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maryann ns

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Posts posted by maryann ns

  1. Are you sure you will be eight days on the river? The cruises are usually 3-5 days. We made our own arrangements and took a three night (supposedly 4 day) cruise. This went from Chongqing to Yichang. That was interesting, but long enough. You really can easily make your own arrangements, including drivers and guides to pick you up and take you places. You will save a lot of money doing this.


    There are many posts on TripAdvisor about how to do this.


    I don't know about the weather in November. We went in March. It was warm enough everywhere, except for one day in Beijing. A front went through and cleared out the pollution but it was cold.

  2. Yes we travelled by tram most places. My DH was the navigator so I am vague on details. I believe we took the tram to the shopping area. There is a large pedestrian area. We had lunch there.


    Some places we just walked. To get to the Glover Gardens you go up an elevator and something else. We were running late so just had a peek. Our ship was visible right below us so we had a pleasant walk down the hill to board it.


    So if you can read a map and walk a bit the tram pass is all you need.

  3. We spent a wonderful day in Nagasaki. The cruise terminal had very helpful people who gave us maps and information on getting tram tickets. We went to the Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Museum. Then we took the cable car up to the lookoff on the far side of the harbour. We later found a shopping area and had lunch. Finally we went to see the Glover Gardens which are high up the hill above where our ship docked. We walked down to the ship from there.


    The people are all very friendly and the place was beautiful and amazingly clean.


    For Busan we took the free shuttle and walked around from there, seeing the amazing fish market, the upscale shopping area, and the far from upscale shopping area. Then we took the escalator to the top of the hill where there is a tower and temple. The shuttle bus picked us up there. This may sound complicated but it was not.

  4. Cabin Number: 6083, 6074


    Ship: Quest


    Date: Nov. 2009, March 2011


    Would you choose again? Yes


    Is noise an issue? No


    Balcony size: Normal


    Comment: Good location. Close to stairs and elevators. Wonderful spots. No noise from below.

  5. I agree it is extremely easy to go on your own in Istanbul. Check Rick Steve's guide. Google for toms port guides. Do a search here for Virtual Rain's post on how they toured Istanbul.


    For Ephesus, you should consider a private tour. Go to the Roll Call for your cruise and see if you can join one that someone has organized. I organized one for 15 people and we had a great day. This was with Hello Ephesus. You really want to guidance about what you are looking at. Be sure to specify that you want to see the Terrace Houses.

  6. I cannot remember where we were dropped off but we did walk to the ferry to go to the volcano park. Later we took the ferry back and walked to the mall with the ferris wheel. we were with Azamara, but I think the shuttle is put on by the city.

  7. When we disembarked there two years ago there were lots of taxis and there were bilingual workers there to tell the drivers where you wanted to go.


    However do not trust that they get it correct. Luckily we had been in Shanghai overnight, knew a few landmarks and recognized our taxi driver was not going where we wanted. We had the address of where we were going in Chinese script and once we showed it to him, he quickly changed course.


    So, there should be taxis. Have the address you want written in Chinese and make sure they have the meter turned on.

  8. Wow! What a comprehensive review. I just spent a couple hours reading it. Your photography is wonderful. You planned your trip really well and timed it for the fall colours.


    Because of all that you had a memorable trip.


    I often answer questions about Sydney, Halifax, Charlottetown and Quebec and will be referring to this from now on.


    Someone commented on the deep blue sky in some photos. That is what we have in the fall on clear days. The colours are really that vibrant.

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