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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. This is what I posted in March 2022. These are pictures of our train ride and visit to Panama City. The train and inside the dome car A few scenes from Colon as the bus gave us a "panoramic" tour of the town. It is one place I was happy to see ftom a bus. Miraflores locks from the Visitor Center. There were no ships in the locks while we were there. Panama City as we drove through the city. One time was pretty much enough for me. One of our stops was Noriega's former home. It was not in the best condition, and we could only look through the gate. Lenda
  2. This is what I posted in 2021. We have been to Fuerte Amador once as a replacement port on a Panama Canal cruise. That day we took the train across Panama and a bus back, stopping at the visitors center at the Miraflores Locks. When we got back, we got a taxi to take us for a tour of Panama City. All those pictures were posted the first time the Panama Canal was the port of the day. These are the pictures of Fuerte Amador where the tender took us. Lenda
  3. @Ichiban Nekko Cat, I hope you and Dave have a great cruise, and a wonderful 33rd anniversary. Lenda
  4. @Suslor Susan, wishing you and Lorenzo a wonderful cruise. Lenda
  5. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope you and Juan have a wonderful cruise, and that you can out run the bad weather in Florida. Lenda
  6. Good morning from Quartzsite where it is 42F and feels like 39F. The predicted high will be 68F, and beginning tomorrow we are supposed to be in the low 70s until a week from tomorrow. Unfortunately, rain is predicted for the first two days DD and DSIL will be here for Christmas. Normally, even with a fair chance of rain here, it misses the La Paz Valley or only rains for a short time. Cat Herders Day is an interesting one, and thank you @grapau27 Graham for the information. I'm not into regifting, but will take things to the thrift store. I like iced tea and hot tea, but don't have hot tea very often. The H. G. Wells quote is interesting to say the least. The meal looks good, but we'll pass on the drink and the wine. We visited Fuerte Amador in 2009 on Statendam when our visit to Guatemala was canceled.. 1488 was a good year for explorers, and I admire Bartolomeu Dias for sailing around the Cape of Good Hope. Gone With the Wind is a classic book and movie than I've read and seen. @aliaschief Safe travels to day in what could be a challenging drive, Bruce. Enjoy your visit with your DD and DGD' @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry your DBIL's DM is not doing well. I hope she is comfortable and that her medical team can help her. Right now, my to do list looks like a piece of fiction, but much needs to be done before the "kids" get here next Friday. Wow, on all those sailing on the 22nd being Dailyites. @Seasick Sailor Joy, the next two weeks should be interesting with more families on board. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm glad you took the upsell. Balconies are nice on longer cruises. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for your work herding cats. @cunnorl Charlene, I hope all goes well at your appointment today. Be careful in the storm headed your way. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the work on the pipeline is finished soon and your street is back to normal. @ger_77 Gerry, there's one big difference between snow in your area and snow in Texas. Drivers in your area know how to drive in snow, and when to stay home. Another difference is that most of Texas does not have snow removal equipment. @Ichiban Nekko I'm glad you made it safely to Ft. Lauderdale. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the doctor appointment goes well. @57redbird I'm sorry you are still having so much pain and problems since your surgery. I agree that surgery is the last resort, and DH waited as long as possible before having his back surgery. Lenda
  7. Good evening. I finally finished reading the rest of the Daily. I did my happy dance earlier when I finished the last of the cookies. Tomorrow I'll box them up and get the ones that need mailing to the post office. Others I'll deliver to the neighbors in a day or two. Now maybe, I'll have time to finish all the unloading form the motorhome and sorting what goes back to Texas, what stays here and what is donated to either Carol's Closet or the thrift store plus cleaning the motorhome and getting it ready for older DD and DSIL next Friday. I also need to find time to do laundry, clean house and do grocery shopping for Christmas. I think between Christmas and the time we leave for the cruise, I may just chill and vegetate if there is time. I can't believe how busy the last six weeks have been. However, I'm very thankful that we were able to make it to Quartzsite this year. Jake, I'm glad you arrived safely at your hotel in spite of the shuttle mix up. Debbie, at least part of our cookies will be mailed or go to neighbors. After working on them for four days, it will take me a while to really want to eat one. Denise, I hope your DFIL does well in assisted living. Happy Birthday to your DD. Enjoy the Christmas program. It's been 30 years since my DD died, and I still miss him and want to share things with him. Rich, I'm glad you were able to purchase the internet package. I look forward to your reports from our cruises. Lorraine, go for it. Twenty-one years ago, we enjoyed our balcony on Volendam. Susan, I'm glad you have a Plan B. Lenda
  8. A quick check-in while the icing dries on the next set of cookies. After these, there are not that many left, and most will be easy to decorate. I'm using a combination of "painting" the icing on and piping it on where that is possible. Maureen, that waffle looked good, and I don't think I've seen one in the shape of Texas before. I'm glad you were able to get some sleep last night. BTW, Seguin does not have a "e" on the end. If any kids or those young at heart need entertainment and there's time, San Antonio has a great zoo. Susan, isn't it always the case, when you get things ready for the earliest possible time frame, whoever you're waiting for is late? 😉 Our sincere condolences to you and your family on the passing of your DFIL. I'm glad he passed peacefully in his sleep. It was good to hear from you Bruno. I'm sorry you had another stroke, but I'm glad there was no lasting damage. I hope your Dear Dad continues to do well, and that an Alaska cruise is in your future. Your new home sounds like it is much easier to manage, and comes with such wonderful views, when it's clear. Jake, somehow, I forgot to wish you and your DH safe travels today. Sharon, I agree about not reheating the ham, but the one I get says to heat it wrapped in foil at a low temperature for about 10 minutes per pound; then put the brown sugar glaze on it and put it under the broiler for a few minutes. After that, I much prefer the ham straight out of the refrigerator. Those that want it warmer can nuke it. 😁 @StLouisCruisers Sandi, sorry about calling your twin your niece. Lenda
  9. We had an enjoyable drive thru breakfast and a quick trip to the PO. Our mail which was sent from Texas on December 4 has still not arrived. Because of a glitch on the sending end, it was not scanned for tracking, so I have no idea where it is. However, the mail sent this past Monday is at the PO and will be ready for pickup later today. Have I mentioned that the service at this PO is lousy and it takes longer for mail to come from Texas to Quartzsite than it does for it to go the other way? Jacqui, thanks for the information. I had read some of that at one time, but it didn't stick. I also like history, but the history of the kings and queens of Scotland still confuses me. Pennie, I'm sorry you will need the extensive surgery. Even original Medicare requires PT and a back brace before approving surgery. In the meantime, I hope the steroid shots help. Sandi, navigating the health care system is not for the timid. I hope your niece gets the help she needs. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a chilly Quartzsite. The weather app says it's 40F, but the indoor/outdoor thermometer says it's 35F. Either way, it is going to be sunny with a high of 65F this afternoon. Right now there is a 2mph breeze, 50% humidity and a dew point of 23F. Guess what's on the agenda today. Yes, more cookie decorating. Tomorrow, I'll make the Christmas candy. Nothing like holiday meals, cookies, candy and pies as month before a cruise. 😁 We need More Good everyday. We try to conserve energy whenever possible. Roasted chestnuts remind me of winters in NYC with the street vendors roasting chestnuts. The Albert Einstein quote is very good. I try to treat everyone the same, no matter who they are or what the do. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would like to try the wine. We have not been to Visby. Our only two times to visit Sweden, we were in Stockholm. Queen Mary Stuart becoming queen at such a young age probably meant there was a regent acting for her until she was old enough to reign. Roald Amundsen was an amazing man and explorer. We toured his boat the Fram when we were in Oslo once. If you are in Oslo, a visit to the Fram museum is worthwhile. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope the increased dosage helps with the headache and fatigue soon and that you hear from the dermatologist with a plan. I also hope Jim's dentist appointment goes well. @Haljo1935 I'm glad the doctor was pleased with the progress of your shoulder. @kazu Jacqui, that was nice of your friend to remove the tree for you. @marshhawk Annie, we get a spiral sliced ham at W-M and have found the bone in hams are better than the small ones without the bones. We always have a lot of ham leftover, and I freeze it in meal size portions baggies. Some of the pieces near the bone along with the bone make good bean soup. I also have a recipe for ham and cabbage that is good on New Year's Day. @aliaschief Bruce, safe travels tomorrow, and enjoy your daughter's and granddaughter's birthdays. @kochleffel Paul, thanks for the pictures of Visby. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for the information about LF. Lenda
  11. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, I hope you and Craig have a wonderful anniversary. Lenda
  12. We had two of the gingerbread cookies for dessert tonight. They were very moist and tasty. As for looks, they were what I called the walking wounded. There was a slight mishap yesterday when I was taking one pan out of the oven and putting another in. Somehow, the two pans hit each other and four done cookies were knocked off the pan. Two had an arm broken off which I "glued" backon with the icing. The other two broke in half besides having an arm broken off. I glued them back together rhe best I could. No pretty, but tasty. Otto seems to also live in my phone. When I correct him, he still changes the word back to what he wants. This can go on for two or three rounds. That's why he's turnednoffnon my computer. Annie, I laughed about the Shift Schedule. Once when giving younger daughter a prectice spelling test she left the r out of shirt. Glad that wasn't the real test. That is why Sam Houston Institute of Technology quickly chnaged its name to Sam Houston State University. Maureen, I'm glad you arrived safely in San Antonio and had a nice visit with your DH's son and DDIL. Enjoy your visit with your friend tomorrow. Terri, glad you’re home safely. I'm sorry about the biopsy results. I hopr you cwn get it removed quickly. Lenda
  13. Good evening. I think about half the cookies are finished, and the ones that are left are the easier ones to do with the exception of one. I wasn't sure about changing the way I've done the cookies for more years than I wanted to admit, but by doing a few different cookies, and getting them completed seems to work well. I think it is knowing they are finished and not half done like all the rest. Seeing the number of cookies that are left to decorate dwindle is encouraging. I should finish easily tomorrow and be able to get the ones that need mailing sent off Friday. Sorry about the post cruise depression, but it's the price we pay to cruise. I'm sorry your father is in the hospital with covid. Sending positive thoughts for a quick and complete recovery. Nancy, that is good news that John tested negative. I'm sorry your bloodwork results were less than what you wanted. I hope after the bloodwork Friday your PCP will be able to help. Susan, I'm happy your handyman is willing to take your luggage to the drop off point if needed. Carolyn, I understand wanting the yard to look good before you leave. I'm the same way, and also want the house clean and the laundry done. This year when we left for Arizona, I didn't have time to put the weed killer down, and the weeds were still growing. I think I'll have my work cut out for me next spring. Glad your DH got all the luggage and box ready to be picked up. Sending positive thoughts for strength for your friend Lynda during the difficult time, and for her husband Bill's last days to be comfortable, pain free and for him to be at peace. Also, strength for you so you can help Lynda. Lenda
  14. A quick good afternoon. I'm making headway on the cookies, but there are still many more to go. I do have 24 completely finished, and another 24 will be finished as soon as the icing on the first part sets. Another will be done soon after that, I hope. It is strange doing them this way, instead doing the main "coating" of icing on all of them, then adding the finishing touches. Since it is so dry here, I hope doing them this way keeps them from drying out and getting hard before I can put them in the containers. Maybe this way, I'll feel like I've accomplished more as more and more are finished. @Denise T Denise, I hope things work out and you can move to Canada for a couple of years or more. We've always found the Canadians we've met on our travels there to be friendly and helpful. Vanessa, I hope the new medicine begins to help soon. Ann, I'm sorry you had to cancel your spring cruise. I hope we can meet again on a BHB. Roy, I'm happy your visit with your cardiologist went well, and that your symptoms are mostly gone. Now, back to the cookies. Lenda
  15. Safe travels, Maureen. For some reason, I thought it ws tomorrow. Lenda
  16. Good morning from sunny Quartzsite. It is currently 36F, but the weather app says it's 41F and feels like the 38F. We have a light 4mph wind from the east with 50% humidity and a dew point of 24F. Our high will be 67F today. After breakfast, I'll begin decorating the Christmas gingerbread cookies. I didn't get any decorating done yesterday because I needed to help DH get the Ranger running. It turns out it needed a new fuel pump, which he had. It runs, but there is a problem of a fuel leak. I spent the afternoon going to the PO, getting two of the gas cans filled, and best of all, a much needed haircut. It had been almost six weeks, and I was looking very shaggy. Even though I hadn't seen her since spring of 2022, the lady who cuts my hair remembered exactly how I like it cut. I just made a cup of cocoa to celebrate National Cocoa Day. I cheated and used the Keurig and a k-cup to make it. I'm sure others will celebrate St. Lucia Day. Violins are nice, but the sting orchestra instruments I prefer are the viola and cello. I like the Alexandre Dumas-fil quote. I think in the past few years, it has been proven to be very true. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have not been to Dubai. It was on the two Princess world cruises in 2022 and 2023 we had to cancel. Thank you Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, Graham, @grapau27 and Pennie, @Nickelpenny for sharing your pictures. The days in history are interesting with two world explorers. The establishment of the World Court was a step in the right direction. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad John is over his shingles, but sorry he is sick. I hope you remain well. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the appointment with the cardiologist goes well. @seagarsmoker I hope your job search finds the perfect job for you. @grapau27 Happy Cruise Critic Anniversary to you, Graham. @Lady Hudson Katherine, good wishes for your college family members. I'm glad your DH's tests were good and the visit to the doctor was good. @RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow, Maureen. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad your tree guy has looked at the fallen tree. Sending positive thought's your DBIL's mother recovers. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, condolences on the passing of your cousin. @Nickelpenny Pennie, positive thoughts headed your way that the doctor has a plan to help with your back problems. @RedneckBob RNB, enjoy Curacao today. By a happy coincidence, I'm wearing my Curacao t-shirt today. @ger_77 Gerry, enjoy your Christmas lunch with your former colleagues. Glad you have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon next month about your rotator cuff. Lenda
  17. @superoma Eva, that is indeed good news about Dena. Too bad they couldn't determine the cause. Lenda
  18. Terri, I'm sorry you have to wait so long to see the Rheumatologist, but glad your PCP is going to try to get an appointment sooner for you. Good news about the mammogram. I hope the headaches ease up and you don't need a biopsy. Lenda
  19. Good afternoon. The gingerbread cookies are baked. The kitchen is cleaned up for now, but it looked like the flour had exploded all over the island and me. Now, I need to put the in containers until they are iced. This year, I'm trying to decorate a couple of designs that use the same color icing, and then, move on the others. I'm glad you got some sleep. I was going to comment on the OT, but I see Terry @smitty34877 beat me to it. In addition to teaching you how to turn over, etc, they also assist with showers. Try to get them to give you a grabber to take home. They are wonderful for picking things up off the floor and reaching high places. Tony, thanks for all the wonderful pictures. Vanessa, I hope the Cymbalta helps with the pain, and you can get some much needed sleep. I hope the appointments this afternoon go well and are not too difficult to manage. Susan, I'm glad the shipping labels came. Once the luggage is picked up, you should have less stress. Thanks for checking in today, Marcia. It sounds like you are having a good time. Lenda Lenda
  20. In 2016, Ravenna was added to the Prinsendam's itinerary when the Black Sea cruise was cancelled. For those who have not been there, Ravenna is on the east coast of Italy just south of Venice. We had a tour to San Marino scheduled, but had to cancel it. DH took the shuttle into Ravenna and here are some of his pictures. Lenda
  21. Good morning from Quartzsite where the sun is just beginning to make an appearance. It is 50F right now with a 4mph breeze from the east. Our high for today is supposed to be 70F, and it will be mostly cloudy. Today, after I bake the gingerbread cookies, I will begin decorating them, so for once, I'm in sync with one of the days. Someone else can have my ambrosia and poinsettias. I like the Albert Camus quote which makes you think. We hit the jackpot with todays meal -- butternut squash, curry and chickpeas. Someone can have my share and my glass of the cocktail of the day. I'd like to try the red wine. We were in Ravenna in 2016 on Prinsendam. It was a substitute port when the Black Sea cruise was canceled. The first transatlantic radio signal changed communications for the better. A couple of pictures from Signal Hill in St. John's, Newfoundland. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope you got your prescription yesterday and that you had a better night's sleep. @57redbird Pat, I'm glad the surgery went well yesterday. I hope you are having less pain today. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry Notre Dame lost yesterday. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you and Ivan remained safe, but am sorry about the tree. Thanks for sharing the picture and story about the two ferries. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm glad your appointment is now at a good time tomorrow. I hope you get some answers and help. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm glad yesterday's appointments went well, and that you don't need cataract surgery yet. @ger_77 Gerry, great minds do think alike. Last night, I told DH that supper today will be BLTs, but without the soup. Thanks for the reminder that you don't need things to enjoy Christmas. @smitty34877 Thanks for the pictures of DD's gingerbread houses. @RedneckBob RNB, thanks for checking in, and enjoy Aruba. Lenda
  22. Terri, I'm sorry the blood work was not what you wanted to see. I hope your PCP can help and if a referral is needed, that it can be made quickly. I also hope the results of the biopsies are negative. Try to get some rest when you can. Lenda
  23. Jacqui, I hope you and Ivan stay safe during the storm. I'm glad you have the generator. When I saw that you thought you might need a glass of cardbordeaux, my first thought was just one. Terri. I know you are relieved that the dumpster is gone. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the PET scan went well and was not as bad as the last one. I also hope the scan results are good. Lenda
  24. Good afternoon. The cookie dough is in the refrigerator, the icing is made, the hummingbird food has finally be made, and the feeders have been washed. I think when we were not here last winter, the hummingbirds gave up on us. Normally, when we get here in the fall, one or two start bugging me immediately to get the feeders filled and hung. This year, I haven't seen a single hummingbird.
  25. Good morning from a partly cloudy Quartzite. It is 45F and feels like 42F. There is a 4 mph wind from the east with 40% humidity and a dew point of 22F. We should reach 72F this afternoon and it will remain partly cloudy with low winds. After I get the gingerbread cookie dough made, I hope to get some more sorting and straightening done. We also have an appointment this afternoon to get two new tires for the car, and I would like to work a haircut in too. The place I go to is walk-in and wait. I've found if I can get there about 4pm, there usually isn't much of a wait. I have a lot of apps on my phone and tablet, many that I don't use. I guess I should delete them. Needy animals need a lot of help too. I also salute UNICEF Day for Change. A very true quote by Bruce Lee, and sadly he did not have as much time as I'm sure he would have liked. The meal looks interesting and seems similar to the bake penne with Italian sausage I make. We'll pass on the drink. I would like to taste the red blend before I bought a bottle. We have not cruised to Portland, Oregon, but have visited the city many years ago to see a distant cousin's widow. Any pictures are non-digital and in albums in Texas. I'm sure many Commonwealth countries are celebrating the signing of the Statute of Westminster in 1931. The 1951 retirement of Joe DiMaggio was a loss for baseball. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I'm enjoying seeing all the Christmas pictures from San Juan. @Heartgrove I hope the roads are not to bad today, and that both appointments go well. @Ichiban Nekko Cat, wishing you and Dave safe travels Thursday and an early HAPPY 33RD ANNIVERSARY. I hope the car repair isn't too expensive and is take care of easily after your cruise. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope you have left the rainy weather behind. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm sorry your son and his family have Covid, but glad the one grandson doesn't. Thank you for the information on Azamara's special events. @dfish I can't wait to see a picture of the finished quilt, Debbie. All the in progress pictures show a beautiful piece of work. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope you get things straightened out with HAL about your cruise. @cruising sister Lorraine, I hope the last laser treatment is the charm. I'm sorry your friend has Covid, and you were wise to cancel lunch with her. With all the Christmas memes, I did not want our friends who are celebrating Hanukah, to feel left out. Lenda
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