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Ocean Boy

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Everything posted by Ocean Boy

  1. Jade had to go to the vet today for a booster shot. The first thing everyine said was she is getting her green eyes.🙂 She did really well and is not even mad at me.
  2. Yes, he needs to be knocked down a peg or two. One thing I'm finding with two BDs starting at the same time is I'm having a little trouble keeping straight who is on which crew!
  3. I know what it is like to unexpectedly lose a pet. When I lost my cat last year she went from seemingly perfectly healthy to having to be put down in a matter of hours. I don't want to relive all the details here but I know what you are going through. I still struggle with the decisions I made and wish I had had time to research the vet's advice. It was a vet at an emergency hospital that I had no past relationship with. I know I could have done things very differently in human medicine. I still have not read up on the treatment of a cat with her issue because if I were to find out I made the wrong decision, based on her advice, I would be pretty devistated. I find comfort in knowing I gave her the best life that I could in the time that I had her. That is really all we can do for the fur kids.
  4. You can apply it to as many cruises as you have booked. However, the statement of ownership cannot be more than 90 days old at the time that you apply for the credit.
  5. I grew up catholic too. My mother never cared much for that Friday rule. I'm pretty sure some pope just had a bunch of friends who were fishermen.
  6. The first time I ate pizza was probably the day my mother brought me home from the hospital. Ok, so much for my sarcasm truce.
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