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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. I'd like them, but that's a low blow for Debbie @dfish Lenda
  2. Just when we were beginning to feel safe from butternut squash, it's in our memes. 🤣 Butternut squash must have a good PR firm. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon. The rain has stopped and the wind is blowing the clouds toward the southeast, so we will have a sunny but cold afternoon. Last night the clouds started moving in about sunset, and we had one the best sunsets I can remember with some strange cloud shapes and vibrant color. Bruce, I'm sorry your tour was a no show. Carol, I'm glad you are recovering well from the tooth extractions. Terry, my first thought was also, be careful on those steps. Vanessa, I'm glad you got some ore sleep with the aid of Benadryl. I hope the insurance company will pay for the mitigation too. Lenda
  4. Good morning from a wet Quartzsite. It is 45 F and raining. We've received at least 0.11 inches, and the rain will continue for another couple of hours. Then the wind will pick up and is predicted to reach 22mph. As a precaution yesterday, I took the flags down and tried to get some of the patio furniture where the wind would not affect it too much. We should see a high of 56F this afternoon. Sometime in the late 1950s, my father and I were fortunate enough see the Harlem Globetrotters play the Hardin Simmons University basketball team. Naturally, all the locals were cheering HSU on, but they did not have a chance of winning. This was during the time Wilt Chamberlain and Meadowlark Lemon were on the team. I've always enjoyed watching them play and their amazing skills handling the basketball. Mentors are a valuable part of our society, and I try to help people develop new skills. I'm also working on not taking it anymore. I think Anton Chekhov may have gotten things backwards. Many cannot face a crisis, and from experience, those that can find that a crisis and stress can wear you out. Slow cooker mashed potatoes sounds good, and at the suggestion of one of the Dailyites, I now make mashed potatoes in the pressure cooker. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to Tunisia. Galileo, who built his telescope, but didn't invent it, opened the skies for future astronomers. I was surprised to learn the typewriter was patented in 1714, but not surprised to read it was not built until years later. A belated Welcome Home to @Ichiban Nekko, @AV8rix Susan, @Haljo1935 and @GTVCRUISER. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, safe travels for Ren and his mother today. They should have good weather in Dallas and Frisco today. Thank you for sharing your Antarctic adventures with us. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the explanation of I'm Not Going to Take It Anymore day. @Crazy For Cats Jake, be careful shoveling the snow. It looks very pretty in the picture, but I'm glad I'm not messing with snow anymore. @GTVCRUISER Were you on the Ruby Princess in early March 2016 on the Sea of Cortez cruise? In one of my pictures of our tour to San Javier, there is a man who could be you. All it shows is the person from the back, but the hat and shirt made both of us wonder if that could be you. @dfish Debbie, I've been adding sour cream and bacon bits to my mashed potatoes for years. It gives them a boost. @smitty34877 Terry, that was very nice of your neighbor to get some of his workers to shovel some of the sidewalks and driveway ends. I'm sorry you lost your pictures of Tunisia. I have mine on the computer and back them up on an external hard drive. I still lost some when iTunes messed up my pictures after an update. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your DH is not getting another cold, but if he is, I hope it's mild and short lived. @Nickelpenny Pennie, the rain is here and when our winds pick up, it will be headed your way. @marshhawk Annie, from you description it sounds like Bubbles is lucky to be alive. I hope the vet will see him, but shame on the vet who puts money before patients. That can also happen with human doctors. Our PCP in Texas left a practice to set up his because the owner of the practice put payments first. Now, our PCP's practice is thriving, and the other practice was bought out by a regional hospital but kept the doctor. @Mr. Boston I'm glad you made it home safely. Hope you feel better soon. Lenda
  5. @kochleffel Paul, I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Lenda
  6. It looks like our predicted weather front is beginning to move in. The clouds have arrived, and the wind is beginning to pick up. The forecast still shows rain tomorrow morning, and I won't complain because we need all the rain here we can get after a long spell of drought. The odd thing is that the weather app says we are under a hard freeze warning tomorrow and Monday, but looking at the nighttime temperatures the lowest predicted for several nights is 33F. The last time I looked, that was not freezing. Brenda, I'm glad the two cancerous places were caught early, and that your DH only needs more work on one of them. When I see old farm buildings, I wonder about the history of the people who farmed the land. Be care with all that ice. Gerry, our condolences on the death of your mentor. It's always difficult to lose someone who made a big difference in your life. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon. The sun is still shining and it looks very inviting until you check the temperature. It's 60F and windy, so I guess I'll enjoy the day through the window. That is good news that Houdini is doing well and gained weight. Sending good thoughts for your friend Debbi and her husband as the face the days ahead as she battles dementia. Vanessa, I was hoping you would get more sleep last night, but three hours is still a slight improvement. Thank you for your pictures of Milford Sound. I'm glad you hired someone to take care of the snow removal. Tony, thanks for the pictures of Milford Sound. It looks like you had very good weather that day. Also, thanks for the information on Abel Tasman, a very interesting and brave man. Terri, I'm sorry your cleaning lady hurt her back and cannot come. While you trust her, you need someone reliable. Safe travels Tuesday and Wednesday to Jacksonville and back, and best wishes for a safe and easy procedure to removed the lesions. I hope the neurologist visit on Thursday for your DH goes well, and that he will be able to help you keep things under control. Susan, I'm glad your cabin is comfortable. I hope after the rough seas start to the cruise, you will get your sea legs, and your walking will become more stable. Vanessa, that's the way I like to see snow, on a computer screen. It always looks so pretty, especially when no one has walked in the new snow. Sharon, as others have said, I know they provide sharps containers, but I'm wondering since you will only need one injection, if you could take the used syringe to medical and put it in their sharps container. Roy, I hope all goes well Monday for your first radiation treatment. I hope you don't over do after the treatment. Glad you liked the meme. Where their scales meet is to darn cold. Sandi, I'm glad you are making progress on the stocking today. If most Texas or really most places in the south got that much snow, everything would completely shut down. Between lack of snow removal equipment and not knowing how to drive in snow, it becomes a mess. Lenda
  8. @Norseh2o Our condolences to you, your family and your mother's friends on her passing. I'm glad that your brother and sisters and their families were all together with your mother and that he passing was without much pain and was peaceful. I hope all the good memories of your times together can bring comfort to the family. Lenda
  9. Good morning from a cold, 35F, but sunny with a slight breeze Quartzsite. Our predicted high will be 60F with the wind picking up later this afternoon. Rain is predicted for early morning tomorrow with the winds increasing to 21mph in the afternoon. As far as I know, there is really nothing on the agenda today. Maybe I'll tackle more on the to-do list, but then, maybe I won't. In honor of bean day, I think we'll finish the last of the Cuban black beans and rice. Mentors should be celebrated today, tomorrow and everyday for the wonderful job they do. Epiphany is an important day in the Christian calendar. A rather different quote today, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I do try to make the most of living the life I have. A BIG NO to squash of any kind on pizza. The drink is one I might try, and it sounds like southern sweet iced tea with vodka. We will skip the pricey wine. Actually, we'd skip it even if it wasn't pricey. We have not been to Milford Sound, but it's on my bucket list. The 1987 first sight of the birth of a galaxy was a big deal in astronomy. The 1649 Rump Parliament's decision to try King Charles for treason changed the direction of England's monarchy for several years. @grapau27 Graham, I appreciated the explanations of the days. @aliaschief Bruce, glad all you luggage arrived on time. Thanks for the fantastic sunrise picture. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope you both stay safe from the storm and do not lose power. @Heartgrove Jack, take care if you have to go out in the freezing rain. @tjcox9 Welcome back. Thank you for the great pictures of Salisbury Plain. @marshhawk Annie, I hope Bubbles improves soon. I guess it would be risking too much to get some peroxide on his wounds. @quilty964 Great picture of you two and Cooper. Great looking dog. @Mr. Boston Safe travels home, and I hope you make it before the worst of the storm hits. @RedneckBob RNB, why not dessert first? We've been known to just desserts in the Lido at lunch. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad your DH could get his meds at your medical facility. It seems things are falling into place, and you're getting settled into your new community. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the hospice nurse can get the few issues resolved and the rest of the weekend goes well. @Haljo1935 Safe travels today. I've enjoyed following along on your cruise. @ukpylot Welcome to the Daily, and I hope you will drop in often. I think you will like La Paz and Loreto. Both are very nice, walkable towns. @Suslor Susan, I'm sorry you had to cancel your cruise. I hope you are feeling much better now. Lenda
  10. Great picture of the Dailyites. Glad to be able to put faces with names. Enjoy your wonderful adventure. Lenda
  11. When we were on Koningsdam in late 2021, they weren't using it. However. In March 2022 they were. Safe travels home tomorrow. Winter is headed to Texas.
  12. This morning I was happy to see your WC blog appear under a different CC name. I've enjoyed following your adventures in the past, and look forward to reading about your adventures this year. I hope the knee heals well and doesn't slow you down too much.
  13. Vanessa, that is good news about more sleep. Have you considered taking Benadryl to help you sleep on the nights you don't take it for the injection? I doubt it would do any harm on a short term basis. I'm glad you called about the spine injection procedure. It's sad that things fall through the cracks and no one double checks on things, but just assumes all is well. I hope they can get it scheduled soon and make it a priority after the mix-up. I just looked out the window, and our clouds have disappeared. I'm not sure how long that will last, but I'll enjoy the sun while I can. Lenda
  14. Good afternoon. Our beautiful sunny morning turned into a gray, cloudy day shortly after I posted this morning. We still went into town for a drive thru breakfast at Carl's Jr. and a stop at the post office. We had not been back home but just a few minutes when I got a text that my prescriptions were ready. Talk about fast service, that was less than 24 hours since I called. We headed to Blyth to pick them up, and decided to drive around town for a bit. In the past two years, they have cleaned up the town, and it has never looked better even though the medium income is still low. Terri, I was sorry to read your post from yesterday that the past couple of days had been rough. I hope today is a better day. Carolyn, I'm glad the seas have calmed down and are treating you and the crew better. I'm glad you are enjoying the cruise. Safe travels home today. Thanks for the update on the job search, and that you are a candidate for the final round of interviews. I hope they offer you the job. Lenda
  15. Good morning from a lovely sunny Quartzsite. It is currently 37F with a predicted high of 58F. Right now there is no wind. Not much on the agenda except more of the same. Wednesday of last week, I put in a request on-line to have my prescriptions transferred from Texas to a pharmacy in Blythe. It seemed like the request went through when I got an email saying they would email when the prescriptions were ready. Yesterday, I still had not heard anything, so I first checked my pharmacy in Texas, and it showed I still had one refill left for each one. I called the pharmacy in Blythe to inquire about the prescriptions, and they had no record of the request. The lady took my information and said she'd call the transfer into the Texas pharmacy. I think the problem stems from the change over from the old owner to Walgreens. On line when I said Walgreens, the pharmacy site said there was no Walgreens at the Texas location. The change over is happening gradually, and our pharmacy was one of the first to change. I'm guessing putting in other for the pharmacy didn't work either. I'll celebrate birds and screenwriters, but we're not keto. I'm glad the diet works for controlling seizures. I like the message behind today's quote from A.A. Milne. If I made today's meal it would not be with tilapia. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We sailed near Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, on our way to the Suez Canal, but we've never been to the port. Two interesting days in history, but I'll not honor Benedict Arnold. Harry S Truman turned out to be a better President than anyone expected, and he faced many challenges that were made more difficult by being kept in the dark when he was Vice President. @Crazy For Cats Jake, Tucker looks very proud to have claimed the box. @seagarsmoker I'm happy you are continuing to improve. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the information about the days. @smitty34877 Terri, I hope today is a better day for everyone. Dog heaters are the best heaters. @Nickelpenny Pennie I'm glad you made it home safely. In honor of Bird Day, here are three birds that have visited our place in Quartzsite over the years. We also get hummingbirds and Gambrel quail, but no pictures of them. A Redtail hawk who was a little camera shy. I was lucky to get this picture. Another year this hawk killed a bird and ate it right by our front patio. Sorry the picture is a bit blurry, but I took it through the storm door which has tinted film on it. DD and DSIL were here, but trapped in the motorhome until the bird left. Our most frequent visitor besides the hummingbirds and quail Lenda
  16. @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief Bruce and Sue, I hope you have a wonderful world cruise, and I can't wait to hear how everything is going. Lenda
  17. Jane, congratulations to your nephew's wife on becoming a US citizen. I'm sorry you didn't get good news from your cardiologist's PA. I hope the change in meds helps, and I hope the TEE will give them answers to solve some of the problems including the fatigue and shortness of breath. Paul, I'm glad you reached the cat sitter, and that everything is arranged for your trip. Glad you got both pairs of your glasses. Safe travels tomorrow. Lenda
  18. Nancy, I've finally caught up with your live from, and I'm enjoying it. I hope you cabin has warmed up.
  19. Debbie, sorry about the pain, and I wish it was easy for you to get the ablation which you know works. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon. It is sunny and the wind has slowed down, but it is 57F, so it will be chilly even in the sun with the breeze. At least, the the cooler weather, I'm getting caught up on inside chores. This morning, we dropped the donations off, then drove around town and out to the LTVA (Long Term Visitor Area) where the BLM allows long term dry camping in the desert, for a fee. Those areas were getting crowded, but the free 14-day areas are not full yet, and most of the commercial campgrounds are not full. There still isn't as much traffic in town as there normally is in January, but the vendors are set up and waiting for shoppers. Yesterday after the rain ended, the sun came out, and I went outside to see if we had a rainbow. There wasn't a rainbow, but the sun on the trees with the the rain clouds to the east was pretty. A few minutes later as the sun set, there was a pretty sunset to the east and south. Edi, that is good news and bad news about the furnace. I hope you don't have to cancel your cruise. I wonder if the prices might be slightly lower between heating seasons. I'm sure the closer to next winter the more demand for furnaces and the higher the price. I hope you got the ornaments down before the wind got to them. Rich, I imagine the changes to when the accounts are charged to a credit card were not happily received. My guess is it will also affect those of us who b2b2b cruises. Vanessa, I'm sorry the Rheumatologist could not be of more help. I'm glad you got more sleep last night. Jack, I'm glad you will all be able to go on your April cruise. It was nice of your DBIL to volunteer to take care of Sam. Debbie, I hope you can get the ablation for the stenosis instead of the epidural injections. I have refrained from saying anything before about the epidurals when so many Dailyites were getting them. DH had bilateral epidural injections twice and one in the center of the spine. Unfortunately, none of them worked. He did some research and found they work about 50 percent of the time or less. Keep being the squeaky wheel and push for the ablation. I'm sorry you will be faced with finding a new hairdresser. Good ones are hard to find, and I've had two retire in the past ten years. I'm hoping the one I have here and the one in Texas are young enough to outlast me. Lenda
  21. We were in Loreto on the Ruby Princess in 2016. It is in the Sea of Cortez on the east coast of Baja California north of La Paz. Cruise ships usually only do one or two cruises in that area each year. We took a tour to San Javier, a small town up in the mountains; then, we walked through Loreto on the way back to the pier. I would like to go back and spend more time in Loreto. The sun rising on Loreto as we approached the anchorage. The main street and church in San Javier Behind the church was an area with ancient trees with twisted trunks. A local resident The little cafe where we had an early, good lunch On the way back to Loreto, we stopped at a view point with a wayside chapel. Back in Loreto, our guide took us to the local church. Loreto on the walk back to the pier and the tenders. Lenda
  22. Good morning from a sunny with no wind Quartzsite. It is 37F with a predicted high of 59F with winds reaching 13mph this afternoon. Yesterday's rain was a good rain for the desert. DH's weather station said we got 0.09 inches and my old fashioned rain gauge said 0.12 inches. It is nice to not have anything that needs to be done today besides taking more donations to Carol's Closet and the thrift store. Maybe, I'll be able to catch up on some banking chores and a few other computer related chores. I enjoyed pop music until the disco era. Since then some pop music was good, but most not, IMHO. Tom Thumb was a great entertainer. I like trivia since there is a host of random, useless information in my head. DH is not a real fan of trivia, but when he played, he was a big help with science and astronomy questions. A weird quote today that I hope doesn't give anyone any ideas. We'll pass on the meal and the Wild Sex. I might try the Riesling, but I prefer one that is between sweet and dry. We were in Loreto in 2016 on Ruby Princess, and I'll repost my pictures next. Two interesting days in history. The Colt revolver was a game changer in the gun industry. The NYSE has been in it's permanent building a long time. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope the doctors appointment goes well and there are no surprises. @dfish Debbie, I was surprised the pain clinic wanted another MRI. We found that they only needed a new one, and that was for surgery, when the latest MRI was more than a year old. I don't know about other insurance, but original Medicare requires PT plus wearing a back brace for a month and neither helping before surgery is approved. @0106 Tina, thank you for filling in for Debbie while she was recuperating. @aliaschief Enjoy tonight's festivities, Bruce. I laughed at the RV meme. We've seen some RV's jacked up pretty high, but the meme takes the cake. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for enlightening us about the days we're celebrating. @seagarsmoker I'm glad you are feeing better and hope you are back to normal by this weekend. Thanks for the observations about your trip. @VMax1700 I hope the visit with the GP goes well, and the call to come in is not for a serious reason. Enjoy our DGD's performance tonight. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you don't need shoulder surgery now. The steroid shots helped DH. @marshhawk Annie, that is good news about the Keytruda working and the tumors shrinking. I hope something can be done about the mouth pain. @St Pete Cruiser Welcome home. I hope the person medically evacuated from the ship is doing will and will be fully recovered soon. Lenda
  23. Glad you made it safely on board. Great picture of the three of you. Susan, sorry about the bag being mesed up. Lorraine, glad you are safely on board, and sorry about the broken wheel. Lenda
  24. The rain has finally arrived. It's not a heavy or as much as before Christmas, but it is still appreciated. So far, we've received almost 1/10 of an inch, which is a lot for the desert. That is good news the neurosurgeon released you three weeks after the surgery. The PT should help you be ready for your Maui trip. Lenda
  25. Good afternoon from a gray and windy Quartzsite. According to the radar future cast on the weather app some heavy rain is heading our way. We can always use rain here. I noticed after our heavy rain just before Christmas that the saguaro had really plumbed up. The house is now clean, and I did a little more deep cleaning while I was cleaning. I cleaned the inside of all the windows, and they do look good. I hope the rain cleans some of the outside ones. That's about the only major thing left to do, I cleaned the worst of the outside windows before Christmas, but they still need a bit more work. Dixie, I hope the biopsy comes back negative. I'm glad the doctor is on top of it. Bruce, I'm glad you made it safely to Ft. Lauderdale. Enjoy your time there before you board your ship. Sandi, very rarely have be flown the day before a cruise was set to begin, and that includes overnight flights to Europe. It depends on the timing of flights and the time of year. In winter, I'd want more of cushion between leaving home and embarking a ship. I loved the penguin picture and all the details. RNB, it never crossed my mind. 😁 Lorraine, thanks for the picture of the Volendam. I hope you did not have to walk to the ship in the rain. The R class ships are still our favorites. Have a wonderful adventure. Sharon, I'm glad you got the OBC posted to your account. I learned quite a while ago to check Carnival Corporation website and Owner Relations to see the latest requirements for requesting OBC. It seems they change them every few years. I'm glad the new app worked well and was easy to navigate. Very interesting sunrise with the sun lighting up the con trails. Lenda
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