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Posts posted by specialcruisegirl

  1. So...l left scratch marks on the carpet as they carried me off the ship today! It's been a wonderful crossing but I'm glad to be home...met some really lovely folk and chilled out. Silver Spirit crew looked after me very well and I'm already missing them.......roll on November for yet another crossing.....in the meantime it's back down to earth with a huge thud.....





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  2. Spins...it was a real pleasure to meet you and I'm sorry we didn't get time to spend more time together but I am grateful for your understanding.

    I did try and claw at the carpets today whilst disembarking but they chucked me off anyway....[emoji6] I arrived home to freezing cold weather and tomorrow I will collect my furry baby......enjoy your last few days on board.


    S [emoji4]



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  3. Hi All....smooth seas all the way into Horta.....damn shame as l quite like a bit of action! Everything on board is excellent ...pub lunch yesterday so Spins got her mushy peas! Not so keen on the cod fish this time but the cottage pie was delish.

    Dinner last night was a taste of the Muse....some interesting choices including deep fried Dover sole with the mushy peas and chips again!!!

    Bridge visit on here two days ago....don't know how many went as I've done it before....Les I'd have a word with your CD...


    Just about getting ready to leave Horta, pretty cool out with snow on the volcano....[emoji15] casual attire tonight so a chill evening and hopefully an early night....[emoji6]


    S [emoji5]



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  4. Hey Coolers.....just sailing away from the beautiful island of Bermuda.....clear skies and crystal blue sea...life is good.

    The lovely Spins and l have met up along with others and its all rather wonderful as we head out into the mighty Atlantic Ocean...


    Sorry it's raining over in Blighty...[emoji6]





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  5. Good Day Coolers.......Still all at sea with everything ship shape....Jeffers you are wicked [emoji6][emoji16] as if !

    Spins and l have touched base and will arrange to meet for drinkies soon

    Tonight is our first of three formal so best have an easy day off the old vino! Bit cool this morning on deck......


    Happy Day




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  6. Morning all.


    I won't double post as I already posted on the other thread.




    Haven't seen Sophia, hoping to be in contact and hoping she made it aboard safely without any issues.




    Enjoy the day.



    Hi Spins......I'm here on board and all in one piece!! Had an early night to recover froth jet lag.....!


    I've popped a note in for you at reception so you'll know my suite number.....like yourself I'm chilling today on the pool deck...smokers corner...blonde hair tied in a pony tail....[emoji6]


    The ship is in fine form as we glide along to Bermuda....deck buffet today...all looking good.





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  7. The weather in Hamilton today is sunny with a high of 74 F and a low of 68 F.


    In Barcelona it's 52 F and raining the low will be 45 F.


    In Malaga it's 70 F sunny and low will be 44F.


    In ft Lauderdale the high will be 83F low 67F.


    Sunny and pleasant.




    Don't know about the sea days.




    I reorganized all packing items yesterday as I was taking too much.




    TG for the laundry perk.


    The hardest issue is shoe choice.




    Nice to have these "issues".


    Not long now :-)



    Cruise fever is starting to kick in Spins.....and great to see we will have some sunshine to enjoy.


    No issues here with shoe choices...all 14 pair l selected are in the cases...[emoji15] my excuse being that l have an arthritic toe which means there are times l can't get into some footwear hence taking so many!


    Dropped pup off earlier at his hotel..hate that bit but DD was with me so made it bearable....we followed that with lunch out and a Spa hour for nails etc.


    All checked in for my domestic flight to London tomorrow afternoon so just a matter of the last minute bits to pack and I'll be starting my journey to the ship.


    Looking forward to meeting you.....


    Sophia [emoji5]



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  8. Evening All......been flying around all week finalising everything so l can hopefully have a peaceful voyage!! Still a few loose ends to tie up before l head to the airport on Saturday afternoon....then total chillax time..[emoji16]


    Good to see the foodie pics again Jeffers...those lamb chops had me a drooling...so much so I've got a shank in for my lunch tomorrow courtesy of Tesco for convenience!


    Pleased to see that the Spirit is the only ship in Lauderdale on Monday so that should make embarkation stress free and hopefully quick as I'm told the ship isn't full.


    Spins....I'm looking forward to the fish, chips and mushies too.....great atmosphere last year in the Panorama for that one!

    Also looking forward to the Wild Boar Stew in La T which was delicious......so much to look forward to in fact and just days away!


    Safe travels and Bon Voyage to all ....


    S [emoji4]





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  9. Evening all.....seven day countdown is on! Can't believe how quickly this trip is looming...just five more sleeps until l fly off into the sunset!

    Would be nice to see some of the gals posting if only to quell the excitement of the 'camera' ......I'm still on the box brownie to be honest..[emoji6] great pics in all my albums that go way back to the 1950's......and that's history! Sorry guys......the best pics are those that are taken ad hoc.....but l do understand about boys toys....[emoji15]


    Spins....hope you're all ready for the off a week today and the Florida weather will be kind to us...it's been dreadful rain here...so depressing........roll on the weekend.......


    S [emoji4]



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  10. JP....many thanks, it's all very exciting and l hope you two have a wonderful trip also [emoji1]


    Les...anything counts when it comes to holidays! No Frenchie probs outbound but flying back from Barcelona could be fun if they're still at it!! [emoji15]


    Spins....I've packed early so l can fit in all those horrid jobs you mention before l leave...having said that my decorator is in while I'm away to redo the lounge and hall so I'm not doing much! Sorry to hear you're without wheels.....I hate it when I'm without mine even though it's an old Chrysler which the kids are wanting me to change.....but the old gal and l know each other very well so I'm sticking with her for the foreseeable future!!





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  11. Good Afternoon Coolers......a few of us looking forward to our forthcoming adventures....I'm happy to say that I've finally packed and all ready to go....have to be organised with father still in hospital and celebrating 90 next week so it's going to be rather hectic! Just confirmed the UC wing at Virgin so hopefully a smooth transit through LHR with breakfast and fizz in the clubhouse...[emoji6]


    Spins...I'll leave a note for you at reception on board with my suite number on so we can arrange to enjoy a cocktail or three....looking forward to meeting you......


    Dull and dreary day here in Wales but today is all mine with pup at day school and no visiting....good old fish and chips for luncheon and a nice weekend to look forward to with the offspring......I need to give them their orders before l leave...[emoji16]


    Sophia [emoji4]



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  12. All of this information is very reassuring to me. My husband and I were SS loyalists for 20 years until, suddenly I lost him last November. With me one minute, and gone the next. We'd been married for close to 50 years.




    Thinking of going on adventures without him has been just awful. Of course I know that I am in the same boat with a lot of SS cruisers, but reading, and not just surmising people's success with single cruising on SS has made me much more optimistic. I try to be positive and open to making new friends and, mostly to learn to adjust to my new reality.




    Over the years, we have met many vital and interesting people traveling solo. Wish me luck in being as open and upbeat as all of those solo SS sailors, my DH and I met over many happy years.




    I'm very nervous, but determined to make new friends and to take advantage of my wonderful opportunities. Any and ALL suggestions will be gratefully received.



    I'm so sorry for your loss, I went through the same four years ago so I know that empty feeling.

    You have no need to be nervous, I returned to cruising a year after my husband passed and have never looked back as there are many of us in the 'same boat'. I've never felt lonely and have met some lovely people along the way. Having something to look forward keeps me going...l have four voyages already booked!


    Sophia [emoji4]



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  13. To be honest Spins the actual crossing was both calm and not too cold...nowhere near tropical or semi though...but just nice enough to be able to wander around the decks with a jumper or jacket on.

    We did however miss the calls into the Azores due to stormy weather which that captain avoided so we had more sea days into Lisbon...which sadly was quite chilly and wet when we arrived......hopefully it will be warmer when we arrive in Spain!


    S [emoji4]



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  14. Thanks Spins,




    I am just a grumpy old English bloke with an over active wok.







    Spot on there Jeffers...[emoji6][emoji15]......but my tuppence worth.....the usual fizz on board is not to my taste....I'm a Dom or Cristal gal....I'm not a cheap date....!!

    It's always lovely to see familiar faces on board and SS do have the edge on this one....





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  15. As a female solo traveller SS suits me perfectly. You can do as much or as little as you like...many invites to hosted tables and plenty of others in the same boat! I'm sure you won't be disappointed.


    Sophia [emoji4]



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  16. Very sadly l also feel the same way regarding places not to go to....and l say it with a heavy heart as its though we are allowing these monsters to win. The offspring are heading down to London this weekend....my Christmas gift to them...a luxury night at The Ritz.....I've made them promise they won't use the tube....I worry more for them!

    I'm thankful l saw most of the world forty five years ago.....it's all changed so much.


    Spins...l noticed the gloved hands too....not sure if it's of any significance ......let's hope all of us who are travelling soon have a safe journey.


    Sophia [emoji4]



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  17. My thoughts today are with the people of Belgium who have suffered these horrendous attacks and also all nationalities who have been affected.

    To be discussing ones future travel plans particularly to certain parts of the world doesn't seem quite appropriate at this moment in time.


    Just my personal opinion





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  18. They are aware that the Casino is a tourist attraction particularly amongst cruise ship visitors, and the guys on the door do not extend their discernment to SS as against Carnival. They are all simply cruise ships to them.


    As it happens, I hate Monaco with a passion compared to most of the other places along the Cote and a night spent in Monaco as against for example a cheap kebab place in Nice old town is a night wasted in my view. But then as we all know I am an uncouth heathen. :D


    Monaco is simply a place for tourists to gawp at rich people and rich people to be irritated by the tourists. :)





    Agree with you Jeff....I love Monaco...from the ship!! [emoji6]



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  19. Mary,


    I used the SS luggage valet in October 2014 sending two cases to NYC for a Whisper cruise. As I stated before the cost was £200 per case one way. Sadly due to illness I didn't make the trip so the cases had to be sent back. The service I received was second to none considering that l couldn't join them!! You arrange a date for them to be collected and are informed when they will return. If l recall correctly Mysty has used this service for her current WC voyage.


    If you wish to get a quote email FrankS@silversea.com


    Well worth it particularly as l travel solo and Frank is very helpful.


    Sophia [emoji5]





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