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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Izena glad everything went well. Sorry you had a bleeding issue and it hurts. As you say it will take time to heal. Then you'll be better. Yes, the crew are the ones who help us enjoy our cruises. they do a lot of work for us. Nice you think of them to. They are so nice too, the extra stuff I gave them they shared with their friends. (Except the tips I give them, they keep)😄 Izena hope you and everyone have a nice Tuesday,
  2. Yes, Jan it was Sept. 1st during the last cruise. I was spoiled. Room steward decorated my room with birthday stuff the 1st day of the cruise. (Had him for 3 of my cruises) No dancing but had a younger man flirting with me, while playing cards, good looking and rich too but also married. Fun but harmless. Really a nice guy. Think he had too much to drink and looking thru rose color glasses!😄 Then on my birthday the casino sent me a whole (big) birthday cake and Chocolate covered strawberries and wine. Shared with room steward and others. In fact, I share Elite bar set ups with my room stewards and casino hosts. I had six! It's nice when you get to know the crew you're cruising with. In fact, bring little gifts to those I know that are going to be on. Take extras. They like them and I enjoy giving. Your birthday is coming up this month too. Right? Remember all the Sept. Birthdays? Wonder where all the people are now? Still remember the great parties on here!🎂🍹🎵 How was your day for getting ready for treatments go? Bet your ready for them to start. Hope everyone has had a good day so far.
  3. Hope everyone had a good Sunday. That Monday will be a good start to your week.
  4. Glad to see you in here Jo and Susan with Izena an Jan. Where's Ombud? Also, our newcomer, sorry can't remember name. Jo--Good loss! You're going down that's the main thing. You'll get where you want. Susan--How scary So hard to see babies in pain. Glad you got him drinking. Glad could rescheduled the surgery for ears. Enjoy your cruise. Jan--Hope your feeling alright. Will think of you on Monday. It will be nice to get treatments started and get it over with. Everyone enjoy your Sunday. Finally, I will get some work done. The Temps went down and the inside of house is bearable again. No AC only a fan, sit in one spot. We don't always get this hot. At least I missed a few days of it while cruising.
  5. Still saying staying the same. Very happy as I cruise again Sept. 27th for 12 days. Now not to eat too much while home. (Which could happen being me) Thanks for the congrats on not gaining. Yes, Izena you do so good in your walking, I don't do good at home but great on the ships. The bigger the ships the more walking!😊 I see it's been quiet in here. Where is everyone? I know you come in often Izena, thank you. You inspire us all with your weight loss. Jan glad you're still reading and come in once in a while. We want to hear from you. I/we care about you. Are you happy about having radiation? Their doing it on all places, right. The study was only one place? Nothing is easy but radiation easier than chemo. Usually driving there and getting ready for treatment is longer than the actual treatment. Just having it every week is time consuming. You'll be ready for your cruise in Dec. Bet you haven't gained that much if weighing with clothes on and after eating. You're doing good with stress and eating. Sure, I wouldn't be doing that good. OK everyone get your "body" in here and talk no matter how you're doing. Everyday can be a good day, sometimes not so good but can be a day to start fresh again.
  6. No one in the house today except Izena? Wishing you an easy time on Monday. Quick healing. Still hot here a little cooler tomorrow. I decided to weigh today and had a good surprise-- No gain for the 60 days. Now might have (a loss or a gain) in case I drank to much water or not enough yesterday. Guess will see in the next few days when cooler. I'll take it. I really didn't eat to much just the wrong kinds of food and drink sometimes. Did walk a lot. Say exercise is good for us--right? Seem to help me. Jan, I hope you are feeling good. Have you started chemo yet? If so, hope you're having an easy time with it. How are the rest of you doing? Fine, I hope. Hope to see you all in here soon.
  7. I'm Back! To HOT WEATHER after Alaska cooler and rainy weather. Thank you Izena for starting the posts. Seem like those weighing in and not cruising- everyone doing pretty good watching the weight drop--doesn't matter if a big or small loss---It's a loss! It adds up. I probably won't weigh this week, coming back to 100 + Drinking too much water and such and after eating a very late dinner. Too hot before to eat. Might change mind after a few days--who knows? I hope you all have a good weigh in--don't know who's here and who's on a cruise. Also wishing everyone a good day/week--wherever you are.'
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