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Posts posted by bbryan5

  1. 18 minutes ago, Ragoczy said:

    The problem with your disagreement is that you are wrong.


    People with smaller service dogs do use strollers on longer trips, and neither dress nor being allowed to be petted have anything to do with validity. The dog's behavior is the only way to tell, and that only if it is not under the control of the handler. Barking, lunging, defecating -- yes, that's either not a service dog or the dog is having a bad day and the handler should remove it from public.

    Your statements and subsequent disagreement, even in the face of information from people who know far more about the subject than you do, perpetuates myths that encourage others to accost handlers as "fakes" when they're legitimate. You might as well be saying, "Anyone who parks in a handicapped spot but seems to walk 'fine' is a fake."


    My wife allows hers to be petted. A friend dresses hers up and dyes his fur. They have very real issues that are alleviated by their service dogs, and for you to spout utterly wrong "signs" about spotting fakes is irresponsible and damaging. 


    Ignorance on a subject is one thing -- refusing education when it's presented is quite another.

    Blah blah blah.. ESA's are a scam. You have to realize that your OPINION is that the end all.. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Ragoczy said:


    While I, myself, don't believe ESAs should have public access, and they don't, your singular lack of any empathy for those with mental illnesses which are relieved by ESAs, as well as your bizarre need to use phrases like "whack-a-do" about those with mental illness, shows exactly what sort of person you are. 


    That's exactly what I have a problem with. The use of ESA's has been completely exploited by those that have NO NEED FOR THEM. The person that thinks of their dog as an equal to a human, fills out some bogus paperwork, and BAM, now they have a ESA. Lighten up, francis. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, GUT2407 said:

    How does a legit service dog have less impact on your allergies than one YOU don’t think is legit?


    That's not the point. I'm saying if someone needs a dog for a LEGIT reason (NOT EMOTIONAL SUPPORT) I have no problem with them having one. Could it still affect my allergies? Obviously. I have a problem with ANY service animal sitting on human furniture, tho. A dog is an animal, not a human.. as much as some whack-a-dos out there think that their dog is equal to a human.. it's not. I'm sorry this is so hard for you to understand. Perhaps you should go hug your emotional support panda, or elephant, or whatever...

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Ragoczy said:

    In general, no, service dogs should not be on public furniture.


    If your allergies, though, are that bad, then the hair on my clothes, transferred to that chair, will be just as bad. So you have a different issue to deal with.


    Now, a mobility dog is going to be right up next to that chair so it's handler can grasp the handle and stand up. A dog retrieving things might put paws up to hand something to the handler. An alert dog might put paws in the handler's lap while he sits there. 

    All of these things are going to transfer dander. What should those fools do? 


    Hair on your clothing is the same as an actual dog sitting in a chair that I might sit it?? No, it's not. 


    I'm glad the SCAM, that is the "service dog" craze is finally being called out across the country. Seeing eye dog? No problem. Legit service dog? Go for it. Emotional support dog?? GET A LIFE.

    • Like 3
  5. 16 minutes ago, GUT2407 said:

    It could still be a genuine service dog with a handler that tries to spoil it too much in appreciation of all the dog does for them.


    but feel free to continue judging when you’re haven’t walked a mile in their shoes.


    my dog serves multiple purposes each of which my wife can fill when I am on a cruise, as she is with me, so Max stays home (I also unsure he would like the restrictions I would put on him on a ship) none of his tasks would be negated by him being dressed up (something I personally dislike and have never done to a dog other than for a shirt special event) being in a pram for much of the time (again not my scene) or even sitt8ng on a chair, in fact he spends much of his time on my wheelchair or our leather lounges. 


    I don't care if the "service" dog is curing cancer. IT DOES NOT BELONG ON A CHAIR THAT HUMANS SIT ON. 


    I'm allergic to dogs, don't I matter? Why should I go into a sneezing fit because some insecure fool didn't get hugged enough, and needs his DOG to sit in a chair next to him on a cruise ship.

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