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Posts posted by 2frequentsailors

  1. Its definitely not you! I have started G&L roll calls for our last eight or nine cruises and the responses have been almost zilch! A grand total of one response to one roll call.


    We agree, virtually no one replies to our threads or questions, makes conversations very one way!!:confused:

    Anyway we are going Nowegian Star LA-Miami Oct 27th then RCC Rhapsody of the Seas Sydney -New Caledonia Feb 11th 2014

    Anyone else on these? Always good to meet others

    Rod and Barry:)

  2. hi Kansas City guys...the European river cruise...Amsterdam to Budapest...you'll love it. We did it some years ago, has been our fav cruise. Only about 170 passengers, travels mostly at night and new town to visit each day. Great food and wine, all inclusive usually...fab shore excursions all incl also. go for it!! Regards Rod and Barry (Oz)

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