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Posts posted by mkdreams

  1. [quote name='BigB0882']I'm glad they came to their senses but I don't appreciate them saying it is because of the trays and food being left around. It is very clear this was about trying to force people to order their for-a-fee room service. Be honest about it and don't lie to us like we are stupid. Their new policies are the sole reason I did not book NCL for my 2016 Baltic cruise. This is a step in the right direction but the room service fees are still a deal breaker for me so long as other lines aren't charging.[/QUOTE]

    Well said I feel the same exact way.
  2. As hard as you may find it to believe...it happened. I know it happened because it happened to us. Take a look at the avatar I've been using for awhile....can you make out Mickey Mouse at the wheel? Yeah, that is the trip where it happened. It didn't ruin our trip or even irritate us. I was just sharing an experience.


    Yeah OK sure, if it did happen then they also need to get their house in order, that is not a way to treat paying customers. I have been on many Disney cruises with ships at full capacity and I have never seen this happen, but if it did I would find it unacceptable, especially at Disney's prices. Kids should not be getting turned away at any kids club on any line period. If it is because of the lack of staff then that is the cruise lines fault.

  3. After reading replies here over the past year, I felt many were probably just disgruntled or nitpicking.


    However, after coming back home Saturday from NCL Getaway. I will not be returning to their line. Customer consideration is suffering and the multiple complaints (on this website alone) of hidden stipulations for on-board credit suggests their days of sharing loyalty as a two lane road are gone.


    Seems like NCL is walking all over its customers more and more.

  4. On a different thread, from someone who just left the Pearl today, the OP stated that they when they asked to have their dessert boxed from a specialty restaurant (due to a fussy child), they were denied.


    I would appear that the rules are being enforced inconsistently at best, which is going to make for a VERY difficult time for NCL if you "can do it" on one ship but not on another.


    Exactly, I read the same thread. There are also others that have posted that they were stopped from bringing food to their cabin.



  5. Actually according to Kingofwylietx others do: We had this happen on Disney during an Easter cruise. We once had to wait until a child left before we could drop off our child. If it's for safety, I'm all for it.


    See post #26: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2186719&page=2


    I cruise Disney all the time and I have never seen this happen not once even when the ship was full capacity which is pretty much always. As a matter of fact I have never seen this happen on any cruise line. I'm sorry but I find that very hard to believe.

  6. I'm looking at another cruise for summer 2016. My kids will be 14, 11, and 10. We have been on Disney Fantasy and loved it, Carnival Liberty and thought it was OK, and now want to try RC. My boys are not really interested in the clubs so that isn't a factor. As for ports, we will probably do Caribbean but could do Bahamas or Bermuda if the ship looked fun and it was at least a 7 day cruise. I feel like the Oasis and Allure may be almost too big even though it looks like there is a lot for those ages to do. They really enjoy the more active activities, shows are not a major concern. What are some favorite ships for these ages of boys?


    I also think the Freedom class would be a perfect fit for your family.

  7. Wanting to try something new this time since we have traveled both on Carnival and Celebrity in the Mediterranean. Can you tell me how Norwegain stacks up between the two? The itineraries are so port intense it almost doesn't matter which cruise line you use but just curious. Thanks for any input!


    On NCL you will have to pay 7.95 for room service for one and you will soon not be allowed to eat in your cabin because of their new policy. I would go with RCCL.

  8. I'm sure there are people on this thread who COULD cancel their cruise because of this RS/CarryOut policy because they are before the final payment date. Has anybody done so?




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Yes people are cancelling, I'm one of them. I have seen post on here from others that have also cancelled.

  9. Wow the OP is missing out one of the best ports in the Caribbean. The best thing to do is get out of Old San Juan if you have seen it too many times. Puerto Rico has some of the most incredible sites I have ever seen and I travel a lot. The key is to get out there and explore the rest of the Island it is an amazing place with a great culture. Good luck and have fun.

  10. Ever heard that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" Nita? Sometimes it doesn't hurt to let your dissatisfaction be known. Everyone has the right to express their opinion, since it affects their wallets. This matter is still news to some that don't spend much time on the boards.

    The press release makes NCL sound lame, as if they are grasping at "reasonable" reasons to make more juvenile rules that take away more of their guests choices.

    Worried about a clean environment? Either have stewards pick up dirty dishes on a regular basis (yes I've seen them sit for much longer than the should in the same spot), or post that passengers will be charged for leaving dishes in the hallway.


    Well said NCL acts as if we are blind to what they are doing.

  11. We just cancelled our cruise with NCL. We cruise with Disney, RCCL, and Carnival. We usually cruise about 3 times per year and have yet to ever have a bad cruise. Friends of ours kept telling us to try NCL so we took their advice and this was to be our first cruise with NCL. We were very much excited and looking forward to cruise with what we heard was a great cruise line.


    After coming onto cruise critic to makes plans and get tips as we always have. We find out that they are charging for room service, something we refuse to do. Then we find out they are restricting people to eat where they want.


    NCL what the heck were you thinking? People go on cruises for the freedom, the fun and the pampering. We do NOT cruise so you can nickel and dime us and treat us as if we are your children. We cancelled our cruise yesterday and it took us about 30 minutes to find another cruise line to replace our NCL cruise with.


    Today our friends that encouraged us to take an NCL cruise called and told us they just cancelled two cruises with NCL for the same reasons. They were also embarrassed that they talked us into trying NCL.


    NCL has made a big GREEDY mistake in my opinion. When I go on vacation I want to have fun, I have enough rules and restrictions at work. No thanks NCL I will continue to cruise with cruise lines that value my business and will not treat me as if I were a child.

  12. People can complain all they want to, it will fall of deaf ears. This is what Del Rio wants and if he alienates some formerly loyal cruisers there are many more that will take their place.


    Yeah your probably right usually it does fall on deaf ears, but sometimes it does change things. I have seen it happen on other lines. Heck about a year ago Disney tried to limit how much alcohol a person can bring on the ship. Lets just say people were so mad that Disney ended that policy before it even began. If NCL does not roll back the new policy, fine no skin off my back. Like I said we have plenty of other lines to cruise with.

  13. My dh does the same for me.

    I am sailing NCL for the first time in Nov. and this really makes me think twice about it. I did send an email to my CC and voice my displeasure. If enough people speak up, they could change the policy. I have seen it happen with RCCL.


    Very true people need to complain and let them know this is NOT cool. As for my family we scheduled our first cruise with NCL about two weeks ago. I refuse to be policed on a vacation like a child. If these new rules do not get rolled back soon we will be sailing with one of our usual cruise lines. I really wanted to try NCL, but oh well plenty of other lines to cruise with. Oh and they can take that 7.95 room service charge and shove it.

  14. Yes, this would be the straw that broke the camel's back. Not for cruising in total but just for NCL or any line that tries to enforce this policy.


    If we have high waves and I get seasick while sitting at the table (watching the horizon bob up and down), I'm going to go back to my cabin and lay down. I expect my already-ordered food to be packed up and brought back to me, to be eaten later. They're already sending it to the table, so it's either that or they throw it away.


    We had exactly this scenario with my daughter during Hurricane Sandy. We were able to eat at the table, she was not and went back to our room - before the meal was served. They packed up her food and we brought it back with us. She ate it a few hours later, after lying down, not being able to see outside, and having a Dramamine.


    I most definitely expect this to happen if we're in a venue where we're paying extra money for special foods and service.


    If we're not allowed to carry away an uneaten meal, or if we must resort to paying for room service for a week if quarantined in our cabin with norovirus - which we wouldn't be able to easily afford on our shoestring budget - then yes, that's enough to break the camel's back and we will no longer sail on NCL.


    This new policy just makes the other lines look more friendly and more affordable.


    Well said, NCL is getting pathetic with all these new rules and changes.

  15. Fain told analysts on the company's first quarter earnings call that the policy had just started in March and the aim is to 'get our customers out of this used-car salesman mentality.'


    Gee whiz, thanks a lot Mr Fain. I'm all choked up by your concern for me like that. I mean, after all, who wants to save money on a trip. Its so much better to pay full price.


    Hey, here's a thought. If you want to get out of the used car mindset, why not stop with the BS sales? You know, the ones where you say 2nd passenger free after doubling the price?


    Good God, these CEOs never cease to amaze me with their complete lack of connection to reality.


    Bravo! well said.

  16. I think they can keep the system they have now but cut the price 50 percent. I would probably buy 2 at that price but will not even buy 1 at the price they ask now.


    It reminds me of when movies were first out on vhs. Few people bought them because the cheapest movie was 69 bucks, then ET came out for 20 dollars and everyone and their brother bought it.


    So if they sell 100 at 30 each, they could probably sell 500 at 15 dollars each.


    Well said and so very true!

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