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Everything posted by NoWhiners

  1. Well then, let's hope they have a big loss 😁 Go Swans! (Boo Lions!)
  2. Thanks for posting this Mic. So exciting! I just checked--2 games on TV tonight/tomorrow am but neither is the Swans. Grrrrr. I'll just have to depend on you guys to keep me posted. Go Swans!
  3. Good news--we received the voucher for our tour!! Yay. Apparently, DHs email is somehow better than mine. No matter why, we have them. Now if we can just nail down those Colosseum tix, we'll be all set. Can't request those until late September.
  4. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I have been checking my Junk mail folder (that's where spam goes on msn.com), that was the first thing I checked when they didn't come it after an hour. I've been checking every day. I sent emails to several addresses. One was musei@scv.va, one was info.mv@scv.va, another was info@vaticantickets.tours. I even sent an email to some Director of the org, not expecting to hear from him (I didn't). I tried using biglietteria.musei@scv.va, but got an "undeliverable" from that! I am happy to say that at 1 am today, I got a reply. I have to give them credit--they have tried to send it 4 times; this time they sent me a copy of their record and asked for a different email address. I gave them DHs, hoping that works better (his is Outlook). The reply I got came from info.musei@scv.va. I have been using my email address for many years and have always gotten replies, even from foreign vendors. I will chalk this up to another mystery of email and hope we them at DHs email soon. I'll come back and post the result as soon as I know. Maybe this thread will show up for anyone else who might have a problem, if they do a search in the future. Thanks again euro cruiser, marazul and cruisemom for your help, I really appreciate it.
  5. Just had to come back and post my experience with getting Vatican tour tickets. As I noted above, we booked our tour tickets last Thursday but I have yet to receive the vouchers. I got an email confirming payment was received but never got the vouchers. They claim you get them within an hour; it's been 4 days for us. I'm not happy about this and I have emailed every email address I've been able to find with no response. Today I found a FAQ under Support on the Tickets page that included a form to fill out if you have issues. Did that and waiting to see what happens. Those 'skip the line' tours may charge too much for nothing but at least you get in! Anyone out there have any suggestions on what I can do to get my vouchers??? Thnaks.
  6. Thanks, we won.t starve no matter what but good to know.
  7. Pertaining to masks in the buffet--is this while you're going thru the line only or also while eating at the table? Just trying to set my expectations for doing 'mask calisthenics' while eating πŸ˜„ Thanks.
  8. Music to my ears. Good job by Richmond, beating Brisbane. I'll have to buy them a beer! I hope the Swans win next week and go into the playoffs on the upswing. Go Swans!
  9. That's all very encouraging. I think I saw part of one game, earlier this season, and they didn't look very organized to me. Hope they can get it together and make a deep run in the playoffs. Go Swans!
  10. Music to my ears!! Maybe the Swans are peaking in preparation for the playoffs? Nice to read that they finally played all 4Qs, it sure seemed like they weren't doing that. Top 4 would be good, let's all hope Brisbane loses and the Swans stay sharp. Thanks for posting the scores Mic. Go Swans!
  11. Thanks for starting this thread, very timely. That will be a long day but you have to do what you have to do πŸ˜‰ I agree about the prices. If I hadn't come here, I never would have known that we didn't get anything for the extra money. Hoping I can snag a Colosseum tour in English; otherwise, I'll follow the advice here and book Italian or Spanish and "linger" (or flat out join) the English tour group.
  12. Thanks to all the help here, especially cruisemom and marazul, we booked our tickets for a Vatican tour for Oct 28. One glitch with credit card company trying to confirm it was me, but a quick call to them, and the transaction went through. All I have left is to wait for Colosseum entry tix to be available and I can just cruise to the day we fly to Rome (see what I did there 😁) So nice to come to these boards and get all the useful info that makes cruising and visiting places so much easier.
  13. No, I was replying to cruisemom and now I understand about the timed entry to the Vatican. I should have quoted her reply but it's late and I'm sleepy πŸ™‚ Thanks to both of you for explaining all this.
  14. Well, the timing does seem to be an issue. I was planning for either the 10:30 or 2:30 admission times, but was concerned about how long it would take to clear security. Can anyone shed any light on this? For those of you who have been, would a 4 pm admission time (in late October) be any better than the earlier times? I'm starting to think it could be a long, crowded day πŸ™‚
  15. That's a great idea, I'll check it out. Thank you again for your help, really cleared some things up for me.
  16. Ohh, now I get it, thanks ☺️ That wasn't obvious to me, although I'm sure everyone else understood. We aren't going until October, possibly touring on Oct 28. I did follow the early admission notes. Do you have any sense of the lines being a tad less crazed in late October? I seriously doubt I could get DH up early enough to be there before 7:30 am. I was thinking of a late morning/early afternoon entry, unless that just allows for huge line backups. Thoughts???
  17. Thanks for starting this thread Hawk, I had the exact same questions! Having the official site is very helpful but I'm not seeing any 'skip the line' tours. Is this only offered by 3rd parties? And, if so, what lines do we actually skip?! I'm reluctant to do the Vatican but when in Rome and all, and DH wants to see it. We don't want to spend the whole day there and do want to see the Sistine Chapel. I'm guessing any of the individual guided tour options will work but would like some confirmation from those of you more familiar with things. I'd appreciate any advice and suggestions. Thanks.
  18. All of a sudden, it appeared. It's on a black bar at the bottom of the page that can be hidden if you hit the down arrow. You fixed it, thanks 😁
  19. I didn't think to look at their schedule, thanks for that. They should do Ok, but they have had some spells where they look like they never played before. I had such high hopes for them pre-season, now I'm just hoping they hang on for the playoffs. Go Swans!
  20. Hmm, I am starting to feel very dissed!! All those reference points you mentioned are listed vertically, not horizontally, except for Live Chat and Site Feedback. I am on a Dell XP running Win 10. I have to puzzle this one out...
  21. I just looked and don't see it. But, Contact us and the logos aren't close to each other either. Do you have cookies turned on? I am blocking them, so maybe this is the issue?
  22. I have been trying to figure out how to find the Chat feature. I look under Contact us and it gives the hours but no clue how to actually find it and use. Can you offer a clue?? Thanks.
  23. That's a little closer that I'd like but at least they are in the top half now. Let's hope they can stay there! Go Swans!
  24. No worries, enjoy your trip. We aren't back until Aug 3rd, so we're in sync. Safe travels. Thanks for posting. Another win, by a more convincing margin. Go Swans!
  25. This is a good start! Thanks for posting Leigh. We are packing for our annual trip to the lake; we leave on Sunday. As usual, we are leaving when it is really hot and dry here. Lake has water, forecast is cloudy, wet, and cool, which I hope actually happens. Go Swans!
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