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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. We have been to Sydney, NS, five times and all were on Veendam. In 2013, we did the roundtrip from Boston twice, so we were in Sydney four times in four weeks. These are my pictures from those visits. Each time, we rented a car and toured the outlying areas. The Alexander Graham Bell Historic Site After we left the AGB site, we drove part of the Cabot Trail, but did not have time to go very far. On the way back to turn in the rental car we stopped at this museum, which was interesting. It is about the Jewish settlers in the area. The next time, we drove in a different direction to check out the area where the coal mines had been active. We visited the Sydney Mines Heritage Museum, and also toured on inactive mine, and learned that most of the tunnels were under the ocean. They gave us ponchos and hard hats to wear since water dripped in the mine, and many places had very low ceilings, and one was just four feet high. The next two visits we also drove around the area. One stop was the Fortress of Louisburg National Historic Site. A small boat harbor. Lenda
  2. Good early morning from central Texas where it is a lovely 63F with a 6mph breeze. The humidity is 83% with a dew point of 58F. It is cloudy right now, but the sun will make an appearance a bit later this morning, and our high will be 80F. It might be a good day to trim the shrubs by the house. With all the rain. they have really grown. I hope the countries that celebrate Dia de la Madre have a nice day. I have eaten my share of chocolate Hostess cupcakes, but I always preferred the chocolate Zingers. No one in the family has had a hamster. I'll just say it's and interesting quote by Louis XIV. There will be no ground turkey here. I used it once in a recipe about 30 years ago, it was not well received by the family. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. The 1960 underwater circumnavigation of the globe by the USS Triton was an amazing feat. We have visited Sydney five times on BHBs. Sydney has been our port of the day twice before, on March 24, 2021 and August 11, 2022. The links to those Dailies are below for anyone who would like to repost their pictures. Thanks to Sandi's @StLouisCruisers information yesterday, the links were easy to find. Unfortunately, her pictures have disappeared from CC, so I am not able to repost them. I hope she and Dennis have an easy, safe drive today, and are not affected by the wildfires Ann @cat shepard mentioned yesterday. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the appointment with the oral surgeon goes well and is not too difficult. If they don't tell you, tomorrow if your mouth is sore, especially at the injection sites, rinsing your mouth with warm salt water will help. @Denise T Denise, please wish your sister Karen A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope you got some rest last night, and I hope BFF is doing as well as can be expected, and that his surgery is scheduled soon. @puppycanducruise Melanie, don't feel bad about forgetting to sign the card. When our younger DD was born, I sent a birth announcement to DH's colleagues in the Delaware office, and forgot to put any information in the card. @0106 Tina, thanks for the information about Dia de la Madre. I suspected it was connected with Spanish speaking countries. @dfish Debbie, I hope you can finish the pressure washing today. @RMLincoln Thanks for your pictures from Sydney. Lenda
  3. Well, so much for the big thunderstorm we were supposed m to have earlier tonight. About 6pm,it gor dark amd windy and a light rain startrd, but didn't last long. All total, we received 0.03 inches of rain. It looks like we could get a little rain off and on through Monday, but I doubt it will amount to much. Jane, I hope the medicine and diet continue to keep you feeling well. It sounds like you are comfortable with the doctor's findings. I'm sorry you son's company forced him to resign due to health reasons. While it will be an adjustment for both of you, it will be beneficial for both of you to have someone there if needed. Vanessa, I'm sorry your BFF is facing surgery. Lenda
  4. Terri, I'm sorry your not feeling well, and I hope you feel better tomorrow. Lenda
  5. Good afternoon. The last time I checked, the predicted rain is not supposed to start until 6pm with a strong thunderstorm. I know I've said this before, but our rain predictions are a moving target, and many times no rain. After living here for 25 years, all but two outdoor lights need replacing or need new bulbs. The other two lights were replaced about ten years ago. I have been looking on line at light fixtures, to get an idea of what's available. Since most of the fixtures are in the rv/carport which has very high ceilings, we are looking at replacing the fixtures with ones that use LED bulbs. Joy, I'm happy the magnolia will be all right. Brenda, thanks for the pictures of Bletchley Park and the Enigma machine. I would like to see them sometime. Sandi, safe travels to Atlanta today and safe travels tomorrow. Thanks for the help with the links tomorrow. I messed around last week finding links for the days you were in Florida, so I think I have figured out what will work best for me. I'll be happy to post any pictures of yours I find if you haven't beaten me to it. Don't worry about the links, just have fun and enjoy your cruise. Elizabeth, I'm sorry you are still having to jump through hoops to get your leave approved. I hope the plan to prescribe a lower dosage of the medicine works. Lenda
  6. We were in Flam in 2005 on the Marco Polo. We took the train up to Myrdal where we had time to walk around and have lunch before boarding a bus to Gudvangen where the ship met us. All my pictures of Flam were taken from the ship. I'd like to go back some day and explore the town. The train Here are some pictures of our walk around Myrdal, a pretty mountain town. Lenda
  7. Good morning from a very humid central Texas. We keep the house cool at night for better sleeping, and when I opened the blinds this morning, there was heavy condensation on the outside of the windows. Now, that it is brighter, I can see across the street, but it is still through a curtain of wet. According to the Weather Channel app it is foggy and 76F. Naturally, the humidity is 100% with a dew point of 76F, so my quick trip to the store will be delayed a bit. The good news is our high is supposed to on[y reach 81F, but we are in for some thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. We are also getting a severe weather risk statement, but since that comes from Fort Worth, it covers most of the DFW metroplex, and we're on the southern edge of that area. I will move the outside furniture in the port to an area where it won't blow into the cars. After three busy days, today will be easy with catching up on computer work. There are three good days to celebrate. The beginning of the foundation for the European Union, Home Front Heroes, and Moscato are all worthy days. I like the Euripides quote, and I take it to mean that while there are other important people in our lives, we can only live our life and cannot live other peoples' lives. The quiche sounds good, but I might change the cheese and add bacon. Someone else can have my Cosmopolitan, but the wine, all three, sound very good. We visited Flam in 2005 on Marco Polo and had an interesting tour. The breaking of the Enigma codes at Bletchley Park in 1941 was the breakthrough Britain and the allies needed to win WWII. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope the weather clears before you have to leave to pick up your rental car. I'm glad you have a backup refrigerator. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information about Europe Day. @marshhawk Annie, I hope all goes well tomorrow. I guess everyone reacts differently to laughing gas, but when I had it for a root canal, I was able to drive home afterwards. But I was much younger then. @Nickelpenny Penni, I'm sorry your had such a stressful week and a half, but glad you now have a plan for the surgery. Remember if there is a 50% chance the surgery won't help with the numbness and pain, there is a 50% chance it will help. @cunnorl Charlene, that is nice you met someone who can give you information about the world cruise. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you have younger ones to help with the lifting, and are pooling your resources to get more outside help. I think we are all learning we can't do everything we used to be able to do easily. It's not an easy lesson for any of us. HUGS! Lenda
  8. Maureen, we are under a tornado watch, but I think it covers a large area of north east Texas. I just checked the future cast on the weather app, and everything that is showing up for the next several hours is either south or east of us. I'm glad the procedure went well. I love the answer. Yes, Roy, Westerdam and Zuiderdam are both Vista class ships. Lenda
  9. We're back from our Mexican lunch, and it was as good as ever. We've never had a bad meal at that restaurant. It is still hot and humid. I just checked the weather app, and it says its 90F and feels like 102F. The humidity is 66% with a dew point of 76F. We moved north 25 years ago to escape the oppressive humidity along the Gulf Coast. Sadly in the past ten years it has followed us, but this is about as bad as it gets. I'm just glad we had the a/c tune-up done last week, and it's keeping the house comfortable. Annie, I hope DH's procedure next Tuesday goes smoothly this time. I would also check that the laser is working. Ray, thanks for the reminder about the grandparent scam. We've been hearing about it for many years. It wouldn't work with us since we don't have any grandchildren, but it might be fun to "play" with the scammers some. Asking the dog's name was a good idea. That would be about impossible for a scammer to know. Lenda
  10. Good afternoon from a partly sunny central Texas. It is 86F and very humid, but now there is not a chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon according to the revised forecast. I hope if it does rain tomorrow as predicted this morning, the humidity will be lower afterwards. It's not pleasant out at all even with the wind. The house is clean, for now, and the car is at the station to get the new tires installed. We've decided to get Mexican food this afternoon before the lunch specials are over, and we'll pick up the car on the way home. Susan, I'm glad you are able to help your neighbor's daughter. I know you will be relieved to shed the responsibility of the two condos. Susan, I'm glad the tornados missed you, and while I'm sorry there were injuries, I'm there were so few. Lorraine, that is nice you are making the food for your friend freezer ready. I remember when my mother died, we received so much food, especially pies. My BFFs mother stopped by a few days later, and headed to the kitchen to pick up her pie plate. Fortunately, I caught her in time and said we hadn't finished the pie yet. That was true, but also true was we hadn't gotten to it yet. I took her pie plate to her a few days later. Oliver is one lucky dog to have such a loving furever home, but how can anyone mistreat animals. I hope Claudio can save the magnolia tree. I received a magnolia tree for my 45th birthday, and by the time we moved, it had matured and was putting out a lot of beautiful blossoms. When we drove by our old house five years later, the new owners had cut down that beautiful tree. I just about broke my heart. Those are my favorite trees too, but with so little top soil over the limestone, we can't grown them here. Paul, thanks for the link. I hope all those injured are recovering, and the crew member gets the help he needs, and also the punishment he deserves. Vanessa, I can believe that about the tingling, since the numbness DH had before his back surgery is still a problem. It is getting better, but very slowly. It just takes nerve longer to recover than the rest of the body. Karen, I hope your DGD enjoys her first birthday, and that special day and the good memories of you DD DH continue to help you do well today. HUGS! Terry, I'm so very sorry that today is not a good day, and I hope things improve. I also hope you get some rest, too. HUGS to all. Brenda, congratulations to your DH on his award and graduating. Brenda, thanks for the pictures of the beautiful flowers. Ray, thanks for sharing that story. The crew of the USS Higbee was very lucky that day. I did google the ship, and was surprised to learn she was the first US war ship named for a female officer, Chief Nurse Lenah S. Higbee, who was Superintendent of Nurses in WWI. Lenda
  11. On October 26, 2018, Coral Princess docked in Chan May, Vietnam. This was the port for tours to either Danang or Hue. Out tour was to Hue, the ancient imperial capital, with stops at the Imperial Palace, a Pagoda, a ride on the Perfume River and a visit to six of seven royal tombs. On the drive from the port to Hue Crossing the Perfume River The Citadel which encloses the grounds of the Imperial City, seat of the Ngugian Dynasty. Hue was the capital of Vietnam from 1802 until 1945. The gate we exited the Citadel Nearby was the inevitable display of military materiel left behind. The display also included a MIG. The next stop was the Then Mu Pagoda. Buddhist monks live in this pagoda which was built in 1601. Next we took a dragon boat ride on the Perfume River to reach a resort for lunch, and then returned to our buses by dragon boat. A couple of street scenes. There seven important royal tombs in Hue. One is one the Citadel side of the river and the other six are in an area on the other side of the river. We visited those tombs. I have pictures of three tombs and the area. The tombs are lined up in a row. To reach the tombs, you climb up one, down the other side, and repeat with each tomb. There is also was walkway around the tombs. We climbed two, and then just wandered around the area until it was time to return to the buses. We enjoyed our three days in Vietnam, and I'd go back if given the opportunity. Lenda
  12. An early good morning from central Texas. It is already 75F with a predicted high of 88F and 10 to 15 mph winds. It looks like there is a chance for scattered thunderstorms this afternoon, but rain is predicted for tomorrow. It will be a busy day between me cleaning house, and DH getting new tires for one of the cars. At least, he only has to go as far as the corner gas station since the owner ordered the tires yesterday. It's nice we don't have to go to Waco for the tires. I had never heard of Thalassemia, but it is a disease that needs more study. I think after the wildfires in the panhandle, people should have a plan for their animals in case of a disaster. Cruelty Free Day, hopefully every day, would be wonderful. As a unrepentant chocoholic, I love the Linda Grayson quote. As someone said it, would be nice if the friend also brought red wine, too. I would like the meal, but DH does not like spinach salad. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We docked in Chan May, Vietnam, on Coral Princess in 2018, and took a tour to Hue. Today in history saw the end of a brutal war in Europe. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for educating us about Thalassemia. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope you and Sue enjoy your safari. @0106 Tina, thanks for the information about sock burning day. I had never heard of it. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope your BFF is doing all right and managing with his broken ankle. @dfish Debbie, you have a busy day planned. I need to power wash our driveway and port once the rain stops for a while. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad you and DH avoided the accident. Just because some one has a driver's license doesn't mean they really know how to drive. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your foot is less painful and that you had a good night's sleep. Lenda
  13. Debbie, I totally agree with Terry @smitty34877. I better not say more about the clinic dragging out the time so they can get more money, or I might wind up in CC jail. 😁 Lenda
  14. We are back from out trip to the PO and W-M. Our passports are now in the hands of the PO, and the clerk said we should get the new ones in 4 to 6 weeks. The nurse when I had my check-up said the liquid has been improved and isn't quite as nasty to drink. Also, you don't need to drink as much. She said it was once in the afternoon and once in the morning. She didn't know about the pills, but the nurse practioner several years ago mentioned the pills. Eva, I hope your pretty flowers survive the thunderstorms. Good news about your lab work. Carolyn, thank you for sharing the news about Amber. Even baby steps in improvement are good news. I hope Houdini begins to gain weight. Jacqui, I hope the antibiotics are working. I don't blame you for not wanting to se the podiatrist again. Lenda
  15. Joy, we have several of those battery operated jumpers. A word of caution. Be sure the jumpers are charged when you leave home. Lorraine, how awful for your friend. To have one grandson in the hospital with serious complications from Crohn's, and then to have another killed in a car accident. I hope the first grandson recovers, and our condolences to your friend and her family on the loss of her grandson. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas. It is 73F and will go up to 87F this afternoon with more sun. As Elizabeth @Haljo1935 said, we are not supposed to get any more rain until Thursday, and that looks like the only for rain until next Tuesday. This morning we'll be heading to the Post Office in the county seat to get our passport pictures taken, and then to send the old passports and applications for in for renewal. While we're there, we will make a quick stop at W-M to pick up some prescription refills. As far as the days today, someone else can have my Cosmopolitan and Sauvignon Blanc. Cystinosis is one of those rare diseases that need more attention. I've always enjoyed John Lennon's "Imagine", and I wish the world would join the dreamers and we could live as one. We'll pass on the meal because of the seasoning, and also on the drink of the day. The wine sounds good, but not at that price. Sadly, we have not been to Kushiro since it was a port we had to miss on our 2018 Circle the North Pacific Cruise. The 1952 publication by Geoffrey Dummer of the concept for the integrated circuit was revolutionary as far as computer, and led the way to smaller and faster computers, including our modern telephones. @MISTER 67 Good news on your labs and test results for you annual physical. @grapau27 Graham, thank you telling us about cystinosis, something I'd never heard of. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry the foot was too painful to allow you to sleep. Don't worry about whining or complaining to us. We are all interested in how you are doing. I'm guessing you are looking for a new place to get a pedicure in the future. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope the eye procedure goes smoothly today, and that the neurologist has another drug to help that the insurance company will approve. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you have help when needed. Because of cedar pollen, we have the a/c on and the windows closed. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm very happy you and Jim found a way to travel that Jim can enjoy without stressing out. @dfish Debbie, I hope the ablation is approved and can be done soon. I hope the pain clinic can help with the neck too. @richwmn Rich, it's not RC Co-cola, but a Moon Pie is also good with Dr. Pepper. It can become a "big smore" if heated in the microwave. That's how DH likes them, and sometime with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the vet visit goes well, and the entry into the carriers is not difficult. Lenda
  17. Maureen, I second the suggestion to use EMTs to help when needed. We used them when we needed to get DH from the bed to the car or back to bed when he had doctor visits and needed to go to the hospital. One of our neighbors also called them to get her DH to and from the car. The ones we met are wonderful caring people. One even sat down at our piano and gave us a short concert. Lenda
  18. Vanessa, I'm sorry it turned out BFF did break his ankle. We really do need to invest in bubble wrap. Beautiful pictures, Brenda. Lenda
  19. A little late, but I just noticed Teacher Appreciation Week began today. I appreciate most of the hard working, dedicated teachers I had and the DDs had. However, there were a very rare few that should never have gone into teaching. Maureen, I'm glad that DH's eye is better with less inflammation. I'm sure between the doctor you're seeing in NJ and the surgeon, you will get the best advice on how to proceed. Lenda Lenda
  20. The yard is done, and I also finally had time to wash the patio furniture that sat outside all winter. Now, once it dries, I can get the cushions out of the storeroom, and begin enjoying sitting outside reading on nice days. A lot will depend if and when it stops raining, how much time I will have to enjoy sitting outside. While it was not that hot, and was cloudy and windy, it was still not the most comfortable day for mowing. The humidity made me think I was back near the Gulf Coast. I much prefer dry heat having grown up in west Texas. At least, the yard looks good for another week or so. Ray, when has the government ever made sense? A couple more acronyms: IFFC = If I remember correctly and IMHO = In my humble opinion. Sometimes, you just have to make a guess from the context of the post. Sometimes, I Google the acronym now that the CC list is history. Sandi, I'm glad you reached home safely and without too much traffic. I'll try to pay better attention in the mornings and post the links if you haven't posted by the time I get on the FR/D. Jacqui, I hope the mega dose of antibiotic knocks out the infection quickly, and that the foot feels 100% better soon. In the meantime, just rest and heal. Lenda
  21. Good afternoon. It's windy and cloudy with no chance of rain until overnight. I decided to take advantage of no rain and will be heading out to mow the yard. Hopefully, I can get a couple of other things done too. I will gladly celebrate nurses day. We've met some wonderful nurses over the past two years. Congratulations to the Stars, even though I don't follow hockey. My mother was the hockey fan in the family. Welcome home, Colin and Ellen. @Overhead Fred Welcome home, Fred and Mitzi. Maureen, I hope all goes well at Richard's appointment, and that the doctor is pleased with the recovery. Lenda
  22. Pennie, congratulations on the impressive weight loss. Oh no, Vanessa. I hope BFF's ankle isn't broken. I'm glad you were able to drive and to get him to the ER. Lenda
  23. Unfortunately, I am not able to repost Sandi's @StLouisCruisers pictures for her since they have disappeared from her post on January 10, 2023. We have been to Bar Harbor seven times by cruise ship, and once by land in 1974 when we tent camped in Acadia National Park. In 2004, we did a roundtrip NYC to Montreal and back on the old Regal Princess, with two stops in Bar Harbor. The rest of our visits were on the Veendam in 2013 with two b2b 14-day cruises out of Boston. In 2019, Bar Harbor was our last stop before Boston on Veendam's TA. We took Oli's Trolley tour of Acadia. In 2013, I booked two other tours before we left. One was a whale watching tour that is best forgotten. It was so rough, no one left their seats. We should not have left the dock, and even the whales were smart enough to go someplace else. We got vouchers for a free whale watching trip to be used with in three years. We were back two weeks later, but decided to pass. That was one day I did not take any pictures. On a brighter note, the previous time, we'd booked a tour on the Lulu Lobster Boat, and that was fantastic. We learned a lot about lobsters, Maine and wildlife. Plus, as the pictures show, it was a sunny, calm day. Pictures as we sailed back to the dock. Just a few pictures of our walks around this very pretty town. In 2004, this boat was returning from a tour as our ship was getting ready to sail. Lenda
  24. Now, I'll finish the post was started when I realized Sandi @StLouisCruisers was on the road before she was able to post the links to previous days Bar Harbor was our port of the day. Not only was Joseph Brackett a member of the Shakers, he was an American composer and song writer, and the most famous song attributed to him is "Simple Gifts". We don't diet here, but by changing the way I serve our meals (most times) and some of the food we are eating, I managed to lose about 20 pounds and have kept them off for almost two years. No homework here since we graduated, but to paraphrase Shakespeare, housework by any other name is still housework. An interesting quote by Plato, and after four years reading the daily, I realize there are some on here who are fighting harder battles. That helps put things in perspective. We'll pass on the meal (kale) and the drink. I would try the wine if it was offered. We have visited Bar Harbor several times on cruises and once on a camping trip in, I think, 1974. Today in 1626 was an interesting day in Dutch and American history, but maybe not such a good day for the Native Americans. @dfish Debbie, I hope your allergies aren't too bad today. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your quilt when it is finished. @StLouisCruisers I hope Sandi has a safe trip home, and does not encounter heavy traffic around Atlanta. @ger_77 Gerry, sorry about the damage the voles did to your yard. I hope your DH's plan works next winter. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad the nurse wanted to make a house call, and you could get an appointment today. I hope the doctor finds the problem and your foot is better soon. Lenda
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