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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon from a lovely day in Quartzsite. DH tested the new fuel pump on the Ranger, but right now while it is hooked up to the fuel lines, the old one is still attached to the Ranger, so my skills were not needed this morning. Fingers crossed 🤞 that the stuck valve in the carburetor finally unstuck itself. That would be nice if it was true. There are a few outside chores that are easy, and I'll get them done shortly. Debbie, that is great that Eva @superoma is willing to handle the recipe duties while you cruise. I'm sorry that Tylenol doesn't work for you. Nancy, I'm sorry the biopsy on your arm was positive, but not melanoma yet. I hope the anti-cancer topical keeps things stable until after your cruise. Tony, thanks for information about the old Guilders that The Netherlands used until switching to the Euro. These are the coins on the Koningsdam. I took the picture in December 2021, and this is the best the looked. Paul, I'm glad there were no signs of cataracts or glaucoma. Annie, I'm sorry you have a cold. I hope you feel better soon. Vanessa, I'm glad the specialist is in network, and I hope you can get scheduled soon. My auto mechanic skills are okay for what I know, but there are some things I draw the line doing. DH remarked yesterday about all the things I've learned to do the past couple of years. I just hope I don't need them anytime soon. Dixie, I'm sorry the extraction was not easy. I've had one partial tooth drilled out. Surprisingly, the next day, my pain was from the novacaine injection sites. Rinsing my mouth with warm salt water helped ease that pain. Lenda
  2. We were in Avalon in 2022 on March 25 and again on March 28. It was a sunny, pleasant day on the first stop and windy, rainy with rough seas on March 28. We only went in on the first visit, and we rented a golf cart for a quick tour of the island. The walk from the tender dock and their Veterans memorial. Starting our golf cart ride. Looking down at Avalon from the hilltop viewpoint. We passed the pet cemetery The Casino, which we did not have time to visit since we only had the golf cart for an hour. DH dropped me off at one end of the pedestrian street while he took the golf cart to the other end. The Wrigley house on the hill top. We drove by it on our golf cart ride, but this is a better picture. Lenda
  3. Good sunny morning from Quartzsite. I managed to sleep a little later this morning. Currently, it is 50F with a 5mph breeze. Our predicted high is 74F, and that will be nice when I finish the last few things outside. I think one of them is changing the fuel pump on the Ranger. It's not a hard job, thankfully. Tomorrow will be our last day in the 70s, as rain and cooler weather move in early Friday. It looks like we'll be in the lower to mid 60s for the remainder of the year. For a few days, it looked like our good weather would continue through Christmas, but that has changed. Maybe, it will change again, at least while DD and DSIL are here. There is no caroling here, but I went caroling several years with my church youth group. We'd visit the homes of shut-ins from the church. Someone else can have my sangria today. Without Sacagawea, Lewis and Clark might not have made it to the Pacific coast. I like the quote, and thank you Tina @0106 and Rich @richwmn for providing the complete quote. The baked queso chicken looked looked good before, and I remember printing one or two of the recipes. I just haven't made it yet. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We were in Avalon in 2022 on Koningsdam, and I'll retrieve my pictures in a bit. Today, I'll celebrate the formal transfer of territory from the Louisiana Purchase. @kazu Jacqui, thank you for getting the Fleet/Daily up and running while Rich is exploring the world. @richwmn Safe travels today, Rich, and enjoy San Diego before your cruise. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please let me know if you need me to post the links to the ports of the day while you are visiting family. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the explanations about Sacagawea and caroling day. @Lady Hudson Katherine, enjoy your Pinochle club Christmas party. @GlennG Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. We also treasure Jacqui @kazu here on the Daily. I hope you will join us again. @Cruzin Terri Terri, wishing both of you all the best on the cognitive test today. I'm glad you are hurting less. That is good news your appointment for the dermatology procedure has been moved up to January 9. @1ANGELCAT Thanks for sharing the sad news about the Channel 6 news helicopter. Our condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the pilot and photographer. When we lived in Kemblesville, we watched WPVI all the time. @kazu Jacqui, you do have a lot of boxes of things to donate. I also love the door mat. I know your visit with DD DH's BFF will be bittersweet for both of you. I hope the good memories you share of your loved ones will make the visit a little less sad. @Haljo1935 Safe travels today. @ger_77 Gerry, safe travels and good weather tomorrow. @smitty34877 Terry, you and your family are in out thoughts as you learn to celebrate the holidays without your DH present. @tupper10 I hope your DGC feel better and will be able to visit you tomorrow. @cruising sister Lorraine, even though we also pay the premium for original Medicare and for our supplement, it is a small price to pay for the peace of mind knowing we can access the best doctors no matter where they practice. I hope you hear more good news about Murphy soon. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad you have the approval for the windshield replacement. I agree replacing them is more challenging now days. When we had the one in the convertible replaced, we think they did not hook up the rain sensor, since the wipers no longer work automatically. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry Bubbles was injured, and I hope you figure out a way to get some medicine on the wound. @dfish Debbie, I'm sorry your are aching more since you had to stop taking the Aleve before your surgery. DH had to stop NSAIDs, but could take Tylenol since it does not thin the blood. @Crazy For Cats Jake, thanks for the picture of Rudolph. @summer slope Dixie, I hope all goes smoothly at the dentist today, and that you are not in too much pain afterwards. Lenda
  4. A late good evening. It took longer than expected, but the car and the UTVs are washed, and at least, they look better and not like a rolling ball of dust and dirt. The three worst windows are clean, and since they are the ones that get the afternoon sun, it's nice to to see dirt. That is thanks to the spray on window cleaner with the built in ability to rinse the windows. It even lessens the water spots, at least on a partly cloudy day. DH grilled the port chops and they were very good, along with a baked potato and sautéed mushrooms. The only problem was the pork chops were so big neither of us could finish them. Now the kitchen is clean, and I'm ready to relax for a couple of hours. The cookies look good, and the memories will be a precious lasting memento for the fun you had making them. Debbie, they all look good. I still follow the recipe I found in the early 1970s that calls for painting the icing on the cookies. The trick is to get it thin enough to apply with an artist paint brush, but thick enough to stay on the cookies. I'm learning how to pipe some of the smaller details, and if all goes well, that is quicker. You should be proud of your cookies, they look good. It seems the Messy Decorating Guild is an adjunct of the Messy Bakers Guild and the Messy Painters Guild. Either you are able to get the results without a mess or you make a mess. It's the end result and the memories that count. I hope the appointment for Trouble goes smoothly. We lived about 45 minutes from Bird in Hand in the early 1980s. It's sad to read about the explosion and the death. Lenda
  5. Good afternoon from a sunny Quartzsite with a few clouds. It was a marathon shopping today in Parker since I needed to go to all three grocery stores. I got most of what I needed, but not all. The best was the Chateau St. Michelle Riesling was on sale at the best price I've seen in quite a while. Needless to say, I cleaned them out. We also dropped off the donation to Carol's Closet on the way out of town. It felt good knowing those who can't afford to buy clothes and household items will be able to use them. As soon as I finish here, I'm going to wash the car and UTVs. I just hope I don't get too wet in the process. Dixie, I'm glad the MRI and surprise blood tests are done. It's good you can avoid surgery. Annie, I think poor service with the USPS is nation wide. The PO in Texas is pretty good most of the time, but the one here is a nightmare. Maureen, I'm glad your niece had the baby and I hope all went well. Rich, I'm glad you made it to Atlanta. Safe travels to San Diego tomorrow. I'm glad you made it to Ft. Lauderdale and are safely on board Zaandam. Vanessa, I'll keep my fingers crossed that the cyst is the cause of all your pain. I hope the one doctor who does the procedure you need is in your network. If not, I hope you can still see him as an emergency patient. And I hope all this happens soon. Debbie, I'm also a messy baker and painter, so that carries over to decorating cakes and cookies. I've found a food color gel that does not leave permanent marks on clothes or countertops. Lenda
  6. We have been to Souda and Chania twice. The first time was in 2017 on Prinsendam, and the second time was in 2019 on Veendam. Both times, we took the shuttle from Souda to Chania and walked around town. Except for the bus ride, we did not see much of Souda. The shuttle dropped us off by a park across from the Old Chania Market. From there we walked around the area and the Old Venetian Port of Chania. The area where the shuttle dropped us off, and it's the beginning for the modern part of Chania. Pictures from the Old Chania Market. Walking through Old Chania A nice plaza with shops, restaurants and shade The Presentation of the Virgin Mary Metropolitan Church in the back ground The Church The sea entrance to the Old Venetian Port. The Lighthouse of Chania is on the right and the Firka Venetian Fortress is on the left. Looking across the harbor Looking toward the Kyuchuk Hassan Mosque, which is now a museum. The mosque and a couple of the exhibits. The first one was from 2017 and the second was from 2018. Past the mosque and around the corner are several restaurants and the small boat harbor. Chania is a lovely place to spend several hours relaxing, shopping, sightseeing and people watching. We enjoyed our visits there. Lenda
  7. Good morning from Quartzsite where it is 48F and very cloudy. Our high this afternoon will be 72F. This morning is the final 🤞 trip to Parker for things for meals while DD and DSIL are here for Christmas. If there is time, I'll wash the car and the UTVs. If not, I'll wash them tomorrow. We are supposed to get rain Friday and Saturday, and at night it the desert is beginning to have the wonderful smell a rain brings. This part of the US certainly needs rain. DH will celebrate hard candy day even though we don't have any in the house. He also loves the ribbon candy. I'll honor heroes and heroines today. There are no evergreens here, but we do have evergreens in Texas. In our case they are cedar trees. I love the Phyllis Diller quote, and maybe since I always put water in my iron that's why I never liked ironing. I think I'd prefer vodka in the iron. 🤣 We'll pass on the pork roast, but we'll be having pork chops cooked on the grill. We'll pass on the wine, but I'd love to try the wine. We have been to Souda and Chania twice on BHBs. Hats off to the BBC for beginning overseas broadcasting in 1932. @richwmn Rich, hope you have a wonderful time on your lengthy cruise. With is great group of Dailyites, somehow, we'll manage to keep the Fleet Report/Daily going in your absence. @summer slope Dixie, I hope the MRI goes well this morning. @seagarsmoker I hope you are able to get off the ship today. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the blood tests do not hold any surprises, and I hope the visit to the periodontist isn't too bad. @kazu Jacqui, I hope when the sun comes up you find there is no damage from the storm. @marshhawk Annie, I hope that Hope is all right and that her leg is not seriously injured. Lenda
  8. @St Pete Cruiser BON VOYAGE! I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Lenda
  9. Pennie, I'm glad the injection went well, and I hope it helps with the pain and numbness. I also hope you get the second injection for the other side. Lenda
  10. Good afternoon from a cloudy and cool Quartzsite. It was nice late this morning when I was making a new cover for the window a/c. When I went out later to deliver Christmas cookies and candy, the clouds had moved in and it was getting chilly. I did have a nice visit with two neighbors, but the other one was not home. Tomorrow is supposed to be 73, and I hope I can find time to just sit outside and read. I think I've got everything done except cleaning the motorhome, the house and washing the car and UTV's. It's taken awhile, but I now feel settled in here. Tomorrow morning, we'll be heading to the big (?) town of Parker to the shopping for Christmas and to get a few other things. We'll try to leave as early as possible since we will be stopping at Carol's Closet to drop off the donations. Maureen, I'm glad you made it home, but wow on the conditions. I'm happy your new place has backups for power outages. Vanessa, I hope all goes well tomorrow and that you get some answers to what can be done to relieve your pain and numbness. I'm glad your BFF will be with you for Christmas. Bruce, very glad you made it home safely. Sorry about the broken windshield. Wow, Debbie. The quilt looks even better than the preview. You put in a lot of work and created a wonderful work of art. Terry, I hope your family in Mass. did not have any damage from the storm. Cat, thanks for your observations about the cruise and the ship. I hope the weather is not what is forecast for tomorrow. BTW, congratulations on the casino win. Annie, I hope the outside cats appreciate how good they have things, with blankets in boxes and a warm, not windy porch. Nancy, I hope you can get things straightened out with Medicare. I hope there were no serious injuries in that multi car pileup. @kochleffel Paul, I hope the wireless thermostat works. Lenda
  11. The Prinsendam took us to Brest in 2011 and 2017. The first time was on a Sunday, and almost everything was closed. After looking at the town center until the shuttle returned, we stopped at the waterfront and then took the shuttle to an old fort that is now a maritime museum. In 2017, once in town, we road the tram to both ends, and took the gondola across the Penfeld River and back. Pictures of Brest The waterfront area. The restaurant caught our eye because of the name, but we did not go in. The maritime museum Views from the museum The gondola and views from the ride The Pont de Recouvrance from the gondola Lenda
  12. Good morning from Quartzsite where it is 47F with a predicted high of 70F with a light breeze. It will partly cloudy to cloudy today, but it still shouldn't be too bad for working outside this afternoon. I did my cookie baking last week. I'll celebrate twin day along with our Dailyite twins, Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Katherine @Lady Hudson. My mother had identical twin cousins, and as far as I know they were the only twins in the family. I love watching the big snow flakes drift down as long as I'm inside. Obviously, that won't be happening in southwest Arizona. The Jimi Hendrix quote is true, and sadly he died too young, one of many entertainers who died at 27. We'll pass on the meal and drink. I would like to try the wine, but it is a bit more than we pay for wine to drink at home. We have been to Brest twice on BHBs, and I'll retrieve my pictures shortly. An interesting day in New Zealand history. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I hope the snow squall is not too bad. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope Jim's MRI goes smoothly today and gives you some answers. My best advice, which is not always easy to follow, is to hang in there and take one day at a time. Be sure to make some time for yourself everyday. @aliaschief Bruce, safe travels home. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the information on flake appreciation day. I was glad it was about snow flakes and not some of the flakes we see in daily life. @Crazy For Cats Jake, enjoy your day in San Juan. We've always enjoyed wandering around the old city. @seagarsmoker I hope you now have everything straightened out on board. I couldn't help wondering, if you did not have an account, would you still have to settle a bill at the end of the cruise. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope you, Tana, and the dogs stay safe during the storm. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you and Ivan are safe and warm in your house, and that there is no power outage or wind damage. @57redbird I hope your pain lessens soon, and that you have a quick and full recovery. @Nickelpenny Pennie, DH had steroid shots in his spine, and they weren't too bad with the lidocaine they added to the syringe. I hope the injection helps with the pain and numbness. First a PSA for those wrapping presents today. Lenda
  13. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope you have a wonderful day on your birthday. Lenda
  14. Finally, all the things from the motorhome and house are sorted and either put away or boxed to take to Carol's Closet, which is part of the Food Bank. It is a place for those who cannot afford clothes, toiletries, etc., to come and pick out clothes. Other things will go to the thrift store, but probably not until after the holidays. I've decided that while there are some things that we could sell, I don't want to mess with a garage sale in January, and we won't be here for the February neighborhood garage sale. I guess since a lot of the things have been waiting for a garage sale for several years, they can wait until the first neighborhood garage sale next November. We may keep the big ticket items until then, but the little things that won't bring in much can go to the thrift store. It's unbelievable since most garage sale items are priced very low, how many just disappear. One person cannot keep an eye on everything. RNB. you never bore us. Looking forward to your report of your adventures. Jane, I couldn't agree with you more about Graham @grapau27 and Pauline. The world would be a much better place with more people like them. Lenda
  15. Good afternoon from a sunny and pleasant Quartzsite. I finally got quite a bit of the sorting finished. As soon as I finish here, I'm heading out to the motorhome to finish the sorting. Jake, thanks for the pictures. I'm glad the weather cooperated and you could go ashore. Vanessa, I'm glad you got a little more sleep, and hope you can get more sleep tonight. I wish there was a magic wand to wave so that you could function without pain. Don't worry about Christmas dinner. The day is more about being with specials people, not the food. Brenda, I think your Griswolds out did Clark Griswold this year. Bougainvillea are pretty when they bloom, but all I see are the neighbors' dead flowers. They are really impossible to clean up. Roy, thanks for the pictures from Jamaica. We also visited Dunn's River Falls, but did not attempt to climb the falls. So glad you made it safely to Ft. Lauderdale. Thanks for letting us know. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite where there may be a few clouds on the horizon. It was 39F when I got up about 45 minutes ago. The weather app says it is now 45F with a 4mph breeze. Our high will be 71F. We'll be in the low 70s until Friday when a cool front comes in to lower our temperatures into the 60s, and there is a significant chance of rain Friday. Even this Texan who is currently in Arizona has Canadian maple syrup in the pantry. I don't have an ugly sweater, and I rarely need the two sweaters I have. The Wright Brothers probably would be very surprised to see what developed after that first flight. I like the Mark Twain quote, and I interpret a sleepy conscience to mean you haven't done anything seriously bad for your conscience to bother you. I like lamb but DH doesn't so I'll get my lamb fix on Koningsdam in a little more than a month. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the white Pinot Noir. We were in Ocho Rios on a cruise in the late 1990s. so all the pictures are in an album in Texas. That day we hired a taxi to take us on a tour, and that was an interesting experience. Evidently, she did not have any coolant in the radiator, and we'd have to stop regularly to add water. In 1975. we spent a week in Falmouth at an all inclusive resort and rented a car for three days to tour the island. At that time it was a safe place, except Kingston on the other side of the island. Jamaica is a beautiful island sadly with a lot of poverty and crime now. In 1903, the Wright Brothers started a transportation revolution. In 1983 the triple transplant of three organs must have been a very delicate surgery, and a step forward in organ transplantation. @RedneckBob, RNB, @dobiemom Marcia, and @POA1 Brian, welcome home. Brian, I enjoyed your live from very much. @dobiemom Marcia, safe travels to Jacksonville and enjoy your visit there. Also, safe travels Wednesday to you and your Mom as you fly to California Wednesday. @Seasick Sailor Joy, it is always good to read that the MDR Maître d turned away people sloppily dressed on Dressy Night. We noticed the same thing on Koningsdam. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope the worst of the storm misses you. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope a day ashore, or at least a day docked, helps your DH feel better. Thanks for the picture of the rainbow. @grapau27 Graham, your friends are very lucky to have you and Pauline in their lives. I hope things get better for Pauline's friend and her DH. @St Pete Cruiser That is good news that St Petersburg got some much needed rain. I hope there was not any flooding or damage to the area. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the throws turn up soon. This time of year it seems things take longer to arrive. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad you are enjoying the visit. @Nickelpenny Pennie, cruising is one chance I have to wear some of the nicer clothes that spend most of their time in the closet. I'm also a jeans or shorts, t-shirt and sandals girl. @summer slope Dixie, we've only sailed from Ft. Lauderdale twice when we were in Arizona. The first time we flew and had to go the day before. The second time, we took Statendam through the Panama canal and spent two days in FLL pre-cruise. It is easier to sail out of San Diego or the LA area, where we can drive over the same day. Lenda
  17. @seagarsmoker BON VOYAGE! I hope you and your DW have a wonderful, relaxing cruise. Lenda
  18. Graham, our condolences to Pauline's friend and to Pauline on the death of her friend's Mam. I hope Pauline's friend begins to feel better soon, and that the good memories of her Mam will bring her comfort in the coming days. Lenda
  19. Good afternoon. This morning, I finally got the office stuff finished, and found with all that has been going on the last several weeks, the checkbook needed a lot of work getting things straight. It turned out to be a nice day outside with sun for a couple of hours. We got a lot of the to do list for outside finished. Then as it got cooler, I got the laundry off the line. Now, it just needs to be folded. It looks like I can't put off the sorting any longer and will have to tackle it tomorrow. Can you tell I'm not really looking forward to that chore, but it has to be done. It really shouldn't take all that long. 🤞 I have read two of the three books and enjoyed them. I do like history and know some of English history, but not enough. I'm looking forward to reading the third book. Carolyn, it sounds like everyone is having a lot of fun. It's time to get the fish out to thaw (salmon for me, and cod for DH) while I fold the clothes. Dinner will be the fish cooked in the air fryer, with a vegetable rice I froze the other day and a salad. Dessert will be ice cream and gingerbread cookies. Lenda
  20. It looks like the sun is trying to break through the rather heavy cloud cover. It's finally reached 60F, and the clothes have all been on the line since about 9:30. Also, the sheets have been washed and dried with the other set of sheets going on the bed while the sheets were in the dryer. I hope that makes sense. 😉 Now, to catch up on some paperwork, then begin the sorting before I bring the clothes in later this afternoon. That's the kind of excitement we have around here. Safe travels today, Karen. I hope you enjoy your time with your mother, and that you get home before it's too dark. Maureen, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with your friend and catching up with your family. Sending positive thoughts that there are no last minute glitches for the wedding. Safe travels tomorrow, and I hope all your planes are on time or early. I'm sorry your DH is having such a bad reaction to the eye drops. Carolyn, DH found video of the ride down the mountain on the incline railroad. I still don't remember riding it, but I also don't remember waiting for him at the bottom. My guess is I rode with him, but strangely, I did not take any pictures which I normally would have done or the pictures were blurry. The car has bench seats that lean back when it is level. The train goes through a tunnel before the steepest part, but from the video it does not drop at breakneck speed like a thrill ride. We also took the gondola up and back down. There is a "sky tram" that is new since we visited the Blue Mountains. In the end, you can look at the situation and talk to your guide before deciding whether or not to ride the train. I also don't want any insects covered in chocolate, and I too prefer dark chocolate. However, I draw the line at the faux chocolate -- white chocolate. Whoever mentioned they do not chocolate covered peanuts, I'll be glad to take them off your hands. Susan, that's good news your luggage is on it's way, but going over Red Mountain Pass in the winter in a big truck? I'd head south too. In fact, we have when we skied Purgatory. Welcome, home. Terry, I'll trade you my butterscotch for your chocolate. Vanilla ice cream is good, but it's better with dark chocolate syrup. Lenda
  21. We have been to Sydney twice. The first time was in 2000 on P&O's Oriana world cruise. In 2002, we were on the 64-day APEC cruise on Volendam, and spent 1 1/2 days in Sydney. In 2000, when we were a lot younger, we had a busy day beginning with the sail in. We took the Ho-Ho and then walked around downtown Sydney. The sunrise as we sailed in and the pilot boat. Our first view of the skyline and the Opera House as we headed toward Circular Quay. Just one picture of the shopping district When we got back to Circular Quay, we decided to take the ferry to Manly across the bay. I couldn't resist the sunset pictures on two iconic symbols of Sydney. In 2002, Volendam sailed into the bay about noon. This was Volendam's maiden call in Sydney, and we were greeted by a fire boat who lead us to Circular Quay. When we left the ship, two wildlife experts greeted us, one with a Koala and one with a Sugar Baby, who had the softest fur. Sorry it's a little blurry. That afternoon, we took the Ho-Ho and visited a couple of museums, including an old electric power plant, but I don't have pictures. The next day, we rented a car and drove to the Blue Mountains, and on the way back, around some of the far reaches of Sydney. We saw this unusual bug that seems to have a face on his back. It looks like some type of moth. I had to really zoom in so the "face" would show up. Some pictures of the Blue Mountains I've always thought Dali's work while different was interesting. The Rocks Sailaway The sunset over Sydney as we sailed toward the Bay of Islands. Lenda
  22. Good morning from Quartzsite where we had enough clouds in the east for a lovely sunrise. I should have taken a picture, but it's 44F with a 4 mph SE breeze. I'll be outside in the chilly weather soon enough to hang out the first load of laundry. Our predicted high is 70F, but we won't reach the 60s until about 11am. Reconciliation is important anywhere, but it was needed in South Africa when the day was first introduced. I'll definitely celebrate chocolate covered anything day, except chocolate covered raisins. I guess my Christmas candy is part of the day since it contains chopped pecans. I'm sure we've had some stupid toys, but they are not stupid if you like them. I agree with the Maya Angelou quote. The meal sounds interesting, but we'll pass on the drink. The red wine sounds interesting and I'd like to try it. We have been to Sydney twice and were fortunate to dock at Circular Quay both times. I am enjoying everyone's pictures, and will add mine in a few minutes. When Oliver Cromwell was appointed to the post in 1653 it certainly changed England for a period of time. The 1773 Boston Tea Party set in motion the coming revolution and the US breaking away from England. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the explanation of Reconciliation Day. It is very thoughtful of Pauline to help her friend today. I'm sorry the friend's mam is in the hospital and the outcome doesn't look very good. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the weather forecast is wrong and the storm is not as bad as predicted. @Denise T Denise, enjoy your day with family. I'm sorry your niece tested positive for Covid. I hope your nephew's fiancé fits in well with the family. @Crazy For Cats Jake, thanks for the picture of the gingerbread village. @Cruzin Terri Terry, I hope today is a quieter day, and that you can get to the grocery store and home before the rain hits. @cruising sister Lorraine, it sounds like you had a very nice evening with friends. I'm sorry Molly ran into the sliding glass door. Maybe you should consider leaving some of the "nose art" on the lower part of the door. @Haljo1935 I'm glad you got the MRI. @ger_77 Gerry, your dinner tonight was what we had last night except we didn't have salad. Enjoy. I don't know what I'd do without the George Foreman and air fryer. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the Saturday work speeds the job to completion. @rafinmd Roy, add me to the list of those who don't think drafting your obit is creepy. I think it's very pragmatic and will make it easier for those who will handle your final arrangements. We've had friends who wrote their own obits. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I hope the steroid injections help with the pain. I am not fond of needles, but it a shot helps or prevents illness, then I'll get it. @Mr. Boston I'm glad you got your booster, but I'm sorry you had such a bad reaction. @cat shepard Ann, I loved the meme about Florida closing. I hope all the Dailyites in the path of that storm remain safe and suffer no damage. Lenda
  23. Terri, I hope tomorrow is a quieter day, but glad you got all the appointments set. Our condolences to you and Jim and to your friend in England on the death of her husband. It's sad it happened so soon after she lost her brother. I'm sure your friend knows you want to be there for her, but understands why that is not possible now. Lenda
  24. While writing the obit must have been difficult, I'm sure it was a labor of love, and that you made him proud. Lenda
  25. Good afternoon. While there is still a lot to do before the "kids" get here Friday night, the pressure is off. The cookies are in the mail. The ones for the neighbors are boxed and ready to deliver. The Christmas candy is made. The sorting and some other things can be done after Christmas if I run out of time. I'll just stuff everything back in the closet if needed. The other good news is we got the mail that was sent Monday, and also the missing mail that was sent December 4. No telling where that envelope has been. Susan, very happy your luggage was picked up, but at 10:15 pm. Good Grief! Carolyn, enjoy the weekend with the family. Vanessa, sorry you have to wait to see that doctor, but good they found out about the positive test before you saw her. Bruce, good news you made it safely to your daughter's before the weather got really bad. Nancy, thanks for the pictures from Panama. Great picture of the two of you, Joy. Graham, a lovely picture of you and your wonderful bride. Lenda
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