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Posts posted by Senga

  1. We are sailing Regal Princess December 8th.  When we did Regal in March I purchased the Classic soda package and, at that time it included hot chocolate which I loved.  This time I see you need to purchase the Premium coffee and soda package to get the hot chocolate.  The difference in price is a whopping $15.34 a day and I don't drink coffee.  Can anyone tell me the cost of just buying a hot chocolate? 

  2. Many thanks notamermaid for your helpful updates prior to our September 4th Scenic Opal Budapest to Amsterdam cruise.  SO thankful to say we had a wonderful trip with NO water level issues.  We were disappointed to have rain all day in Vienna but it turned out to be a blessing as we were just past Passau when they started doing bus tours and ship swaps.  With so many low bridges and locks it's easy to see this itinerary could be very problematic.  Glad we did it but with the high cost and anxiety over the water levels it's not something we'll repeat.

    • Like 1
  3. We just completed Scenic Opal Budapest to Amsterdam and loved the experience except for the anxiety of water levels turning it into a glorified bus tour.  Thankfully we made it without incident but ships after us had issues.  Thinking of Siene or Douro next but will have to do research.  We love Portugal and suggest anyone staying extra days check out Sintra.

  4. We just returned from a Scenic Opal Budapest to Amsterdam cruise and will now start investigating which river cruise offers the least likelihood of disruption due to water levels.  We were so fortunate on this cruise as we had no issues but ships after us ran into problems.  Once I catch my breath I’ll be back researching!

  5. notamermaid, SO looking forward to the rain subsiding and warmer, dry weather coming.  We had a full days rain in Vienna and still managed to see and enjoy all the sights.  The cloud/fog seemed to add to the atmosphere in Dürnstein and had no effect on our time in Melk and Passau.  Rained all the way to Passau but we were still able to get some lovely photographs and not a drop of rain in Passau although it was a very chilly 13!  Keeping our fingers crossed that YOUR forecast is more reliable than our weather people at home!!!

    Thanks again for all your helpful posts.

  6. Two couples from the U.K. (Leeds, Edinburgh) flew KLM Wednesday to Budapest via Amsterdam.  Due to a 2 hour strike in Amsterdam KLM decided not to forward their luggage.  IF they had been told, they could have put some items in their carry on.  It FINALLY caught up with them late last night in Vienna.  No clothes, toiletries etc.  Scenic washed/pressed their clothing nightly, having it fresh for the next morning and did all they could tracking the luggage.  The couples handled the situation with class and carried on as best they could.  I’m ashamed to say I would have let it ruin my trip!

  7. 47 minutes ago, notamermaid said:


    oh well, Marksburg castle is great and more interesting than me. I had forgotten that in the grand European journey Koblenz is often skipped.

    Sailing out of Budapest at 3.15 am is certainly not great at all.


    Hope you enjoyed Vienna. Germany is getting a chilly wind and temperatures are going down. Feels like early autumn. But so much better than exploring towns in 30 Celsius.




    Was expecting a night sailing under the chain bridge BUT, that’s heading in the wrong direction so it didn’t matter in the end.  Sailing UP the Danube towards Vienna where we arrive around 4.  I’m FINALLY getting my directions right!

  8. On 9/4/2019 at 2:35 PM, notamermaid said:


    Hello Senga, Thank you so much!

    Your cruise date has arrived and I hope you are settling into your cabin now and getting ready for a hopefully splendid river journey through Europe.


    With my team now being two employees short, my hours have been rearranged, i.e. overtime is in order for me in September. However, if you happen to be stopping in Koblenz for more than two hours...


    Sailing out of Budapest is amazing.


    Have a great time.




    Unfortunately no Koblenz and also sailed out of Budapest at 3:15 which was a disappointment.

  9. On board Scenic Opal and it “currently” looks like smooth sailing.  Budapest is magnificent.  Seated on the right hand side of the plane from Vienna affords awesome views of the Danube, river cruise ships and the Parliament Buildings.  Expecting to be rafted in Vienna tomorrow.  Day 1 had us on the “wrong” side of the ship so sun lounge wasn’t an option unless we wanted to look at a cement wall, the gangway and tons of cars.

    • Like 2
  10. On 8/25/2019 at 9:07 PM, Mike R 2018 said:

    Senga - If you can't meet notamermaid, you may want to do what we did in June...   While cruising on the Rhine we raised our glasses of fine Riesling in a toast to her in appreciation of her info, comments and humor on this blog.  We were much better prepared for our Viking cruise thanks to her- and the info she provided was spot-on.


    16 hours ago, schda12 said:

    Perhaps we can get our respective river ship bartenders to create a Not-a-Mermaid cocktail in honor of our benefactor.

    Excellent suggestions!  I wouldn’t be keen on meeting up with “strangers”!

  11. I have thoroughly enjoyed your commentary and gorgeous pictures.  We are on our first river cruise September 4th, Scenic Opal Budapest to Amsterdam.  With it being so expensive and having anxiety about water levels and it ending up being a glorified bus tour I had already decided a river cruise was a one-and-done deal.  Your posts have me re-thinking!!!!  I'd LOVE to do the Canadian war memorials and Monet's garden so...…….


    One question, I have sensitivity to some fragrances and none of the pictures of the L'Occtaine products can be enlarged to allow me to see what the fragrance is.  Can you help?



  12. hsack:  While I admire your attitude there is no way I am willing to spend such a huge sum of money for a glorified bus trip.  We are on Scenic September 3rd and we made sure to book everything through them and take out the best insurance possible so that we can cancel if the canals are impacted.  This will be our first river cruise and, with all the worry ahead of time regarding water levels, it will probably be our last even if all goes well and we have a great trip.

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    • Thanks 1
  13. The only criteria is you spend a TOTAL of $1000.  It can be a combination which works for our Budapest (Hungarian currency)  to Amsterdam (euro) trip.  Scenic IS apparently all inclusive so we won’t need that much but knowing it will be returned without any loss makes it worthwhile.

  14. I’d love to know if the pastries in your Passau pictures were from the ship or a Pastry Shop in town.  If it’s a Pastry Shop, I’ll be searching Passau high and low!  😜


    I understand your comment on German waiters being “interesting”.  I too find many quite abrupt which can easily be misunderstood as rudeness.  On the other hand, some American servers have been accused of over familiarity or being too casual!

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