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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Great idea! I hadn’t thought of that but it sounds like something to learn more about in general. For this need, I think the software to interpret the date from the measuring device is in the Cloud so we’ll need to connect to that external source. We can cable the device to a smartphone, or Bluetooth to the phone but the phone has to connect to the external world. Sounds like your method is a way to do that. m—
  2. Thank you! I’ll check the Cellular at Sea cost with our carrier. We monitor eye pressures so that if there is a pressure spike we can apply additional meds as per doctors standing orders. Being that we’ll be in port most days, using shore cell signal data connection might work just fine. The device doesn’t show readings, the data go through an app for interpretation. New technology is great but it takes some understanding to work it in unusual environments. Or we can buy the internet package on board. Next time maybe we’ll buy the perks package, it might be cheaper but I wasn’t given a price for that so I need to learn more. Thanks for your help! m—
  3. We just booked NCL Joy for a B2B NY-Quebec-NY. Haven’t been on NCL since maybe 2015 and the world has changed! We don’t have a package. My husband has a medical monitoring device for eye pressures that he takes measurements with twice a day, then connects to phone for readouts. The phone connects to internet either by cell signal or WiFi. It only takes a few seconds each time. We have unlimited cell data in US and for Roaming out of country we pay by the minute. I see we can pay for an unlimited WiFi package $30/day. Is there a “minutes” package onboard? Anybody know if NCL has Cellular at Sea or similar? Maybe we could use a data connection through that? How can we find out? Appreciate any information and suggestions on our options. Thank you.
  4. @Denise T Every Blessing on you and your special day today! Three great Days! I love Spumoni ice cream! When I lived in Grand Junction I bought a 3-gallon tub of it at the local dairy who made it only once a year. Gotta celebrate Seniors! We’ve made it this far! And the gift of poetry to grace our lives! I often use the John Lennon quote, so true. Last night I found out some NM friends are on a very special mission today and I ask your blessings for them. My fire chief and his wife, the medical captain, along with another EMT are taking a dying neighbor from NM to her brother’s home in Bakersfield CA in a rented RV. She (the neighbor) beat stage 4 cancer 5 years ago but is now recently declining in health and suddenly too ill to fly. She just sold her house and made the decision to go to family. The team will drive her today and return immediately. It’s 900 miles each way, and google tells me they will have to detour around some serious road closures caused by the remnants of Hurricane Hilary so it will be longer and dicey. Please keep Susan and her friends in your thoughts today and tomorrow. Catalina is a lovely place to visit. I’ve been there twice, first by sailboat and then on HAL’s Amsterdam. DH grew up in a house overlooking Catalina and went as a kid with friends whose families had boats. The whole island was just evacuated in preparation for the storm yesterday. I hope they can get back to their homes soon. Blessings to all on our Care list, thank you Vanessa, and all in need of healing, comfort, guidance, protection or hope. Happy celebrations to all with milestones and accomplishments 🎉. Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away! May we all be safe and well to enjoy the blessing of today and each other! Thank you all for your kind presence here. Thank you Rich for our gathering place. Maureen
  5. Happy to celebrate honey bees! I hope they are making a comeback. Not mosquitos! Interesting quote, I’ll have to think it over when I wake up some more. Tuscan Shrimp sounds great. I have some shrimp in the freezer and could use some inspiration. Love Bonaire. It’s not often in itineraries. I’ve had some great snorkeling there. First time there was on Celebrity Constellation, a 14-night cruise we added to a 7-nighter we were invited to share with a family member. 7-nighter was too short for a trip out from NM. It was our first Celebrity cruise and the CC roll call was active and helpful. One couple on the roll call had a Penthouse Suite and invited all the roll call to a party for Bonaire sail-away. I arrived from shower post-snorkeling dripping wet but it was only chance at seeing such a suite! It the deep verandah wrapped around the aft from one side to mid-line, had outdoor and indoor jacuzzis, a grand piano, the bathroom was bigger than our inside cabin! Great fun! Blessings to all in need. Prayers for protection for all in harm’s way! Extra love to @Denise T, Lou, @Nicklepenny with her travel decision, and all those in pain or anguish! Thanks to all for being here! Thank you Graham for the link! Cheers 🎉 to those celebrating and cruising, safe travels! May everyone stay well and safe. Maureen
  6. @rafinmd Thanks fir the info on the Maryland rescue/ recovery team. I hope they have a defined work period then return because it is such taxing work. I had younger colleagues who were on the NM Disaster Medical Assistance Team who deployed to post-hurricane and and tornadoes, and one who did K-9 search and recovery at the Pentagon post-9/11…. prayers for all the rescue workers. @Denise T Shout out to you for your exciting day Monday! You’re the expert on your work, you’ll do great! After all your presentation materials are organized and ready, I hope you can step away from the prepping tomorrow and relax with something fun. Remember to breathe! @smitty34877 Those deep breaths you mentioned are just what you need. If DH needs nutrients or fluids medical may have to step in, and that just might be what you both will benefit from. There is a horizon out there even when it’s hard to see from the low spots our paths take us through. You are doing an amazing job walking beside your loved ones. We tried to kayak today. It would have been refueling after the drain of decisions. But the reservoir had a warning sign of a toxic algae bloom! It might take several weeks to clear. Disappointing but only that. Just turned around and came home. Thankfully I have other things to look forward to! Absolutely love the flowers pictures! Thank you! Watched the S.Cal and SW warnings. It’s so hard to predict the impacts but it looks like a LOT of rain is coming. What that causes is so localized. If you will be affected know the local vulnerabilities, stay informed so you have Situation Awareness. Have your emergency food, water, batteries, extra phone charger system even if it’s your car. And as my Canadian friends wisely remind me, stay calm and carry on! Keep us posted! We’ll be sending out the love and light! m—
  7. Yesterday we made our decision that the NJ retirement community is where we’ll go for our next chapter, and it will probably be our forever home! It was a big decision. Feels good but I felt exhausted. The timing of the move will be out of our control, whenever an apartment unit that fits our desires becomes available, could be months or years. It’s a vibrant community, tons of opportunities for growth, learning, enjoying life, not too far from the grandkids, close enough to everything we could need and with wonderful oversight and support when warranted. With 12 years between us it’s awkward to find the right solution but I think we have! Our next critical path hurdle is to get the trust attorney to do her job or find a replacement. Ugh. I have 2 weeks or organize for the cruise NY to Quebec City and back. We’ll be taking a train from the grandkids (where we’ll leave our car) into Manhattan and a taxi to the port so we want to pack light! The older we get the more pharmaceutical/medical type stuff we bring, now DH’s eye pressure tonometer and COVID supplies too! At least on NCL we won’t need dress-up clothes. Yesterday I received a Quebec City pocket guide, the Boston one should come next week. My heart goes out to all in harm’s way of fires! When evacuating remember the Ps: People, Pets, Pills, Purse/Plastic, Personal computer/Phone, Papers, Precious items/Photos. I kept folded up “bankers boxes” next to the file cabinet for critical files and photo albums. I had gone through the files and red flagged the more important ones so I could grab them in a flash. I videoed each room in the house with cupboards, closets and drawers opened. At least once a year I backed up computers to external hard drives and put them in the safe deposit box in town. I had a “space blanket” at each window ready to be stapled over the window to reflect radiant heat. We had roof sprinklers with a switch at the front door to flip as we left, and a generator to keep the well pump operating. We built our addition of fire resistant materials and retrofitted the original log cabin. Fire preparation was a way of life, and I taught many workshops on it. I was the community liaison and communicator on all things fire-related, especially the daily updates during fires. We were evacuated multiple times, it’s always chaotic and traumatic. Prepping keeps panic away. I’m very happy to be done with that chapter. I pray for all in harm’s way or prepping for the Ready, Set, Go stages. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Or contractors. Cheers to all celebrating! Life is Good! Safe travels to all our cruisers and those away. May everyone be safe and well today! Maureen
  8. Made it to Friday! I don’t know where yesterday went, I didn’t get much of anything done but maybe today. I need to get working on our cruise coming up fast! Sept 4, leaving home in just over 2 weeks. I missed posting yesterday, read the Daily very late. Have great memories of Curaçao and Blue Bay. We were there in December on Eurodam, had an exceptional cruise celebrating milestones. We visited St Thomas in March with the family cruise on Rotterdam. DGD and her DH were excited to visit there and see it as a tourist after they spent 3 months doing post-Hurricane relief work 5 or 6 years ago. Thanks for the beautiful pictures! And I believe we have miracles every day! We have a webinar this morning with the retirement community in NJ. Yesterday I told DH that I’ve decided that is the best place we’ve seen for me, and I think for us. It’s a big decision. We have some hurdles first, most important is to stabilize his eye issues, next visit with ophthalmologist is Aug 31, 3 days before we leave for the cruise. We’ll get instructions on how to manage any pressure spikes but so far so good since last Friday’s scare. Also in a quandary about our rework of our trust. Our lawyer was great with us on redoing our powers of attorney and health care directives but this year she’s been mostly unresponsive. After our cruise we’ll have to look for a new path. It was funny to me to read the featured meal yesterday was Olive Garden soup. We ate at Olive Garden 3 nights in a row in Poughkeepsie. We enjoy their salads, two nights we split a salad and lasagna meal. First night we each had an entree and it was just too much food. I brought home leftovers and had them our first night home, eggplant parmigiana! A fav of mine that I don’t make just for me. Hoping that healing continues for Lou, Murphy, Chuck, Annie, Vanessa, Debbie, Terri, Susan, Ivan, all who are working through pain and unwellness. And those working through difficult tasks, may a miracle of serendipity happily strike! And for those waiting… sometimes the hardest part. Cheers to @Mr. Boston🎂 May you begin an inspiring year! First birthday in retirement! Yay! Excited for Karen prepping for Westerdam! Life is good! Even when it’s tough moving forward. Inspiring. Keeping you all in my heart and prayers. Thank you @JazzyV for our Care List ! Thank you Lenda, @GTVCRUISER, @seagarsmoker, Jacqui, Roy for your pictures every day bringing beauty, fun, adventure and memories to us. Hugs to you all! Maureen
  9. It’s good to be home! Safe and Sound! We made decent time but that took three reroutings around stoppages. I still travel with maps and they are so useful. I do love the Navigator too, working with both seems best for us. We usually split tge driving but I have to admit that I didn’t do all of “my half today “. Just wasn’t quite as up to it as sometimes. Now I hate to unpack because we’re leaving in just over two weeks for the NCL Joy cruise. But I will unpack tomorrow. And do grocery shopping. And probably laundry. Great to have good news! Lou is home! Yay! Murphy is improving! Yay! Ivan is responding to the injections! Yay! Maureen
  10. Good morning all! Thank you Rich for keeping us going. Thank you Vanessa for keeping track of us so well. I am so sorry for the horrible explosion near you and the sad loss of life - beyond comprehension. Makes us more grateful for every day. Time now to pack up from the hotel, grab some breakfast and hit the road. We’ll let the rush hour die down up here, and hope we get home before the evening commute. Should be a dry day driving. It’s been a fruitful trip with a lot to think about with the retirement community in northern NJ. Prices have jumped up but I guess they have everywhere. It’s mind boggling! Keeping you all in my heart and prayers! May you each notice some miracle in your day today. Maureen
  11. It’s been a good but very full day at the NJ retirement community we are considering. Ready for bed. Blessings all! Sad to hear of so many with pain and other difficulties. Glad for even small progress for Lou. Sure hoping the floors can be fixed for Terri! Wonderful about Nicklepenny’s medical studies! And wishing DeniseT calm preparations for the dissertation defense! Remember, you are the expert on it! You’ll do great! Driving home tomorrow back to Maryland. Didn’t see the grandkids this trip but we’ll be back in under 3 weeks! Will leave our car at their house and take a train into Manhattan for the NCL Joy cruise Sept 4-20! Coming fast! Good night all. M—
  12. I don’t know how I missed it but I’m overjoyed to hear Murphy is off ECMO! And her parents can hold her! She is a fighter! Praying she continues to strengthen and grow surrounded in love!
  13. We had a great cousins gathering yesterday! About 25 of us, the cousins generation plus several of the younger generation too. So glad to be on the east coast so I can get to these. Our plans to spend time with the granddaughters has fizzled- they were both camping over the weekend with a big group of friends and some are coming down with COVID today including we think DGS-IL who was starting to feel ill but still tested negative. We saw them ever so briefly yesterday to drop off flowers from the cousins gathering… we were outside but we did have quick hugs. Got texts this morning canceling getting together tonight or tomorrow as planned. The engaged DGD rooms with two other girls and one tested positive today. Trying to be hopeful we haven’t caught it. DH’s eye pressures have stabilized with adding back a previous med, at least until he’s done with the post-op steroid drop. Today we went north to visit a retirement community just to have a second look, but I just can’t imagine us living there now… I call it Shady Rest! The community we’ll visit tomorrow is a vibrant community and that’s are expected path, but “Shady Rest” is close to a college with a Conservatory and a performing arts center! So tomorrow we hope to learn more about how residents of the more vibrant place get to performing arts events. We’re not ready to stop living our lives! We often eat Turkey burgers, just seems natural to us. Not sure if DH would like the Mediterranean twist, he likes them with just ketchup. I like mine a little more jazzed up! I didn’t post yesterday but did get caught up, so I want to say that my sister is left handed, and our nuns never made an issue out of it. @DeeniEncinitas glad you and David are ok within the loss and chaos. Keeping you in my heart! Annie, enjoyed your beautiful description of your day out with Chuck. Hoping his scans show everything that needs to be seen. Karen, nice to know you have DS visits and help. One day at a time! @dfish that yellowish cloud looks like what we’ve seen spreading out from the ship stack. @ger_77 Booked! Excellent. Sure helps to have something fun to look forward to! Early this morning we were able to reserve the fancy shows on our September NCL booking, 21 days out, so I did! No charge but they need to be reserved in advance. I booked both Elements and Footloose on the first cruise (northbound) but might reconsider and book one on the return leg. At least we’ll see them. Blessings to all in need. Congrats to all celebrating. May we all stay safe! Maureen
  14. We made it to NY, a 6 hr slog up I-95. The traffic really bogged down just as I started my turn! But it’s all good. Tomorrow we’ll go to the cousins gathering remembering our 98 yr old cousin who passed in March. And I’ll see my sister and niece. I brought some heirlooms with me to pass along. Need to find paths forward for more stuff. @JazzyV your news is shocking, glad you are safe. Dixie, sorry the tests didn’t lead to answers. Hoping you can find some new paths to search. Annie, I’m sure you’re happy Bubbles has returned! And the insurance sounds like a mess. We had an old Jeep once that I “wouldn’t drive anywhere I couldn’t walk home from”. We got it insured as a farm vehicle which was cheap then but that was 20 yrs ago. Time to find supper. Grandkids are away camping so we have their house tonight but I’m not cooking. Barely functional but hoping for a good sleep tonight. Thanks for all the support. It was a scramble last night but with the added med I’m sure DH will be ok for now. Hoping the itching reaction isn’t bad… it’s always a balance. Glad we can!!
  15. 🎂 Happy Birthday Rich and Dennis And Happy Anniversary to John and his “child bride” 🎈 DH had a very high eye pressure reading last night in the surgery eye at bedtime. He redid it twice, similar results. So we called the after-hours number they gave us with the surgery discharge and they called back within a half hour. We got some explanation of what was probably happening and instructions to add back one of his previous medications (a double one) which lowered the pressure 👍. Very thankful we have the monitoring device and for the better pressure. But it made for a late night before an early morning. If pressures are still ok this morning we’ll head north to NY as planned. Sending out blessings to you all, and all in need. A toast to those celebrating, every day Life is Good! Terry, so glad you have such great family support! Wonderful to hear Lou improved a bit. I hope he’s comfortable. You must be exhausted. Please breathe in peace, breathe out joy. May everyone stay well and safe! Keeping you all in my heart and prayers! Maureen Pressure is low this morning so the 2nd med is working! We’ll keep moving forward even if it means sideways sometimes!
  16. @smitty34877 Happy they are all helping! Remember to breathe! We’re on your side! m—
  17. Thanks @ger_77 Gerry for the update. Must be a relief that the procedure went well and the look-see saw no issues of concern. Now waiting for the next procedure…. hope it isn’t long, and he’ll be feeling back to normal! m—
  18. @smitty34877 🙏 for Amazing! I don’t make or like jokes about any president, ever. It’s a serious office and impacts us all. I am proud of my little NMchurch who always prays for the president. Always. DH had a good followup check yesterday. He’s on track, pressures are good, still on post-op eye drops tapering down. She’s pleased! Thank you all for your continued support. He’ll see her 31 Aug for an optic nerve scan and exam, maybe we’ll discuss discontinuing eye drops? So much to be thankful for! Today is packing day, haircut and gas up the hybrid car- heading to NY tomorrow. Cousin Remembrance Day Sunday, visit granddaughters and two retirement communities then home Wednesday. Blessings to Maui! 😢 And to all here, all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Waiting patiently and hopefully with Lorraine on Murphy’s healing. And Lou! Thinking of Karen! And Kathi also. Glad to hear Chuck is feeling ok. Annie you are an impressive warrior working so many fronts- DH, work, your own healing path, your cats and the neighborhood’s cats! Maybe somebody else is also caring for them. Let’s hope so! Happy planning Terri! I’ll be asking for some ports advice here too but after I get back next week when I’ll be lasered in on our Sept cruise. Congrats to all celebrating. 🌟Great news Sandi about Ren! Keeps his parents on the move! Smooth travels to all away! However you’re traveling! Life is Good🌈. Even on the toughest days… dig inside to remember what’s good right now! Maureen
  19. @JazzyV I’ve had GI issues with some statins. I use generic Psyllium (Metamucil) daily and Red Yeast Rice supplement tablets as per my doctor’s advice. Might be worth asking. Hoping you find a path forward. m—
  20. Can’t be lazy today… eye surgery followup, errands before our car trip Saturday, and organizing for packing tomorrow. Awake too early but plenty to do. Roy’s lion picture was just a few hours early. Excellent picture! Can’t quite imagine grilled shrimp boil but Tina will tell us. I think I’ll make a double dinner of yesterday’s Chicken Caprese and bring a supper’s worth with us Saturday to have upon arrival. @DeeniEncinitas we are so relieved you are safe, and praying you can stay safe. There will be so many who will need help. Thank you for checking in. Things usually needed at evacuation shelters are comfort items and toiletries especially soap and toothbrushes. Kids stuffed animals, diapers. Possibly mats like yoga mats, pillows, blankets, towels. We used to collect and stock these things in our firehouse and church which also bough cots… the church was our local evacuation center in our NM mountain community which had too many fire evacuations. Food should be only dropped off according to a shelter’s directions and needs- don’t want it wasted. Keep safe, keep calm and help each other. The first two days are utter chaos before aid is organized but this is the time of need for comfort- physical, emotional and spiritual. We have enjoyed many visits to Lahaina. This situation is shocking and reminds us that disasters can strike anywhere, quickly and without warning. Our worst fire spread at over an acre per second for the first 10 hours! 41,000 acres in 10 hrs. (I think a hectare is about 2.4 acres, roughly, I need to check sorry I don’t think in hectares). We worked that fire a long initial overnight. Some of our fire department members lost homes and their horses that night. Stuff can be replaced but it is traumatic to lose a home or business, one’s livelihood. Loss of loved ones is beyond devastating. The initial community impact is paralyzing, but with an in-pouring of support hope can be kindled and nurtured quickly. Sending prayers! Blessings to all of our Daily family, our Care list… Gerry, I’ve lost track, it is today? praying for Amazing for the pacemaker, it’ll bring new vitality! Annie, is Chuck starting chemo today? Terri, a new day, hoping it’ll bring more resolution than problems. And Murphy, May she keep getting stronger. You are all in my heart! Celebrating with all who are reaching new milestones, Life is Good! Safe travels to all away, Bruce, Debbie, Sandi. Thanks to all the picture-posters! The beauty in the land, sunsets and flowers, the joy in the fur babies, the excitement of travel adventures… thank you all for sharing with us, warms our hearts! m— @mamaofamiGreat news Carol! Praying DH continues to recover and strengthen, no more falls!
  21. First, from last night: @marshhawk Annie your lung report is AMAZING! So happy for you! Love your dancing cats, we’re all dancing with you! @cruzn single Mary Kay, trying to quote from your late post last night… “Just one mention - @RMLincoln, your picture of enchiladas brought back so many happy memories of the 9 wonderful years that we lived in Las Cruces. From some of what you have said, did you live in Ruidoso, as that seems to relate to what you write. Like you, I miss NM, but will be content with what life has handed me.” We lived in the north mountains, the Jemez mountains west of Los Alamos and Santa Fe, due north of Albuquerque, 8700 feet. Both my boys (step sons from first marriage) went to NMSU Las Cruces, great school and community but way too hot for me! I miss the mountain house that DH/we built, my fire service family, my community that I was very active in. But my life is so filled with blessings that I have no room to regret what I don’t have! I’m happy we moved, let go of what was to make room for what can be. I’m excited about the next chapter too. And Saturday we’ll drive north to NY, see family- cousins, sister, niece, plus DH’s granddaughters and their guys who have become my family too. It’ll be great to move closer to them and live in a place where we can each feel supported but have our independence too! I am so blessed! I hope you feel that too along with the tugs and tears! I’m cheering for you! Book Day! Too many books, and never enough! 🤣 I think we all want to be loved the way we are! I guess that means being understood or at least accepted. That’s how I try to love others. Flowers, oh my! Nancy and Graham your flowers brighten the day for all of us! My mother had hydrangeas in Brooklyn when I was growing up. They were her mother’s too. Sweet spot in my heart! Chicken Caprese is a great combination for us. I make a version of it. Nice to read other twists on it. Thanks Tina! Not been to South Africa. Wonderful photos of Greenland and Iceland, thank you @dfish Learning about the ports on our next itinerary, coming fast, Sept 4! Yikes! Boston, Portland, Halifax, Cornerbrook, Quebec City, Saygueney, Charlottetown. Have to learn fast! And NCL is complex… but our expectations are minimal. No packages, maybe I’ll try to reserve a special show but only being Gold level we may not get in behind the earlier reservers platinum and up. That happened on HAL when we were only 3stars on Tales of the South Pacific when the more elite pax snagged tables in the “open dining” for the duration of the cruise, so we ate very late, like 9:00 most nights or buffet. But we were fed and we will be too this time! There were a ton of world cruisers on that cruise which was prelude to the WC. We were chopped liver. But for us it was a cruise if a lifetime! Need to keep moving forward. We have a home nurse wellness visit today, I have to finish clearing off the table! Too many stacks have piled up. Blessings all, good health, happiness and the time to enjoy it! m—
  22. Annie, that lung report is AMAZING! So happy for you! I’ll post tomorrow… oops it’s already tomorrow and I’m not in NZ! Better attempt sleep.
  23. New Mexican Red and Green chile Enchiladas, otherwise known as “Christmas”
  24. We loved HAL for classical music and were thrilled that they made the commitment to LCS as other lines were decreasing classic music. Now they’re all similar. We were on Rotterdam in late February/March saying goodbye to the excellent LCS musicians. Our next cruise will not have classical music so HAL is no longer a first choice for us - it’s now timing, price, embarkation port and itinerary. Our next cruise is on NCL. Now they are all more or less the same.
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