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maryann ns

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Posts posted by maryann ns

  1. Louisbourg is an amazing partial reconstruction of the original French fortified town. It was made from the plans archived in France and also based on the archaelogical information found in situ. I have not been there in the shoulder of off season but there are some reports that it is still interesting. It is more than interesting when fully open with people in character to explain who lived in each building and what they did and it is great to eat in the 1744 pub or restaurant.


    If you do some research ahead you should find it interesting. There should be places for lunch in the village of Louisbourg, or you could pack a sandwich.



    If you think you will never be back this may be worthwhile, but you will love scenic, laid-back Cape Breton. There are no crowds and next to no traffic. It is a great place to come for a land trip.


    The scenic drive to Baddeck is lovely and there will be little, if any, traffic. The same goes for the Cabot Trail.


    Check out post #97 for a description of taking part of the Cabot Trail: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1769976&page=5

  2. There are advantages to both. The itinerary for the first is more interesting and unusual. You can always go to Montreal, Halifax and Charlottetown, but you may not drive to Bair Comeau or Havre-Saint-Pierre. I have yet to be to either. I have been to all the other places.


    The Magdaline Islands are remote and interesting with some great little restaurants and shops. I hope you take a bus tour around. It is miles of sandy beaches.


    Halifax is a good cruise stop, but staying in Lunenburg would be special.


    The leaves will be better for the second, but still may not be at their peak.


    As for weather there is no predicting. Bring layers including hat and gloves and a waterproof jacket.

  3. Baddeck is a good choice and this is a scenic route to take: https://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=Sydney,+NS+B1P+1A1&daddr=Baddeck,+NS+to:Iona,+NS+to:Christmas+Island,+NS+to:Destination+Cape+Breton+Association,+Sydney+Marine+Terminal,+Sydney,+NS+B1P+1A1&hl=en&sll=46.14825,-60.203319&sspn=0.00721,0.021136&geocode=FSgcwAIdzmNp_CmTkRO0KuVnSzF_0zNYc7qlyA%3BFc1tvwIdDPVg_CnPkSNJLGJdSzHz0SeXSM56XA%3BFZJPvQIdijBg_Cl3_U_XX2hdSzG-umoFiqZDow%3BFRVTvQIdPNpg_CmLNVmJ_mddSzHgrABkv7cAyg%3BFeQpwAIdzF5p_CGQbhrxmTgVbg&mra=ls&t=m&z=10



    You can do part of the Cabot Trail. See post #97 here: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1769976&page=5


    Here is a map: https://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=Sydney,+NS+Esplanade+%26+York+St&daddr=Keltic+Lodge,+Ingonish,+NS+to:Ingonish,+NS+to:Neils+Harbour,+NS&hl=en&sll=46.458105,-60.37966&sspn=0.959258,2.705383&geocode=FTcUwAIdmXFp_Cnz_heoLvtnSzHjxX5ZuAOCNw%3BFQuvxwIdJU5m_CHEwR7t5eevTSkXP-57e6xnSzHEwR7t5eevTQ%3BFfC6yAIdIttm_Cl5yCvys1RmSzFvNuIPCctS8w%3BFUo_ygIdypJn_CnRl4vg0ldmSzGQGjYJE8iOlQ&oq=neil&mra=ls&t=m&z=9


    Here is another old thread: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1687976


    I agree that you should leave Louisbourg for when it is fully open. Come back on a land trip. Cape Breton is fabulous.


    Check out Tom's Port Guides: https://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=Sydney,+NS+B1P+1A1&daddr=Baddeck,+NS+to:Iona,+NS+to:Christmas+Island,+NS+to:Destination+Cape+Breton+Association,+Sydney+Marine+Terminal,+Sydney,+NS+B1P+1A1&hl=en&sll=46.14825,-60.203319&sspn=0.00721,0.021136&geocode=FSgcwAIdzmNp_CmTkRO0KuVnSzF_0zNYc7qlyA%3BFc1tvwIdDPVg_CnPkSNJLGJdSzHz0SeXSM56XA%3BFZJPvQIdijBg_Cl3_U_XX2hdSzG-umoFiqZDow%3BFRVTvQIdPNpg_CmLNVmJ_mddSzHgrABkv7cAyg%3BFeQpwAIdzF5p_CGQbhrxmTgVbg&mra=ls&t=m&z=10

  4. Learn the international signage, especially the ones for parking or no drive zones! They may look complicated, but notice all the red circle outlines.



    We have driven extensively in Europe but always had a three week or more lease from Renault or Peugeot, so I cannot help on the rental. I know an automatic is more expensive and Sunday rentals can be an issue.

  5. The first time we went we stayed outside the CT and spent the day there. That was wonderful, but even better was last time when we stayed overnight in Vernazza in a room overlooking the main street and ate in a restaurant watching the sun set over the ocean.

  6. Absolutely go on your own. You can use a combination of ferries, trains and walking.


    Be sure to see Corniglia, which is the least visited village and has a spectacular location. We went there by train and walked up the hill but there is apparently a shuttle bus.

  7. I assume you are going to Saint John (notice the spelling), New Brunswick and not St. John's, Newfoundland.


    If you go back to the Canada page (http://boards.cruisecritic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=39 )and go to the search section at the top you can search for and find many previous threads.


    Here are a few to start:








  8. We took two weeks just to see Sydney, Cairns and Uluru. You could not see more than that properly. September was ideal weather-wise.


    September was also fine for New Zealand.


    I do not think a cruise is the ideal way to see either country. This is particularly so for New Zealand where much of the spectacular scenery is inland.

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