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Quartzsite Cruiser

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  1. More progress made in getting settled back in Texas after two weeks. I finally got the rest of the canned goods off the motorhome. It was needed, since I bought things last week that I had but didn't know I had. For now, but not long, the pantry is organized. We then headed outside in the humidity to go through more things from the motorhome. It is humid and making us think we're back near Houston, so we're taking a short break to cool off. We're making progress, and separating things into keep, put on the new motorhome or sell at the fall garage sale. Thank you, Graham. I'm happy about it too. Carolyn, I'm glad things are improving with Amber. Yes, it's good news that I don't need surgery. Since it is the middle finger, I was afraid I'd be stuck with it sticking straight out while it healed. 🤣 Debbie, I'm happy about the results too. I had a cyst on my other hand that was not as firm as this one, and it disappeared after a few years. Glad you could get your cyst cleared up easily. Karen, I bet you have some new cruise/Alaska addicts as friends after this summer. For me, sandwiches have to be quick to make. The longest I'll spend on making a sandwich is a Rueben. Debbie's salmon Wellington recipe reminded me of a recipe I came across a few years ago. I haven't tried it, but a friend did and liked it. SALMON IN PASTRY 12 oz. puff pastry (thawed if frozen) 3 T unsalted butter, softened 2 (6-7 oz.) salmon fillets salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 T chopped fresh parsley 1 egg, lightly beaten 2 T chopped fresh basil Preheat oven to 400oF. Roll pastry into four pieces, each about 5x8”. Transfer two pieces to a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Remove skin from salmon and place in center of pastry pieces. In a small bowl, combine parsley, basil and butter, and stir until thoroughly mixed. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the butter mixture on top of the salmon. Dip pastry brush into beaten egg and let excess run off. Brush edges of pastry egg. Cover each piece with the remaining pastry. Pinch pastry together firmly to seal; then lightly press tines of a dinner fork along edges for a decorative effect. Brush top of pastry with remaining egg. With a sharp knife, cut two small slits into top of each pastry so steam can vent. Bake 20 minutes or until pastry has risen and is crisp and golden. Do not over bake. Lenda
  2. Back from the hand x-ray, and the good news is the cyst is not calcified. That means it doesn't have to come out which would have be surgical since it's so close to the joint. The PA has not seen the report, but the radiology tech showed me the results on the computer and confirmed it wasn't calcified. I also logged into the lab the PCP uses, and got my blood test results. All but three things are within normal range. The blood sugar and A1c are still high, but lower than last year. I guess I'm managing to eat right most of the time. Terry, I'm glad you and Tana are getting some rest today. Thank you, Graham. Thanks you, Roy, for all the pictures from Sydney. I enjoyed the ones inside the Opera House, since we've never had time for a tour. Pennie, I think the quote goes back to when cell phone plans had rollover minutes from one month to another. Glad you lab results were good. Sandi, I'm glad Linda is doing well, and often a couple of days after surgery are rougher than the day after. I'm glad she is taking it easy today. Carolyn, I hope the news about Amber is better. Thanks for the pictures from Sydney. Karen, I hope the weather continues to be good for DSIL's service tomorrow. Lenda
  3. We have been to Sydney twice. The first time was in 2000 on P&O's Oriana world cruise. In 2002, we were on the 64-day APEC cruise on Volendam, and spent 1 1/2 days in Sydney. In 2000, when we were a lot younger, we had a busy day beginning with the sail in. We took the Ho-Ho and then walked around downtown Sydney. The sunrise as we sailed in and the pilot boat. Our first view of the skyline and the Opera House as we headed toward Circular Quay. Just one picture of the shopping district When we got back to Circular Quay, we decided to take the ferry to Manly across the bay. I couldn't resist the sunset pictures on two iconic symbols of Sydney. In 2002, Volendam sailed into the bay about noon. This was Volendam's maiden call in Sydney, and we were greeted by a fire boat who lead us to Circular Quay. When we left the ship, two wildlife experts greeted us, one with a Koala and one with a Sugar Baby, who had the softest fur. Sorry it's a little blurry. That afternoon, we took the Ho-Ho and visited a couple of museums, including an old electric power plant, but I don't have pictures. The next day, we rented a car and drove to the Blue Mountains, and on the way back, around some of the far reaches of Sydney. We saw this unusual bug that seems to have a face on his back. It looks like some type of moth. I had to really zoom in so the "face" would show up. Some pictures of the Blue Mountains I've always thought Dali's work while different was interesting. The Rocks Sailaway The sunset over Sydney as we sailed toward the Bay of Islands. Lenda
  4. Good morning from another gray and cloudy day in central Texas. It is currently 70F with 98% humidity and a dew point of 69F. Our predicted high is 87F, with rain predicted from 4 pm to midnight. There is a possible risk of severe weather but no warnings right now. The rain will return tomorrow night and is supposed to last through Sunday night. There will be a couple of errands when I go into town to get my finger x-rayed, then I'll try to tackle some of the stuff still stored in the port from the old motorhome. We've seen a lot of monuments and sites in our travels. Always loved animal crackers, but didn't have them often growing up. The best day to celebrate id National Lineman Appreciation Day. They are the backbone of the electric power companies and the unsung heroes when the weather knocks out power. Often linemen from other states will travel to disaster areas to help restore power. An amusing quote that leaves some questions. The meal looks interesting, but I think we'll stick to our regular grilled cheese sandwiches. I'd heard of Long Island Iced Tea, but not Long Beach Iced Tea, but in all honesty, I'll pass on both. @0106 Tina, thanks for the clarification between the two. Thirty plus years ago, we used to drink Grenache wine, so we might try today's wine. We have visited Sydney twice on cruises. Today is an important day in the history of St. Peter's Basilica. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for filling in for Jacqui @kazu as she heads out for her much deserved cruise. Please wish your niece Lisa A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you will be going on your cruise, and I hope the foot is much better soon. Safe travels tomorrow. @MISTER 67 Congratulations on shooting one below your age. Sorry the team lost. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the Mumbai pictures. We saw some of the sights and a lot of the slums on the bus ride from the airport to the port after our Agra excursion. That was enough for me. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope your internet is restore soon. Please wish Jim A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @Sea Viewer Welcome to the Daily. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I'm sorry your doctor is out of town for two weeks after the MRIs. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad you have two campaigns to work now. I hope Tigger appears soon. I hope your DH can get his prescription today, or another pain killer. @ottahand7 Nancy, good luck with the zoon presentation. @sailingdutchy Tony, please wish Martha A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @Mr. Boston I hope everything goes smoothly with the movers today. Lenda
  5. Annie, I'm glad you got some sleep and are feeling better. Even pulled muscles take time to heal, so continue to take it easy. DH had a red MGB convertible when I met him. It was a lot of fun. We also had a used Mercedes SL that was fun driving on the back roads in southeastern PA when we lived there in the early 1980s. We kept it until the mid-90s. When he was in the Army, we bought a used Metropolitan for $50 that had the transmission in the trunk. After we towed it to the Army post and fixed the transmission, it was a lot of fun to drive. We sold it for $75 when he got out of the Army. Lenda
  6. Good morning. The visit to the doctor went well, but I have a new medication to add to what I'm taking. Nothing serious was found, but he wants me to get an x-ray of a place on one finger. He suspects a cyst, which would be left alone. However, it if has calcified it will have to come out. I'll get the x-ray tomorrow. What surprised me was I hadn't been home an hour when I got a call to schedule my mammogram and bone density test. They will be done the middle of next month at our regional hospital, and I was able to schedule them for the same time. Eva, thanks for the correction about Canada's constitution. I was also confused about what happened in 1982. Congratulations on the new addition to the family, Laine Alanna. I hope she and her mother can come home soon in spite of the renovation. Welcome home, Charlene. I'm glad you had a good time and a good visit with your family. Thank you, Graham. Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. We hope you will join us often. Thanks for the picture of the Eurodam in the Panama Canal. Hugs to Pauline on her mam's 104th birthday. I hope Sarah feels better soon. Gerry, I'm glad you made it home safely, especially with all the bad weather. I'm glad you had quality time with the DGS. Our condolences on the deaths of Gerrie to cancer and another classmate to ALS. Annie, I hope your pain improves soon. If not, maybe a trip to the urgent care to see what else can be done. Colin, thanks for the pictures of you, Ellen, Ann and Pat. We've met Ann and Pat, but it's nice to have faces to go with your names. Carolyn, I'm sorry the latest new about Amber is she had a stroke in the hospital. I hope she can recover without any damage and can get her blood pressure under control I hope your BFF has help and support during this time. Ray, I was also a T-bird girl, and liked the boxy early 4 passenger t-birds in the late 50s. Sadly, I never owned one. I'm glad you are home safely, and glad you did not miss your flight. Vanessa, I hope you get more sleep tonight. Best wishes for an easy MOHS procedure for BFF tomorrow. Yesterday afternoon, it brightened up enough for me to get a couple of pictures of my iris. They are blooming better this year, especially in the flowerbed near the street. They still are not blooming as well or as early as others down the street, and those came from thinning my original iris many years ago. I also had one stalk that broke off after it had bloomed once. We stuck it in a glass of water, and not only did the bloom last, but two of the three other buds bloomed. I finally had to throw it out yesterday after more than a week. Lenda
  7. I found some pictures of the area around Naxos, the tender port we used in 2019, for our visit to Taormina. There are a couple of pictures of the street from the bus depot to the old citty gate, plus some pictures of the drive along the coast. On this visit, we took the Interbus from Naxos to Taormina and back, and it was reasonably priced. The street from the bus depot to the city cate. I use the term depot lightly, as it was really a parking lot with a kiosk. Sights long the coast road The Veendam is the ship on the lefthand side of the picture. Naxos You can see a bit of the Naxos Cruise Terminal in this picture. It was really a canopy, ramp and dock. Lenda
  8. We have been to Taormina twice on BHBs. In October 2017, the Prinsendam docked in Messina, and we took the transfer to Taormina. In August 2019, the Veendam tendered at Naxos just down the coast, and we took a local bus to Taormina. The first two pictures were taken from the top of the parking garage where the bus dropped us off in 2017. The top one is the road from the coast up to Taormina, and the second is Mt. Etna. The next ones were taken in 2017 as we walked around the walled part of the city. The next pictures are from our 2019 visit, where we started from the other end of town. The first is the remnants of the city gate. The street leading to the ancient Greek theater and a view of the ocean A few pictures of the Greek theater which is still used for concerts and other events. Both times, we stopped here for gelato, and the view. This gelattoria is at the other end of town from the gate. The town outside the old city gate Lenda
  9. Good early morning from central Texas. It is not even 7 am and is already warm at 71F with 90% humidity and a dew point of 70F. It is also cloudy with a predicted high of 82F and more wind up to 14mph. It looks like we are already heading toward summer, and ERCOT, the group that oversees our power grid, is already warning about overloading the grid in the heat. The main thing on the agenda today is my annual physical and blood test. I hope my tummy doesn't growl too loudly since I to go before breakfast. I suppose we all have something to correct on Blah! Blah! Blah! Day. Ellis Island Family History Day is important, but I think most of my ancestors came to the New World before Ellis Island was opened. I'm a Mustang girl, but didn't get my Mustang until 1989, when I got my 25th anniversary 5.0 GT Mustang. One of my best friends in high school had a 1964 Mustang. The Theodor W. Adorno quote is interesting. We'll skip the meal and wine. We have enjoyed Rhone wines, so would probably like the one today. We have been fortunate to visit Taormina twice on BHBs. An interesting day in 1492 when Christopher Columbus signed the contract with the Spanish Monarchs. The 1982 Constitution was important for Canada. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry your foot is still so sore, and causing you so much pain and depression. I hope the doctor can help you today, and you can go on your much needed and anticipated cruise. @rafinmd Roy, no need to apologize for over sleeping a bit. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope the MRIs help the doctors solve your problems. @grapau27 As usual, Graham, thank you for the explanations today. @LambKnuckles I'm glad you are feeling better, and hope the cough is better sooner than expected. Lenda
  10. Paul , thanks for the pictures. It looks like a peaceful, relaxing area. Maureen, good news you have a time for DH's eye surgery. Ouch, Annie. I'm sorry about your fall, and I hope you can get some relief from the pain. Icing the leg and ankle, plus elevating it will help. Debbie, we need a bubble wrap factory for this gtoup. Maybe we should buy stock in the company. Rich, thanks again for taking us with you on the canal transit. Lenda
  11. It's been a productive but not an exciting afternoon. I didn't feel like working out in the humidity, so I tackled a few tasks that I'd let slide the last month, and some for a couple of years. I spent a good bit of the afternoon cleaning out old emails and files on the computer. Then, it was time to get the financial files in order. Those were ignored for about the last month while I was getting everything ready to come back to Texas, and the the last couple of weeks while we were getting settled, etc. Annie, I'm glad you've found homes for two of the kittens. They will have a better life in a loving furever home. I'm glad that Munchkin will be spayed, too. I'm glad you will have a job beginning Monday. Tina, I agree that TNR is a good method for dealing with feral cats and digs. However, I think that Annie's adopting Munchkin and finding homes for the kittens is a better solution for them. Their lives will be so much better and safer. Carolyn, thanks for the update on your BFF's daughter. I hope Amber will make a full recovery, but what you found out does not sound good. Sending positive thoughts their way. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon. We actually got a couple of rain showers, one over night and one about an hour ago. In total, they measured 0.06 inch. At least, it got the grass and the flowerbeds wet. It's still cloudy but a little brighter. After my errands, I finally had time for breakfast, and then straightened part of a shelf in the closet. It was my catchall corner, and it was time to toss a few things. Denise, I'm glad you are going to make a peaceful sanctuary in your garden in spite of the nextdoor grouch. Elizabeth, no matter the cause, I hope your headache is history now. I hope the neurologist can offer another drug that will do what the one the insurance denied was supposed to do. Annie, thanks for the pictures from Carcross. It's always interesting to see a desert in the Yukon. Rich, thanks for the pictures of your canal transit. I'm enjoying following along, and it brings back memories of our transit in 2020 on Rotterdam VI. Maureen, I'm sure your family appreciates all the hard work you are doing to help them when it's time to say a final farewell to your DSIL. You are helping your DB and niece by relieving them one thing so they have more time with your DSIL. Lenda
  13. We have been to Whitehorse many times since we have driven to Alaska seven times beginning in 1992, and gone there from Skagway several times on a cruise. I found just a few pictures as most of my pictures of Whitehouse are pre-digital. The worlds largest weather vane is at the airport outside the transportation museum. And yes, it does turn with the wind. The visitors center The Klondike, a Yukon River steamboat The suspension bridge over the Yukon River just outside of Whitehorse Lenda
  14. Good morning from another cloudy, windy day in central Texas. It is 69F with 97% humidity and a dew point of 68F. While the chances of rain are not high, in Texas, who knows? It would be nice to get some rain (after my errands) so we don't have to turn the sprinkler on yet. There will be a quick run to the store this morning early plus a stop at our PCPs office to make appointments for our annual checkups. DH tried calling yesterday, and there was a 10 minute wait. Since I go right by the office, stopping in will probably save time and aggravation. After that, depending on the humidity, I might work on sorting more of the things taken out of the old motorhome, and seeing what we really need and what can go, if anything. Emancipation Day, Foursquare Day and Bean Counter Day are all good days to celebrate. However, after the last minute rush to get taxes filed yesterday for many, the bean counters probably want to rest today, and celebrate tomorrow. The Veronica Roth quote is very good. The meal sounds interesting, but not today. I might like the vodka collins and would try the wine. We have been to Whitehorse many times, both from Skagway on cruises and by motorhome on seven trips to Alaska. It is a great place to spend a night or two, pick up needed items, and see the many interesting places to visit in the area. The day in history is another good day for baseball. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope you enjoy Agra and the Taj Mahal. I also hope you can sleep on the plane since it's such a long day. Safe flights tomorrow. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, congratulations to Ren on the winning goal. Please wish your DGS and your niece HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for the good wishes. It has been quite a journey, and we've learned that sometimes it takes a while for the right flow rate to be found. Enjoy your visit with your niece and her daughters this weekend. Good news your sister is much better. @LambKnuckles Lambie, central Texas does have it's share of allergens. Glad you got a good report from the doctor, but sorry it will take more time to get over the bronchitis. @dfish Debbie, I hope you like the new instructor. Thanks for the good wishes for Steve. I hope your allergies improve. @richwmn Rich, thanks for the pictures of the Bridge of the Americas. I have those same pictures. 😁 @Mr. Boston Good luck with the packing and the move. @Gsel Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. I hope today is not too difficult for you. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for sharing the poem with us. It brought tears to my eyes. @smitty34877 Terry, they used the ice machine for DH's second back surgery and sent it home with us. We donated to a group that helps veterans who need medical devices. Interestingly, when DH had his shoulder surgeries, the surgeon did not send him to rehab because he felt sometimes they had the patients do too much. I'm glad things are better there, and it takes time to decompress after a crisis. It's good Tana has goals for each day, and being "a vegetable" and watching something silly on TV is not bad. Lenda
  15. Congratulations, Grandma. If we're grand aunts and uncles, you are definitely Grandma and Grandpa. Lenda
  16. I hope your BFF's DIL can be treated quickly and she recovers fully. That is scary. Thank you, Terry. The NP said probably in 3 or 4 days he will see a difference. They don't want to drain too much fluid too fast. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon from a still cloudy and windy central Texas. It's been a busy day with a lot more stops than UTSW. We always leave a fudge factor in our travel time to UTSW since the Dallas traffic is notorious. This morning the traffic was light and it looked like it we were going to be about an hour early; then we hit a back-up way before we reached the normal back up. It seemed to take a long time, be we actually only lost nine minutes according to the GPS. We were about 35 minutes early, but were seen shortly after we arrived. We were heading out before the actual time of the appointment. DH's appointment went well, and all that was needed was an adjustment to the shunt valve to allow a little more fluid to drain. She wants to see him in a month and to have a CT scan before hand. That is the best way to determine whether or not the shunt is draining properly. Thank you to all who wish DH good luck with the visit today. Again, I'm not naming individuals as I don't want to leave someone out. We appreciate all the good wishes. After we left UTSW, we headed to Ft. Worth to Total Wine, but with a stop at Costco first. We wandered around a while, and DH got a new desktop computer to replace the one that died last year. The new one is a lot small and weighs almost nothing. He is in the process of setting it up. It was a disappointing visit to Total Wine, where we bought a lot less than planned. They no longer offer a 10% discount when you buy six bottles or more on my Riesling, and they didn't have the selection of wines that DH was looking for. We also stopped in Cleburne to check out Aldi. DH had never been there, and it had been years since I was in Aldi in Waco. I think we will stick with our local grocery store. Paul, I'm glad you are almost recovered from your fall, but oh no on the sprained ankle. The bubble wrap sounds like a good idea. Joy, I'm sorry Ron's wife hurt her back. I hope she feels better soon. Terri, I hope the dementia practioner was able to help you and give you some good ideas of what to expect and how to deal with what is ahead for you and Jim. Sandi, I'm glad Linda did well with the surgery. Shoulder surgery is probably the most painful surgery with the most difficult recovery. She is smart to stay ahead of the pain. Dixie, I'm glad you have settled with the insurance company about the golf cart. I hope the chiropractor visits help, and the insurance company is reasonable about pain and sufferings. Carolyn, I hope you get everything straightened out for the DGSs birthday getaway. I also hope the electric bill is straightened out soon. Vanessa, it sounds like you are pretty much prepared for your upcoming surgery. Maybe BFF could use the air mattress if he stays overnight when you first get home. Our condolences on the passing of your colleague and friend Lauren. Also, our condolences to her family and friends. The Ronald McDonald Houses provide a great service to families of sick children. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a still dark central Texas. The weather app says it's cloudy and will remain cloudy all day. Then, it was supposed to be cloudy all day yesterday, and we had sun in the afternoon. It is 70F with a predicted high of 77F and 10 to 15 mph winds predicted. We'll celebrate McDonald's day since we stop there for a quick meal on occasion. ASL is very important, and I wish I remembered the little I used to know. On One Boston Day, sending positive thoughts for a safe marathon today. I think the Richard Lewis quote is very cynical. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine might be good. We have not been to Manzanillo. Thank you, Sandy @StLouisCruisers for your pictures. A sad day for the Titanic, but a good day for baseball. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, sending positive thoughts for Linda's surgery today. @LambKnuckles I hope the doctor has some answers today for curing your bronchitis. Thank you all for the good wishes for DH's appointment today. I won't list everyone in case I forget someone. The good wishes are appreciated. Now, I better start getting ready to leave in an hour. Lenda
  19. Good evening after a long, but productive day. For once, I got everything on the to-do list done, plus a few more things taken care of. Even though I thought about charging the batteries for the trimmer, lawnmower and blow yesterday and in the middle of the night, I still didn't remember to charge them until late morning. While the batteries were charging, DH and I worked on organizing some of the things we, took out of the old motorhome, and got some things tossed and others rehomed. The biggest thing was to get all the tools sorted and back in the toolbox. We had to empty the toolbox before we could lift it out of the old motorhome. The toolbox is the most organized and neatest its ever been. I'm not holding my breathe it will stay that way. While I worked on the yard, DH worked on the motorhome and other things. In another week or so, we might be settled back in here. We do want to travel some over the summer, after we finish with doctor and other appointments fot both of us. Tonight I was grateful to have one last serving of the lasagna I made and froze before we left Quartzsite. That and garlic bread made a good and easy dinner. And there were medicinal gladses of red wine, too. Depending on when I get up tomorrow, I may be late, DH has a follow up appointment at UTSW after his CTscan last week. We think and hope they will adjust the shunt valve. While it's about 1 hour 45 minute drive, knowing Dallas traffic, we allow extra time. So we will try to leave between 7:30 and 7:45 in the morning. Thanks to the Daily genies, I know we have not been to tomorrow's port Thank you, Graham. I think, you both would enjoy Japan. Brenda, thanks for the Hiroshima pictures. Bruno, losing a loved one is never easy. Please join us whenever you feel like it, or just need some human contact or comfort. HUGS! Lenda
  20. Annie, I hope you get the job. I'm sorry about the bronchitis. I hope the doctor can help. Lenda
  21. Our first visit to Hiroshima was in 2000 on a cruise from Vancouver, to Osaka on the old Regal Princess. Unfortunately, all my pictures are pre-digital. That day, we took the tram from the dock to the Peace Park with the skeleton of the A Bomb Dome, the only building left standing after the bomb was dropped as a reminder of the terrible destructive power of the atomic bomb. We also visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, in addition to wandering through the Peace Park. Our second visit was on Coral Princess in 2018, where we docked at the new cruise terminal further from town. We took the free shuttle to the train station, and the train to the Peace Park. We had planned to basically do what we had done 18 years earlier, but the couple with us had other ideas. After seeing the A Bomb Dome, we headed to Hiroshima Castle. Two views of the A Bomb Dome and two plaques about the dropping of the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945. A section of the river by the Peace Park and part of the park. On our walk to Hiroshima Castle to passed this small area and the locomotive. A nice area on our walk Our first sighting of Hiroshima Castle Two of the many gates to the castle Hiroshima Castle is quite imposing. That day, none of us had the desire to climb the many steps in the Castle, so we wandered through the grounds. The view of Hiroshima from the grounds. On of the main roads in Hiroshima, and a small street with more local shops. In a convenience store, DH found some sake to take back to the ship. The train back to the shuttle pick up spot. Some of the vendors in the port terminal. They had a little bit of everything, and the fruit and vegetables looked wonderful. Lenda
  22. Good morning from central Texas. It is 66F with a predicted high of 81F. We will have clouds and some sun with 10 to 15mph winds. Currently, we have heavy clouds and 10 mph winds from the south. I'll be out later this morning to get the yard work done, followed by an excursion into the attic. There are stacks of last years financial papers to be stored. We may have time to start attacking all the stuff from the old motorhome that needs a new home. Not an exciting day, but a busy one. Laughter, which really is the best medicine, and dolphins are good days to celebrate. No ex-spouses in this house. The Virginia Woolf quote is good and still relevant. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. We have been to Hiroshima twice on the old Regal Princess in 2000 and Coral Princess in 2018. It is a nice city to explore with a somber reminder of the horrors of war. @aliaschief Cochin is an interesting place to visit, and I hope your Azamazing evening is lovely. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm glad you are home and getting settled back into the real world. Your Antarctica expedition on Silver Seas sounds nice. Thanks for the update on Murphy. I'm sorry she needed to be hospitalized, but I'm glad she is getting stronger, and hope her long recovery continues to go well. @Denise T Denise, I'm sorry about your neighbor. It is never good to not feel safe in your own home, but it's also bad that one person can force others to feel they have to move. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm glad Sue and her sister are home safely. Congratulations on the new cruise booking for your birthday. That is good news that Sam is doing so well. @kochleffel Paul, congratulations on the good comments from your professor. I'll probably resemble the last meme part way through sorting all the things from the old motorhome. Lenda
  23. @ORTravelGal Thank you for letting us know about the two crew members. I hope the ill crew member recovers quickly. Our condolences to the crew member's family, the crew and all the staff and officers of the Rotterdam. Lenda
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