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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good e ening. I know this is late for those on the east coast or even furtger east, but it's the first chance I've had to get back to the Daily. We got to our house just before 2 pm, and I was busy until just before sunset. We got some of the essentials off the motohome, plus just enough food for supper. Thank goodness for leftovers that can be frozen and reheated. Of course, a little wine helps. After missing last winter, there is a lot of clean up needed. I gug out the blower and got the worst of the dirt off the porches. It got the loose dirt off, but I need to wash the porches and the house. At least, by blowing the loose dirt off, we weren't tracking as much dirt in the house. @ger_77 Gerry, the worst of the winds on the way here hit in the middke of no where in far wat Texas. In 2017, we spent extra days in Bismarck, ND, and Moose Jaw, Saak., due to hi @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you slept well last night. @cruising sister Lorraine, that is good news yout sutgery went well, and that you feel better. @Sharon in AZ Sharron, and n@Nickelpenny Penny, we had a pretty easy time going thr9ugh Tucson. We left Benson just after 8 this morning, and were behind most of the rush hour traffic. Even the construction was not too bad. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry your issues that put you on a liquid diet. I hope you are feeling better. @Cruzin Terri Terri, congratulations on the slot win. Yikes on the Uber driver. I would report him when you get home. Lenda
  2. We are in the home stretch with 14 miles to Quartzsite. Our place is out of town in a nice development. I've caught with the Daily, but will save my comments until tonight when I'm not on my phone. I'll be busy once we got to our place. I appreciate all the concern and well wishes about my head. I am feeling fine, and my forehead only hurts a little when I touch it. Once I got it cleaned this morning, it didn't look too bad. The cut had closed, but I still put a smaller bandaid on it just in case. When I went in to pay for the gas, the bandaid probably prevent quite a few stares and questions. Lenda
  3. Good morning from Benson where it is 48F. I'm up early as usual, but DH is sleeping until the sun comes up. The swelling on my forehead has gone down considerably. I'll take the bandaid off when i wash my face, but it doesn't hurt unless I have to bend over, and then it's not very bad. I slept better than I expected, so that's good. Gingerbread cookies are good, but I won't be making them until next month. We usually have a tv on most times. I think I got rid of most of the odd socks which usually happen when their mate gets tossed because of holes. I keep one or two to pair with another one when its mate gets a hole. I also like Tina's @0106 explanation of odd sock. Confucius was a wish man, and the quote is good. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds good but unobtainable. We were fortunate to overnight in Ashdod in 2017 on Prinsendam when our Egyptian port was cancelled. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers for posting my p.ctures An important day in Australian and tennis history. Welcome home, Melanie. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your DM. Charlene, how to embarrass you kids in one easy step. Terry, I'm happy the puppy is home and doing well. Penny, thanks for the information about the construction on I-10. I'd seen it on Google Maps, but it's good to have more information. At least, the wind will be from the east which will be from the back of the motorhome. It seems to be a rare year when there isn't contruction on the road. Safe travels to San Diego. Lenda
  4. Thank you for the suggestion. I've seen that many times, and I'd been thinking about putting them on the sharp corners of the slide. In my case, that would not have helped since I walked into the slide and hit my forehead on the slide wall several inches above the bottom edge. This morning, the swelling is down and it feels a lot better. Lenda
  5. Jacqui, I appreciate your concern. After I took another look at my forehead after my shower, and it wasn't as bad as it seemed earlier. Basically, I just have a big knot on my forehead, but we’re keeping an eye on it. I feel fine, no headache, and even the area involved doesn't hurt very much even when I make a facial expression that involves the area. Lenda
  6. We're both beginning to think I don't have a concussion, especially since I don't have a headache. I just have a huge goose egg on my forehead, and it's already turning black. Right now it's just a light charcoal. I can’t wait until it turns yellow, purple and green. That would look better during Mardi Gras. 🤣 What started as a small cut or split skin has grown bigger due to the swelling. I'm keeping a bandaid on it, since I noticed it seems to want to open when make certain facial expressions. At least, the bandaid covers the worst of it. I'm going to make a good impression when we get to Quartzsite. Vanessa, the jostling seems to either cause too little ot too much fluid to drain. Either way can mess with his head. It can cause some pain in his neck, but Tylenol helps. Resting seems to be the best solution. He has been taking it easy since we stopped for the day, and says he's getting better. Getting a shunt helps, but it's not an instant fix. As to the roads in the non snowy areas, they get a lot of the truck traffic, especially in the winter. Weight limits for long haul trucks have been allowed is rise in the past 10 to 15 years, and the heavier the trucks the more damage they do. It doesn't help that states don't seem to be maintaining their roads as much as they used to do. The rough roads are not due to frost heaves or ice damage, but to bigger loads. I should have put ice on the bump, but I was more interested in stopping the bleeding and not getting blood all over everything. By the time I thought of it, it was too late. Annie, I can't believe you still don't have the oxygen order in place. If it was me, I'd be on the phone first thing in the morning. A slide or slideout on an RV is a part of the rig that can slide out from the RV to extend the living space, and they are made of the same material as the sides of the RV. Until we get to Quartzsite, I'll basically be sitting in the passsenger street, but I need to do some of the things DH used to do. I think that now it sounds and looks worse than it is. Joy, thanks for your concern. Susan, sending positive thoughts that the AA flight attendants don't go on strike. Bruce, I hope the wheels of medicine do move quickly for you. Thank you. DH is recovering more quickly from the rough roads today than I am. Actually, I am all right, just have a sore, nasty knot that will take a while to go down and lose the colorful bruise. Debbie, I hope you get the results of the CT scan soon, and get that hernia repaired. Glad you got a nap today, and hope you sleep well tonight. Ann, that about sums it up. Call me the klutz of the year. 🤣 Lenda
  7. Bruce, it's mainly wounded pride, and with the bruise, I'll be sporting a reminder for quite a while. 😁 I'm sorry you will have to have surgery, but very happy the doctors are rushing to get things done quickly. That's very rare these days. Good luck for a quick and painless as possinble recovery. Lenda
  8. We made it to Benson, AZ, about 3pm MST. We talked about going to the other side of Tucson so we would get into Quartzsite earlier tomorrow, but I-10 was extremely rough in New Mexico and Arizona. All the bouncing messed with DH's still recovering head from the shunt placement. In particular, it jostled the drain tubing in his neck. It was better to stop early, and let him rest. I'm now among the walking wounded due to my own fault. This is the first time we've had a slide on the passenger side of a motorhome. I was walking into the sun and couldn't see, so I was looking down at the ground. I walked right into the slide with a bang DH heard and probably felt since it was the bedroom slide and he was lying down. It doesn't look like I cut my forehead, but broke the skin open from the force of the hit. Boy did it bleed, but just a few minutes of pressure stopped the bleeding. When we looked at it, there was also the beginnings of a bump and a bruise, in addition to what looked like a dent in my forehead. It's sore, but not hurting as bad. We won't be surprised if I have a very mild concussion. I'm just lucky I did walk into the sharp corner. When I do something dumb, I don't do it half way. As pentance, I'll forgo wine tonight. @JazzyV Vanessa I'm not hurt enough to be on the care list. Tomorrow, will be a shorter day, so I should be able to get somethings done once we fet to Quartzsite. Lenda
  9. Good morning from I-10 west of Deming, NM. We got going about an hour and a half earlier start today than yesterday. In spite of the wind, which is not as bad as yesterday, we're making good time. There was one construction delay after El Paso, but going through town traffic was not bad. Depending on how things go this afternoon, and how DH is doing, we will probably go further than planned. Maureen, it seems the transition is going smoothly, especially with all the help. Lorraine, I'm sorry you had a rough night with GI issues, but glad you are feeling better today. Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery and a quick and easy recovery. Terry, I'm happy you made it safely to NH. I hope the new puppy is doing better today, but how sad for needing emergency surgery. Nancy, thanks for the picture of the fantastic sunrise. Debbie, I hope you are feeling beetter by now. I'm happy River will be spending Thanksgiving with you and Sue. That is truly something to be thankful for. Carolyn, I totally agree fudge should be chocolate. I still prefer chocolate candy to fudge. Our longest cruise was 106 days, b2b2b2b2bs on Prinsendam. It wasn't bad, but we like longer cruises. Our condolences on the death of your youngest son. I hope you have good memories of him on your cruise. Vanessa, I admire you for getting things done in spite of the pain. Yes, the wind is not fun, and it's higher than predicted right now, but not as bad as yesterday. Also, the rough road conditions now days don't help. Sometimes, we just have to go slower. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope both of you get good reports from the doctor visits today, and are cleared for your cruise. I hope there is a solution to your knee problem that will let you cruise and do the things you want to do on the cruise. @marshhawk Annie, I hope they can arrange for the oxygen today, and that you continue to feel better everyday. I also hope Chuck @catmando is not having side effects from his fall. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a cool Van Horn where it's 50F. Unfortunately, we'll have 20+ mph winds for a couple of hours this morning. Then, it will drop to more acceptable levels. I just hope there are no gusts like we experienced yesterday. 🫰 This motorhome is about 10,000 pound lighter than our old one, so it is affected by the wind more. Since I do not like peanut butter, Jake @Crazy For Cats can have my share. I'll celebrate the other two days. The Thomas Hardy quote is interesting. I'm interested in seeing Debbie's recipes for easy chicken Parmesan, I think my air fryer recipe is fairly easy. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. As Sandi @StLouisCruisers said, we have not been to today's port. We have been to Papua New Guinea, but to Rabaul on New Britain Island. The WHO global effort to fight AIDS was a start to turning this terrible disease into a chronic one. I wish there was a way to prevent it. Watching the Tour de France each year is always interesting. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels to your DS and the DGSs this week. @JazzyV Vanessa, I too like the bolding of the names in the list of those cruising. @Nickelpenny Safe travels to Phoenix and to San Diego. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad the kayaking was good yesterday. @seagarsmoker Good luck on with the job search. Lenda
  11. Good afternoon from a sunny and windy Van Horn, Texas. We are just a few miles from crossimg into the mountain time zone, which will happen in the morning. El Paso is in that time zone. Traveling got a bit harry this afternoon between Pecos and Van Horn. The worst was before I-20 ended and merged wirh I-10. We'll have wind in the morning, but not has high as today. Many of the gusts had to be about 40 mph, and DH had his hands full keeping the motorhome from blowing around too much. Going through the Permian Basin was interesting. The area was hit hard by the Covid lockdown. By April 2022, the oil industry was rebounding, but the area was still not back to pre-Covid days and many business were still closed. The difference today was really something. Fracking is now in full swing since they have all the infrastrreucture in place. There are more businesses and a lot of new buildings. There are also many new large storage tanks, and facilities to transfer the crude oil from small feeder pipelines to the larger pipelines. The area is definitely in a huge boom. Carolyn, I hope your lab numbers show more improvement. That is good news your BFF tested negative. Vanessa, I'm sorry you're still in so much pain. Thanks for the good wishes. Susan, I hope the weather improves. Now you have a reason to get some new clothes. Vanessa, thank you for letting us konw. It is sad but not unexpected news. She was always gracious and supportive of her husband. RIP Jane, it's good to read some good news on the medical front. I'm happy you are now hungry, and are able to get outside and walk short distances. Now, it's time to fix some supper. Tonight, it will be ham and cheese sandwiches. With wine, even if it isn't one that really goes with the meal. After all, were "roughing" it. 😁 Lenda
  12. Good morning from Colorado City along I-20 where it is 56F. It looks like the weather will be about the same as we head further west. The bed in the motorhome was very comfortable for me, and I got a good night's sleep. Men deserve their day too. I'll honor all adoptees who were given a good and loving home including @JazzyV Vanessa and @ger_77 Gerry. Women entrepreneurs also deserve their day. The Walter Hagen quote is true, and one we should all remember. The baked ziti with sausage sounds good, but won't be making it today. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine. As you saw, we have visited today's port twice. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers for posting my pictures today. Lewis and Clark took a huge risk on there western exploration of our country. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry yesterday's weather kept you and Iavn inside. Remember those driving by and your neighbors will see the lights from a distance, and not the installation up close. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. I also hope the orthopedist can help with your knee. Maybe all you need is a steroid injection. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm happy you are settling into your new home, and that the grandkids are helping. Thanks for the good wishes gor a smooth travel day. @Haljo1935 I hope the tummy crud is history before your flight Tuesday. Great news your friend is willing to help with the luggage to save your shoulder. @dfish Debbie, safe travels to and from River's birthday party. Thanks for the good wishes for our safe travels today. @Cruzin Terri 🚢 BON VOYAGE, TERRI AND JIM! 🥂 🍾 I hope you both have a wonderful and relaxing cruise. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon from Colorado City on the edge of the Permian Basin. It took longer than the time predicteed by Google Maps,but we were here by 3 pm. Thos os the forst afternoon since we decided to switch motorhomes that I've had time to sit and relax. It feels strange, but wonderful. We stopped at a campground where we've stayed for seve4al years. One of the puses this year was beging able to watch the Texas v Iowa State game tonight. Since we were here in 2022, they've done away with the cable tv. I think we may be able to stream the game using their WiFi which is working for the first time. Katherine,I'm sorry Bill is still on cipro. I hope he is better soon. Also, I hope they find the cause of your DS's stomach pain. Terri, thank you for your kind words. I'm just doing what has to be done. I've admired the way you've handled the situation with Tana and your DD DH. I was glad to see that yesterday you woke up feeling like yourself. Enjoy your time with your DS and his family. I know everyone will step up and see that things go smoothly. Penny, thank you for the good wishes. I can't wait to smell the desert after it rains. Nowhere else does it smell like that. Maureen, I'm glad the move went smoothly, and that you had help from your DGDs. I hope you and your DH feel better before your cruise. Thank you, Carolyn. Annie, I hope you get the oxygen soon, and that you plan to work fewer hours. Sorry about Chuck's fall. I hope he wasn't hurt too badly. Terri, BON VOYAGE to you and Jim. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Lenda
  14. A quick good morning from a chilly central Texas before I pack up my computer. It is 56F and feels like 56F with 100% humidity. The dew point at 52F. Hopefully, we won't have fog when we leave a bit later this morning. It looks like we'll be in the 50s and 60s as we head to Arizona today. Neither of us is a fan of apple cider, so others can have our share. Mickey Mouse was a big part of growing up and our visits to Disneyland and WDW. I hope all princesses celebrate today. The O. Henry quote is a rather strange quote from a strange author. Today we'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. Supper will be leftover one pot Mexican beef and corn casserole. There may be a glass of red wine included. As Sandi @StLouisCruisers said, we have not been to today's port. It's hard to realize St. Peter's Basilica is almost 600 years old. It is a lovely church to visit, which we've done twice. The release of Steamboat Willie was the beginning of an entertainment empire. @cat shepard Ann, I like your idea of wine suggestions from Dailyites. If I find a good one, I'll let you know. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you and Ivan can finish the yard work before the storm hits. Now, it's time to pack up the computer and any remaining items. I'll check in later today. Lenda
  15. A very late good evening. We are still planning on leaving tomorrow, but it won't be very early. There is still a lot of stuff that needs to be loaded on the motorhome. When you have to start from scratch and have to figure out where things should go it takes longer. Also, as DH tried the various systems on the motorhome, we had to stop and fix them. A couple of days ago propane heater didn't work, and after an hour trying to find the problem, DH realized someone had turned off the propane from the thank. Then DH spent a couple of days trying to get the inverter to work. After resetting it, it is working. Today he wanted to try out the on demand propane water heater. Working on it over several hours, including a couple of calls to the dealer, it is still not working. Those attempts involved both of us. It looks like we'll be using the showers in the campgrounds. It could be worse. At least, the water pump works. Tomorrow will be a short day with only about four hours driving. The next day will also be about four hours driving, with the last two days having about 6 hours driving each day. And to think, we used to make it from north of Houston to Quartzsite in two days. But then we were about 25 years younger. Carolyn, I'm glad the scan showed no problem. I hope your BFF is negative and feels better soon. Thanks for the good wishes for our trip. Debbie, the hospital north of us where DH has had his mri's and CT scans uses a radiologist in Fort Worth, but I think he is apart of that health care system. He gets the results quickly. I hope the wheels of medicine will turn more quickly than predicted. Terri, I'm glad you arrived safely and had little rain. The suite looks lovely. Annie, I'm glad the heart doctor could work you in. I hope they order the oxygen soon. Now, it's time to try to get some sleep. Lenda
  16. Bruce, I was thinking the same thing. It seems like every year about this time you hear of layoffs. I wonder if Scrooge is in charge of layoff timing. Thank you, Ann, for the good wishes. If I don't get off the Daily and get to work, we might not be ready by tomorrow. 🤣 Sandi, I think you'd like La Paz. It's an easy town to wander around. Whale sharks are the largest fish, but not really a threat to humans as far as I know. Swimming with the sharks was an excursion offered by Princess. I appreciate your willingness to post my pictures. We are planning on taking four days this year. It will be less tiring for DH who is the primary driver. Looking at the list Rich @richwmn sent me a while back, we've only been to three of the ports for the next week, unless, he changes things again. Debbie, thanks for the good wishes for our safe travels. I hope the x-rays help you get the needed ablation for your back. Sometimes, you have to jump through too many hoops to get medical help. That part of South Carolina is lovely. We lived in Camden for a little more than two years when DH worked for Du Pont. We were there just long enough for both DDs to be born in Camden. Gerry, please wish your DS and DDIL a VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY for us. Lenda
  17. We have been to La Paz once in March 2018, on Ruby Princess. It is a nice town to walk around. We also hired a boat on the dock to take us out of see the whale sharks. A few pictures from our walk around La Paz. When we got off the shuttle from Puerto de Pichilingue, we saw this whale skeleton display. We walked down this street to the Teatro de Juarez. The Cathedral de Nuestra Senora de La Paz Jardin Velasco across the street from the Cathedral We also saw this museum and spent some time inside. We then headed back to the Malecon La Paz, where we found a boat to take us out to see the whale sharks. We followed one shark as we was swimming, and he was as long or longer than the boat. Our boat was like the ones pictured, but we were the only passengers. People were swimming with the shark, but as you can see, the swimmer was having to work to keep up. My point and shoot camera is waterproof and DH took some pictures by leaning over the side and holding the camera underwater. It helped that the shark was near the surface. This is the best of the underwater pictures. At one point we probably could have touched the shark, but we were told not to do that. The pier and the beach along with some of the sculptures on the Malecon. One of the many restaurants across the street from the Malecon. Naturally, there was a shopping opportunity when we returned to the port. This is just a small portion of the booths. The port area from our balcony as we sailed. Lenda
  18. Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. It will reach 71F this afternoon, but right now it is 56F and feels like 53F with a 9 mph wind from the SSE. The humidity is 99% with a dew point of 55F. It looks like our predicted highs of 70s for four days will only be today, and then back in the 60s. Hopefully, we'll be on the road sometime tomorrow morning, but not as early as in years past. We will taking our time and probably will take four days to get to Quartzsite. Today will be laundry and the rest of the loading. The cars will not get washed, so will not have the covers on them this winter. That mainly means, I'll be washing them before we can drive anywhere next spring; not big deal. A hike today might be nice, but there is no time today. I'll gladly celebrate all students. Remember the students here are international students in other countries. Someone can have my baklava. It's too sweet for me, especially since it's not chocolate. 😉 I do not agree with the Ernest Hemingway quote. I like mac and cheese, but not with squash in it, but DH does not care for it at all. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We were in Pichilingue (La Paz) in 2016 on Ruby Princess. I'll retrieve my pictures shortly. Three interesting days in history. I noticed that Queen Elizabeth I was 25 when she ascended the throne as was Queen Elizabeth II. The Suez Canal made traveling from Europe to Asia a much shorter voyage. What would be do without the computer mouse. For computer users, it was a great step forward. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the good wishes on our return to Arizona. We'll have internet on the trip, but I'm not sure if I'll have my computer out. If I'm on my tablet I won't be able to copy and paste any pictures of the day's port. Would you mind posting them for me for a few days? @Heartgrove I hope they have the fire contained by Monday when you need to drive in that area. Enjoy your last three days of the cruise. @marshhawk Annie, I hope Chuck's @catmando doctor will listen to your lungs and give you some help. @Cruzin Terri Terri, safe driving in all the rain today. Enjoy Miami before your cruise. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you and Ivan can get the yard work completed today. Lenda
  19. I was very sorry to read your bad work news. I hope you find a new job soon. Best wishes. Just wow on the picture. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon. It warmed up enough and dried up enough that I got the outside compartments loaded with one exception. Tomorrow, I'll load the Dr. Peppers and the wine. Wine is cheaper in California, which is about 20 miles away, but I don't want to risk the white wine going bad. Talk about making a grown woman cry. Then, all that's left is the stuff from the house and the food. With luck, we should be on the road sometime Saturday morning. 🤞 Ann, I'm sorry your flights home were not that great. We learned on our last cruises on Koningsdam that being on a ship, even if you just read and rest, is better than sitting around at home. I hope you can get some help with you hip so you can walk with Pat. I hope the appointment Wednesday gives you some answers and a plan to relief your pain. When DH was having so much pain from the sciatica, he found the Arthritis Strength Tylenol help, It is 650 mg as opposed the the extra strength which is 500 mg. Brenda, congratulations to your DS on getting the Chancellor’s scholarship. Beautiful sunset picture. Paul, I'm glad you made it home safely even if one flight was rough. Maureen, congratulations on getting everything signed for your new home. That is great news about the guest suite. I hope tomorrow goes smoothly, and it's great you will have some help. Time to start dinner. Lenda
  21. Good morning. It is still cool, gray and misty, so I'm working on things in the house that need to be moved to the motorhome. Maybe, I'll actually get outside later. Lorraine, I hope today is the day the estate is finalized. BTW, the best way to find the travel items is to order new ones. Debbie, I'm sorry you have to start from scratch with getting relief with your pain. I'm glad the lidocaine patch helped you sleep. Maureen, I'm sorry about the noisy neighbors last night. Safe travels to NJ and your new home. I hope the signing goes well and quickly. Bruce, it sounds like instead of Clark Griswald, you will be celebrating "Christmas with the Cranks". I'm sorry your celebratory cruise will be a recovery from disaster cruise. I hope the other couple or their contractor will be paying for the repairs to your condo. You are welcome here anytime. Vanessa, I'm sorry your pain is getting to the point you are having trouble with day to day activities. I'd definitely try calling the NS office. Jacqui, thanks for posting the link. I was going to add my request that you do so. It is a lovely tribute to Jose, and your love of Jose shows through. Robert, thanks for sharing your pictures of today's port. Annie, along with all the others you need to see your doctor. If not the lung specialist, your PCP who might be able to get you into the long doctor sooner. Congratulations on cutting back on smoking; now just quit. I was also going to suggest a pulse ox meter. I generally stay away from the other threads because of the rants. I did look at the two mentioned yesterday. One, I'd seen earlier, and know the OP can be a problem. Lenda
  22. I just saw this meme. After yesterday's discussion about early computers, I just had to share it. Lenda
  23. Good morning from a foggy central Texas, at least, according to the weather app. It's just light enough that when I looked out the window, it did not appear foggy. I know there are places around us that will have fog. It is 53F, feels like 53F, and will reach 68F this afternoon. We'll see the 70s for four days starting tomorrow. The humidity is 97% with a dew point of 52F. Guess what's on the agenda today? Yep, more motorhome loading. Clarinet day will be celebrated here. DH played clarinet, and older DD still plays clarinet. International Day for Tolerance is greatly needed now. It should be everyday. I try to be more tolerant, but some people make that very difficult. I have a collection of buttons just in case one is needed, but many no longer match the ones on the clothes I now have. An interesting quote by Robert Fulghum, but I'm not sure I agree completely. I think we'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. For years I looked for a cruise that stopped in St. Pierre and Miquelon. We finally booked a TA in 2019 that had that port on the itinerary, but the weather was too bad that day to tender. Maybe someday. Thank you, Sandi, @StLouisCruisers for sharing your pictures. We too have been fortunate to visit many UNESCO World Heritage sites around the world, so we'll celebrate the founding of UNESCO in 1945. I've seen The Sound of Music many times. @grapau27 Welcome back, Graham. I hope your phone doesn't quit on you. @kazu Jacqui, I laughed when I saw the motorhome meme. @Haljo1935 That was a great dream you shared. @Denise T Denise, it seems you found a great doctor, who appears to be on top of things. I hope the beginnings of new issues don't go any further. @smitty34877 Terry, your granddaughter would be surprised too that hand held calculators weren't around until the mid to late 1970s. Lenda
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