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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. I'm glad you are feeling better, Lorraine. Denise, I hope the new doctor can help get your diabetes under control. It sounds like it was time to find a new PCP. Penny, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble getting much needed appointments. I can't believe the doctor's office canceled your appointment and didn't notify you. It seems that now days, patients are on the bottom of the list of what's important to the medical community. And I'm not sure the doctors and others who see the patients really know all that goes on in the office administration. Lenda
  2. On this Veteran's Day, I will salute my DH, father, DFIL, grandfather, all our neighbors who are retired military, all our Dailyite veterans, and all other veterans. Now, good morning from a cloudy and cool central Texas. It is 54F and feels like 52F with a 7mph wind, 74% humidity and a dew pint of 48F. Our high today will be 61F and the beginning of a warming trend, except for Monday. The agenda today will see me back working on emptying the motorhome. I hope I get that chore finished today. Angola Independence Day is important as is National Education Day. I admire all those who can do origami. For once, I'm not in agreement with Albert Einstein. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine might be worth a try, and I have a recipe that uses white wine if it's not drinkable. We have not been to Agios Nikolaos, Crete, although we have been to Crete twice on BHBs, and visited two other ports. In 1620, the Mayflower Compact was an important step in the formation of a government in what would become the US. Today in 1918 ended a very horrible war, but sadly it was not the War to End All Wars, as most people called WWI. @Crazy For Cats Jake, it sounds like your reaction was the same as mine. It started about 24 hours after the shot. When I got the first shot, the pharmacist advised me to wait close to the end of the six month period between shots if I had any reaction to the first one. He said it would help reduce the reaction to the second one. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope the packing and move next week go smoothly. @Cruzin Terri Terrie, I hope your DH knee is better everyday, and that the compression stocking helps along with the heat. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you find out how Ivan is getting into the garden. However, his ability to do so shows how much his physical condition has improved. @dfish Debbie, I hope you get the results of the CT scan sooner than seven days. Have fun with your leaves. This time last year, I was battling the neighbor's leaves that filled up our port. This year, they haven't started falling yet. My guess is, I'll have a lot of leaves to deal with next spring when we get back from Arizona. @GTVCRUISER Have a wonderful cruise on Koningsdam. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon from a cool and cloudy central Texas. The retail therapy was so-so. I found what I needed at Sam's, and made a good haul on books at the used book store. However, I couldn't find what I wanted on the remainder of the list. I did find some tops with longer sleeves that didn't come half way down my fingers, and they were on sale at a very, very good price. Denise, I hope you have the diabetes issues under control and are feeling better. Karen, enjoy all those important things the next few days. 😉 Roy, I'm glad you made it to FLL. We've found I-95 in that area to be a real challenge. Terri, I'm sorry they couldn't drain more fluid from your DH's knee. I hope the compression sock, the heat and icing help with the knee. The good news is you can still cruise. Jane, I'm sorry about all the health issues that have caused you to cancel your cruise. I hope you are better and stronger soon. Lenda
  4. Good morning from a chilly central Texas. It is 52F and feels like 49F with 99% humidity and a dew point of 52F. Our high here will be 59F and in Waco, it will reach 58F. It is also a little foggy, and I hope it burns off before I head to Waco in about an hour. It was like this last November when I was driving to Waco everyday to see DH, so I'll survive. I'll celebrate all three days, but like Gerry, @ger_77 I'd like mine with chocolate frosting. The Parker quote is true, and understanding some people is more difficult than others. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'd like to try the Riesling if it's not too sweet. Sadly, we have not been to Sardinia. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers thank you for sharing your pictures. Two more interesting days in history. The first changed to course of part of the US. I remember watching the news in 1989 and seeing the Berlin Wall being torn down. Now, there is a small section people can visit and remember a different time. @Haljo1935 Welcome home. @rafinmd Roy, have a safe drive to Ft. Lauderdale. @kazu Jacqui, I hope all goes well at the periodontist today, and that you can get some yard work done, with Ivan's help of course. @Nickelpenny Penny, I hope you get an appointment with the pain clinic soon. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm happy your DH got such a good report yesterday, and that the bloodwork shows everything is within normal range. @RMLincoln Maureen, I was sorry to read that your DH will need more surgery on his eyes. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry you are still having walking issues. I hope you can get some answers when you get home. In the meantime, enjoy your cruise. Lenda
  5. Bruce, we're getting a Bounder 35K. We're going from a 40' diesel pusher to a 36'6" gas motorhome. I posted some pictures of it on Monday. Lenda
  6. Good afternoon from a cool, 55F that feels like 53F, and rainy central Texas. All the cabinets, drawers, closets in the motorhome are empty. I have one set of shelves and a couple more things to disconnect before a quick dusting and vaccuming. About half the things have been moved out, and the rest will be moved Saturday when we finish up. Naturally, it all took longer than planned, but isn't that always the case. We threw out quite a bit of accumulated stuff, and there's more loaded in the car to take to Goodwill in Waco tomorrow. After I make room in the back of the car, there will be retail therapy. I'm not a big shopper, but tomorrow will be my semi-annual to annual shopping day. It will include a stop at the used book store, too. Paul, it does sound like a drink with a split personality. Vanessa, I'm glad you slept a little better last night, but wish you had a lot less pain. Lorraine, I'm very glad Murphy is making such good progress. She really is a fighter. It's good to know your DB is doing well too. I'm sure you will find your travel things in plenty of time, and that you will do fine and enjoy your cruise. I hope you have a safe and smooth flight home tomorrow. Jacqui, I'm glad you could make such a great change in Ivan. Maybe I should try some of the meds he is getting, if they would make me feel younger. 🤣 In my mind, I'm still decades younger. Lenda
  7. We've been to Palermo twice. The first time in 2004, the Noordam III took us there. That day, we took a bus to Monreale. The second time was in 2019 on the Veendam. That visit, we took a Ho-Ho train, which never had room when we wanted to hop back on. We took it as we could and then walked to the catacombs and ultimately back to the ship. These first pictures are from our 2004 visit. The church and mosaics in Monreale. Some street scenes From our 2019 visit when we visited the catacombs. The first pictures were taken on our way to the catacombs from the ho-ho, so they are not that great. The road by the catacombs We were not supposed to take pictures in the catacombs, but we managed this one which shows some of the monks laying in niches and others still hanging. This is a side altar in the Cathedral. Finally, a couple of streets on our walk back to the ship. Lenda
  8. Good morning from a cloudy central Texas where it is 69F and feels like 69F. Sadly, this will be the high temperature for the day. It will start raining soon, and will continue raining until early tomorrow morning. The humidity is 98% with the dew point at 69F. I'll need to get out early and work on emptying the motorhome before it gets too wet and chilly. Tomorrow, the high will be 59F before it starts warming back to the 60s and finally the 70s by next Thursday. The nearest art museum is in Fort Worth which is about 65 miles north of us. I'm all for World Freedom. Cart Sagan opened the universe to many people, and I believe he'd be amazed at the strides astronomy has taken in the past several decades. Today's quote is thought provoking. We can't reject pain and death, but we can do our best to minimize pain and delay death as long as possible. We'll definitely pass on the meal, drink and wine. I can just see Paul @kochleffel rolling his eyes at another pseudo-tini. 😉 We have been to Palermo twice on BHBs, and I'll share my pictures next. The 1998 decision was a good one for investors. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad everything is falling into place for your move. Good luck with the trial run packing your car. I hope your and your DH's eye appointments go well today with no surprises. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you can get to Palermo next year. I also hope everything goes smoothly at the bank today. Settling your DBIL's estate has dragged on far too long. @ger_77 Gerry, world adoption day is also worth celebrating. I hope your DH gets a great report about the pacemaker today. @Heartgrove Jack, I know the Amtrak delays were frustrating, but be glad they did not have to bus you to NYC. Have a wonderful time on your cruise. @kazu Jacqui, thanks for the picture of Ivan. He sure looks better than when he first came to you. Lenda
  9. Good evening. We got quite a few tings accomplished today, but not some of the things I had planned, but what else is new. We also took a break and had a late lunch/very early dinner at our favorite Mexican food restaurant. It had been almost a year since I'd eaten there, and almost 1 1/2 years since DH was there. As usual, the food was very good. Just remember, for those of us growing up in Texas, Mexican food is Tex-Mex. When we got home, I started in on the motor home, and got some things sorted, thrown away, put aside for Goodwill or moved out of the motorhome until we have the new one. We are trying to figure out what we have not used in a long time, and to not put it on the new motorhome, especially since we have less storage space because the Bounder is about four feet shorter. The motorhome was always partly a storage place for things we didn't have room for in the house. Jack, I hope by now you are comfortably settled in your hotel room in NYC. Brenda, thanks for the pictures, especially one of the owl. Vanessa, I'm sorry the respite from the pain was short lived. DH had a bad disc, but his main problem was spinal stenosis impinging on the sciatic nerve. Since his back surgery which included a laminectomy, he has not had any pain due to the back. Jane, I'm sorry you had bronchitis after the Covid. I'm glad you are finally feeling better. Thank you for sharing your pictures of Butrint. It looks very interesting, and we will have to remember it the next time we're in Sarande. Welcome home. Lena
  10. Sorry about double posting one of the memes. I proofread the text, but not the memes, and I'll plead lack of caffeine. Lenda
  11. On October 12, 1016, we visited Sarande on Prinsendam, and we returned on July 17, 2019 on Veendam. These pictures are a combination from those two visits. The beach promenade was bustling in July, but pretty much closed down in October. In 2016, we took a taxi from the pier into town since we did not want to climb the steep hill. On one side of the main street there are some ancient ruins. Further along we passed this building The busy main street with a lot of new buildings We then headed to the waterfront and the small boat harbor before taking the promenade back to the Prinsendam. The Prinsendam waiting for our return In 2019, we just walked down the beach to an open air restaurant where we got a cold drink before retracing out steps. Along the way, we stopped at a food cart for gelato. We've found good gelato in Albania for a very reasonable price. There were remnants of old structures along the way. There were more new buildings near the small boat harbor. A beach playground A nice sailing yacht with the Veendam in the background. A view of town as we sailed. Many of the buildings under construction in 2008 had been completed. Lenda
  12. Our first visit to Sarande was in 2008 on the Prinsendam. On that cruise, we took a ship tour to Gjirokastra, an old town northeast of Sarande. We visited Gjirokastra Castle, the town and an older house which I believe was Zekate House. Gjirokastra Castle ruins and part of the Arms Museum in the castle. The castle from the bottom of tall hill it sits on. I don't think we walked up the hill, but we did walk down it, and it was steep. Much of the castle is in ruins. An interesting structure on the castle grounds, but I'm not sure what it was. Gjirokastra from the castle grounds Our next stop was Zekate House, which was built by Beqir Zeko in 1811-12. It is a typical tower house of the times, and it is furnished as it would have been then. Beqir Zeko was a general administrator of Ali Pasha, and would have been a rich man in the town. The kitchen oven Detailed woodwork Old town Gjirokastra A vegetable and fruit market A couple of pictures of Sarande from the Prinsendam as we sailed to the next port. In one picture, you can see the rebuilding after the Balkan War. Lenda
  13. Good morning from sunny central Texas. It is 68F and feels like 66F. The humidity is 95% with a dew point of 66F. Today's high will be 84F, and it will be the last real warm day. We'll still get some days in the 70s, but I think after today, it will be next spring before we see temperatures in the 80s. Considering we are talking about Texas weather, I could be wrong. Tomorrow will be 67F and raining, then 56F on Friday. After that, back to the 60s and 70s. I had planned some retail therapy in Waco today, but that will have to wait until Friday. I still have not gathered everything to take to Goodwill. There are some things inside the motorhome which will be added to the Goodwill bag(s). Today is the day we'll tackle the inside of the motorhome. Then, it should be ready to go to the dealership Monday. We will celebrate pianist day, especially my friend Naki Ataman. Radiology of all types is a big part of finding what ails people. Some one else can have my cappuccino. Grandma Moses was a very wise woman, and she was correct about life. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. We have been to Sarande three times on BHBs. I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes. Two interesting days in history, and I suspect Roy @rafinmd is correct about William Penn's view of religious freedom. German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of the x-ray wave length was a big step forward in medicine. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I hope the forecast for freezing rain is wrong, and that you don't lose power. @kazu Jacqui, I hope it's not too cold working outside today. Congratulations on a good job with the bursary story. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope the swelling goes down in Jim's knee, but if not, draining the excess fluid should relieve the pressure and also the swelling in his foot. Glad you car is ready for the drive to Miami. @Nickelpenny Penny, that was too bad about the mix-ups with the dinner last night. It is sad that schools now have to have lockdown practice. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your roads are not slippery. It sounds like you found a treasure in the people who will take care of your driveway this year. Lenda
  14. A very late good afternoon on what was a busy day. With all the errands this morning, it was after 11 before I got back home. After unloading the car and putting things away, I spent an hour or so on the computer getting some things done, including sending a copy of the insurance id card for the new motorhome to the dealer. We should be all set for Monday morning now. DH and I spent about an hour going through the last outside compartment where he stored all his treasures. We threw away some things, left some with the motorhome, designated some to stay here or go to Quartzsite, and the rest will find a home in the new motorhome. The drawer units he'd put in the motorhome in 1999 had never been removed. Since they had to come out anyway, I took the opportunity to clean them. It's amazing how quickly the spray foam bathroom cleaner removed 99% of 24 !/2 years of grime. They look almost new, except for the stains. Tomorrow should be a lot easier, since we'll be going through all the cabinets, drawers and closets in the motorhome. Some things we'll leave in to transfer at the dealership, and the rest will be removed and then put in the Bounder. Hopefully, we'll weed more things out, and take them to one of the thrift stores. I'm sorry your friend's husband was placed in Hospice care. I hope he is peaceful and comfortable in the time remaining to him. Carolyn, I'm glad your DGS will have his cast on by the time he has the first overnight. Terri, that is good news that Jim's knee is improving. I'm glad he is still keeping it elevated and iced. Roy, I['m happy you are on board and settled into your roomette. Enjoy the journey. Welcome home, Bruce. I'm glad you arrived safely. Vanessa, that is good news that you had less pain today and were able to accomplish some things and get a good nap too. I hope this trend continues. Now, it's time to get a glass of wine. Who am I kidding, make that glasses of wine, and cook dinner. It will be easy since we're having hamburgers, cooked in the George Foreman and potato chips. Lenda
  15. Terri, thank you for your comments about the motorhome. It has a backup camera to help when backing. DH does most of the driving, but this one I should be able to handle on the uncrowded parts of the Interstate. Lorraine, I'm sorry your friend's husband has been unwell for two years and finally got a devastating diagnosis. Lenda
  16. Good morning from sunny central Texas where it is 62F and feels like 61F. The humidity is 99% with a dew point of 61F. The predicted high is 85F, so after running errands, voting, and registering the motorhome, I think we'll finish going through the final two outside compartments on the motorhome. We should be aware of cancer everyday. I won't be hugging a bear today since the only ones here are DDs' Care Bears in boxes in the attic. I don't think there is any retinol in any thing I use. I tried it about 30+ years ago when you had to use a certain soap on your face. Evidently, it had an ingredient that bothered my eyes. The Friedrich Nietzsche quote is interesting. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would like to try the wine. We have not been to Marmaris. The sailing of the Mary Celeste from New York in 1872 ended with a still unsolved mystery. She was found floating about 400 miles east of the Azores on December 5, 1872. The lifeboat was missing and there was not sign of her ten man crew. I'll salute the founding of the oldest musical organization in 1786 in Boston. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I know you will miss Brenda and Paul when they move. Thanks for the pictures of Marmaris. I'm glad Scott will be released to home and that Susan will get some help caring for him. @Nickelpenny Penny, I hope your MRI will give the doctor the information needed to help you. Enjoy your dinner out. @RMLincoln Maureen, it sounds like you are making a lot of progress in preparation for the move. I'm glad you had help with the packing and sorting. I hope both eye appointments go well and that your DH can get something to relieve the itching. @rafinmd Beautiful sun rise today. Enjoy the train ride to Florida. @ger_77 Gerry, that is such a sad story. You would think those living on the frozen tundra would know to wait for thick ice. Lenda
  17. Thank you, Debbie. This new motorhome has some features that weren't available in 1999. The American Eagle is one of the high end, but not in the Prevost category, motorhomes from that era. It was also more maintenance even keeping it clean and shinny. This one is more for camping and living, but is still comfortable. I'm glad both of River's grandmothers are checking her, and monitoring the situation. It has to be bad if the stepfather's mother called CPS. As I said this morning, no child deserves to live like that. I'm just glad she has her grandmothers and extended family. Lenda
  18. Thanks, Ann.. No, the cooktop and oven are propane. It is an option, but with the induction cooktop, we would not have gotten an oven. However, the refrigerator is a residential one, instead of the normal RV refrigerator that can run on propane, 110v or 12v. They are more efficient. Thanks, Jacqui. The two reclining chairs are very comfortable. It is definitely a step above our first Bounder which was a 1992 and pretty basic. That one was designed for boondocking. Lenda
  19. A late good afternoon. It was a nice, warm day which was good since we were outside working on different things for the motorhome. If all the things planned for today, I only got the laundry done, but none of the sorting and weeding in the motorhome. We got it inspected, and are not sure if it truly passed, or if it was a mercy pass since he knew were would only be driving it to the dealership to trade it in. The more we are doing around the motorhome, the more we realize it was time to let it go. We have an appointment at 10 am Monday morning to surrender the old motorhome and to pickup the new one. We'll transfer some things at the dealership and the rest will be loaded here. Our salesman said something about staying two or three nights to get familiar with the new motorhome and to get everything transferred. We think at most we'll be there one night. Here are a few pictures I took Saturday when we went back to look at it again. Thank you to all who had nice comments and congratulations on the new motorhome. It will take a bit of time to get used to a new layout and to figure the best place to put everything. BTW, that is an electric fireplace under the tv, and it also serves as a heater on cold nights. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you have an appointment to get your tooth fixed soon. @JazzyV Vanesa, I hope you can get some relieve soon for your back. As to the social worker, that's an interesting development. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you are settled for the night and near the terminal. @Nickelpenny Penny, I hope the MRI shows something that is easily fixed and that you get a plan of action soon. Lenda
  20. Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas where it is 67F and feels like 67F, There is a 12mph breeze with 90% humidity and a dew point of 64F. Our high is predicted to reach 80F this afternoon. It will be a busy day with laundry, getting the motorhome inspected and registered so we can legally drive it to the dealership next Monday to trade it in. We'll also be doing some more sorting and unloading the motorhome this afternoon. The "highlight" of my day will be the getting my top teeth deep cleaned. At least I know what to expect this time. We are not basketball fan, but I used to like basketball when I was in high school. I like the idea of Ladies learning code to encourage them to get into the tech field. Our older DD is an electrical engineer who designs chips for ARM. She also played the saxophone in her high school's jazz band. Her main instrument is the clarinet, and she also plays the oboe. Not to leave her out, our younger DD played the French horn. While the Dave Barry quote is humorous, it may be true in some cases. Today, we'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I think dinner will be some form of chicken. We have not been to Komodo Island. It was on the two Princess world cruises out of Sydney that we canceled. I would still like to get there. Today marks the first of several independence days for Mexico. @rafinmd Safe travels, Roy. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad all was fine at your appointment today. @aliaschief Enjoy your last day on board, and safe travels tomorrow. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you and Sue can give River some happy, carefree times. No child should be in the position to dread going home. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope you can get an appointment to get the teeth pulled soon. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, Elliott Rose is certainly a cute, happy little girl. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad yesterday's dinner was a big success. Lenda
  21. Good afternoon after a long day, but I got a lot accomplished, not exactly what I had intended to do, but it needed doing too. It was a very nice day outside after the fog lifted. I wound up working on emptying everything that does not stay with the motorhome out of the outside compartments. We also worked on the other set of batteries that run the house part of the motorhome. They still need a little more work, but the worst is done. DH and I have two more compartments to work on outside. One won't take too long, but the other is where he stores all the things in might need. That will take some time to sort through, and get moved. I've made a little head way on the inside, but I'll work on in over the next week. At least, I got the old throw rugs that were beginning to fall apart out and set out for the trash tomorrow. The remainder except for a few things we need to weed out, shouldn't be too difficult. Most will stay in the motorhome and be moved to the new one when we pick it up. We'll probably stay one night while switching motorhomes. Susan, I wish I could have seen all the dog parents' impromptu pajama party this morning. Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. We're glad you have joined us. Terri, I hope your DH's knee continues to improve, and that he talking about rebooking all or part of your canceled trip. Things sometime work out for the best. With the weather in Italy and other parts of Europe, it might not have been a good time to go. I remember our two dachshunds doing the same thing after the time change. Sandi, I'm sorry to see that your friend's DB Mark lost his battle with cancer. The good news is Scott is improving and will be moved closer to their home. That will be so much easier on both of them. Now it's time to pour a couple of glasses of Merlot, and then find the leftover lasagna and garlic bread in the freezer. That and a small Caesar salad will be an easy dinner tonight. Lenda
  22. Finally our fog is beginning to lift, so I should be able to get some outside work done in a bit. I think I'll wait until it warms up a bit more. Gerry, I posted fairly late last night that we had put a deposit down on a new motorhome. We are getting a 2024 Bounder with a gas engine. I took some pictures when we were looking at it yesterday, but I have to switch to my phone to be able to share a couple of pictures. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds nice, and I know everyone will enjoy it. Vanessa, I was hoping you'd have a better night last night. We are going to trade the motorhome in, not that a 25 year old motorhome is worth as much as we hoped. After getting the engine batteries changed, DH began to think about what else needed to be done to the 1999 motorhome and how much it would cost. Besides, it is getting where it is more difficult for us to tackle some of the maintenance and repairs. Between the price difference between gas and diesel, plus the higher maintenance costs of diesel engines, it just seemed like the right time to trade it in. It will be a week to ten days before we finalize the deal. Roy, I'm glad you got the bag packed and in the car. Now, you're one step closer to Florida and your cruise. I found a few memes that seem to sum up my feelings about the time change last night. Lenda
  23. My pictures below are from our three BHB stops in Kona, We were there in 2014 on Veendam, and in 2017 and 2018 on Westerdam. We rented cars those days and drove north to Kapaau. I have a few pictures of the area near the tender dock that were taken in 2017. King Kamehameha statue outside the visitor center in Kapaau, and the view across the road. A couple of pretty birds on the grounds of the visitor center. For the garden club The rugged coast near the north point of the Big Island Lapakahi State Park A lava tube close the the highway. We did not venture from the roadside. The area near the tender port Lenda
  24. Good morning from central Texas where it is 58F and feels like 57F. It is partly cloudy with a 6 mph breeze. We must have fog again this morning since the humidity is 100% with a dew point of of 58F. It will be a bit windier today with an 11 mph wind this afternoon, along with a high of 78F. Today, I'll be getting more of our stuff out of the motorhome, and hopefully weeding some of the accumulated stuff out. Tomorrow, we need to get it inspected and registered so it will be legal to drive it to the dealer when the new motorhome is ready in a week or so. We don't watch very many NFL games, but we celebrated American Football Day yesterday with a win by Texas. We like Chinese food, but there is no place nearby for take out today, and the Chinese restaurant that was here was not very good. My mother was the red head in our family. She had naturally red/auburn hair and the fair, easily sunburned skin to go with it. There is a ring of truth in the Kurt Vonnegut quote, but I don't think I pretend to be anyone but myself. That makes life a bit easier. White chicken chili sounds good for a cooler day. The drink might be worth a try, and I would definitely give the wine a try. We have been to Kailua-Kona several times, but I don't remember how many. In 1492 Columbus learned a valuable lessen that changed our diets. In this area of Texas, farmer grow a lot of corn, but it is mainly for feed for cattle. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the explanation of Guy Fawkes day. It's been several years since I learned the story, and a fresher was good. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm very happy that Lou's gathering was good if emotional. It's always nice to hear how much a loved one meant to others. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the pictures. I think the new color on the palace looks better. @rafinmd Roy, I hope your packing goes smoothly today. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your weather cooperates today. It's nice that your guy is helping you rehome some of your things. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm happy your Seabourn cruise is going so well. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope you had a better night last night, with more sleep and much less pain. @Crazy For Cats Jake, as difficult as the time change is for humans, it is much harder for our furry family members. Lenda
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