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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. I'm sorry Shirl is having such a rough time. Dementia is such a horrible disease. Debbie, I'm glad you have an appointment, but I wish it is sooner. At least, it's in time for you to be recovered and ready to hike on your cruise. Susan, it sounds like the projects are being done quickly. I'm glad the dogs are handling things calmly. Terry, I'm sorry you and Tana's sister are also fighting the stomach bug. I hope tomorrow is a better day for all. Jake, I'm glad the cyber even has been completed and things are calmer at work. Congratulations on the Bermuda cruise. Roy, I'm sorry they have changed the time and the location 0f the entrance. I hope everything goes smoothly from this point on. Bruce, that was fast service. Lenda
  2. This morning we've gone from heavy overcast to sunny to cloudy to sunny and now partly sunny. At least, the humidity is lower now. Yes, it's spring in Texas. I did find a few chores to occupy me for a bit this morning. The freezer is a bit straighter, and I know what I have in there now. I also took advantage of the sun and tackled a very dreaded chore, weeding our two flower beds. There were not many weeds, but what was in one bed is an ongoing challenge. The clover has invaded that bed, and it's almost impossible to get it all, so it continues to be a work in progress. Joy, Allen is in my thoughts, and I hope you can help him gain weight. Gerry, I hope the cardiac rehab appointment goes well. I loved the wine meme. Pennie, I hope the dentist can find a way to save the tooth. After two years of trying to save one, the bone had receded to the point two teeth had to be pulled. Instead of a bridge, I opted for implants with bone grafts. That should help rebuild the bone, and the dentist said they should last 10 to 20 years. Now, I just have to last that long to get my money's worth out of the implants. 😁 Susan, it may be unsettling now, but I bet you'll be happy when all the projects are completed. How are the dogs handling all the work and mess? Ray, it's nice to prove negative people like the Chaplain wrong. I hope you and Sara have many more happy years together. Stunning sunset, Roy. Lenda
  3. Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. I really don't have to look at the weather app to see that it is humid since the outside of the window is covered in condensation. It is 74F which is also the dew point. Our predicted high is 84F, and there is no rain in the forecast for today or tomorrow. In fact, no rain is forecast until next Thursday, and we have several sunny days in the forecast with highs in the low to mid 90s. There is not much on the agenda today, but I'm sure I'll find something to occupy my time. Of the three interesting days, I'll celebrate Loving Day, and let Brazil celebrate Cachaça. Someone can have my falafel. We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine. The meal might be good with beef other than ground beef. We have not been to Santo Domingo, but to a beach day in the Dominican Republic on cruises in the late 1990s. I don't even remember the which cruise line or the name of the beach. An interesting day in 1931 when Al Capone was indicted, @MISTER 67 Thanks for the interesting story about Al Capone. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you got the ground work laid to get an injection if need. I just hope you won't need it this summer. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope Tana is feeling better today, and that no one else got the stomach bug. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you feel better tomorrow, and that your travel day goes more smoothly than the trip to Barbados. Safe travels tomorrow. @mamaofami Carol, it sounds like a busy and interesting summer for your family. @dfish Debbie, I hope you get the approval for the nerve ablation and an appointment for it soon. @aliaschief Bruce, it looks like you have a busy travel schedule to look forward to. Lenda
  4. @catmando Chuck, I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and enjoyed your birthday breakfast. Lenda
  5. Annie, thank you for letting us know how your day went. Overall, it sounds like you had a good report from the dietician. Watching stress levels is never easy. I hope the dietician isn't done with you. I'm sorry your two friends cannot be there for you, but you have your Daily family. Our doors are always open to you. Sending positive thoughts for DH's brother that he has a full recovery. I hope Momma Norma isn't too upset when she figures out she was not told about her son sooner. Lenda
  6. Elizabeth, I'm sorry you couldn't have the procedure today. Ann, I'm glad you have a date for your lumpectomy. I'm glad Pat enjoyed his visit with his family. Safe travels to him tomorrow. That is quick. Congratulations on passing the five year mark. Paul, I'm glad you are feeling better now. Lenda
  7. Terri, thank you for the update. I'm sorry you have a cold and a stomach bug. I hope you feel better soon. Safe travels home on Thursday. Lenda
  8. We managed most of the visits by doing two to four 14-day cruises b2b. That got us out of the Texas heat, and also gave us a fighting chance for good weather in each port at least once. A few times, it was raining so hard we didn't get off the ship. Instead, we sat in the Crow's Nest watching the very wet passengers returning to the ship. Lenda Lenda
  9. Carolyn, there were times when all aboard was 2:30, and most those days, we just walked around town. There is the The Kodiak History Museum (formerly the Baranov Museum), the National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center and the Holy Reresection Orthodox Cathedral all within a block or two of each other. Further away from downtown, there is always Wal-Mart. You can also hire a taxi at the dock to take you to look for bears upstream from the highway bridge and/or to Fort Abercrombie. Lenda
  10. Fred, I'm glad you and Mitzi made it to the cabin safely. Sorry about the tall grass. Maybe you could rent a flock of sheep to take care of the grass until it is shorter. Someone in this area has a flock the rents. Dixie, that is good news. I hope the eye exam and consult goes well tomorrow. Carolyn, for many years we rented a car at a gift shop downtown next to Safeway. The drawback was they didn't open early even when ships were in town, and sometimes not until way after the state opening time. In 2018, after a CC group reserved all the cars the gift shop had, we rented a car at the airport. They will usually pick you up and drop you off, but that day they were busy, so we took a taxi to the airport. We were able to leave the car at the dock for them to pick up later. There are several car rental companies at the airport, and IIRC, we rented from the one that says they try harder. There is a lot to see in Kodiak, and renting a car let us see more without having to wait on people to get back to the bus. If you have any more questions, just ask or email me at mscyrstal70 at gmail dot com. Lenda
  11. Good morning again. I was surprised when I went to the store to find that it was foggy in town. Here it's just dreary and very cloudy. Naturally, they did not the one thing that DH had requested, radishes. I've never seen a store that didn't have radishes, and there wasn't an empty spot where they should have been. Joy, that is good news about your neighbor being on the mend after her surgery, and that her daughter is coming to help. Katherine, I hope all goes well at your DH's doctors' visits. Jacqui, I hope your friend gets better soon. Blood clots in the lungs are very concerning I think I've had many of those plants that don't want me to succeed. Loved the flowers. Terry, I'm sorry Tana has a stomach bug, and I hope it's just one of those 24 hour ones. Annie, I'm sorry your DH is having such a difficult time. Hugs to both of you. Gerry, your friends feel free to drop in or invite themselves because you and your DH are such caring and welcoming people. Lenda
  12. These are pictures taken in 2010 and 2012 on Kodiak. The Orthodox Church on a sunny day, and some of the broken bells from the church. In 2012, as usual, we rented a car. This time we were in port long enough to drive out of town to the Pacific Spaceport Complex. On the way back to town, we drove to Chiniak where we found an inn and café at the end of the road. I found this explanation of the spaceport on line, and this is how it looked when I copied it. The Pacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska (PSCA) on Kodiak Island provides responsive, flexible, and low-cost access to space for small- and light-lift vertical rockets and stratospheric balloons. PSCA has been launching rockets since 1998 and was the first FAA-licensed spaceport not co-located on a federal range. h The coast near the spaceport Part of the spaceport in the distance Some of the animals near the spaceport who did not seem to mind the weather What awaited us at the end of the road to Chiniak Lenda
  13. We have been to Kodiak 14 times, and all but two of those were on BHBS. Our first time was in 1992, pre-digital, when we put our motorhome on the Tustemena, one of the fleet of the Alaska Marine Highway, for an overnight trip to Kodiak. The motorhome fare cost way more than the fares for both of us and our DDs, and a room for four with a bath. Since our first dachshund, Brandy, was with us, we had to take the motorhome for her to stay in. Also, on the return trip, we left the Trusty Tusty in Seward. We were only in Kodiak one night due to the ferry schedule, but we packed a lot of sightseeing into that day. We did the 14-day out of Seattle 12 times by doing b2b2bs in 2010 and 2012 on Amsterdam, 2015 on Statendam and 2018 on Zaandam. Also in 2018, we stopped in Kodiak on Coral Princess on the Circle the Northern Pacific cruise. We have had great weather on several of the stops, cloudy, misty weather on other stops, and pouring rain on a few stops. When it was pouring rain, we just stayed on the ship and watch the people trying to stay dry waiting for their tours. On December 5, 2012, while we were on Koningsdam, this is what I posted about Kodiak. I found a few different pictures of Kodiak on DH's tablet. They are from our various trips except the one in 1992 in the pre-digital age. @rafinmd, Roy, this first picture is for you. I didn't find a good picture of the Tustemena in Kodiak, but this was her sailing out of Homer, bound for Kodiak. I guess that counts. For those who have never sailed on her or seen her, the tall structure near the stern is how vehicles are loaded on the ferry. You drive onto the platform between the uprights, and are then lowered to the parking deck. Once on that deck, a turntable rotates the vehicle so it can be driven to its parking spot. A Kodiak bear looking for salmon in a stream. Eagles near town looking for fish A WWII bunker and remnants of guns in Fort Abercrombie State Park. This bunker is a museum that is worth a visit. Another bunker The plaque marking the high water level reached by the tidal wave after the March 27, 1964, earthquake. The plaque is near the fire station near McDonalds, quite a way above sea level. Finally, the small boat harbor downtown Lenda
  14. Good morning from a very overcast central Texas. We got a bit of rain last night, and the prediction is for more rain this afternoon. It is 73F with 100% humidity since the dew point is also 73F. Our predicted high today is 84F. It looks like another day to stay inside after I get the grocery shopping out of the way. I guess my getting outdoors will be this morning, and hopefully, it will be nice enough for our evening golf cart ride. Making life beautiful is a great goal. We definitely do not have a crowded nest. I like the Isaac Asimov quote, which is true. I like blueberry muffins, but without the oatmeal, please. A margarita would be nice, but I'll stick with my much less expensive Riesling. We have visited Kodiak many times by ferry, one Princess cruise and the rest on BHBs. Two interesting days in history for the US and Britain. @Vict0riann Ann, I hope your appointment goes well today, and you leave with a plan of action. @MISTER 67 I hope you don't lose power any more with the weather coming your way. I also hope your golf game gets back on track. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the explanation of crowded nest day. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope you will get the injection to help with the pain today. @Mr. Boston It's always a relief when buyers pass the financial tests. I hope everything about the move goes smoothly. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope your PCP signs the required paperwork. Good luck with the eye procedure today. Please wish your sister a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @aliaschief Bruce, that was good luck getting the dental appointment today. @LambKnuckles Lambie, I also like seeing the sea otters. They remind me of little old men. Lenda
  15. Susan, that is good news about the rain and cooler temperatures. I'm glad your handyman is coming to deal with the fan. Lenda
  16. We got a bit of rain this afternnon, 0.14 inches, and it rained pretty hard for a time. When we took our ride tonight, we noticed the humidity had dropped considerably. The temperature was a pleasant 79F. We also saw all fourn of our deer. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon from a warm, 87F, central Texas. We've had a north wind on and off for most of the afternoon, but it still reached 89F. It has been cloudy all day, but I can see some blue sky now, so I don't know if we'll get any rain. A couple of rain showers a week would be good. I've caught up on a few things, but nothing major today. Thanks for the pictures from Malta, Brenda. Jacqui, I'm sorry you had so much pain last night, but I'm glad you were feeling somewhat better this morning. Carolyn, I hope the dental appointment went well today. Thanks for sharing your pictures of Valletta. Sandy, I'm glad you got the OBC for your CCL stock straightened out. Joy, I'm glad you and your sister are talking again, and that she will be visiting you in July. Susan, I hope you get some much needed rain from the thunderstorms. I hope your DS's annual checkup goes well. Lenda
  18. In 2019 on Veendam, we took the Ho-Ho to see other areas of Malta. There were two routes at the time, and we took the one that did not go to Mdina. The tour took us to the area across from the cruise ship dock. We then went into the countryside before following the coast along the bays on the north side of the island. Unfortunately, I do not remember the names of many of the places we saw. Pictures from our drive around the island. It-Torri ta' San Lucjan There are many towers around the island that were used for defense in the past. Steve Berry's book The Malta Exchange is set partly in Malta, and some of the towers and chapels around the island are featured. We drove to the Blue Grotto which was one of the stops. Some of the area on the north side of the island before reaching the coast road. There are several bays on the northside of the island west of Valletta, where there are a lot of apartments. It looked like the area was really growing with a lot of new buildings. After retiring the old Leyland buses, some were converted to souvenir shops. A nice park An old area near St. Elmo's that was being renovated. Once off the Ho-Ho, we took the elevator up to walk around Valletta. The memorial to Daphne Caruana Galizia was still there, but the area around it was back to plantings. Since we were going to Gozo then next day, we spent the night in Valletta. Lenda
  19. In 2017, our second day in Valletta on Prinsendam, we drove to Mdina. It is a fortified city in the northern part of Malta and was the capital from antiquity to the medieval period. Mdina sits atop a tall hill with commanding views. St. Paul's Cathedral, which was built between 1696 and 1705, is the oldest church in Malta. From the Cathedral, we visited the museum in the same plaza. It was interesting to visit. From there we walked around the small walled town of Mdina. We came to an open area with views of the island. St. Nicholas Chapel The main gate After leaving Mdina, which the locals pronounced M-dina, we headed back to Valletta. After turning the car in, we took the elevator to the Upper Barrakka Gardens. Boy, is that elevator worth the cost. The view from the Barrakka Gardens. The cannon battery below the gardens. These would play a big role in our sail away, but more about that later. We walked around Valletta, and came across this memorial. Shortly before we were in Malta, Panamanian journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who exposed political corruption in Malta was killed by a car bomb. This is the spontaneous memorial to her. A lovely flower display near the gardens. One of the narrow streets we drove down. The Prinsendam waiting for our return The city as we sailed to the next port. Now, about the cannons. This was CD Cess Tesslar's last visit to Valetta before his retirement the next January. Captain DD and the Port Agent arranged a cannon salute to Cess as we sailed. Cess was on the bridge wing with Captain DD when we sailed. BTW, in one of my earlier pictures, the beach area with all the buildings is called Popeye Village. Lenda
  20. In 2016, Captain DD extended our day in Valletta to two days due to rough seas, which meant we would not be able to tender in Gozo the second day. We rented a car the first day and drove to the ferry terminal and took the ferry to Gozo. These pictures are of our drive back to the port from the ferry. We took the long way back to the port. A couple of beaches and the scenery of the coast and interior. An interesting church we passed. Lenda
  21. This is what I posted on July 20, 2022. There are a lot of pictures of Valletta from our five stops covering six days there. This first set is from our 2002 and 2004 stops on Noordam III and our one non-BHB stop on the old Regal Princess in 2003. In 2002, we did a tour to the Tarxien Temples and then walked around the upper part of Valletta. Twenty years ago, we were up a lot earlier than we are today, so we saw the sail in to Valletta. The Tarxien Temples On our first visits to Valletta, they still used Leyland buses for their public transportation. The bus "depot" was outside the city gates in a plaza at the top of some very steep stairs from the dock. The new port complex and elevator were built sometime after 2004. A few pictures from our walk through Valletta in 2002 Valletta as Noordam sailed to the next port In 2003, when we stopped in Valletta, we decided to take one of the city buses to the Gozo ferry terminal on the other end of Malta. It was an interesting ride, but the bus was noisy and hot since the engine compartment was by the driver. The ferry terminal. By the time we reached it, we knew we did not have time to go to Gozo and get back to the ship in time for sail away. The bus ride took longer than we expected. Our bus back in Valletta In 2004, after climbing those steep steps, we walked around town. That year, we toured the C0-Cathedral of St. John. The main altar. You can see the graves of the Knights of St. John on the floor. One of the graves We also toured the museum at the Co-Cathedral. The walled courtyard. The Knights of St. John amassed a collection of Belgium tapestries, which when hung on the cold stone walls helped keep the buildings warm. This is a small part of their collection. A dry dock we passed on the way to the next port. Lenda
  22. Good morning from a cloudy central Texas. It is already 77F with a predicted high of 89F this afternoon before the thunderstorms are supposed to arrive. We'll see how that goes. Currently, the humidity is 96% with a dew point of 76F. There is not much on the agenda today except staying cool. Several years ago, I switched from a traditional ball point pen to a gel pen. I also have a couple of fountain pens, but I don't use them very often. I hope I can be a miracle in someone's life. I keep a pitcher of iced tea in the refrigerator year round. The quote sounds like Groucho Marx. While DH watches a lot of tv, I am usually busy. After dinner and the evening news, I'll catch up on the day's happenings on my tablet and play games while we watch tv. We'll pass on the meal. The drink sounds like a good one to have on a BHB, and I hope it isn't too sweet. We'll also pass on the very pricey wine. We have visited Valletta five times covering six days. JFK's signing of the equal pay act was a good start, but we still have a ways to go. The shipment of the first Apple computer in 1977 was the beginning of a new way to do almost everything. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad you got The Relative situation out of the way last night and don't have to be looking over your shoulders all the time now. Thanks for sharing your pictures of Valletta. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad the young people had a good time at the parade, and were home in time to share their day at dinner. We had a washer/dryer combo in our old motorhome, and it took forever to dry the clothes. @shippmates Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. The old walled city of Valletta is a walkable city. If you don't feel like climbing the steep stairs to reach the old town, there is an elevator that will take you there. If you are there more than one day, I recommend taking the Ho-Ho tour to see more of the island. There are two routes which together cover most of the island. @dfish Debbie, I hope you get more sleep tonight. @marshhawk Annie, I hope they will take the old washer and dryer when they return with the proper hose and power cord tomorrow. I hope your DH's immunotherapy and doctor appointment go well today. @rafinmd Roy, I hope Paul continues to recover well. @aliaschief Welcome home and back to the real world, Bruce. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the cardiac assessment for rehab goes well today. Cute picture of the DGS. Lenda
  23. @Denise T Denise, Happy Birthday, and enjoy your day. Lenda
  24. Carolyn, I don't understand parents holding their children accountable. We were held accountable for our actions and were the DDs. Bruce, I'm glad you made it to Atlanta safely. Safe flight home. Karen, welcome home. I understand the feeling about Princess vs HAL. I think it boils down in part the the crew. On our last Princess cruise, the crew rarely smiled or said hello when you met them in the hall. I wonder if Rudi's The Catch has basically the same menu as the one on HAL. Lenda
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