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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Jacqui, I'm a little late to the party. I hope the Merry Widows have a wonderful time and a great cruise. Good picture of you with Rich @richwmn at the sailaway.
  2. The dryer just binged the end of the last load. Once I get the fitted sheets and other sheets folded, I'm through for the day. I have been enjoying all the pictures of Mykonos and Delos. Thank you everyone who shared their pictures, and I won't try to name everyone who posted in case I omit some. Mykonos is a pretty clean island, and I hope we get to Delos someday. I make enough typos without trying, so don't tempt me. 😁 Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. I hope you join our happy bunch often. Lenda
  3. Carolyn, I'm glad your DIL has recovered from her foot surgery. Welcome home, Ann and Pat. I hope your DH get good news today, and there is recurrence of cancer. I hope you get your knee surgery soon. And some of make typos a lot sooner than others, and forget about later. Lenda
  4. Terri, I'm so sorry you canceled your trip, but you did what you felt was best for Jim and for you. HUGS! Lenda
  5. I hope the good memories of your mother lessen the sadness on the anniversary of her passing. Lenda
  6. We have been to Mykonos twice. In 2003, we were there on the old Regal Princess as part of the mystery cruise. We rented a car and drove around most of the island. In 2016, we were there on the Prinsendam and just walked around town. Today's picrtures are a combination from both visits. After going to Santorini twice, we decided we like Mykonos better. A couple more pictures of the iconic windmills on Mykonos. Outside the town For the Garden Club Back in town, Paraportiani Orthodox church on the waterfront Some of the back streets in town Mykonos from the ship Lenda
  7. Good morning from a cold for us central Texas. It is currently 46F heading to a high of 71F. The skies are clear and there is little or no wind. Today is laundry day since we are getting low on some clothes. Last night, we tried to see the comet, but we were not successful. The best viewing time was just before sunset, which wasn't good. The comet was near the sun, and the area near the sun was just too bright. A little after sunset, the trees and clouds were in the way since the comet is low in the sky. Maybe we'll be successful tonight. We will celebrate Earth Day, and Girl Scout leaders. Both DDs were Brownies and older DD was a Girl Scout like her mother. The Dr. Seuss quote is interesting. Coleslaw is a good side dish, but I like it with the creamy dressing. We'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine. We have been to Mykonos twice, and really like it better than Santorini. Barbara Walters was a broadcast pioneer in many ways, and a great role model for women. @grapau27 Graham, you and Pauline will be in our thoughts today as you remember your lovely mam on her 94th birthday. Thank you for the explanation of Chemists Celebrate Earth Day. @MISTER 67 Better luck to the Lightning tomorrow night. @rafinmd Roy, I hope your routine visit with the oncologist is just routine. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the pictures from Oman and the interesting topography. Also, the white night looks like another success. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope the PCP gets the records and can complete the LOA papers. Your DGD is a cutie. @dfish Debbie, don't worry about the second picture. I've had the same problem. Oh, remember, today is Monday. @kochleffel Paul, I hope Passover is a good time for you. Lenda
  8. @JazzyV Vanessa, thinking of you today. I hope everything goes smoothly, and you are pain free as a result. Also, I hope your sleep will improve, too. Lenda
  9. @summer slope Dixie, I hope you and George have a wonderful time on the cruise with your family. Lenda
  10. Jake, your hard work paid off. The corner of the yard looks great. Lenda
  11. So far, it's been a lazy morning. I managed to clean up a mess on one shelf in an outside storage cabinet. I'm still not sure what of the cleaning supplies spilled, but it ran down onto the next shelf and ruined several boxes of tissues. Since we still don't know what spilled, the tissues are in the trash, and whatever spilled is cleaned up and now part of that shelf is very clean. With the north wind, it is still very chilly outside, but I did check the old fashioned rain gauge. We received 1.2 inches of rain yesterday. That means we won't have to turn on the sprinkler for a while yet. If the forecast holds, we'll be getting more rain toward the end of the week. Historically, this is our rainy season. Graham, I'm glad Sarah is feeling better, and that it was only a reaction to changing medication. I hope the wonderful memories of your dear mam will make tomorrow an easier day. Fred, thanks for the pictures of the beautiful flowers. Annie, please, if your foot continues to be swollen during the day, have it checked at an urgent care. I'm glad that elevating it overnight helped reduce the swelling. I can't help thinking that being a kindergarten teacher is like herding cats at times. Eva, it may seem strange what with spending winters in Arizona, I can relate to your frozen fingers. Many times when I hang out laundry it will be during the early morning when the overnight lows have not warmed up, and I'll come in with very cold, stiff fingers. But the laundry smells so fresh that it is worth it. Carolyn, I'm sorry the latest news about Amber was not good. I hope the surgery helps, and they can get the swelling and high blood pressure under control. Vanessa, as long as it is not a problem, keeping up the Daily lists might make your recovery go faster. Please, reach out for help if needed. I'm glad you got more sleep. Brenda, thanks for the lovely pictures. Lenda
  12. Good morning from a cool but mostly sunny central Texas. It is currently 50F and feels like 47F because of a 7mph north wind. The humidity is 99% with a dew point of 49F. The predicted high this afternoon is 64F with sunny skies. Yesterday, we received 1.06 inches of rain according to the fancy weather station. I'll check my old fashioned rain gauge a bit later this morning. Otherwise, there is not much on the agenda today. Three interesting and different days to celebrate today. Industrial hemp is important, and I'd try chocolate covered cashews. I also remember kindergarten which was on the enclosed back porch of a private home since our school district did not offer kindergarten at that time. It was a relatively small group of kids, and we had a good time. An amusing quote from Douglas Adams. The meal sounds like it would be good, but we'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Trinidad a few times, but have never made it to Tobago. Elvis' "Heartbreak Hotel" was a big hit. Between Elvis and Buddy Holly popular music changed forever. @JazzyV Vanessa, sending very, very positive thoughts for a successful surgery tomorrow, followed by pain free days. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for letting us know about industrial hemp. I hope Sarah is feeling better. @smitty34877 Terry, it sounds like your house is hopping and everyone is having a good time. What great news that Tana felt like joining everyone at dinner last night. @Heartgrove Jack, I hope more cruise lines follow MSC and provide better tours for those in non-folding scooters. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad the weather is cooperating for your niece and grandnieces. Enjoy the weather and the visit. @0106 Tina, thanks for sharing the beautiful picture of the northern lights. @RMLincoln Maureen, safe travels tomorrow, and positive thoughts for a successful surgery for your DH on Tuesday. Lenda
  13. @sailingdutchy Tony, there's noting like celebrating your birthday on a BHB. Lenda
  14. @bennybear Congratulations Brenda and your DH on your 50th anniversary. I hope there are many more happy years to come. Lenda
  15. @VMax1700 Colin, I hope you and Ellen have a wonderful time on your cruise. Lenda
  16. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you and your BFF have a wonderful and relaxing cruise. Lenda
  17. The rain today is tappering off. We could get a stray shower, but I don't think we will. Since it started raining in ghe early morning hours last night, we've gotten 1.06 inches according to the fancy rain gauge, and the rain was pretty heavy at times. There was some thunder, but not much. I'll check my old fashion rain gauge in the morning. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon from central Texas. We've had some hard rain and some periods of just mist adding up to about 1/3 inch. I was lucky that when I was going to and from the meeting it was just misting. Shortly after I arrived, it poured. With the new president, the meeting was better organized and ran more smoothly than it has in a while. Now, if we could just get some of the neighbors to make their comments and not go on and on about a subject. I guess that is classified as a pipe dream. Still, the meeting lasted just two hours, and there were donuts to keep us energized. Jacqui, I'm glad you arrived safely in FLL, but sorry about the lack of food and drinks on the plane. Glad you got around the Wi-Fi problems. Enjoy your dinner with Brian and Michelle @POA1. Joy, I'm sorry Allen is still waiting for the Dupixent. While drug safety is important, sometimes, I think things go too far and take too long to the detriment of the patient. Wow, with the clear sky the snow on the mountains is beautiful. Thanks for the pictures, Brenda. Yeah, on the extra sleep, Vanessa. I hope you can manage everything today without too much added pain. It's interesting that when DH had his two back surgeries, he only had to shower the night before and the morning of the surgeries with Hibiclens. IIRC, for the shunt placement, he only needed the Hibiclens shower that morning. Lenda
  19. Good morning from a wet and windy central Texas. It is 61F and raining. The rain will taper of for a while, then begin again around 10 am and then last until sometime in the early morning hours tomorrow. Our temperatures will drop during the day and stay in the 50s until tomorrow afternoon. By Monday, we'll have a couple of days of sun and be in the 70s heading back into the 80s by mid week. It would be a good day to stay home with a good book, but our semi-annual homeowners meeting is this morning. Since I didn't turn in an absentee ballot or a proxy, I need to go to the meeting. It's a good chance to visit with some of our neighbors. The meeting wouldn't be so bad if a few people did not talk an issue to death before we vote. Today's days are really not ones I'd celebrate. The Chinese language is difficult, and I prefer my fries naked, especially the ones from the Dive-In on BHBs. Cli-Fi day is probably the best of the three. The quote is a little too much for this early in the day. The meal sounds good, but while DH would like the Brussels sprouts, I'd leave them out. I'll pass on the drink, but would try the wine if it was offered to me, but at that price wouldn't buy it. We have not been to Akita, Japan. Danica Patrick's 2008 win was good for racing and for women. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information on Cli-Fi day. @summer slope Dixie, enjoy the visit with your DD, DSIL and DGS. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for the port of the day map, and taking the time to post it. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope your internet doesn't go out again today. Is there an agency in SC that you can report their poor service to? @cat shepard Ann, have a good visit with your niece and great nieces. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana is have such rough nights, and that both of you cannot get much needed sleep. Enjoy the visit with your NH family, and I bet your two dogs will enjoy the granddog. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad the tree potting went well yesterday. Enjoy the road trip. @dfish Debbie, your getaway next weekend sounds like fun. @LocoLoco1 Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope you get the answers you want when you call HAL today. Lenda
  20. Roy, interesting what you can do with the different maps. Thanks for all your efforts. Beautiful flowers, Carolyn. Sharon, I hope your DM recovers quickly. Kazu, I'm glad you made it this far. I hope the plane is not delayed too long. Safe travels. Sandi, I hope your internet is fixed now. Lenda
  21. Gerry, I'm glad you called the TAVR clinic, and supervisor was able to move your DH to the urgent list. I hope he is approved for the surgery at the end of May. I can't believe they did not all you to let you know his case wasn't presented at the last meeting. Debbie, welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. That rose bloom is pretty, and a lovely reminder of your DM on the anniversary of her passing. Bruce, they certainly seemed to have gone all out for the buffet. That is a lot of food. The decorations are a nice touch. I hope Cooper recovers quickly from his teeth extraction. Vanessa, I'm very happy for you that your surgery was approved. Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery and smooth recovery. I know you can't wait to be pain free. Karen, I hope today goes smoothly, not only for your DBIL's sake, but for everyone. Carolyn, have fun with the DGS today. I had forgotten about "Misery", and yes, Kathy Bates can really play a villain. Brenda, I hope the oncologist appointment goes well, and you get a good report. Great video. Debbie, I'm with you about garlic. It is hard to have too much garlic in a dish. I usually add more than is called for in a recipe. We also like a lot of onions in our food. Roy, that is good news the report said no Afib. Even though the cardiologist wants you to resume one of the medications, it's good that it is at a lower dose. In light of the quote of the day and all the talk about Stephen King, I thought this was appropriate. Lenda
  22. Good morning from central Texas where we have another cloudy day, but no rain forecast until tomorrow. Yesterday's rain never materialized, but it looks like we'll be getting rain most of tomorrow and into Sunday. I'll either have to mow today or wait until Monday, and I think it will be Monday. It also looks like spring is over for the next few days. It is 60F, feels like 58F with a 12mph north wind. Our predicted high today is 65F, and tomorrow it looks like our high will be 62F at midnight before it heads down to a daytime low of 56F. We're looking at lows in the mid 40s this weekend and won't see 70F until Monday. This is spring in Texas. Congenital diaphragmatic hernias sound serious and I suspect they are discovered and repaired early in a baby's life. John Parker deserves a day. We like a lot of garlic, so we'll honor garlic day. The Stephen King quote is true whether or not you get busy living or dying. I've read one of his books and seen a couple of movies based on his books. While we have salmon regularly, I think we'll pass on this version. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. We have visited two ports in Malaysia, but not today's port. 1770 sighting of Australia by Captain James Cook is another good day in his explorations. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for researching two of our days for us. @aliaschief Thank you, Bruce, for sharing more pictures of your Indian adventure. Enjoy your sea days. @St Pete Cruiser Thank you for sharing the picture of Maasdam as Renaissance. She is the only S Class ship we never sailed on. @Mr. Boston I'm glad the move yesterday went well. @richwmn Rich, we appreciate your looking into adding the port of the day to the maps, and realize it would not be and easy task. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope you and Tana will be able to get more sleep, and that things will improve for both of you. @Cruzin Terri Terri, that is good news that everything is going well for your trip on Wednesday. I'm glad Jim is in good shape and eager for your trip. @kazu Jacqui, safe and easy travels today. I hope you do not have much trouble with the foot. Lenda
  23. I keep forgetting about the salmon or if I remember, I don't have the pastry. Glad the hula hoe is working for you. It doesn't work in grass though. Susan, that is good news about the dermatologist visit. Vanessa, I'm sorry BFF's MOHS took two passes. I hope you get the insurance approval for your surgery. Thanks for the pictures of Sydney. DH wanted to climb the bridge, but I was a chicken -- heights. Jane, I'm glad you have not had any colitis or bronchial flares for several months. I hope you ar approved for the TMVR study. Lenda
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