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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Welcome back Izena--Think you enjoyed your cruise. Not sure was it a small ship, a river cruise? Can't remember. Least you enjoyed the food. Glad you haven't tested positive. Did you wear your mask at all times? Hope it stays that way. Sorry the family has it. Hope everyone feels better soon. I think the cruise lines had the people stop wearing their masks to soon. When everyone was wearing masks there was less covid. The 1st cruise on each ship when they said no more wearing of the masks if you don't want to. Then it started--- more Covid cases Another thing less people on the ships then, now their booking more people on the ships. Instead of 50% or less, now 80 to 90%--soon 100%. My opinion only. It won' t stop me from cruising but I will wear my mask at all times. Will help some. Covid is here to stay I'm afraid. With the vaccine and boosters most people don't get really sick and go to the hospital, like you it seems like a cold. But don't even want that on a cruise. Can still be sick with a cold especially the 1st day or 2 Jan--So sorry your family has covid. Too bad the GF didn't stay away with not feeling well. Said they flew down, guess didn't have another place to stay and sure didn't think he had covid. Everyone got it so fast. Guess everyone hugging and kissing hello, eating. Wonder why 7 got it and 6 of you didn't and hope you/they don't. You stay away from your husband. No kissing, ect. Stay well. Been a lazy day today. Need to do get things ready for the cruises and just didn't do anything. Trouble is I'm the only one to do it but for some reason didn't want to do it today! Will do some things tomorrow plus want to leave house a little clean. Don't have to overdo it! It will just get dusty while I'm gone!😄 Hope you all enjoy your Sunday and Monday of the Three Day Holiday.
  2. Sorry I've been busy forgot to post. Sounds like everyone had a good week. Susan--Good Loss! Just think no plans might mean less food, so a loss! This weekend just getting thing ready for my cruises. Jo--You had a loss to. Good! Hope you had a good Canada Day. Did you do the neighborhood party this year? Jan--I'm with you stayed the same, really not what I wanted either but at least we didn't gain. Always a plus. Hope you're having a good day. So, hope, everyone enjoys the weekend being busy or just relaxing. Whatever you decide.
  3. July 1st Canada Day-------July 4th Independence Day Three-day holiday for all. Catches us both on the same weekend. Canada has Friday--USA has Monday Will your food intake increase because of the 3 days-- BBQ's parties, dinners out, more drinking and more desserts? Do you have plans? Or is it like any other weekend? Sadly, to say mine is boring. In the "olden days" use to go to the river and rent a cabin, did it with the kids and later just my husband and me. Had friends that went to. Was so much fun and there was more food and drinking. Now I can be good but sometimes being human I eat to much because I'm not doing anything. Make sense? Have you been there? Whatever you're doing hope you enjoy yourself if at home or going out. Just try to have less calories, carbs, sugar, drinks---- But have fun, yeah right!😁😊 Take care and be safe--Covid still out there. (Especially in groups)
  4. Casinos are open on sea days and are closed when in port but about 30 to 60 minutes after ship leaves port. Whenever the next day is a sea day the slots are open 24 hours. As far as I know this applies to all cruises except Hawaii. Casino closed while in Hawaii day and night. Opens when leave last Hawaii port. Hawaii doesn't allow gambling. Why so many Hawaiians go to Las Vegas for vacations.
  5. When on the Ruby in Feb-March 2022 to Panama they had meetings but don't remember them having coffee and snacks but they might of. At that time had meeting in the Wheelhouse.
  6. Jan a 12-day Mexico. I may not even get off the ship. Just going for the cruising. Just sit on my balcony and watch the world go by! Hope you're having a good day and everyone else to. Sure Izena and Ombud are on their cruises.
  7. I did it again! Booked a cruise for Sept. Got an offer I couldn't refuse😊
  8. Afternoon All, Last week of June--Can we lose weight this week? Thursday will be here before we know it.
  9. Jan I'm so glad you got to meet, wasn't sure if you were. You made plans in private so we never knew if it was happening. Bet it was nice to meet and talk to someone you met in here. Also know she had information/tips dealing with breast cancer to tell you. Hope it helped you. Happy you had a great time talking. Enjoy your evening and have a good Monday.
  10. NCL has no casino on their ship that sails out of Hawaii.
  11. Good morning this Sunday Jan, Jo and Susan and of course to ever is reading this post. Izena is on her cruise and Ombud is getting on hers today. Wishing them both a great time. Hope everyone had a good Sat. and has a good Sun. Can you believe June is almost over? Five days and July will be here.
  12. Jan we were like you, never got insurance. Was on a 33-day cruise, husband got sick on 8th day in Honolulu. Lost all the money for the cruise. Least in Honolulu they had a Kaiser, was in hospital 3days (only thing free for us) and in hotel for another 6 . Lesson learned. After that we always got insurance, I still do. Makes sense as we get older. Never know what can happen. Hope NCL at least lets you transfer so won't lose all the money, maybe just some. Yes, will get excursions money back, port tax and transfers and hotel if though the ship. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
  13. Jan I'm glad you had a nice "visit" with your surgeon and the news was better than you thought. Main thing you have a date. Wish it could of been earlier for you so you didn't have to wait. Sorry you have to miss Alaska cruises but happy you have a December one to look forward to. Did you have insurance on the cruises? If so should get back more than 25%. Hope TA can work things out. Hope everyone is having a good day.
  14. Hello All Ombud-- Bon Voyage on your cruise Sunday🛳️. Izena left for hers already. Congrats on losing some before your cruise. Hope you come back not gaining. On the other problem, even though it's family---you have to speak up if you don't want either of them there long term. If you don't speak up--they won't know. Jo--Not your fault you gained, it's your friends fault. You bought this food for them and they didn't come! Couldn't waste the food, that wouldn't be right!😄 Now this week you'll eat better. (really wasn't a big gain so you did something right) Jan--I hope you got some answers to your question on when things will be done and if can work around cruises. at the doctors today. Wish that for you. You have all the right in the world and good reason to have good days and bad. The waiting has to be so hard.❤️ Susan--Least you had a loss and not a gain. Don't give up. You did so well the first week back. Glad you had a good time with your grandson. Yes we did it all before--couldn't be harder now because we're older? Never!😀 Me--I stayed the same. I know drank to much, water and such only. Was very hot here. Plus I had Ice cream. My hand just took it out of the case and put it in the basket! Had no control! Think it's just my mind on cruise mode, leave in two weeks. You eat a little more because you think--I'm going to eat on the cruise!😋 Ran last of my errands today, also got money from the bank. Now staying home till I cruise, mainly for covid test. Want a negative test. To many b2b cruises ahead to lose them. Take care, wishing you a good week. Hope you all come in and talk during the week and say how your doing. Cruise42 and others who use to come in here but still read our posts once in awhile, hope you all are well. We miss you all. Welcome to come back anytime.
  15. Go to the cage they will check list to see if you're on it and for how much. Will ask if want for the slots or for table play. If slots will put on the machine, if for table will give you chips (plastic) but will give you real chips as you win.
  16. The question is--------- Was the pound a gain or a loss? The question is------- Did you at least lose something even if it's not a pound? Another question-------- Or did you stay the same, no gain, no loss? The question is---------- Are you going to try harder this week to lose? The question is---------- Or are you just trying to hold your own during the summer months? The question is-------- Will you be happy just not to gain but will you be happier if you have losses during the summer months? The question is---------- The outcome on pounds loss or staying the same is up to you--isn't it?
  17. Morning all. Really hot yesterday and hot today too. How's your weather? Jo--My arm is better I did have to take some aspirin. Thank you. My daughter came over today had a nice visit. My son is on a cruise, only a 4 day. So funny I like long cruises and he like 7 days or less. But he is taking a 15-day Hawaii cruise in Sept. My daughter will take whatever she can get and has the time off. Izena-- is flying today for hers. Ombud--Yes just think of the good times before they were sick, Nice they have a lunch after your services. I think you should see some else about your back to get out of pain. PT not doing right by you. Jan--How are you doing? Hope you're having a good week and getting support from family. Susan--Hope you're having good days with your eating plan.
  18. Sitting here with a sore arm. Had 2nd booster today, everything was fine then tonight my arm started hurting. I figure it might happen since it did with 1st booster. Plus went food shopping after shot and putting bags in car, then out, then in house, then put away. Knew it might bother the arm also. (They pack the bags so heavy now, new employees who seem not to care or not trained right) Guess they hire who they can with not getting enough help. Think every place is shorthanded not just cruise ships. OK will stop venting now, will wait and see in morning how far I can lift my arm. Take care and have a good Tuesday.
  19. Sorry your taste buds are off. Hope comes back soon. Have a great time on your trip. Bon Voyage!
  20. Hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday which happens have been Father's Day. Those that have their husbands or fathers around hope you had a good time together. Others like me it was a day to remember our husbands and fathers thinking of our special time we had with them. Ombud you're busy enjoying luncheons out. With friends or some special occasion? You did well on eating portion control. I really like potato salad don't know if could of had 1/2 c of it. I was supposed to have lunch with a friend that was here for a few days after a cruise but the whole family got sick. (Not covid) but didn't know at the time. They use to live here, moved to AZ. We talk on the phone each weekend but haven't seen each other in a few years. We were disappointed. Hope you have a good start to the week for some it's a holiday. I get my 2nd booster today (Monday) Should help my protection for cruising since it will be new. (will have the 2 weeks to take hold) before my cruises.
  21. Hello All. Hope everyone is having or had a good day. Izena your trip is near. Hope nothing changes and you'll have a good time I never get nervous, now with the testing, you kind of worry that you might test positive. Never even did that until my son did and missed his cruise. My main thing I deal with is what clothes will I take? Someone else is cruising soon too. Ombud? I leave in 3 weeks from today. Jan are you able to still take your cruise? I hope so but know your going though a lot. Have you been having doctor appointments? You haven't said much. Know I and others are praying, thinking and sending good thoughts your way. Ombud how is the 1200 cals going each day? Susan is your 2nd week dieting going well as your 1st? Jo hope your still going in right direction this weekend. I'm trying to! Take care all.
  22. Afternoon All Izena--You're doing good staying at your goal weight. Keeping the weight off they say is the hardest in the weight loss journey. Jan--Sorry you had a gain but that is for over several weeks not just one week. Know you'll get off in the weeks to come. Glad you didn't gain this week. Ombud--Glad you didn't have a gain in inches this week. Good luck on your new diet plan. Sounds good. Jo--I know 1200 cals isn't easy. Glad you had a loss this week. You've been good losing a little each week. Susan--What a good start. A nice loss. You should be getting exercise taking care of a 13-month-old grandson. Me--I lost the pound I gained last week. Losing weight is so hard these days with all the different foods out there. Think it was better for people in the "old days" when there wasn't so many food options Wishing everyone a good weekend in whatever you do. Also hoping your food choices are good for a weight loss or at least no gains.
  23. It's scale day It's scale day Make the pounds go away It's scale day It's scale day Let he pounds (forever) stay away It's scale day It's scale day Hope you have a good day S----Smile While Doing This C----Cut Calories A----Always Drink Water L----Leave Some Food On Plate E----Exercise L----Less O----Of S----Sweets S----Skip High Carbs
  24. Sorry haven't been on much this week. Ombud the only thing it could be is while healthy is the vegetables. Corn, carrots and peas are high in carbs and the granola bar too. Carrots and peas have more sugar. So should find vegetables with less carbs and sugar like green beans, lettuce ect. That might help since you eat more vegetables as snacks. (of course, any vegetable is better than sugar foods) Don't we wish it could be the other way? See everyone tomorrow.
  25. J--Just do it U--Up your protein (instead of carbs/sugar) N--Never give up E--Exercise Is this what you tell yourself this/every month? Is it working? What tips are you using to help yourself? Will your tips help everyone? I hope everyone comes in this week and say how their doing whether it be good or bad. Main thing is to hear from you that you haven't given up. That you're alright. We're family here and we care.
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