we'd been putting off. There was a nice breeze part of the time, but of course, it died down when we were working, and started up again about the time we finished. Today, the plan is to go through the stuff that was put in the closet when we cleaned out the old motorhome last fall. I plan to take most of it to the local thrift store tomorrow. Three interesting days to celebrate today. The most important one is Global Tiger Day. These magnificent cats need all the protection we can give them. I do not need or want a butler to serve my chicken wings. The H. L. Mencken quote makes me smile. We'll pass on the soup today, but did I see butternut squash lurking in the first recipe? We'll pass on the drink and the wine. Like most Dailyites, we have not been to Newcastle, NSW. The 1928 test footage of Mickey Mouse was an important milestone in Disney history, and was the start of an entertainment empire. @cunnorl Charlene, thanks for the pictures from Prince Christian Sound. You are very lucky to have such a clear day for the transit. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Brenda's news is they have finally sold their house. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you are sleeping comfortably now. @grapau27 Graham, you and Pauline are in our in our thoughts as you remember he Dad today. @cat shepard Ann, safe travels to and from Orlando today. I'm just Brayden has some wonderful stories to tell about his trip. @LambKnuckles Lambie, I knew who Mr. French was, and we enjoyed the tv show back in the day. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you are able to get some of the staging accomplished on your house. Just please don't overdo it. @tjcox9 Thank you for the pictures from Newcastle and the surrounding area. @dfish Debbie, such good news you hiked 2.5 miles yesterday. Lenda
  23. It was nice to read that Shirl is dong better and accepting the fact she is now in her new home. Please wish her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow for us. Katherine, I forgot earlier to mention I hope your friend is recovering from the latest hospitalization. Beautiful flowers, Eva. Enjoy your birthday pool party. That is good news about the restaurant redeeming itself yesterday. Karen, enjoy your DS's birthday celebration with family. It's always nice to have everything ready ahead of time so you can have more time to visit. Lenda
  24. Good morning from central Texas where it is partly cloudy and 74F. Our humidity is 98% with a dew point of 73F, and 6mph breeze that has not reached the neighbor's flag yet. Our high today will be 91F, and unfortunately, later in the week we will be back in the triple digits for three days. We'll enjoy our lower temperatures while we can. This morning, I need to make a quick run to the dollar store since Dr. Peppers are on sale, and I want to be there before they run out. Our supply is woefully depleted. Milk chocolate is good if there is not dark chocolate available. It's been about 30 years since we've been to a waterpark, but we enjoyed the one near The Woodlands when the DDs were still living at home. We became very aware of hepatitis, but not by contracting it, about 20 years ago, and since we were traveling a lot, we got the vaccine shots. While I enjoyed Rick Riordan's books for adults, I am not fond of the quote. He is mainly a children's author. I cook salmon regularly, but will have it without the peaches. We'll pass on the drink for now, and would try the wine. We have not been to Madagascar, so I don't have any pictures to share. Two good days in recent history to honor. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the exercises help to ease the leg discomfort, and I'm glad the initial round helped. @dfish Debbie, enjoy your pain free hike today. @rafinmd Roy, that is sad news about the murder in the mall. I'm glad the naproxen helped with the shoulder pain, and I hope the neck stiffness eases soon. @cat shepard Ann, the last meme had me laughing out loud. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope your DH Bill is doing better now. Yikes on all the appliance gremlins hitting while you were on your cruise. I'm glad your DD was able to handle them. @St Pete Cruiser Pete, I know in August 2016 and 2017, the Prinsendam was able to tender into Nanortalik, and did not do scenic cruising in Tasermiut Fjord. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm so sorry Tana's condition is making eating difficult for her. I'm glad she is trying though. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I've seen a few crickets when mowing, but only one or two in the house so far. I hope they stay further south of us this year, but that they leave you alone. @marshhawk Annie, congratulations on the sales and the bonus. Lenda
  25. Ray, our condolences on the passing of your friend. He sounds like an amazing person. Carolyn, what a cute picture. I guess tne puzzle pieces on the computer and the mouse are like the red dot to cats. Lenda
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