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Posts posted by hucifer

  1. There are people who prefer to self insure because in their mind the $2000 is already spent so why insure it? I personally think that if I can get it back so I can plan another vacation it's a sound choice to make. (And fortunately this didn't happen while on the cruise and I also hope he heals quickly.)

    Yes, I suppose there are a few ways to look at it. Although it is already spent, I see it as RCI is giving me a free cruise in the future. :)

  2. Sorry to see your little lad in that way :( At least it will heal though and he'll be ready to go on another adventure :)


    Exactly! There is a silver lining!


    Wishing your little man a very speedy recovery! Real life sometimes gets in the way of vacation plans, and I'm glad you had insurance to take the sting out of cancelling. Thanks for sharing.


    Sent from my SM-T713 using Forums mobile app

    Thank you!


    I wanted people to see a real-world example of why the insurance is worth the money. $118 for insurance and I got over $2000 back. All of this just three days before the cruise.

  3. Oh my! I am so sorry! I hope your lil' guy recovers relatively quickly. My son fractured both bones in the arm last summer. No fun! Glad you still get to take your trip at a later date.


    This was a timely post as I was just researching trip insurance for an upcoming cruise. I could kick myself though now that I am outside of 15 day window of deposit. Anyhow, may I ask what company and plan you purchased?



    Well, first of all, your screen name is hilarious. Second, the insurance is called Allianz Travel Insurance, which I think is through RCI. My travel agent had recommended it, said it was very good coverage. It was $118 for the two of us. Since she did all the paperwork, I really don't know much more than that.


    I see you also have experience with arm fractures. How long was your son in his cast?

  4. We were scheduled to leave for the Oasis of the Seas on this Sunday when...




    ...this happened.


    Fell at camp and got two fractures in his arm. Swelling is so bad that his doctor said, "Absolutely no travel, especially flying." Which sort of put a damper on the whole trip.


    After the shock wore off, I called my travel agent and forced myself to say, "Cancel our trip." Those were not easy words to utter, my friends. But she assured me that I would be getting 100% reimbursement. Which means...no problem, I'll just book another damn cruise with this kid once his arms heals. Maybe I'll even be a bad mom and pull him out of school.


    My little patient is okay, feeling fine except for a little pressure in his arm. He is now in a full-arm cast which will stay on for four weeks. Arrrrgh. Kids.


    But, feeling very relieved that I bought the insurance. Today's "mishap" just means that our cruise got pushed out. You never know what will happen!



  5. See carnival said it was a Texas law! They would not even allow us to use the soda card part of until the next day! I’ve been on 22 carnival and this last one we went on did me in with the service! It just keeps getting worse and worse! I’m looking forward to this cruise!!!

    You should post a review when you get back and share your experiences with us. I hope you enjoy RCI, I've been a loyal customer since 1999.

  6. My type of solo female cruiser ;p:p:p

    Does the kids club run through the night? ;-)


    Pffft. I WISH.


    ETA: Oh wait. That comment was for another poster. Oops.


    Hucifer thank you soooooo much for your wonderful and funny review!! We are going on the Allure in Dec, 2018. Can't wait! I stretched this out for 4 days and feel like I have been on the cruise with you! Your writing is superb and totally enjoyable. Can't wait to read your next adventure. Happy Cruising!

    Why, thank you so much! I love writing, and I love that people enjoy my writing. I can only hope that my next trip has enough material to keep it engaging.



    Hucifer, this was an excellent read and I loved it! As a solo traveler, I take my trips each summer after school is out. When I can ship the blocker off for the summer and I count my cruise as a reward for making it through the school year and work! I have mainly cruised on ships with solo rooms (traveling on the Harmony next year). I look forward to your review with your son. I took my son on my very first cruise (I was hooked, he was not so impressed), but I plan to take him again to see how he will enjoy cruising as a teenager. As everyone has said, THANK YOU for your review and your awesome writing style...LOVED IT!!!!


    First of all, thank you for being the only person to acknowledge the blocker. For a minute, I thought no one was picking up on that.


    Second, I love that this report has brought out so many fellow solo travelers. Do you ever write about your trips?


    Third, thank you so much for your compliments. Each one means a lot to me. Happy that you enjoyed it so much!



    I went back and binged your review today, in full... An 8 month epic journey all in a few hours. Great job. You would be a fun person to cruise with, although I'm much more of an introvert. I want to try out Royal some day... Hope you have a great trip with the youngin' next month.

    Well, I think I'm fun, but opinions may vary on that. I have a very strong personality when I'm in my comfort zone, but can also tone it down considerably around introverts. I'm good with all kinds of people. Except Richards. Definitely not Richards.

  7. Hucifer, have you considered doing stand up comedy based on the solo vacationer? You might be good at it!


    Well dang if that isn't an incredible compliment. Thank you! I have fantasized about stand up throughout my adult life, but honestly I don't think I have what it takes. My reports take hours and hours of writing and rewriting, so I don't think that improvisational comedy is my thing.


    Awesome trip report..

    Thank you! :)


    No!!!!!!!!!! Don't go! I loved this entire thread. You're amazing! Now to count the days until your August recap.....


    Aww, thank you. But I had to go. Cuz it was over and stuff. 27 days and counting until we board...but Lord knows HOW long the recap will take to write. Am considering bringing my laptop on the cruise to get a jump start on the writing, but i'm not sure.


    I'm cruising with my boy (11) in Jan and he's just as clingy and reluctant to go to the kids club...why don't they get that hanging with them puts a huge dent in the ogling of the male species and consuming of the alcohol that is key for single women cruising fun!

    So you know EXACTLY where I'm coming from. I talk to my boy a LOT about the kid's club so that I can fill his head with all sorts of expectations that he will be forced to socialize with peers. Oh, the horrors!

  8. Great review so far. You and Hucifer have a very similar writing style...which is a very good thing. Loved how this thread took a few side tracks. That makes it an even more interesting read.

    I noticed that as well, that we write in the same style. And I love that this became sort of a "living" thread, and how sidebar comments take comedic turns.

    This thread has really brought out negativity from a few readers, and I have no idea why.

    It's nuts how this thread brought out so many impatient and critical posters. I don't get it at all.

  9. Thank you so much. What joy your comments have brought me. I appreciate so much that you can feel my love for him. It is beyond anything I ever expected before becoming a mother. (And to be truthful, I felt like using his "real" name on the internet made me a bad mom, which is why I made up the hashtag name. Don't want anyone stealing his identity and making me wish I'd purchased Life Lock!)


    I see you are in Virginia Beach... one of my favorite places! One summer perhaps 6 or 7 years ago we rented a condo in Sandbridge for a week. Nicholas was SO sick that whole week, and I spent so much time indoors with him (as did my husband). I was kicking myself for having gone cheap that week and renting a condo with a courtyard view. The ocean was SO close, but I couldn't see it when I was indoors with my sick boy. This past week on Allure when he was sick and in bed, I was thinking about that week in Sandbridge and SO thankful that I'd spent a few extra dollars on a balcony and that we weren't stuck in an inside cabin. (Not that there's anything wrong with an inside cabin, Hucifer. No disrespect meant!)

    I can understand just how deep the love for your son goes. I stare at my boy and feel so much love at times I wonder if my heart will explode. The bond we have is incredible.


    Inside cabins [patooey!] only exist for those of us too cheap to spring for balconies. When I told my son that we were getting an interior, he said, "Ummm...I prefer balconies." Apparently, my 11yo has a sense of superiority when it comes to cabin selection. So I showed him the price difference, which quickly shut him up.



    Maybe I should pull a Hucifer here and leave the boards for a few weeks to drum up anticipation.

    Actually, it was a few MONTHS. And it is highly effective! Of course, you lose readers along the way, so there is a tradeoff.


    Still loving your review. You make me laugh. Also, I am sorry about starting the whole toilet paper debate! Ack!

  10. ACK! NO!!!! It's the back of the hand method. Lips? Feh!


    I actually found a site where people ask which method is better:



    We may not have a clear winner here. Like the hotly debated topics: Toilet paper over or under? Crunchy or smooth peanut butter? Twilight or the Vampire Diaries? Yanny or Laurel?


    We may never have consensus.


    And the toilet paper is always OVER.

  11. (I’m sure he’ll deny it, but he climbed onto my bed with me and rested his head on my chest. Any chance to snuggle with my teen, I’m gonna take!)

    The mom in me just went, "Awwwwww." And my heart may have skipped a beat. I am traveling with my 11yo on the Oasis in August and look forward to moments like these. He is my snuggle bug and I absorb it all while I can.


    REALLY enjoying your report, your writing style, and your sense of humor.

  12. Hucifer,


    This by far is the most entertaining cruise review I have ever read. Filled with sarcasm( which makes it even better)comedy and some great commentary. You made us feel as if we were with you or at least wish we were. You tell a great story, I wish we could have been at your table for dinner, would have made for great convos, Sorry you had such sticks in the mud for dinner mates. Anywho, there are 4 of us going on Allure next Nov' and can't wait, We may do the same specialty dining you did just because of your experience on how great the food was.


    Again, thank you for the great report and hope you will do anther one after your next cruise. I bet you will have some great stories with your 11 yo with you.

    Aww, I'm glad you liked it. I wish you guys could have been at my table too. You are going to love the Allure! And 150 Central Park, if you go. And I DO recommend 150 CP very, very much.



    I hope to have the energy and time to write a report after the Oasis trip with my boy. That is my plan, at least. Thank you!



    Hi all...greetings from Belfast!


    I only found this review last week when trying to find info on The Beast as I will be sailing on her at the end of September. I have sailed on Oasis and Harmony before but I love doing my research. I too am a frequent solo traveller and 100% people treat you like you are a visitor from another planet at times but either I travel solo or I stay home and I know which one I will be doing!! :cool:


    The tears have been tripping with laughter throughout and have really enjoyed not only the review but everyone's comments. :')


    I will be keeping my eye out for Robo and Vlad while onboard! :hearteyes:


    Looking forward to reading your review of Oasis with your son!! ;p

    Hello! I had to look up Belfast because I'm geographically impotent. Now I'm a little bit smarter now, so thanks!


    Well, I am certainly happy that you stumbled upon my thread while researching The Beast and that you enjoyed it.



    Vlad wasn't his real name, I made it up because I can't remember what it was. But Robo? Mmmm. I can't forget HIM. Post pics if you find him!

  13. This was such an awesome read! I discovered it today and was hooked. Thanks for sharing. You have a gift for writing. I'm inspired. Have fun in August on the Oasis. I'll be traveling then as well.

    Glad you liked it! And thank you for such humbling compliments! Where are you headed in August?



    Yup - definitely a ‘Richard’ move...men suck..

    Well...."Richard" certainly sucked. But honestly, I have met and known so many wonderful men.

  14. She is back! I have 15 pages to catch up on. Been off line myself since my Solo back in February.


    Anyway welcome Hucifer, look forward to getting caught up when it’s not 1am.

    I came back, indeed. So glad I did! How was YOUR solo?



    i am a grand mom and LOVE cruising solo! I can do what i want, when i want and gamble as much as i want without feeling guilty!

    There is so much freedom to traveling alone. I never knew there were so many of us out there until I made this thread.



    Thank you hucifier for such an entertaining and fun review. I only discovered it a few days ago, and actually printed it to read while on a flight for work. People would look when I'd giggle out loud. LOVE! I travel along many times a year for work. Sometimes meet up with distributors and the like, but there are many a time I eat alone. I'm taking my first solo cruise Dec 9th on Harmony of the Seas and am looking forward to actually have an endless list of choices to do whatever or do nothing. I'm hoping to "unplug" from work for awhile, which these days never seems to be possible. Thank you again, for bringing your trip to life.


    Yes, I travel alone for work a lot myself, and I absolutely love it, which is sort of a test run for vacationing alone, isn't it? Except on vacations you don't have to, you know, work and stuff.



    YOUR FIRST SOLO CRUISE! My first one was in December too and certainly very memorable. I hope yours is an incredible experience too.



    Glad you enjoyed the report! :)

  15. Enough have done so, that you are now one of the rare ones with a review with 100K+ views.

    Yes, that is surprising.


    Yes, but at least 99000 of these were from people looking in to see when Hucifer was going to come back and finish the job! :evilsmile:


    Hucifer, I too am glad you didn't pull your punches in your review. It wouldn't have been nearly as much fun if you had done so :)

    Thank you! I love that people appreciate my style.

    And about your first comment...I appreciated that people kept checking and worrying about me! It was sweet. And made me feel guilty when I came back.


    just started your review and am enjoying it immensely...

    got to the fact that you're a michigander (as i used to be)....

    so gratifying to see the brilliance michigan produces (as i demonstrate as well ;p ).... pure michigan...


    Hello (former) fellow Michigander! Glad you are enjoying the trip report. (I can't really call it a "review" since Allure was more of a backdrop to the story than the focus of it.)


    Loved this review - both for its comedic timing and the content!


    What I think I need more of - how did Richard really earn his name??? More details needed...

    Thank you Cel!


    Oh that "Richard." When he stopped replying to my texts, I asked him if I had done anything to offend him. No response. Ever. Which is weird, because he gave me so much of his time on the ship. Either man up and say, "I didn't like it when you said x," or risk getting publicly ridiculed on a cruise forum. Your choice. Because getting ghosted by a grown man is ridiculous.


    I think of it as our duty. They are now adults, but we continue to do things that make them blush.

    Actually, I like to embarrass my parents too, so I dish it out to both generations.

  16. Oldie but goody738274f200fedf1b22d78f99ed4ec21d.jpg


    Oh, I am a smart@ss. And I'm super good at it.

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPL14l-1V2Dvhbw7cPf7DpMOdw4lgcl6d7QnlRnTbGl8TWWWlU-A After reading your review we all thank you. Hey Hucifer when you publish your first book send me a copy.

    Aww, I get applause. [blushes]

    I don't plan on writing any books, but you will be the first to know if I do. After my mom.



    Thank you for an amazing review! I have been following this post from the beginning and so glad you came back to finish it! I'm sailing on Allure in October with 7 other people. Your review makes me even more excited to cruise!

    THANK YOU for sticking with me. It means so much!

    You should be excited! Cruises are awesome! Now, go find Robo and tell him that I'm still available.

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