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Everything posted by BuckeyeMark

  1. We're checking the weather all the time too but any forecast beyond 3 days is pretty iffy so you need to be ready for anything. And that means more clothes in the suitcase!
  2. I'm going to follow this. I see people who say, "I went to Europe for an 11-month odyssey and brought everything I needed in a manila envelope." Really?! How am I supposed to pack for cold weather, formal nights, layers in case it's warm, rainy weather, and more in a carry-on suitcase?
  3. I'll be there in May and can give you a report but my guess is no. Keep checking - slots will open up. I don't know if they add more cars or people on the cruise excursions cancel when their final payment is due and they decide not to go on the cruise but keep trying.
  4. Trying to assess lunch options once we get on the Apex. Will one of the MDRs be open or is it head to the Ocean View and battle the crowds there?
  5. Evidently you should bring a copy of your prescription and meds should be in original bottles to bring them into the UK? I have traveled into London's Heathrow airport and never encountered this before. Anyone got a word on this? Is this something folks know not to be worried about or am I misreading something here? See https://www.gov.uk/guidance/controlled-drugs-personal-licences
  6. A couple of notes: * Starbucks does not have the highest caffeine amount of major coffee chains (see https://www.timeout.com/uk/news/revealed-the-coffee-chains-with-the-most-and-least-caffeine-in-their-cups-020123 and https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leticiamiranda/who-is-the-king-of-caffeine) * Light roasts may or may not have more caffeine - https://www.kickinghorsecoffee.com/caffeine-myths-dark-vs-light * Crema isn't a layer of fat but a layer of carbon dioxide bubbles, kinda like when you pour a can of soda over ice - https://www.nicolebattefeld.com/post/what-is-crema-and-why-is-it-important
  7. Can you get a hole punched in your SeaPass or does that mess it up? Can we go to Guest Services and have it punched? That makes it a lot easier to carry on a lanyard!
  8. It's not the greatest snorkeling I've ever had but worth it to bring some gear and go see the shipwreck and other fun stuff - we saw some good fish.
  9. And thank you for your story. That sounds like some powerful coffee! Thank you for your service too!
  10. You CANNOT bring any kind of kettle or water boiling device. Celebrity categorically prohibits any thing that generates heat like that. Ask a room steward for a kettle .... or go fetch hot water in the OVC.
  11. Little known fact: the Titanic did NOT hit an iceberg. It was a kettle that started a fire that did her in! 😂
  12. I love hearing "there are no kettles." You KNOW there are coffee makers/kettles/Keurigs in the suites. These beasts do exist. And I know a guy who once liberally tipped his cabin steward to find and capture such a beast out in the wilds and guess what? A KETTLE APPEARED IN HIS ROOM!🤣
  13. You are correct. However, if you say anything about kettles here on CC you end up in a roaring debate about them because many are sure that they are a conflagration just waiting to happen. They're dangerous. They burn ships down (apparently every day). Asking for one shows you don't know anything about ship's wiring and the danger you are inflicting upon everyone. They also have them on every UK departure and a lot of Far East trips ... (rolls eyes). I can get hot water and my handy travel grinder will make short work of what I need for my AeroPress. There will be good coffee on this cruise! 🙂
  14. Absolutely tremendous post ... and you are so right about tamping! Try a Timemore Chestnut C3 the next time you travel. It fits IN the AeroPress and does a fine job. Fresh ground coffee beans and an AP is the ticket!
  15. Really helpful information. Thanks everyone. I will report back with the results of my "research" after our cruise in May.
  16. Oh no - now you'll have the tea nerds on here talking about how they travel only with fresh tea leaves, what the best immersion brewer is, how to purify the water and more! LOL
  17. This information is tremendously helpful. Thank you so much. If I didn't know this I might choose to sleep in and get up around 7:45 and "go into town" instead of being on deck early to SEE WHAT WE CAME TO SEE: NORWAY!
  18. The information here is exactly what I'm looking for. Props for "travel french press" and "La Marzocco" (envy!). We haven't sailed Celebrity in years but this is exactly what I feared. So many cruise ships have fabulous equipment and absolutely untrained baristas. I've seen steam wands with so much dried and crusty milk on them I wonder if they'd ever been cleaned. I've seen espresso shots "pulled" that ran in under five seconds. Sigh. Guess we'll be packing the trusty AeroPress...
  19. Please post details on how you managed the DIY - did you use a guide, book your own hotels (which one), who you used to go rafting, etc. This sounds very hopeful and we'd like to try do the same thing. Any and all info on that would be much appreciated!
  20. We don't want to miss these fabulous fjords but the cruise line doesn't necessarily tell you when they are entering the fjord. So I'm looking for information here. If we are in Flam at 8 AM when will the ship start the fjord? If we are in Geiranger at 8 AM when will the ship enter the fjord? Are there notable sights not to miss - like the Seven Sisters waterfall and how about how far are these into the fjord?
  21. Kinda worried this thread could get sideways ... not meaning to offend anyone who loves drinking day-old diner coffee that is reheated in a rusty microwave with a dash of stagnant pond water added for flavor (hey, if you like it, enjoy it! no judgment!) but I'm looking for folks who enjoy a pour-over, a V60, an Americano, an AeroPress and especially people who grind beans fresh before they make a coffee (Coffee Nerds Unite!) ... how's the coffee on the Apex? If they can make good coffee then I don't have to schlep a lot of gear on my cruise. Who's had good coffee on the Apex and how do you normally make coffee at home? Please: no comments or judgment on us coffee geeks. Let's keep it centered, folks: coffee nerds, how's the coffee on the Apex?
  22. How important is it to get the time exactly right? Our group is stopping by Stonehenge on the way down and is scheduled to be at the port at 1:30. So we put 1:30 for wellness check, right? What if we're late? I figure that it won't be a big deal but need a more definitive answer. What should we put as our wellness check in time if we are sked to be at the port at 1:30? The thread below covers this question but am interested in anyone who has gone out of Southampton recently to see if we can still do the wellness check on the app before we arrive at the port or if there is a "real" appointment?
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