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Posts posted by specialcruisegirl

  1. Good Day All.......I'm still kicking about Jeffers!! Decided not to do the Wind voyages next year so now have the Muse, Spirit and Whisper all sorted.

    Father had the bad news this week that they can't fit a prosthetic limb so I've been popping in more often as he's been very down.

    Yesterday l was roped in to babysit the 11ry old who managed to get me into a bowling alley....ye gads, haven't been bowling in thirty years but still managed to beat her....and my arm muscles are making themselves known today!


    We have temps of 24 here today...so unusual for a half term british break! I'm staying in the cool as the hay fever has kicked in...never ever suffered before...must be due to old age!!


    Just enjoying a glass of Merlot while the lamb cutlets sizzle away....happy Sunday.....


    Sophia [emoji4]




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  2. Hello Coolers......Lots of activity going on here which is lovely.


    Jeffers l remember your ice cream offerings...I'm not a great fan of the stuff...have to be in the mood although l did see some kids enjoying a Mr Whippy today and was tempted ......But...resisted as I too am watching my weight having lost well over a stone earlier this year!


    We are having beautiful weather here in North Wales....had a ladies lunch out today at a local garden centre and managed to bag up some fabulous Cheshire Potatoes along with local back bacon which was still almost oinking.....[emoji6] a couple of eggs with that tomorrow will make for a very nice summer lunch....pity there's no runners about yet!


    TA trying to re organise our voyages for late 2017, they are currently on The Wind and not too happy.


    Happy Weekend


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  3. Good Afternoon Coolers........lovely and warm here today also....although l do believe rain is en route...[emoji15]


    Lola...I agree about the EU business...my ears are now closed also! Pup has recovered well and is today enjoying being pampered by the ladies at doggy day care...


    Currently reading a very good autobiography by Patricia Gucci who is the daughter of Aldo Gucci's mistress.....Aldo's wife bore him three sons and it was so very interesting to learn that the said wife hailed from my home town in Shropshire and the couple were also married there......also interesting is that her maiden name was Price and she lived very close to my great grandmother who was also a Price....maybe worth investigating further to see if l could get any future discounts...[emoji6]


    Enjoy La C Jeffers......


    Sophia [emoji4]




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  4. Hi All......agree with you Spins......lunch at Chez Jeffers always looks good......[emoji5]


    Been rather a stressful day here with furry baby finally going in for the snip...I've been putting it off for so long for very selfish reasons....so today was D Day....thankfully he's fine and still talking to me....with fresh salmon and chicken on the menu l would expect nothing less....but he's my babe and those of us who love our pets will understand.


    Very interesting posts about in or out of the EU still but I'm leaning toward out right now.....maybe our Dave and Boris will educate us more this evening with the debate!


    Trump on the other hand frightens me to death...with the latest happenings in the US....latest news over here states that he and Hillary are still in the running...........think I'll stick to the soaps and take cover....[emoji12]


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  5. Jeffers......you make sense and I guess I'm being lazy which is rather stupid l know......maybe l should look up to my 90 year old father who fully intends to vote out.


    Your bread looks great, hope it turns out well for you......to be honest my key to losing weight is cutting out bread!!


    S [emoji5]



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  6. Lovely food Jeffers....but please remember when l call in for lunch...l don't like olives...although I'll take the brandy, coffee and Bendicks...[emoji6]


    I am yet to be convinced either way with regard to the upcoming EU election......we should have had the right to vote before we even joined in the first place.......my ultimate decision at the moment will rest with what my kids decide to do......maybe a weak one but I'm so sick of all the lies and propaganda over the many years and whatever happens it will most probably affect them more than me in the future......l shall just carry on growing old disgracefully....!!


    Sophia [emoji1]



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    However as a Brit I find it rather strange that anyone should wish to visit Holyhead, although its in Wales it is not at all representative of Wales or Welsh culture.



    I beg to differ....Holyhead is indeed a port gateway to North Wales and it's beauty and has a certain charm that actually does represent the Welsh culture without the usual tourist traps such as Portmeirion.

    Within an hour of leaving the port one can be enjoying the most spectacular scenery and the many castles along the way.

    Our very own Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made a home there when William served at RAF Valley....and I've been visiting the whole area since the 1950's.


    My apologies to the op for deviating.....


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  8. Hi All.....great pics Fletch albeit you don't like Rhodes....your pic of the cruise ship almost on the high street reminds of a port in Norway where we docked on the QV some years ago.


    Looking at recent photos of the new largest vessel "Harmony" makes me shudder at the thought of being on board....it will never happen of course..[emoji15]


    Quiet day today after a re union dinner with very old friends last night, we all didn't look any different...just a tad older!!

    So hair of the dog it is right now while lunch sizzles away....


    Happy weekend all


    Sophia [emoji4]







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  9. Appreciate those comments Jeff.... I'm very interested to know how this can happen also....I'd quite frankly be mortified......you of all may have a clue here as l know you worked with Manfredi for a long time.


    S [emoji4]



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  10. cc2016.......welcome to the Silversea Board. Your recent experience sounds quite horrific and l too am sorry you had this experience.


    I agree with Wes....hopefully you have a good TA who can fight this battle for you with a satisfactory conclusion.


    Please do let us know how it all turns out and feel free to chat away on our cooler thread.


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  11. Hello one and all......great to know the cooler is being appreciated....it is indeed a place to come and vent, discuss and laugh.


    Lola.....your airport tale reminded me of my transit through Barcelona this last time when l was pulled aside for drug testing on my luggage......a bit scary when l realised what they were doing!! DD said it was because I travel alone....who knows ...maybe l looked shady...[emoji6]


    Still not sure about the forthcoming EU decisions....I'm not very politically minded these days as I have little trust or faith in anyone or indeed anything that is said....having to deal with our nhs and social services system this last four months hasn't done anything at all to restore my confidence!


    Anyway...it's a beautiful day here in Wales so I'm making the most of the garden....with a glass of red while the curry bubbles away.....[emoji16]


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  12. Lots of fun posts going on......I detest Eurovision with a passion and never watch it and wasn't at all surprised we came almost at the bottom along with Germany!

    Busy morning here finally having time to get laundry done and put away the cruise stuff.....Father is happily settled into the care home....well...so far so good [emoji6]

    Great food going on down there Jeffers.....making my mouth water!! I miss BBQ.....late DH was a corker with the grill....
    Just a ready roast here today.....and a glass of red while it cooks...well maybe two!!

    Happy Sunday

    S [emoji5]

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  13. Of course I should have said hand luggage is enough for us on a tropical cruise. If we went to Polar regions we would take check-in as well. You can get an amazing amount in carry-on bags these days.



    I admire your courage Fletch with hand luggage only.......[emoji15][emoji6]



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  14. Dolebludger - Haven't you read the replies on your thread? Don't even think about a dress code. It doesn't exist. Book the cruise you fancy which should be destination driven. And as for luggage, we only ever take carry-on luggage and get the ship to launder a few shirts etc.



    Fletch....don't be so hard...each to their own. I love dressing up in the evening and take little notice of those who prefer not to despite what the 'dress code' is for that particular night. For me the ship IS the destination and l don't travel light...[emoji6]


    What suits one doesn't necessarily suit another so my advice is to do one's own thing and don't worry.....I've never felt out of place.


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  15. Hi Coolers.......all rather quiet here!!! Mysty...do tell us more about your adventures....have you come back down to earth yet..[emoji6]

    Jeffers...the C must be heating up now with this glorious weather?


    Finally after fourteen very long weeks in hospital my father goes into a residential home tomorrow...it's been such a long haul and I've spent the last few days trying to make his new home somewhat familiar for him with all his personal stuff so hopefully he'll be happy......


    Hope all in the UK are enjoying the sunshine....let's hope it lasts!


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  16. Les...l agree with Jeff..what's done is done so best get into positive mode and I'm sure your kids are excited? Any day at sea is much better than any ashore imho [emoji6]


    I stopped sailing Cunard many moons ago due the carnivalisation of the product....in particular their rip of drinks 'policy'......on the very last QM2 trip the bartender even checked that l was with my late DH when he ordered two drinks as one could only order one round at a time!!!!

    Not sure if you can take your own booze on board ...maybe check it out....


    My offspring are venturing on to their very first cruise this year with P&O ......it's a family voyage and I'm sure they'll have fun....as you will.


    Sophia [emoji5]





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  17. A very muggy day here in Wales ...thundering right now with heavy rain and very black outside....my old jalopy due next month for her annual check up.....not too sure about her body parts Jeffers!! [emoji6]


    Two days off from visiting now.....Father takes his next step into respite this next week which will make things a lot easier for us all.......have a lovely weekend one and all.......need to comfort furry babe who's terrified of the storm.....


    S [emoji5]



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  18. Really strange Mary...it's been cloudy here in Wales... Yet l was over in Ellesmere this morning and it was beautifully warm and sunny!

    Glad to hear Cruise Fever setting in for your forthcoming voyage.....[emoji6]





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  19. If there are any Canadian Coolers who are or have loved ones who are affected by the fires my thoughts and prayers are with you. As an Aussie I am well aware of the damage and devastation caused by fire. I personally have been affected and my heart goes out to you.



    Lovely thoughts Joc...it's such an awful time for those affected in Canada...


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  20. Great to meet you Spins and really sorry the mini cruise was so disappointing for you along with your demise health wise......hope you will soon recover from the jet lag......I'll have that to deal with on the crossing in November!!


    It's been a long and busy week since my return but everything is getting better as the days go along with Father....hopefully he'll be soon settled into a residential home which will take much pressure off for all of us.


    I had my home decorated whilst away and today all the new carpets were laid....my kids chose them and they did good so all is well.


    S [emoji4]




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  21. Thanks for the welcome back...reality check today but did manage to unpack one case....for the first time the butler packed for me and boy did It make a huge difference to the usual pressure of that last day chaos. All my shoes were wrapped in SS tissue paper and nothing was creased.....so very easy to unpack.

    Just a few months now before the next voyage so plenty of time to prepare......best thing today was getting my furry baby back........


    S [emoji4]



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