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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that knows about the Osborne 1. Lenda
  2. I seem to remember DH building one computer. Over the years, he's also added memory to many computers and done other modifications. We still have several old computers around, including a vintage HP and a TI-99/4A which hooked up to the tv for the DDs to play games. In 1968, I wrote an article on the UT computation center, which was a huge underground facility. There was another article for The Daily Texan about an Engineering Department analog computer. When DH first wrote his computer program it used punch cards, and he'd have have to wait for a run to see what errors needed fixing, more punch cards, another run, etc. A long drawn out process. Lenda
  3. When we moved from Pennsylvania back to Texas, DH gave the nurse at the DDs school the RadioShack computer. He gave the Osborne 1 to the young boy next door. We've gone through so many computers, I don't remember how many and what they were. Lenda
  4. Soory, Susan, but DH's older brother always used DOS, even as recently as a year or two ago. I doubt he's changed now. Lenda
  5. Good evening. It was a busy day that did not go as planned. I ran my errands, but didn't find a lot of what I was looking for. The Dish technician came to install the DVR they use on motorhomes. He told DH he didn't have the unit and they no longer supply it. This was a surprise since the appointment was made through Dish for that particular receiver. A few minutes after the tech left, Dish send an email canceling the appointment with no explanation. While this was going on, I managed to get somethings in the outside compartments. I'll get the rest of the outside compartments loaded in the morning, and then work on getting more loaded inside. Our original plan was to leave Friday. Now, it looks like it will be Saturday or Sunday. We should be in Quartzsite before Thanksgiving, just barely. Keep in mind, that RVers say their plans are set in Jell-O. At least, the weather warmed up enough that I could wear shorts and sandals this afternoon. Tomorrow, is supposed to be about the same. Bruce, we've got you beat. Not only did we use Windows 95, we used MS Dos, but started even before then. Our first computer was a RadioShack Model II using TRS Dos. DH started writing his program in BASIC. Does anyone remember the Oaborne 1 computer? It was the first commercially successful portable computer. DH had one to demonstrate his software on sale calls. That computer was not light, and the screen was tiny. What a great picture of a very happy couple. Annie, I'm sorry you didn't sleep and had such a coughing spell. I hope you had a nap and feel better. The village is just south of the Blue Lagoon at the junction of the coast road and the road to the Blue Lagoon. The Blue Lagoon was closed last week. I hope you enjoy your visit with Ruth's mother. I know you both have some great memories to sharw. Welcome to the Daily. Susan, I saw the story about the hiker and his dog, but didn’t realize it was the hiker you mentioned at the time of his disappearance. That is good news the dog near Durango was trapped and is in good condition. Safe travels tomorrow and Friday. Maureen, I'm glad you made it to Wilmington. It was good your granddaughter could help resolve the phnoe problem. I hopey you both get a good night's sleep, and safe travels tomorrow. I hope the signing goesmsmoothly. Lenda
  6. These are the pictures I posted from our 2017 drive in the countryside. As we were driving toward Dynjand Waterfall, there was a lot of fog, but it did not affect the visibility. This was the best of the fog pictures. These pictures are from our stop at Dynjand Waterfall. The waterfall is made up of a series of cascades. The remainder of the pictures are from Sudavik. This is the remains of an old whaling station. Sudavik is home to the Artic Fox Center. It was closed, but we walked around outside and saw this cutie. Sudavik from a distance. Lenda
  7. We have been to Isafjordur three times. In 2009 on the Tahitian Princess, and 2016 and 2017 on the Prinsendam. We were fortunate to dock every time. The dock is located at a narrow point in the channel, so larger ships may not be able to dock. The first two times were were in Isafjordur we walked around town. The last time, we rented a car and drove west to see the waterfall, Dynan. We also drove around the fishing village @StLouisCruisers toured. Once back in town, we followed the highway around the inlet to Sudavik, another village. I'll post my pictures of town first, then in another post the ones of our day touring the countryside. In 2009, the modern church was open. The interior was as modern as the exterior. This is a statue that a cruising friend told us not to miss. It's a little further from the church and the community building. Looking across the water from the statue toward the dock and the Elegant Explorer. Like most northern towns, flowers are everywhere in the summer. A short walk from the dock is the Westfjord History Museum. After our day touring the countryside, we stopped at the bakery for a snack and a coke. (No Dr. Peppers in Iceland, but we did find them in The Falkland Islands). This is looking from the bakery back into the business district. I couldn't resist including the bakery truck. Looking from the Prinsendam back toward town as we were anchored in the channel. More on that in a minute. During her 2016 drydock, a rotating, retractable propeller was added to be used as a stern thruster. In leaving the dock, the ship was also using a tug to help us away from the dock. We were never totally sure what happened, but the story we heard was the tug let go the line too soon, resulting in the line wrapping around the "stern thruster". They had to bring in a diver to try to free the line, which took two dives as it was really wrapped around the prop. After several hours, the line was free and we were on our way to the next port. Lenda
  8. Good morning from a chilly central Texas. It is currently 48F and feels like 48F, but will warm up to 70F this afternoon. I hope today or tomorrow with the warmer weather to be able to wash the cars so we can put the car covers on them. Right now, the weather app says the humidity is 100% and the dew point is 48F. As the temperatures warm up, the humidity will drop. On the agenda today, is more loading the motorhome, an appointment to have the satellite tv system installed, and errands while the technician is here. DH understands that type of thing a lot better than I do. Yesterday, DH had a great time linking his tablet to the motorhome. He can now control just about everything except me. 🤣 All the lights, refrigerator, TVs, fireplace, etc. are linked now. As for me, I'm still at the stage of using the switches and remotes. This motorhome is more high tech than any of our previous ones. All the lights, and other systems are controlled by touch pads. The lights are all LEDs and really light up the place, plus there are more electrical outlets than one normally finds on a motorhome. The outlets are still the old fashioned ones. 😁 We would gladly celebrate Recycles Day here and in Quartzsite, but there are no places to take our recycle items. In Quartzsite, we used to have a drive up place where we could recycle things. Then, the company that rented the big bin to the town, upped their rate so high, the town had to cancel the contract. I make a lemon Bundt cake occasionally. If not today, then tomorrow, I'll be cleaning out the refrigerator here as I load the one in the motorhome. I like the Eleanor Roosevelt quote. We'll skip the meal, but please give me a frozen strawberry daiquiri; otherwise, I'll have to wait until we're on a BHB again. The wine sounds like one I'd like to try. We have been to Isafjordur, three times. Twice we were there on Prinsendam. Mackenzie King must have been a remarkable politician to have held the office of Prime Minister of Canada for a total of 22 years over the course of several decades. @Vict0riann Ann and Pat, welcome back. I hope you have a safe flight home. @sailingdutchy Welcome home, Tony and Martha. Safe travels home. @kochleffel Welcome home, Paul, and safe travels today. @seagarsmoker Thank you for sharing your comments on your recent cruise. @puppycanducruise Melanie, thank you for giving us the background information on Mackenzie King. Sadly, we don't get much Canadian news in the US, nor do students learn very much about our northern neighbor. @Mr. Boston Safe travels to both of you tomorrow. Enjoy Thanksgiving on the West Coast. @Denise T I hope your visit with the new doctor goes well, and that you get some answers and a plan to bring your diabetes under control. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm sorry the air mattress was not very comfortable. Safe travels today and tomorrow. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope your DH feels better soon, and I'm glad the Urgent Care didn't find anything major wrong. I hope the antibiotics and pain reliever help make him more comfortable. @Vict0riann Ann, the letter to your grandmother from Prime Minister Mackenzie King must be a family treasure. I'm sure it was a great comfort to your grandmother. Lenda
  9. A late good afternoon or an early good evening. It's been a busy day, but most of the things we took out of the old motorhome are now inside the new one. I also realized I will probably be rearranging things now that I see how they fit, and what open space is available, but I expected that to some extent. Now, I just have to go through the things in the house and get them on the motorhome, and the biggie, putting all the stuff in the outside compartments. Not all of it will go in, and then we'll have to figure out what to do with it. Tomorrow will be busy, with that, plus a trip to the bank and grocery store. I'll do that while DH is with the tech who will be installing the satellite tv equipment. That way I'll get my errands done and be out of their way. There was just a bit of frustration today. I wanted to put the sheets on the bed, and while doing so, discovered it is not the size they dealership had on their information. It was supposed to be a king short, 72"x75". Instead, it is either 74" or 75" x 76". That means the sheets I ordered will be too small. I tried to cancel the order, but they had been shipped last week from India, and won't arrive until the end of the month. I guess they get to make the trip back to India. While they will be a bit too big, I ordered king sheets and a mattress pad, which will arrive in Quartzsite the end of next week. Vanessa, in Texas we have on jeans when it's in the 60s, but in Arizona on a sunny day in the 60s, I'll be in shorts and sandals. I hope you hear from the neurosurgery PA soon, and that she can help with the pain. Annie, I'm glad you are doing better and that you got some sleep last night. I'm sorry about missing the symphony, but it's best to stay safe and rest. Bruce, I'm glad the tests were all normal, and I hope the pain goes away soon. Melissa, I hope the injection and the PT help with your DH's pain and balance. I'm glad he is willing to do the hard work at PT and at home. Edi, that is really good news. It's always nice with the PA or doctor are happy with the post op progress. I'm glad you can drive now, and can enjoy wine again. I'll drink to that. 😉 That was nice they fixed your tire and did not charge you. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a partly sunny central Texas. It is 51F and feels like 50F but will warm up to 67F this afternoon. While the humidity is 76% with a dew point of 43F, there is no rain predicted for the next several days. I hope to get everything that goes inside the motorhome in it's place today. I still a have bit of kitchen things to find a "home" for. Once that is done, I'll know how much storage space is left. It should be easy to figure out where to put things. Somethings, I already know where they will go. We're thinking we'll just put the things that go in the outside compartments where ever they will fit, and do the final arranging in Quartzsite. However, I'm not sure we'll have enough time before winter there, 50s and low 60s, sets in. Remember, we're thin bloodied Texans who like warm weather. Besides, December is always a busy month. Somehow, it will al get done. As a girl with two daughters, I'll celebrate Girls Day and Children's Day. I always give my dill pickles to DH. I'm really not a fan of pickles, but as a child I loved the watermelon rind pickles my grandfather made. Haven't had any since he died. The Seneca quote is true. He was a wise man. The meal sounds good for using up some of the leftover Christmas ham. We'll pass on the drink, but the red blend sounds good, and it has a good price. We have not been to Timaru, NZ, yet. Since I use condensed milk in several recipes, I'll celebrate Gail Borden's patent. If the powerplant in Niagara Falls that began operating in 1896, is the hydro plant just downstream from the falls, we toured that plant in the late 1960s. I doubt anyone who listened to music in 1960 could forget Ray Charles' version of "Georgia On My Mind". @kazuJacqui, I too can see Ivan looking wistfully at the garden. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you DH's knee is doing better. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope the loading goes smoothly today. Have a safe drive to NJ. @Mr. Boston Sometimes since we retired, we wonder how we ever found time to work. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad that your delivery made it yesterday without any problems. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you were able to help your friend with the school's Christmas shop. I'm also glad the fix on the car was reasonable. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you are feeling better and stronger today, and that you will see your doctor to make sure you are doing all you can to get well. @quilty964 The Borden milk was deliver to our front door. I remember we had to make sure we set the empties out the night before. Lenda
  11. Good evening. It's taken this long to catch up with the Daily. We got home with the new motorhome around 3pm. DH liked the way it drove, except for the higher wind that would blow it around a little at times. I started working on getting things put away in the kitchen. This motorhome is 3 feet 6 inches shorter, and I think most of the lost length is in the kitchen. I know the drawers are a lot narrower, and I've done some creative arranging and hopefully will get it done tomorrow morning. I just hope I remember where I put things. I think the rest of the interior will be easier. Welcome back, RNB. I hope ypu enjoyed your time away. Susan, I don't envy you your weekend, but I'm glad you and others are willing to do the hard work of rescuing animals from hoarders. I wish our laws were stronger when dealing with animal abuse. It is sad so many cats were beyond saving. Our animals give us so much and ask for so little, it shouldn't be difficult to treat them well. Vanessa, I hope the neurosurgery PA can help you find some relief before your appointments. Annie, I'm happy you enjoyed Rome and part of your cruise. I'm very sorry you had such a life threatening illness that could have been prevented if those who were sick had thought of others and done the right thing. I hope you feel better soon and recover quickly. Oh my on Chuck's @catmando wake up call from Tazi. Sandi, you were correct. Pupusas are from El Salvador. I don't know where I came up with Ecuador. Can I plead too little sleep, very early this morning and no caffeine? I'm sorry your pain is back. I hope you get felief soon. Mayureen, soon this move will be history, and you can take your time getting settled. The last move where the movers packed our things, I discovered they had pscked one of the plants. I managed to rescue it before the box was loaded on the truck. Penny, that is great news about your appointment at the pain clinic on Thursday. I hope they have some answers for you. BTW, do you spell your name Penny or Pennie? Lenda
  12. He won by $1. Don't hold me to it, but I think his name is Fred. Lenda
  13. A quick update. First, the old motor home had a problem that took a while to troubleshoot, so we were late getting top the dealership. Then we had a walk through of the new motor home while they went over the old one with a fine tooth comb. Now we're waiting to do the paperwork. Lenda
  14. Jacqui, if Ivan can jump the fence into the garden, he must really be feeling like a new dog. Maureen, I'm glad the Aspercreme helped. I hope all goes well with the packing today and the loading tomorrow. Sending positive thoughts for you niece and her baby. Lorraine, thanks for the update and news about Murphy. I know your DSIL was thrilled to be able to hold Murphy. Lenda
  15. We were in Dublin in 2004 on Noordam III, in 2016 overnight on the Prinsendam and again in 2017 on the Prinsendam. We have enjoyed Dublin every time. On all our visits, we did the Ho-Ho not only to see the city, but as a way to get from place to place. In 2004, we made the pilgrimage to Guinness Part of the brewery as seen from the tasting room, followed by a view of Dublin. The Old Jameson's Distillery We did not do the tour, as they advised waiting until we reached Cobh to go to the main distillery. But this was a great place to get wifi. The second morning in 2016, we got a taxi to take us to the Kilmainham Gaol which was built in 1796, and was a grim place. It was decommission in 1924, but housed the leaders of the 1916 Easter Uprising. Tickets for the goal sell our early. The new part, mainly for the women, was added in 1840 Scenes of Dublin from the Ho-Ho and our walks around town. Arnott's, the oldest and largest department store in Ireland The Spire of Dublin erected in 2003 A very unusual building Lenda
  16. Good morning from central Texas. It is 54F and feels like 53F. I'm not sure I could tell the one degree difference. The humidity is 76% with a dew point of 46F and a 5 mph wind from the north. Our high this afternoon will be 67F, and it should be 60F when we arrive at the dealership to pick up our new motorhome. I just hope the old one starts and makes it to the dealership. After that, it's up to them. The old motorhome all of a sudden began showing it's age. DH played clarinet in his high school band, and I will hug him. In fact, I'm the only non-musician in the family. Both DDs were in their school band. Younger DD was in the orchestra at UT for a while, and older DD plays with the Austin Civic Wind Ensemble, where she was president for one term. She said it was like herding cats. 🤣 I looked up pupusa, and it's a dish from Ecuador, so I'll pass on the day. Since I've been married 56 years, I think participating in Sadie Hawkins Day would not be appropriate. The Arthur C. Clark quote is interesting, and I take it to mean that intelligence is all you need to survive. You need to use your intelligence to acquire survival skills. We'll pass on the meal. I might try the drink on a BHB, and would like to try the wine. We've been to Dublin, but did not tender in Dun Laoghaire Harbour. I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes. The fly by Saturn by Voyager I was a big step forward in space exploration. We've come a long way since them, especially with the Hubble Telescope and the James Webb telescope. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad you and Chuck @catmando made it home safely. I hope you are over whatever landed you in the ship's infirmary. We look forward to hearing about your trip when you are rested and have the time. Lenda
  17. @Norseh2o I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise, Kathy and Bob. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon. Taking a short break between finishing the house cleaning and starting the yard work. It is 64F, so at least I won't get too hot outside. Terry, I'm glad Tana is feeing better, but very sorry the pneumonia took such a toll on her physically. Joy, congratulations to your niece on passing the bar. Lenda
  19. Good morning from a cloudy central Texas where it is 53F and feels like 53F. The humidity s 90% and the dew point is 51F. Our high is predicted to reach 66F this afternoon. Like @Cruzin Terri Terri, our cleaning lady will be here today, and she'll start as soon as I finish here, get dressed and get started on the house. 🤣 If I finish in time and have any energy left, the yard will get mowed one last time. Otherwise, I'll leave it to my neighbor who takes care of the yard when we are away. If all goes as planed, this will be the last time this year I clean the house and mow the yard. French is popular, but I have never really cared for it. I wish pneumonia was easier to treat and that more people would get the vaccine. Happy Hour sounds good. I have heard the Mel Brooks quote before, and I think it was meant as a tongue in cheek way to describe comedy. That being said, I wish he'd used a different example of comedy. The soup sounds good for another day. We'll pass on the drink, and I would like to try the wine. We were scheduled to visit Havre-Saint-Pierre in 2019 on Veendam's TA. However, the weather that day was too foggy, windy and wet to allow us to tender. The introduction of the WWW opened the world to many people, and allowed us to have this Happy Place each day. It's too bad some misuse it. @marshhawk Annie and @catmando Chuck, welcome home. I hope your time in Rome and your cruise was all you wanted it to be. @Lady Hudson Katherine, welcome home. I hope you and Bill had a great cruise. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish your DS a HAPPY 49TH BIRTHDAY for us. @kazu Jacqui, I love the picture of Ivan in bed with his toys. I think he needs a bigger bed, though. 😉 These may not be new, but they are not yesterday's memes. 🤣 Lenda
  20. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope your birthday is everything you want it to be. I agree that Tamarind does a wonderful job for a birthday. Lenda
  21. Texas won tonight in an interesting game. TCU played a good game, but couldn't quite get ahead once Texas scored. Texas has two more games this season. Next week tney play Iowa State in Ames, IA, and Texas Tech in Austin on Friday night the day after Thanksgiving. Texas is 9-1 with their only loss to OU in a very close game. Karen, thanks for the recipe. It sounds good, and even better, easy. I'll try it. Lenda
  22. We're relaxing now watching the Texas Longhorns play the TCU Horned Frogs. So far it's and interesting game. With 7 minutes left in the first half UT is ahead,but anything can happen. Sandi, we are planning to go to Quartzsite, and hope to leave by the end of the next week. A lot depends on how quickly I can get everything in the new motorhome, since DH is still limited in what he can do. We would like to be there before Thanksgiving, but we'll play it by ear on the way west. We're lucky in our small town in Texas, that our PCP is under the radar of the big guys -- so far. 🫰 He is very patient oriented and has a great staff including a wonderful PA, a NP and a licensed clinical social worker. He also contracts for a x-ray tech to come in once a week and phlebotomist to be there daily. In Quartzsite, the hospital in Parker has a clinic, but the doctor leaves a lot to be desired. There is a NP who is a contract employee who is usually on a two year contract. Welcone home, Sharon. Lenda
  23. Good afternoon from a partly sunny central Texas. It has been a busy day, but the motorhome is finally unloaded except what we need on Monday morning. After everything was out, I dusted, vaccumed and steam cleaned the floor. It was sure easier to do with nothing in the way. DH informed me mid-afternoon, that I repeated yesterday's memes. I hope they were as good the second time around. 😁 I'll blame it on lack of caffeine this morning. I have some new ones ready for tomorrow. Vanessa, I'm sorry you can't get a good night's sleep and you have so much pain in the morning. DH had a laminotomy for spinal stenosis and fusion between L4 and L5. The surgeon used a new method that is only about two years old that uses polymer "zip" ties and a polymer cage with artificial bone between the vertebra. It is called the Karma System, and it does not use any metal rods and screws. You might want to Google Karma System. His pain was from sciatica due to spinal stenosis, and he hasn't had any pain since. I'm glad you have a doctor you know and trust. Caron, I agree with you about patients needing to be treated better. We've had one surgeon that was not a good fit for us, but found others that we like and trust. Our problem the last year was going to doctors who are part of a medical school and teaching hospital. We didn't have any problems getting appointments and none were canceled. The problem was the doctors are so busy available appointments are a month or two out. I wish I knew a good solution to this problem, and I think part of the problem is so many practices and hospitals have been taken over by big, national or regional groups. Working your way through the medical system is not for the faint of heat. Karen, could you share the corn potato soup recipe with us. I've looked as several but have not tried one yet. Carolyn, I hope you enjoyed the exhibit of your DDIL's art work. That is a big honor to have your art work displayed in a gallery. Brenda, thank you for sharing your pictures. It looks like a lovely and relaxing place to visit. Lenda
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