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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Jacqui, even without training, by letting people love him, Ivan will be providing therapy. Getting my dachshund fix by petting the neighborhood dachshunds helps my morale. Lenda
  2. Paul, I'm glad you went to Urgent Care and now have prescriptions, but not good about having to go twice to the pharmacy. I hope you feel better soon. Vanessa, I'm sorry you are still having so many problems with the dizziness and nausea. I hope they can find the problem -- SOON. Charlene, how disappointing for all of you. I'm sorry it made the tour less than enjoyable for you and that your DH and DD could not go. Joy, I'm glad they did not charge for their error. Jacqui, I hope next Monday, you have lots of offers to choose from. Yes, leaving will be sad, but you and Ivan will have many new adventures. Just be care as Ivan may become spoiled by all the attention. He may also have a new gig as a therapy dog. Dixie, that is good news the surgery was very successful. Sandi, I'll be more than happy to post the links tomorrow, especially since I'll be getting up earlier to start the house cleaning. With your hint about the date and page number, the link should be easy to find. Sorry about getting Dennis' age wrong. He can say he's celebrating the first anniversary of his 75th birthday. There is no way to prepare for triple digit temperatures except staying inside. A piece of advice is doing outside things early in the morning or just about sunset. Have a safe flight. Lenda
  3. Joy, I hope the rest of your week is better as far as things around the house. I'm sorry about your neighbor's cat. Susan, I hope you will keep the 28 day Alaska cruise booked, and hopefully get a better cabin. There are three of us Dailyites already on the cruise, including @Cruising-along Carolyn and Henry and @NextOne Edi. Looking forward to meeting you then, if not sooner. Lenda
  4. Annie, thanks for your pictures. I am not a fan of heights, but the Space Needle is not too bad. If I'm inside, towers and observation decks don't bother me. Thanks for adding the pictures from the Museum of Flight. We've talked about going there, but haven't made it yet. Joy, best wishes for our sister's surgery next Tuesday. Jack, I'm sorry our DSIL broker her ankle. I hope the surgical repair heals easily and quickly. Lenda
  5. I have a few more pictures from Seattle that I did not share in 2021. They were taken the day we took a boat tour of the harbor. One of the Washington State Ferries A smaller Alaska Marine Highway ferries. the LL Bartlett Seattle skyline A couple more pictures from Pike Place Market And the skyline from the Amsterdam as we prepared to sail Lenda
  6. This is what I posted on May 22, 2021, from our visits to Seattle. I found some (actually a lot of) pictures from Seattle. We have done the 14-day Alaska out of there four times, always doing 2 to 4 b2bs. In 2010 and 2012, we did most of our touring of the city, and had good weather. In 2015 and 2018, except for one day, we stayed on the ship (Statendam and Zaandam) and sat in the Ocean Bar watching the new passengers board, and the luggage and stores being loaded. It was like having our own private (BIG) yacht. Flying in and out of Seattle on clear days, the pilots gave us a bird's eye view of Mt. Rainier. Seattle from the Space Needle Seattle from a Dam ship at sail away In 2012, we had a coupon book for Seattle and Victoria similar to the Alaska Tour book, so we covered a lot of ground on our two port days there. These first pictures were taken on our cruise from Union Lake through the locks to downtown Seattle. And the Amsterdam as we sailed passed The next time in Seattle, we took the Ho-Ho and toured Underground Seattle. The tour took us through some of the old places from early Seattle that are now below street level and below the modern buildings. Some scenes from the Ho-Ho And the flower market at Pike Place Market Lenda
  7. Good morning from another mostly sunny day in Central Texas. It is 78F at 7:30am with a 7mph wind from the SSE that is not moving the neighbor's flag. We have 92% humidity with a dew point of 76F. The predicted high is 99F, but the long range forecast says 101F. Either way it will be hot this afternoon. An interesting quote from Carl Jung. My mother was a lefty, and even though I'm a righty, I can use my left had for some things. A good fillet mignon would be good if I had some in the freezer. We have a bottle of Prosecco in the refrigerator. I think we'll skip today's zucchini meal and the drink. These different mojitos to me are like the pseudo martinis are to Paul @kochleffel. I'll stick with a regular mojito. I would like to try the wine if it's truly medium-dry since the one I drink is also from the same area. We have been in Seattle many times, and I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes. A good day in 1918 when the first woman joined the Marines. From experience, women Marines are just a tough. One of my journalism professors was a Lt. Colonel in the Marine Reserves, She also worked on the Corpus Christi newspaper in the summers, and some of the male reporters said she'd go down to the docks at night when they wouldn't. She was a good teacher too. This day in 1521 was not a good day for the Aztecs. The beginning of the Manhattan project in 1942 was important. @summer slope Best wishes for an easy and successful cataract surgery today, Dixie. @cunnorl Charlene, enjoy your tour in Iceland. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you have the aide to help during the week. I hope the teenager has a fun, safe and injury free football season. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry you are now dealing with dizziness. I hope reducing the dosage on the medicine continues to help. Stress could also be a factor, so I hope with all the showings you have scheduled your house will sell quickly. @cat shepard Ann, I hope you find the perfect continuous care community. As a fan of TBBT, I loved the soft kitty meme. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad you both got some relaxing time at Penny's Sunday. I'm sorry the swelling was too much and prevented your DH from getting his infusion. @kochleffel Paul, I'm sorry you have a fever and are still feeling bad. Last night, our local PBS station aired a segment of Rick Steve's show from Iceland where he toured the entire island. It was fun seeing many of the places we visited. If your PBS station airs that show, it's worth watching. Lenda
  8. @Copper10-8 John, I hope you and your lovely bride, Maria, enjoy your anniversary. Lenda
  9. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish Dennis a VERY HAPPY 75TH BIRTHDAY for us. Lenda
  10. Where we live, the limestone bedrock is just inches below the surface which makes basements a problem. Growing up, the house nextdoor had a basement, but the lot was at least 4 feet above out lot. Many houses and farms in Texas have storm cellars. When we lived in The Woodlands, they preserved as many trees as possible. We had 38 pine trees in our backyard which meant there was very little grass area. It you wanted to take down a tree more than 4 inches in diameter, you had to get permission from the HOA. Lenda
  11. Debbie, I'm glad you got the problem fixed before it became a disaster. Elizabeth, I'm glad the embarkation was quick and easy. Your cabin looks comfortable. Dixie, it's interesting that in Texas while we had milk delivery twice a week, we did not have an insulated milk box. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon. It's been one of those mornings with several unexpected things to take care of. I think we've got everything done correctly now, but why not give us guidance in filling them out in the first place? Maureen, I hope you are able to sail this afternoon. I'm glad you able to get out and enjoy Boston today. I'm still having trouble with using trucks to bunker. Joy, sending positive thoughts for your sister, Bonnie. I'm glad all your plumbing problems ar solved. Gerry, I'm sorry about your friend being so ill. Sending positive thoughts for a full recovery. Brenda, thanks for the lovely pictures. Carolyn, thanks for a great picture of you and Rich. Thanks for the pictures of Castro, Vanessa. I hope we can visit there sometime. Thanks for in the information on National Vinyl Record Day. We sill have all our LPs and I have all my 45s. Talk about antiques! Sharon, we visited the Pima Air and Space Museum way back in 1997 on a road trip to Oakland. Great museum. Roy, thanks for the information about where the Martin planes were built. Ann, thanks for the pictures of the Martin Mars arriving in Victoria. Several years ago, cruising friends picked us up at Ogden Point, and we "took" them to the air museum. It was their first visit. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas. There is a 6 mph wind from the SSE which should help it feel a bit better out. It is 78F at 7:30am, but feels like 85F with 90% humidity and a dew point of 75F. This is our last non triple digit day with a predicted high of 99F, but I'm pretty such the feels like temperature will be in the triple digits. So besides laundry, I'll be trying to keep cool again today. The youth today should be nurtured as the become the leaders of the future. DH is the middle brother. I remember the milkman delivering milk when I was growing up. Like others, I still laugh at the Groucho Marx's quote whenever I see it. The meal sounds good, but tonight we'll be having the salmon (me) and cod (DH) we didn't have a couple of nights ago. I'll pass on the drink, but would try the wine. We have not been to Castro, Chile. The invention of the sewing machine was a time saver for people. Henry Ford's introduction of the Model T made car ownership easier for many. When DH bought his first IBM personal computer, I inherited his Radio Shack Model II computer. Computers have certainly come a long way since 1981. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad your DS made it to Frisco safely, and I hope the storms in Oklahoma didn't cause any delays for Ren and DDIL. Thanks for the pictures from Castro. The stilt houses are interesting. @MISTER 67 Welcome, home. I'm glad you had a nice cruise, but I agree about too many passengers on ships now days. Our first cruise in 1987 on Costa Daphne which held 530 passengers. The biggest ship we've sailed on holds 3600 passengers, which is okay if the itinerary is right. @0106 Tina, thank you for sharing your day in Castro. @dfish Debbie, I hope you can get the plumber there soon. @Mtn2Sea Robert, thanks for you pictures, too. I love the woodwork in the ceilings of the churches. Lenda
  14. @luvteaching Karen, please wish your mother a VERY HAPPY 98TH BIRTHDAY for us. Lenda
  15. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise. Lenda
  16. Just checking in on a warm summer day. I guess since it's 94F and feels like 105F, it's more of a hot summer day. Watched the women's basketball final, and cheered the USA team for their win. Will watch the closing ceremonies in a little while. Otherwise, not much going on today. Annie, I hope you got a chance to get in Penny's pool, and have a nice, relaxing afternoon, Welcome home, after your extended post-cruise trip, Debbie. Your cruise in November with the grandkids sounds like fun. Susan, I'm glad you are getting more much needed rain. Maureen, good to know you are on board and in your cabin. Lenda
  17. We have been to Katakolon twice. In 2016 on the Prinsendam, we just stayed in town. In 2019, on the Veendam, we took a local bus to Olympia and saw both the town and the site of the first Olympics. A few pictures from Olympia. It's hard to get pictures with out a lot of people in them. The big event field. DH had not seen pictures of this and was a little disappointed. Pictures of the town Olympia. Like Katakolon, the main street is full of shops. We enjoyed Katakolon, the museum (which takes donations and has demonstrations if there are enough people) and sitting in one of the many cafes visiting with friends. The main street in Katakolon The waterfront and cafes. An Olympic torch from the 2004 summer games in Athens. The owner of one of the jewelry stores carried the torch during the relay before the Olympics. We met the owner when we purchased a Greek key necklace at his store. We'd looked in very Greek port for the necklace, and DH found one like I wanted when he went back into town in 2016. The owner let DH take the necklace back to the Prinsendam for me to see without DH having to pay for it. We went back to the store and settled on a price. His mother escorted me to the one ATM in town to get the money to pay for the necklace. You don't find many people that are that trusting, but then he knew where to find us. Finally, the waterfront as the Veendam sailed for her next port. Lenda
  18. Good morning from central Texas where it is 77F, feels like 77F, with a predicted high of 97F and clear skies. The weather app says we have a 5mph wind from the south, but the neighbors flag and the trees are saying no wind. The humidity is 84% with a dew point of 72F, so it's not as bad as it has been this summer. There's not much on today's agenda besides staying cool. I'll honor Ingersoll Day. Most of my teeth are aligned thanks to braces. I'll pass on Hip Hop Day. A funny quote from a funny man, Jay Leno. BBQ chicken sounds good, but it won't be made today. We'll pass on the drink, but we've had today's wine and enjoyed it. We have visited Katakolon twice on BHBs, and enjoyed our days there. The formal peace between France and Vietnam did not last long, unfortunately. When younger DD was working on her masters at the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota, we visited the Mall of America. Like the West Edmonton Mall, it is huge. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information on Ingersoll Day. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad the picnic went well yesterday in spite of the chilly weather. I hope you and your friends can make it to Dow Gardens. @Heartgrove Jack, Sam outlived the vet's prediction because of the love and good care you gave him. The neighbor's flag now says the wind has arrive. Lenda
  19. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope you and your DH have a marvelous cruise. Lenda
  20. Annie, I hope things settle down for you for a while. HUGS! Charlene, I'm sorry it was too rough to take your DD on the tender to Dublin. We've been lucky to dock there when we were in Dublin. Robert, thanks for the pictures and explanations of today's port. Lenda
  21. Joy, glad you were just busy and there were not major problems with you or Allen. You know we all worry when some one is AWOL for a while. I hope your sister is holding up all right. I'm sorry your niece's father had a bad stroke. I hope he can make a full recovery. Also, a Happy Belated Birthday to Oliver. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon from a warm 93F central Texas. It was not nearly as bad today mowing as it was last week. The humidity was down, and there was more of a breeze. Since we haven't had any rain, the grass was not as thick either, and that always helps. A slight change of plans for dinner, since it will still be not as hot, we'll be grilling a ribeye to share along with baked potatoes, and a salad. I'm not sure I even need to mention there will be red wine. 🍷 I've become concerned about Joy @Seasick Sailor and Allen, since we haven't heard from her in a while. I checked, and her last post was last Saturday. I hope everything is all right, and they are just busy. Gerry, enjoy your outing and visit with friends at the lake. Pennie, I'm glad your hotel reservation is still in place. It looks like "Some day, Alice..." finally happened. Ann, it's good to know that Pat has been approved for the valve replacement, but sorry you will need to cancel your cruise. I hope the scan and angiogram show they can use an artery. I hope after all the interviews, the news from the Cancer Clinic is not as discouraging as it seems. Susan, I'm glad your area is getting much needed rain. Lenda
  23. Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas where it is 77F with a predicted high of 95F and sunny this afternoon. There is a 1mph breeze (?) with 87% humidity and a dew pint of 73F. This morning, I plan to mow and trim the grass since it will be slightly warmer tomorrow morning. Our first mini-dachshund, Brandy, was spoiled, but as the alpha female, she did not let us spoil the second dachshund. However, after Brandy died, Nikki was spoiled. Brandy is on the left, and even as the smaller one, she was the boss. Even after all these years, I still miss them. As far as shapewear goes, mine went years ago. I'll celebrate Paul Bunyan and Babe any day. The quote is sad, but it is true. We'll pass on the meal, but may have salmon and cod cooked in the air fryer tonight. DH has enjoyed Pisco sours on BHBs, but I'll pass. We'll pass on the wine since Shiraz is the one red wine I do not like. We have not been to today's port of Samana, even though we enjoyed two beach days in the Dominical Republic in the 1990s. Two interesting days in history. We enjoyed our visit to the Royal Observatory in 2009. Interesting to honor the first person to be married while in space. I was sorry to see all the flooding and damage from Debby in the northeast. I hope all the Dailyites in her path are all right. @grapau27 Good luck to the Sunderland team, Graham. I saw on one of the news feeds yesterday, that nighttime events in Sunderland and Newcastle had been canceled because of the protests. I hope all is calm today. @RMLincoln Maureen, safe travels to the Boston area today, and enjoy seeing your DH's old home area. @ottahand7 Nancy, thanks for the picture of the lovely bridal couple. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you did not have any damage to your place due to Debby. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you survived Debby without any damage or flooding. Lenda
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