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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon. It has been a more relaxing day after several hectic days. I checked and we received just over 1/10 inch of rain. The grass is still green, but the two flowerbeds are very dry, so I broke down and turned the front sprinkler on for six minutes which is about what the flower beds need. With all our rain this spring my marigolds are growing very big. At last, I've found something I can plant, ignore and it will still grow. Thanks for the pictures and information about Captain Tim Roberts. I was the one who mentioned s talking to him about the Wind Song. Along with Halle Thon Gunderson, he was one of my two favorite captains when we were on Prinsendam. Thanks for the pictures from the museums. We also toured all three, and my favorite was the Flam. Susan, I hope you get the predicted rain this afternoon. Karen, I hope you and your friend are having a good time seeing your DM, and planning your cruise on your drive. Our trash service comes once a week, and we generally have two or three bags. We have the 96 gallon trash can, and there are times we fill it completely. They will also take up to six 30 gallon bags left beside the trash can. Everything has to be bagged, but they will make exceptions for boxes and bigger items. What I like about this service is we get an email when they won't be able to do the pick up that day. Carolyn, when DH was in the Army in 1969 in Dover, NJ, we thought about driving up to Woodstock just to see what was going on. However, the 75 GIs at Picatinny Arsenal were banned from going to Woodstock. Thanks for the pictures, Tony. Love the fish birthday cake. I was sorry to read that Donald Sutherland has died. He was a very good actor, and we enjoyed him in many movies including M*A*S*H, The Dirty Dozen and Kelly's Heroes to name a few. Thanks for the laughs and one groan today, John. Lenda
  2. We have been lucky enough to visit Oslo four times, with three of those times being on the Prinsendam in 2011 (North Cape and Murmansk cruise), 2016 and 2017. The first time there was on the Marco Polo in 2005 on a North Cape cruise. Of course, we visited all the major highlights, but the last time, we took the tram out to a part of town that is off the beaten path. It was interesting to see areas without the tourists (except us) and how the locals lived. I tried to find some pictures that showed some places other than the main tourist places, but included some well known sites. The first two are the Radhuset where the Nobel Peace prize is awarded, and the part of hall where the ceremony is held. This one is a view of the Vigeland park from the top. The next two are from the Viking Ship Museum and the Fram Museum. The Fram was the ship that Roald Amundsen sailed to Antarctica on his exploration to the South Pole. In the same area as these museums are the Kon Tiki Museum and the Norsk Maritimt Museum, which was very interesting. These next to are for those who like to stroll through food markets and flower markets. They were set up in a open area in front of the Oslo Cathedral. We were lucky enough to be able to "crash" a tour of the auditorium in the Opera House, but the pictures are not as good as I'd like because of the lighting. Of course we also walked on the roof. I'll leave you with an overview of Oslo, from across the bay at the museum area. The highlight of the picture is the blue hulled beauty that brought us to this fabulous city. Lenda
  3. Good morning from a mostly cloudy central Texas. It is 77F and feels like 77F. I knew it was humid when I opened the blinds this morning and found the outside of the window covered in condensation. The weather app says it's 96% humidity with a dew point of 75F, and an 8mph wind. However, our neighbor's flag is barely moving. Our high today will be 90F. As far as summer, today may be the beginning of summer on the calendar, but we've had summer weather for most of the month and part of May. It rained last night, and was still raining when I went to bed. Three interesting days with Flitch of Bacon Day being an interesting custom Nystagmus is a medical condition that we should be aware of. I am not a surfer, but it was fun watching the international surfers on Hawaii's North Shore. The Bob Marley quote is good, and we should all look within at times. I like lamb chops, and have them on BHBs since DH does not care for lamb. I've only had lamb loin chops once, on Princess, and they were so over done, I didn't get them again. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice, but a bit pricey. We have been to Oslo several times on Marco Polo and Prinsendam. We never saw Jimi Hendrix in concert, but I remember the news coverage of the Newport '69 concert. @ottahand7 Nancy, please wish John a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Enjoy your mini getaway. @1ANGELCAT I'm glad TT returned this morning. @smitty34877 Terri, I'm glad your DB is coming to help for a few days. I'm sorry Tana has a headache and fever, but am more concerned about the lack of interest in food. I hope she improves, and the hospice nurse can help her. I hope you can get some rest while your DB is there. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you feel better soon. That was a generous compensation for missing the three ports. @dfish Debbie, I was not a lamb eater until I had some in a dish on a cruise. Since then, I try to get lamb chops, but not loin chops, when I'm cruising. Enjoy your lunch with former classmates. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you are getting help with your garden. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for all the explanations today. I can't help thinking your dining venues are moving about on the ocean, but I know we won't find out for several more days. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope the scan determines that all the stones are gone. I hope the PT continues to help you. @ger_77 Gerry, my guess is that your DH's test yesterday did not show anything alarming. When I ask the technician about such a test once, knowing he couldn't tell me any details, he said "if things were bad, you wouldn't be leaving the office." I am happy your DH is able to go with his son and friends today, and think that is a good sign he is doing a lot better now. @marshhawk Annie, I remember the movie. While I haven't surfed, we've snorkeled with black tip reef sharks. The sharks and humans mainly ignored each other. Lenda
  4. We finally have rain, just about four ormfive hours later than pRedicted. Right now, it is a slow gentle rain, and hopefully, most of it will soak into the ground. Elizabeth, losing a loved one, no matter how, never stops hurting, we just learn better ways to deal with the loss. Hugs. Annie, I'm glad the kittens are foing well. Good luck with sleep, and cat herding. Maureen, thanks for the information. It's good to know our friends aren't in any danger. Lenda
  5. Good afternoon from a very cloudy central Texas. It is cooler today with a cooler breeze, but it is still humid. It is 84F which is a nice change from 94F, but I think we'll be back in the 90s tomorrow or the next day. As is typical this time of year, our forecast has changed, and we should be getting rain in just a few minutes and lasting for a couple of hours. The worst of the weather from tropical storm Alberto will still keep to the south and west of us. It looks like the sprinklers can stay turned off for a while longer. Growing up in west Texas in the 50s and 60s, we did not have air conditioning. At night, we used an attic fan to keep the house comfortable. Our house was built in 1923, and had big windows in all the rooms which provided good air flow. Sometime in the 50s, my parents added evaporative coolers (aka swamp coolers) and with the low humidity the house stayed pleasant. I remember sometime before fall for 1957, we went over to a neighbor's house after they installed window units. We couldn't wait to leave, because the house was too cold for us. Even here in north central Texas it wasn't humid in the summers when we moved here in 1999. We started getting humidity here about 2015. When DH and I lived in Camden, SC, we installed an attic fan in our house, but I'm not sure if it would work there now. Terry, I hope the teenager and girlfriend enjoy their summer jobs. Maureen, the pictures of the fires are horrifying. We are keeping an eye on them since a neighbor is spending the summer at a rv resort in Mayhill, south of Ruidoso. By car they are 56 miles away, but as the crow flies, it looks to be closer. Gerry, I hope your DH's follow-up echo-cardiogram went well today, and shows an improvement in his heart function. Terri, I'm glad you tested negative. I hope you start feeling better soon. Roy, thanks for your pictures from Dutch Harbor. We enjoyed our two nights on Tustumena. Rich, thanks for the explanation of BSD. I knew it was a computer language, but that was about all I knew. I'm more familiar with Basic, Fortran, and Unix. Carolyn, I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope you make it into Dutch Harbor. It is an interesting place to see. Susan, we also have mountain lions or cougars in the hills around Quartzsite. Some neighbors several summers ago, posted pictures of one lying on the fence. Thank you, Terry. His videos have come in handy when my pictures are pre-digital. Your story, Paul, made me laugh. You'd think custom agents would have more than one pen. Thank you, Graham. So far, no rain. Lenda
  6. I'm taking a quick break from house cleaning since DH was nice enough to go through his video of Dutch Harbor and transfer some of screen shots from the video. In 2000 we were on the old Regal Princess from Vancouver to Osaka. One of the stops was Dutch Harbor. We took the shuttle, a school bus, into Unalaska and walked around. It wasn't raining, but the wind off the ocean was very cold. The hotel where we bought a couple of long sleeved t-shirts which we still have. The view from the shuttle. Since the shuttle crossed part of the runway at the airport, the buses had to stop when a plane was taking off or landing. Holy Ascension of Our Lord Russian Orthodox Cathedral and graveyard Gerry @ger_77 and Maurice could get pizza on Friday night in Unalaska. This might be the main street in town. The local watering hole, where I bet you could find some of the Bering Sea fishermen when they are in port. Lenda
  7. Good morning from central Texas. It is 72F with a 5mph breeze from the NE, 98% humidity and a dew point of 72F. Our predicted high is 85F with winds increasing to 12mph this afternoon. It looks like tropical storm Alberto will stay mainly in the southern part of the state. I was counting on getting some rain from the storm today and tomorrow, but it looks like it will miss us. We may have to turn on the sprinklers since we haven't had any rain for a week. Today is house cleaning day, and after the long day in Waco, it doesn't seem so bad this week. Happy Juneteenth! Juneteenth was always celebrated in the black communities in Texas before it was recognized as a legal holiday. I always like Garfield and his attitude. Sexual violence should be eliminated. I'm not sure about the third day. Today's quote is not one I like. Sometimes life is a struggle, but it shouldn't always be a struggle. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds nice, but not the price. We visited Dutch Harbor in 2000 on the old Regal Princess, and all my pictures are pre-digital and in albums. Unalaska is an interesting town to walk around, but it was cold and windy that day. Today marks the anniversary of the founding of London's police force, which was an important day in 1829, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad your cold is better. and I hope your tummy feels better soon. @SusieKIslandGirl Please wish Loren a VERY HAPPY 76TH BIRTHDAY for us. @Heartgrove Sorry about the plumbing problems, Jack. @kazu Jacqui, the "never" meme about dogs also applies to children. 😁 In 2002 on the APEC cruise on Volendam, the Coast Guard sent a message to the ship to pull into US waters at Dutch Harbor. They sent a tug out to the ship to bring a passenger into port. We learned the next day that it was not a medical emergency as we thought, but they were capturing a Los Angeles pedophile priest who was fleeing the country on the Volendam. We would not have known the facts if the ship had been more diligent editing The Times Digest. There was a short article about the incident in the digest. Captain Peter Harris confessed and told the story in his noon briefing. These are a few pictures of Dutch Harbor in the distance. I believe the man on the ladder wearing black is the priest. Part of the fishing fleet Lenda
  8. Good evening. It was a long day, and I've finally caught up with The Daily. We also got some sad news today. Our neighbors in Quartzsite who we've known for 24 years are selling their property. He developed some serious health issues this winter. They need to be closer to good medical ccare than what is availableinQ. They are the last of the neighbors who were there when we bought our lot. Tina, in 2016 I think we did go through TSA screening after leaving customs and rechecking out bags. Vanessa, I hope you didn't lost power. Thanks for the information about Willie Mays, one of the greats. RIP Lenda
  9. We have been to Mendillo twice, but not on a BHB. In 2000, it was our next to last stop on the P&O world cruise on Oriana. We rented a car and drove around the island, which is pretty dry and treeless, for the most part. After three months of ports in the British Commonwealth, where DH drove on the wrong side of the road, I had to keep reminding him to get back on the proper side of the road. Fortunately, there was not much traffic. We suspected the car we rented was the man's personal car. The second visit was in 2009 on the Tahitian Princes. That time we just walked around town. Couple of markets. As you can see, the fish market was not the cleanest, and there were a lot of flies, no ice and very, very fishy smelling. A mix of street scenes from our two visits. A few pictures from around the island. One of the locals The airport Lenda
  10. Good morning from a mostly cloudy central Texas. It is currently 74F with 96% humidity and a dew point of 73F. Our predicted high is 91F with 14 to 16mph winds today. I hope to be on my way to Waco by 8am if not a bit earlier. That was I can get to the three stores that open early and be ready for the ones that open at 10am. I hope I'm finished with my errands by early afternoon so I can be home by mid afternoon. However, a lot depends on how long I stay at the used book store finding some more treasures to read. Happy Birthday to Clark Kent and his alter ego, Superman. We watched some of Superman episodes a few years ago. Hate speech serves no purpose and should countered or better yet, eliminated. Some one else can have my sushi. The quote is not one I agree with or like. I would change today's recipe for port shoulder, preferably a Boston butt, to one cooked in the smoker for four to six hours, and using a dry rub. We'll pass on the drink, but I wouldn't turn down the wine. We have visited Mindelo twice. A great day in aviation history and for women in 1928 when Emelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic. @marshhawk Annie, it sounds like you have job security for a while. @LambKnuckles Lambie, we also have our pulled pork as just a meat with side dishes. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry you missed the Greenland ports. This time of year, ice can be iffy in the far north. I hope you are feeling better and the cough is better. @dfish Debbie, good news the a/c is still working. BTW, they also make "claws" for pulling pork, and they are easier to use than a fork. Lenda
  11. It's 93F and windy, so it wasn't too bad when I went to get the mail. However, it is just hot enough to not sit outside this afternoon. The silver polishing is completed and the upper part of the china cabinet is dusted. Most things in the china cabinet did not need polishing since they do not sit out in the open air. That helped make the work go faster. Just another exciting day in central Texas. Tomorrow will be an early and long day. I will be going to Waco tomorrow to get some much needed things and for a little retail therapy. I hope to get away relatively early so I can hit Target and W-M before most places open at 10 am. I've needed to make this trip for some time, but was waiting until the jeweler called to say my rings were ready. I try to get as much done in one trip, even if it makes for a long day. Congratulations on booking the 2026 GANZ cruise. I would love to do that cruise so I wouldn't have the long flights to get to Australia and New Zealand. Debbie, I'm glad the a/c is fixed and that it was a simple fix. Your plans for the house sound nice, and I hope you win the lottery. Being from Texas, we invested in a smoker when we moved back in 1985. That one was a big charcoal smoker that we left with the house when we moved. We bought an electric smoker that is a lot easier unless the element burns out. With that, I can put dry rub on the babyback ribs and smoke them for four hours. I do wrap them in foil after two hours. We also do the same thing with a pork Boston butt, but it takes about four to six hours depending on the size. For brisket and port shoulder, we have a remote thermometer that keeps us from having to go outside to check the temperature. Carolyn, I hope you feel better soon. Stomach/flu is not fun. Tina, we flew from Athens to JFK in 2016 and had a two hour layover. Both flights were on Delta, so we were in the same terminal. The automated passport control was a big help. As @tupper10 said, a lot depends on whether or not your arrival flight is on time. Also, the gates both planes use makes a difference. The concourses we used were very long, especially the arrival concourse and we were at or near the far end on both. It took 20-30 minutes to get from the gate to Customs. A lot of passengers, even those who didn't need them, ordered wheelchairs to keep from having to walk. Since the shutdown and start up, I can't say for sure if you will have enough time. We have never docked at Oceankaj in Copenhagen, but we did find the local buses easy to use and relatively inexpensive. They also have a metro, which is nice. Vanessa, that is not good news about the temperature, thunderstorm warnings and now power. I hope you get your power back on soon. You could have seen Talkeetna from the train, as it stops there. But the station is a ways from "downtown". Enjoy the DGD's softball game and the summer music concerts. Lenda
  12. Debbie, now is not the time for the a/c and the window unit to quit working. I hope the service people get there this afternoon, and that it is an easy and not too expensive a fix. Sharon, we've smoked a lot of briskets over the years, and this was absolutely the best. It is also the first one I've seen that had marbling throughout the meat which made it much more tender. Except when the smoker element burned out, we don't cook our briskets on the grill. To be really tender, they need to be cooked low and slow and then held at 190 to 200 degrees F for at least an hour if not longer. It took us many years to really start cooking them long enough. I put a dry rub on the brisket the night before since I have to get in the smoker about 6am. We've never marinated any of our beef. The one time DH's uncle cooked steaks for us, he marinated them, and for me, they just didn't taste the same. BTW, he owned a series of butcher shops in the LA area. We've been through Limon many times, and we may even have stopped there one night. Lenda
  13. Pennie, you probably missed Talkeetna when you did the loop around the Alaska interior. It is on a side road off the Parks Highway between Willow and Trapper Creek. Lenda
  14. Vanessa, some electric utilities have various rate plans, and others don't, but just ask you to reduce electricity usage in peak hours. Lenda
  15. Annie, the racoon who visited us in The Woodlands to eat the cat food, showed after being missing for a while with one of his front feet missing. We guessed he'd been caught in a trap, and maybe chewed his leg off to get free. Lenda
  16. We've been to Talkeetna at least three times when doing the 14 day Alaska cruise out of Seattle. We have also been there when we were in the motorhome. As @rafinmd Roy said, it's a stop on the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks, but the train station is out of town a ways, as is the airport for the flightseeing planes. Talkeetna is a very small town with basically one paved main street. It is the base for flights to see Denali. On a clear day, you can see Denali from the rear deck of the Talkeetna Lodge which sits on a hill outside of town. I posted a few pictures of Talkeetna when it was the destination of the day earlier. I'll repost them and add a few more for those who have not been there or even to Alaska. The view from Talkeetna Lodge on a typical day. Denali from the same place on a very rare day when the mountain and the mountain range is completely visible. I could have stood and looked at the mountain for a long time that day. Random views, but they include most of the main street in Talkeetna. One of the shopping "venues". There is a nice little park in town. Lenda
  17. Good sunny morning from central Texas. It is already 78F and feels like 86F with a predicted high of 92F. Currently the humidity is 97% with a dew point of 77F. The weather app says the wind is 11mph, but our neighbor's flag is saying it's not that high yet. This afternoon, the wind is predicted to reach 17mph from the SSE. The only thing outside to take care of today is putting the smoker back in place after cleaning the drip pan and emptying the wood box before putting the trash out. Otherwise, I have things to do inside such as polishing the silver, especially the pieces not in the china cabinet, which also needs dusting. We were married at a time when we received a lot of silver pieces as wedding gifts. So every year or two, it they get polished, and the cabinet cleaned until the next time. I doubt the DDs want any of the silver, china or crystal, and I really need to find a home for all but a few special pieces like my mother's candelabras. I like root beer and root beer floats, but haven't had any for quite a while. Crocodiles do have their place in the environment, but I don't want to meet one up close, although the jumping crocodiles outside Darwin, AU, were interesting. We do need to combat desertification and drought, although they are basically part of the weather cycles. The Emily Dickinson quote is good. Thank you, Tina, @0106 for posting the poem. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. We have been to Talkeetna a few times, in the motorhome and in rental cars from Anchorage on the 14-day Alaska cruises. It is 113 miles north of Anchorage, and takes a little more than two hours on the Parks Highway to get there. It is the base for Denali flight seeing airplanes. On a clear day, you can see Denali from a lodge outside of Talkeetna. An interesting day in 1579 when Sir Francis Drake arrived off the coast of California. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, and that you are not coughing as much. I hope the soccer tournament can happen today. Happy CC Anniversary. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your appointment and the hunt for boxes go well today. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope the tornado near your winter home did not do any damage. @smitty34877 We used to have a racoon and her babies visit our house in The Woodlands. Once the racoon trapped our cats up a tree. @dfish Debbie, having a father and a husband who worked for electric utilities, I realize the higher rates from either 2 to 7pm or 4 to 8pm are to encourage people to conserve energy during those hours of peak demand in the summer. The discount is another incentive. If everyone used as much power as they wanted during peak times, it could cause a system overload on extremely hot days, and power outages. So what you call a racket is a way to prevent overloads by the companies. The money factor gets peoples attention better than just asking them to reduce usage during peak hours. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad your DH likes his drone. @ger_77 Gerry, that was nice that your DH's daughter and SIL were at the Father's Day breakfast, too. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you are feeling better soon, and that your DH continues to test negative. Since I started typing this, the heavy clouds have moved in, and we've lost our sunny day. We are not supposed to get any rain until Wednesday, or maybe Tuesday night. Lenda
  18. @durangoscots A VERY HAPPY 87TH BIRTHDAY, Susan. I hope you and the dogs do something special today. Lenda
  19. Roy, I agree with you. This is an unique thread that starts new each day with a unique group of regular posters who have become friends over the last four years. Rich starts us off with certain topics which most generally comment about before adding what is happening in their lives that day.. In other words, we have a polite conversation each day without going into the two no-no areas of religion and politics. It helps that we care about and respect each other. Lenda
  20. Good evening. The brisket was the best we've ever cooked, and really the best we've ever had. I think it is in part due to the marbling of the meat, something you don’t usually see in brisket. The Mexican salad with corn and black beans was even better than expected. I'm not sure when it was the meal of the day, or which recipe I chose, but it's a keeper. My father always said there is a silver lining in any situation. In this case, it was Rich @richwmn turning the Fleet Report into the Daily on 2020, and then adding a daily meal. Otherwise, I would not have heard of the salad and tried it. So, thank you very much Rich. Jane, I hope the good memories of your father made this anniversary easier. I'm glad you are feeling better, and that the pt is helping with the vertigo. I hope you can begin cardiac rehab next week, and that it increases your stamina. We never discuss politics or religion, especially after a lady thought it would be okay given where the six of us at the table were from. The first night it didn't go well, and we stuck to other topics from then on. Sometime it is better to change tables. Once the easiest thing was to switch to open seating. Lenda
  21. That's interesting that you used the ATM at 7/11 stores. We tried one the first time we were in Tokyo, and even though it had the correct network symbol, it wouldn't accept my ATM card. We've never had that happen at a bank that has the correct symbol on the ATM. Debbie, great pictures of your dad. We've had our share of complainers, and other obnoxious dining companions. Once, even though the host was way ahead of me, when I saw the very obnoxious man from the night before, I turned around dragging DH with me, and said some other table. We've been lucky to not have too many of those situations over the years. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon. The potato salad and the Mexican salad with corn and black beans are finished, except I'll add the avocado to the second salad shortly before we eat. A taste test was good. The barbecue sauce is made along with a pan of brownies. Now we can sit back and wait while the brisket continues to cook. Gerry it was nice of your DH's son to take you to breakfast today. Elizabeth, thanks for sharing the drawing of the picture. Great picture of your Dad. Ray, thanks for sharing the pictures of your father. Sandi, I'm sorry the next three ports are iced in. That is the hazard of cruising in the far north this early in the season. I hope you feel better soon. Carolyn, thanks for the great photo of your dad with all the kids. Great picture of your dad, Terry. I also remember those hats the men wore in the 50s and 60s. In Abilene, they wore felt hats in the winter and straw hats in the summer. I remember my father changing the hat bands to match his suit before leaving home for work. Thanks for the pictures, Brenda. Roy, thanks for the pictures of the Kanheri Buddhist Caves. They look very interesting, but I doubt I'll go back to India to see them. Vanessa. that's my favorite photo of my father. I still miss him after 31 years. We had a lot of fun together over the years. Joy, we've always gotten our foreign currency at ATMs, but we make sure they are part of a bank, not a free standing ATM. We get the best and most current exchange rate at ATMs. Karen, enjoy the concert with your DS, DDIL and two friends. It sounds like a fun day. Lenda
  23. Here are the pictures I took of Mumbai from the bus on the way to the ship from the airport. As I said earlier today, we have seen India. Cochin was not too bad, but in Agra and Mumbai, we have never seen such filth. The Taj Mahal was always on my bucket list, but not India. Now it's Been There, Done That!. Lenda
  24. Good morning from central Texas. It is 75F with 96% humidity and a dew point of 74F. There is a 8mph wind according to the weather app, but according to my neighbor's flag there is a slight breeze. It is really not that bad outside right now. Our predicted high is 91F. I'm up early since the brisket needed to go into the smoker about 6 am, and I got it in about 6:10, so not too bad. Brisket needs to be smoked long and slowly in order to tenderize the meat. Fingers crossed 🤞 this turns out to be a good brisket. This time I'm using pecan wood chips, and there was a lot of smoke just a little while ago. The only other thing on the agenda is a quick trip to the store to get ingredients for the Mexican corn and black bean salad that I didn't realize I needed when I was there Thursday. Then I'll make that salad, the potato salad, and the barbecue sauce. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads. My father died 31 years ago just three weeks before his 80th birthday. This is my favorite picture of him. It was taken in 1974 or 1975 when he visited us in Newark, DE. We had gone to Annapolis on a day trip and enjoyed a picnic lunch at the small boat harbor. Sorry about the quality of the picture, but it's a scanned version of an old print. I will celebrate the first two days, but someone can celebrate Chenin Blanc day with my share of the wine. I think the day of family remittances can also include the hard working crews on BHBs who send money home to their families. I'm not sure I agree with today's quote. We'll pass on the meal and the wine. The drink sounds like a good one to enjoy on a BHB. We were in Mumbai but only saw the part of the town from the domestic air port to the ship since we had flown in from an overland tour to Agra. That was enough of Mumbai and India for me. A good day in history for the Soviet space program. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm also worried about your cough. Please don't let it go on much longer before getting it checked out. I'm glad you are not going out and about too much as spreading whatever you have around. @MISTER 67 Arnold Palmer was also one of my favorite golfers when we used to watch the tournaments. He was a real gentleman. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the information today. Lenda
  25. Oh no, Terri. I'm so sorry you tested positive, but I'm glad Jim is negative. I hope you can get over this quickly. Lenda
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