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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Good evening from north Jersey. It’s been busy here with granddaughter and her DH here today working on upgrades! Wonderful to see them, have them share their time, talents and energy! Quick comments: Fabulous that Baby Murphy got to go home! My dad had a cousin much older than him who was born blind, eventually taught in a school for the blind. She’d come visit us one week each summer when I was in early grade school. At one time she served as a temporary secretary to Helen Keller. I’ve never been to the Canary Islands but when I was high school my boyfriend and I dreamed we’d go there together someday - I think we liked the name, and that it seemed so magical to our imagination. Thanks for all the beautiful pictures! Blessings to all the Caregivers all in need, and all the Daiky family! Smooth travels to all away. Maureen
  2. Rainy day in north Jersey. I’m a bit stymied. Haven’t heard from grandkids about their expected visit today🤷🏼‍♀️. Trying to roll with it but it just doesn’t feel good. A lot doesn’t feel good…. my brother’s situation with his wife being so sick I think has affected me more than I realized. It’s frustrating not getting updates from them but I won’t bug them. Not hearing from the grandkids about their visit today ti do some work here is more than annoying. And not having any friends here affects me too so I reach out to friends afar. I need to focus on “What’s good right now!” So much good! So much to be grateful for! And a good sleep last night, you’d think I’d feel better this morning! Blessings sent to all on our Care list. I’m especially impacted by what I’ve seen and read about the Texas-Oklahoma fires! Horrifying. Thank you Vanessa for including them! And us- DH is tapering down steroid drops- 2/day now, down from 4, pressure in the surgical eye is holding. I think the steroids may have been alleviating the itching reaction in the eye still on the pressure-lowering meds because he’s needing more Benadryl and the skin is more inflamed on that side. I have to remember that it’s all part of the zigzag progress path and we are doing ok! My symptoms of a pinched nerve are mild but there is work to do! Time to breathe…. @cat shepard thanks for updating us on your sister. Interesting about her diaphragm! In EMS classes they constantly reminded us that “patients haven’t read the textbooks!” Everyone is unique. She’s made it this far and she is working hard, it’ll all come together! How wonderful her son and daughter are helping you both! @ger_77 Stay safe in the storm! Sure hope Wayne’s situation improves soon. Was thinking, At least he’s not on a ship! @kazu Thanks for updating us. Give yourself a hug from all of us! Glad Ivan is with you! Thinking of Terry on weekend duty. And Melissa every day! Blessings to all in need, near and far. Please stay safe, especially in the storms. Bon Voyage Lisa! Smooth travels to all away. A good visit for Pauline! Thanks to Pennie and Bruce for taking us along! Great fun! Lifts my spirit on this gray and frustrating day. Maureen
  3. I said my Rabbits and prayers during the long sleepless wee hours. I did get back to sleep a bit but not enough. DH also…. it happens. At least we don’t have to drag ourselves to work. Yesterday I succeeded in speaking with a person in medical records who said she will send my previous mammograms to New Jersey🤞. Then I walked to my dental appt👍. Had a pleasant supper with neighbors from down the hall before attending a fun, on-campus concert in our chapel with a neighborhood band from the adjoining town of Bloomingdale’s who played a lot of Big Band swing. It was a lovely day, no idea why we couldn’t sleep! Tomorrow we’re expecting DGD and her electrician husband to come for the day and help us with installing new lighting. It’s been about 6 weeks since we saw them but it feels like 6 months. It’ll be a rainy day but I’m hoping that won’t be an issue for them! Blessings to all in need, especially our caregivers- Terry, Melissa, Ann…. and our spouses, family and friends who are always there. Gerry you are a gem helping so many, today helping Wayne! Hoping he can improve quickly. 🥂 Happy Birthday again @aliaschief Bruce! 🎂. Hope you got to see your Sydney friends. Smooth travels to all our friends away especially our many cruisers! Thank you Sandi for your map and pictures. We went to Cinque Terre with my cousins on the 2015 cousins reunion. It was miserably overrun with people in late September. Spent 3 nights in La Spetzia. We hiked part of the steep up-and-down trail between the villages but it was difficult terrain for me and overcrowded on the narrow paths. The train station platform at Monterrosa was 6 people deep waiting to get back to La Spetzia. The boat back was delightful with the tugged coastal scenery and for me the best part! During a port call in Livorno on a different trip we took the local train to Pisa, then a local bus to the “Field of Miracles”. DH climbed the tower. We had been there before on my first cousins reunion trip in 2010, both times it rained in Pisa. The tower can be treacherous- slanted, the well-worn marble slippery with sand and wet…. I preferred time in the church and baptistery taking in the magnificent architecture, marble work and art from 1100! The sanctuary lamp hangs high overhead in the church and swings gently with the earth’s rotation, and is reported to have inspired Galileo to study the solar system. Thanks all for sharing here! Please Enjoy this day! Maureen
  4. Rabbits rabbits white rabbits. Best of luck and good health to all. I hope I can get back to sleep! m—
  5. @smitty34877 Terry, We also have convolutions in our family trees. I have the greatest step-granddaughters! The older one wanted us to move closer so they could “be there” for us. She said to me, “Grandma! You’ve been our grandma our whole life! You were there for us. We’re here for you!” We really do reap what we sow! Glad you will have some help this weekend. @lazey1 Jane, I hope you can fully enjoy your cruise, and that your care team will provide you the right options. Very glad to hear you are feeling better. @marshhawk Annie, cheering you on for success with new patterns, one step at a time. Be as good to yourself as you are to others! @aliaschief Happy Birthday Bruce. Hope you can enjoy it in Sydney with your friends, such a special memory it will be for you. m—
  6. @cat shepard Off the vent is major progress! So glad your nephew is there to help, more help coming. Wonderful if you to prepare her home. You need a “toast” and a long nap. Trusting DS’s healing will continue.
  7. @Seasick Sailor thanks for keeping us close to heart!
  8. The rain stopped yesterday afternoon but the clouds are with us and the temp dropped from 60s to 20s. I’m glad to be able to walk inside to my dental appt this afternoon- here all the buildings are connected by what I call sky bridges, they call them links. @puppycanducruise So sorry you lost your brother so young. @ottahand7 Good you made South Bend, not far now! Hope the weather holds for you and no surprises upon arrival! @Nickelpenny Thanks for sharing your experiences! I’m enjoying it with you! @dfish Nice to have heat working! @rafinmd Not the best news for you but not the worst either! Sounds like there will be good options if needed. We were in Port Vila Vanuatu on our way to Sydney 2013 on Volendam. We docked, walked into town through a gauntlet of aggressive vendors and walked back, tried to find a monument on a hill that nobody we asked knew about but it was mentioned in my guide book- found it behind a bank. I wish I had a picture to share of the colorful fishing boats. That’s about all I remember. We took the ship to Sydney as cheap, comfortable transportation. DH didn’t want to do the long flight in economy so I looked at business class…. that was $16,000 for the 2 of us but the cruise was only $4000+tips inside room, 21 days. An inside room was a lot more comfortable than an economy seat! We enjoyed the passage enough to do Tales of the South Pacific next! Finally got a brief update last night on DSIL, that she was stabilized enough to be moved to the Rehab facility yesterday. From there a medical transport will take her for treatments or scans. I’m sure my family is relieved because they couldn’t have managed it. It’s not clear how this next phase will play out. I made progress too yesterday, another appt on the calendar and some more medical forms filled out online. Got into the gastro portal; the radiology portal kicked me out. I’ll try again today, I hope I don’t have to call them again and wait on hold but that might be easier than the frustrating portal. DH is trying to find last year’s tax file which is not in the file cabinet…. so could it have been packed somewhere else for the move? Oiy. Today DH tapers down another notch on steroid eye drops, another step! Pressure has been measurable and holding, next week another checkup. Still on physical restrictions. It’s possible they could leave the second suture closed, or maybe open it in a month or two but we’re good for now. Thanks Vanessa, and all for your support. Blessings to all our Daily family, all on our Care list, all in need of healing, comfort or hope, and for all the sadness and strife in the world. Toasts 🥂 (It is Toast Day right?) to all celebrating. Smooth travels to all away, especially our cruisers! Maureen
  9. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the great pictures from your Uluru experience. As a geologist, I’m sure I would be thrilled. As a human I doubt I could manage the heat, the 4 miles and the flies… certainly not together! Safe travels to Sydney, a fabulous place to visit! M—
  10. @superoma 🥳 Congratulations to you and your spouse. No matter what the number of years, there are never enough Anniversaries!💞 💐Cheers to all celebrating! @cat shepard Ann, hoping your sister’s recovery isn’t too difficult and that the surgery was successful! Tonga is so beautiful. Vava’u is mostly about water activities, a lesser port. The vibe is friendly and laid-back. Thank you Sandi for the links. Good memories from our Tales of the South Pacific on Amsterdam, 10 years ago but it seems like 2 lifetimes! I will celebrate Watson and Crick, and X-Ray diffraction which was a frequent tool of mine from grad school through my career in geology. @dfish Debbie, one would expect the pipes TO the zone to be warm…. I hope you can get someone to help you figure it out. Glad you are safe after a night of so many storms. @kochleffel What great comments from your instructor! Glad to hear you are healing nicely. Will be stormy here today, gray and rainy. I plan to try a new activity group this afternoon. Then a too-early supper before I phone into a church group in Maryland. Monday I phoned into a book group in Maryland and discovers that one of our group ran into the new owners of our old condo there and invited her to the book group, so I got to “meet” her! We discussed the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society…. made us all want to visit the Channel Islands which I know several here have enjoyed! I made progress yesterday on my own medical stuff - the on-site dentist now has my X-ray images from Maryland (multiple calls and e-mails!) for my new appt, moved up to tomorrow because there was a cancellation. Yay! And I worked my way through a phone and internet system to get started with the process for a colonoscopy-evaluation appt March 15! That took hours. I had cancelled my Nov appt in Maryland because of our move but it looks like I won’t be too far behind schedule. I still need to arrange for mammo, gyn, and skin screenings. Making slow progress! DH is working taxes and financial issues - yesterday he successfully tracked down a large credit we were supposed to get from using our retirement community’s recommended movers and realtors. We were happy to use them not only for the credit but we obtained a short-term promissory note through their finance dept to avoid selling securities and had our fingers crossed our condo would close within their short timeframe- it all worked very well! DH also succeeded in obtaining 2 sets of 1099s that we expected to be forwarded by the postal service but didn’t receive. For those not familiar with US tax form numbers, we need those forms from financial institutions to report our income. We had to work with our NM banking institution where we closed our accounts in 2023… the guy on the phone said, Just log into your account! oh boy…. And the other was for the tiny pensions we get from NM for our years of service as volunteer firefighters/EMS. My online acct worked but DH’s bounced him 🤷🏼‍♀️. The whole exercise is hardly worth the run-around but the income still needs to get reported. I’m so grateful we can manage our affairs! But it seems to be getting more complicated… is that just me? Blessings to all in need, to our country, your country and for all the sadness in the world. Hoping all our Daily family stays safe! Maureen
  11. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for updating us! Sending blessings to you both. What a day! @rafinmd Roy, some good news! May it keep coming! Weather tonight is bringing some grave difficulties to folks in Texas panhandle with a ranging grassland fire that’s already consumed 250,000 acres (almost 400 square miles) pushed by strong, dry winds; also severe storms crossing mid- and upper Midwest. I hope all in harms way can find shelter! Especially our Daily family! 🙏 m—
  12. Sunny and warming in north Jersey, maybe 60 today? Congratulations to @Nickelpenny on becoming a Shellback! 🥳 @cat shepard 🙏 Blessings for help for your sister! And you. @Cruzin Terri hoping you get some info and help. We went to Phillip Island in 2013 while we were staying in Melbourne for a couple of days. It was an all day excursion that was mostly to see the little penguins sometimes called Fairy Penguins. No cameras were allowed. (I bought a book, not sure if it’s unpacked…). We also stopped at a small zoo where people could pay to have pictures with koalas which we didn’t do because we had already seen many in their habitat, some so close we could have touched them but didn’t. The Phillip Island penguin parade is quite a major attraction. The birds come ashore at dusk and have to cross the beach to get “home” to the dunes. The gulls and other birds harass them so the penguins bunch up and wait for just the right moment to make their run. Viewing is mostly from stands, I think it was a National Park but could be wrong. Lots of holding our breath then cheering for them! The name Fairy Penguins was shifting to Little Penguins. They are quite small, mostly 6-12”? pictures from internet: There were hundreds of birds that came ashore over maybe an hour. It was a fun time and a very long late day, about 12 hrs, pickup around noon, return around midnight. Great memories. Blessings to all in need. I’m very grateful we are able to enjoy this day! No updates on my DSIL and her husband and daughter, I’m trying not to bug them, they have their hands, hearts and brains full! Thank you all for your caring support. Maureen
  13. Snow flurries this morning! Looks like Oostersam may be in the Beagle Channel today? We went through it on Carnival Splendor when she was repositioned from CA to NY, 2013, too big for PC locks then so rounded Cape Horn. Our trip through the channel had a low cloud ceiling which made us feel even more closed in by the glaciers. The crew brought out blankets and we stayed out on deck wrapped up for hours. @summer slope May it be short and successful. @StLouisCruisers Blessings for Morgan getting through today, another step getting through this traumatic event. And YaY for Ren and his team! May his parents enjoy their special time. @dfish we too had a valve not opening in our zone heating system. But it wasn’t the valve, it was the wire to it. DH replaced it but not easy fishing it; I hope your fix is easier. We always kept a spare valve (mountain-living back-ups!) but never needed one. But changing out a valve should be quick once they get the right parts. 🤞 @JazzyV Thrilled that you are having improvement! I hope you are able to sleep. So far my attention to my pinched nerve is having a positive effect. In Maryland I had an MRI and saw a spine doctor at the suggestion of the hip doctor who said my hip pain wasn’t something he could fix with a replacement. But the spine doctor found a weak area and had “big plans” for me. I wasn’t having any nerve-type symptoms so I put that all aside then. Now we need to stay focused on DH’s eye surgeries and full recovery so I’ll be trying some things I learned years ago when I had neck disk issues and got through all that without surgery 🤞. Of course I was much younger then! One day at a time is everything! Blessings sent for all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Cheers for those celebrating 🥳 Smooth travels to all away! @Cruzin Terri, best of luck at Mayo! Maureen
  14. @travelingbums That should be absolutely automatic on the refund, like when the ship misses a port and accounts are refunded for port taxes and excursions. And I would hope that Princess dies more. Also hope you were able to enjoy (salvage) done if your European trip!
  15. Thank you Graham! Looks exciting! I’m thinking ahead to later in the year hoping we can do even a short cruise. @Denise T It’s grand to be planning ahead, and I hope you can still consider options that include Canada. m—
  16. Bon Voyage @Lady Hudson! Looking forward to your thoughts on your experience. We have not been on RCL but they cruise from Bayonne NJ within easy reach of us, so maybe! Anthem is a mega ship and we’ve heard people say they loved it but I’m hesitant after our difficulties getting on and off NCL Joy with close to 5000. The ship was great, the overall experience left me not wanting to cruise on her again unless I don’t intend to get off anywhere. I hope you have a grand time! Been awake since 3-something, hoping to get a bit more sleep? Or a nap later. Not in pain, just tentative and a bit brain busy. We went to a movie last evening and movies stay with me, often takes me days processing them. My niece updated us yesterday on DSIL. They hope she’ll be stable enough to be moved in a day or two. She’s received more blood so not as “out of it” but that also means more difficult. Blessings to all! I hope everybody’s day is good, or night depending on where you are! I’m going to visualize ocean waves and see if I can drift off… Maureen
  17. @Haljo1935 I’m sorry you lost your brother. Having been through bouts of acute depression I learned some about brain chemistry. I’m fortunate to be on a better path! @smitty34877, Terry, I’m so glad to hear you took a break! Some blue sky showing! m— Sandi, condolences and prayers for you and your friends. Thanks for news from Annie and Chuck.
  18. It’s still rather gray here in north Jersey, getting to high 30s today, but no rain or snow! Maybe some sun later? We do make our own happiness! Or unhappiness. Doesn’t mean there aren’t rough patches to get through, hopefully with a little help from our friends! @JazzyV you are not on our Care List! And I think you should be. Again no word yesterday from niece on DSIL. I expect we’ll connect this weekend. DH is on a lower frequency of the steroid drops, tapering down, so the pressure in that eye is very low - the steroids kept it up a bit to where it was still measurable on our home device. Low is good but too low isn’t. It’s such a zigzag but it all seems to be working. We are feeling more confident, and so grateful! The itching is much less, getting by on just 1-2 Benadryl per day while he’s still using the meds in the other eye (scheduled for surgery April 23). 🤞 @StLouisCruisers thank you for the port pix, we called it Z-town! We were there so long ago on Oostersam that I really don’t remember it much. I do remember the old Regal Princess which was our 2nd cruise, 2004; we went from San Diego through PC to Ft Lauderdale. The casino was top front, viewing forward, and people were 6 deep trying to see the locks through the few windows. DH and I found a great spot outside at a corner railing in some shade and spent many hours there taking it all in. It was a perfect spot where we could see forward and a bit to the side. Good memories! I’ve apparently developed what I think is a lumbar pinched nerve, huh! Early signs. I will be thinking my way through what I’ve learned about dealing with these kinds of issues from neck disk problems twenty years ago, hoping I can get back on track! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I really don’t need this now! Bon Voyage 🛳️ and welcome home; smooth sailing to all our cruisers. Thanks for sharing with us. @ottahand7 Nancy and John: Don’t get lost in the Villages! Safe travels! Blessings to all in need, our country, your country and for all the sadness in the world. Enjoy something today! Thanks all for being here! Maureen
  19. It is solid gray/grey here today… either way you spell it it’s dreary looking out there. Rain overnight but not cold! A good day for us to start taxes! We are still missing one pair of statements - our volunteer firefighter state pensions which are minuscule as pensions go but I’m glad we get some acknowledgment for our 19 years of service, and we still must report it. So that’s an early hurdle to chase. Happy Birthday @lindaler 🎉 Condolences @bennybear to you and your friend in such a heartbreaking loss. Coronado camped for 2 years starting in 1540 just north of where Albuquerque is now, along the Rio Grande. While we were working in Albuquerque we lived just up the hill from the encampment site which is now Coronado State Park, part of the Town of Bernalillo now the county seat (and center for the county fire department we served in in the rural area after we retired and moved into our mountain cabin home). 1540 was the beginning of the European invasion of lands that had been lived in for a thousand years. As in much of history, invasion became brutal and the many puebloans in the region suffered atrocities. Coronado is not celebrated by everyone. But he picked a beautiful site at the foot of the Sandia mountains and, of course, the river was the lifeblood of the arid region. Viewing east from the top of the hill, the dark area at in the bottom would be the trees along the river banks. We often camped at the state park with our 5th wheel trailer (caravan to some) the night before our return home so we could arrive in daylight rather than what I came to describe as “cold, dark, hungry”. Getting the mountain home restarted took several hours and a lot of energy to get fires going to heat the structure before starting water pumps etc. It was good for them, not for now! Blessings sent to all in need, especially our care list. Thank you Vanessa! DH had a good checkup at eye doctor yesterday! Return in 2 weeks. The surgery eye is coming along slowly but well. I am thrilled that they seem to have found us a path to save his vision and save him from the misery of the itching caused by the meds. Wishing for relief too for Vanessa, Jane, Chuck, Maurice… all our daily friends who are suffering! No updates last night about my DSIL, I didn’t ask, they all need some rest. 🛳️ Smooth travels to all our very many cruisers! Yay for Kangaroo Island! May you all stay well and safe. Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good 🌈 Thank you all for being here with your caring support, heartfelt sharing and beautiful pictures! Enjoy something today! Maureen
  20. Back from eye doctor 👍. All seems on track, feels so much better than last week! Brenda, so beautiful. I’m sorry about losing your friend. Roy, I’m glad you are being closely followed, no surprises. And I never tire of reminiscing about your exceptional journeys. Thank you. Pennie, I haven’t been to either Trinidad or Tobago, thanks for the photos. Stay safe and healthy! I love the Helsinki Church in the Rock! I’m a geologist, how could I not love it! 😜 Thanks to Tiny, Lenda and Sandi for sharing. Jacqui, I hope you get a bit of warmth soon. Vanessa, please rest, don’t overdo. Thanks for updating us. Paul, thanks for giving blood. I haven’t been a regular donor fir a while but I’m thinking I might be able to in my new environment. Graham, I love sitting your car at the shore! It’s such a “happy place” no matter what storms swirl here! Thank you, you bring smiles. m—
  21. Off to eye doctor for check up. Busy morning lots of texts and calls. DSIL complications but they got approved for a Rehab after another biopsy and stabilize a fever. Happy Vanessa is home! And has help. Relieved Annie and Chuck are ok, never east in the holding pattern! Will enjoy the Helsinki pix while waiting for eye doctor! Thanks all. M—
  22. @JazzyV Vanessa, I’m praying for Amazing relief for you!! You are so good at just putting one foot in front of the other, you’re on the path to recovery ❤️‍🩹. M—
  23. It’s cloudy and cold in north Jersey. Started at 18F heading to 39F. Chilly. I got to sleep pretty easily but only for 3 hrs. Then a long night and a short second sleep. I think I’m processing my visit with my brother (after all these many years) and niece and their tough road ahead with my DSIL who is in a bad way. They haven’t found a rehab place yet, but have a case manager working with them. I haven’t spoken to either of them since we left the hospital, they’re exhausted, and only just begun…. DH is stable for the moment within his regimes. No pressure-lowering meds for one eye, so much less itching! We’ll see the NJ eye doctor tomorrow. At this point I’m hoping he’ll just check it and leave the second (last) suture alone for a while (maybe indefinitely?), don’t want the pressure to bottom out. All the best to Annie and Chuck, and Vanessa for tomorrow! Sorry to hear of more nose bleeds Roy! Jacqui, I hope your appt has no surprises. Glad your rubs are mostly healed, and no pneumonia, yay ! Sandi, I hope you get some good news soon, for a change! Gerry, you are the best neighbor! Yum! Seagarsmoker, Nice that you’re liking your new job so far! Blessings went out in the wee hours. Smooth travels to all away - wonderful pictures! Including NE England Graham 👋 Cheers for all celebrating, Life is Good🌈 Maureen
  24. Sunny and cold again but no snow here in north Jersey. I did see the tips of (probably) crocus trying to come up a few days ago so maybe spring will be soon. I remember Friendship 7’s day vividly! I never met John Glenn but I did get to chat with astronaut Tom Stafford when he was guest of honor at a Bartlesville OK Biplane Expo; I told him my story of how Friendship 7 changed my life. I was 7, and at supper that night my dad who was not one for any type of encouragement, said that I was the one in the family who had the best chance of going into space! Because I was the youngest! Well that moment gave me the hope to dream! Although I didn’t become an astronaut I did pursue my dreams as they unfolded in the next 10-15 years and became what I decided I wanted to be - a geologist! My father never approved of that path for me any more than if I’d wanted to become an astronaut but that moment was an unforgettable catalyst in my life! Bon Voyage @USN59-79!! I slept better than expected last night! I’m am still stunned that I saw my brother! I really had resigned myself that that day might never come. It’s all very sad. The hiatus of him not seeing his family really was to protect his wife who has a long history of difficulties and delusions. I guess it was easier for him to go along. Last night I spoke with my other brother and sister who also haven’t seen him either. Today I will write to my cousins, which my brother gave me permission to do. They too will be surprised that anyone met with him! My niece is strong and has joined in family gatherings over the years, including one of our cousins reunions in Tuscany. Their path with her mom will be a battle on many levels. One day at a time…. and I have had so many miracles that I’ve learned that there is hope if we choose hope. Blessings sent out to you all and our world! Joys to those celebrating and cruising. Good memories for Pauline! Gratitude for all the good in Life right now. Extra love to Chuck, Terry and household, Vanessa, Gerry’s neighboring town’s unimaginable tragic loss! Thanks to all for being here! Thanks Paul for your unique interpretation of the drinks! Maureen.
  25. It’s late. I’m drained. Niece called about noon, asked us to come to hospital. We got there about 2, spent about 2 hrs with her and her dad, my brother whom I haven’t seen in 22 yrs! By his choice. But today it was all different. We dissected their options together, none of them good really. DSIL is not fully aware, DB is not very able. After DH and I got home about 5:30 we got a message that DSIL will be transferred to a Rehab and transported daily or 5 times a week for treatment. None of us are sure it will work but it seems that’s the plan now. Probably as good as any and better than most. I appreciate all your good thoughts, whether posted or just sent from the heart! It’s the best! Sandi, I’ve lost very dear ones to dementia, one was more threatening, others could become aggressive in a flash. It’s heartbreaking as well as scary. Prayers for your friends! I hope I can sleep but I feel like my brain will be in overdrive. M—
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