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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I often try to do something nice; today it will be to pick up a cake at the grocery store and surprise a friend with it for her birthday. Whenever I've tried to eat kale, it reminded me of the time I thought it was okay to eat the centre of an artichoke. Having slept with a teacher for the past 45 years, I can certainly appreciate all they do for our children and for our society. A bit of a late start - I didn't sleep well last night. It seems beginning about a month out from our cruises, I can't turn my brain off "planning" mode. Last night it started with waking around 2:30, thinking of various things to do and when I finally did fall asleep, I dreamed I left our cabin and couldn't find a way to get back to it - I was lost on the ship. I am going to make a list of the things I need to do and will check them off so maybe my brain will know I'm not behind when it comes to getting ready to travel. A busy day today, we're headed to the hardware store to get plastic for the windows and then in the late afternoon we have to cover any remaining plants (begonias and papyrus) because we're expecting frost tonight . . . serious frost, going down to -8C (17F), and if things aren't covered, well, they're gone. We try to keep things colourful for as long as possible because we live in the land of white for so very long. @marshhawkcongratulations on your 3 sales yesterday - I'm giving you a pat on the back, even though your boss didn't. Wishing all who are headed to their port cities a safe trip and wonderful cruise days! I'm going to give today's menu suggestion a pass, as DH doesn't care for sweet potatoes, and well, you know how I feel about kale. I had the rotisserie chicken carcass from last week in the freezer and it's currently sitting in a stock pot where it will be turned into chicken soup for us tonight. We'll pick up some buns (too busy to make them today), so we'll have a light dinner of soup and buns tonight. And wine. Prayers for those who are hurting, especially for the brave people in Ukraine, and cheers to all the celebrants. Stay safe, everyone! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  2. @Cruising-alongI just did a search for you and found fireplace glass cleaners both at Ace Hardware: https://www.acehardware.com/departments/heating-and-cooling/chimney-and-flue/chimney-brushes-and-accessories/49968 and Lowe's: https://www.lowes.com/pd/IMPERIAL-Stove-Glass-Cleaner/5013483449 Hope this helps! And yes, I agree, taking the glass off and putting it back is truly a pain, but so is trying not to disturb the gasket on the glass. Good luck!
  3. @Cruising-alongthe product is called "Gas Fireplace Glass Cleaners" and I believe it's made by the Imperial company. We purchased it at Canadian Tire, but very likely Lowe's or a hardware store would carry similar cleaners. Failing that, check with your fireplace stores, they're sure to carry it, but at an elevated cost. @marshhawkI'm afraid I'd be exactly like your friend re: claustrophobia. Just the thought of having a mask like that on me gives me the heebie jeebies. Credit to him for being able to get through it.
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! G'mar chatimah tova to everyone who observes Yom Kippur. We don't golf; my dad used to enjoy a round once in a while when he wasn't working or farming or taking care of the family. Our DDIL enjoys a vanilla frappe from Starbucks - I had a sip once and they are de-licious ! ! ! Yay for all the animals in the world, may we protect and respect them. Except for the slimy, slithery, creepy crawly ones. Heading out in a couple of hours for breakfast with some retired colleagues. It's great getting together just to see how everyone is doing and what's going on in their lives. We all missed the gatherings during the pandemic and are fortunate to not have lost any from the group because of of Covid. After that, I've asked DH to remove the glass from both fireplaces so I can clean them and get them ready for another season. It's nice to see the fire rather than looking through smoke and soot to see the flames. @Cruzin Terriwishing you and your DH a very Happy Anniversary! @JazzyVHappy Birthday to you with many healthy returns of the day! @richwmn and @cunnorlsafe travels to both of you for tomorrow! Although it's still going to be nice today with a predicted high of +24c (75F), the temp is expected to dip way down overnight to 0 and only a high of +13, so I think although I'd love today's menu suggestion (DH doesn't care for lamb), I'll bring out a couple of chicken breasts and turn them into chicken kabobs for us. I think chicken kabobs and a Greek salad will make a nice dinner for us to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for those who are hurting, cheers to all the celebrants. Stay safe, everyone! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  5. It gave me some comfort knowing it's billed as a "Tranquility Cruise" rather than the "Headbanger Cruise" or the "How Much Can You Drink Between 11AM and 11PM Cruise." The only song I'm familiar with of Phil Coulter's is "Walking In The Air" which we have on CD and always play at Christmas - yes, it is very tranquil. We've been on cruises where there were groups involved (not with any of the above, thank goodness!) , and have found they often take over the main stage during the daytime hours for their concerts, and will sometimes have large groups dining at the same time in the main dining room. We're on from January 5th, so if this group is at all intrusive, we'll just retreat to our balcony and enjoy the world from there. I'm pretty sure we'll all be okay.
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm so glad I married my last boyfriend; it would have been terrible to have been stuck with one of the others. Will definitely salute Child Health Day, especially with 2 littles in the family now. I'm not a techie, but can usually figure things out with the help of some online videos. DH, not so much. LOL You can tell fall is here by the lack of daylight in the mornings - I usually get up around 6 and it's pitch black. The evenings are getting shorter too, so we have to turn on the lights in the house around 5:30 - it's not going to get better for a few months! At least we don't have a lot of cold weather right now, we're still in the above freezing temperatures, and are keeping our fingers crossed that it stays that way for a while. I just realized I really didn't have any reaction to either the flu shot or my 3rd Covid booster, other than a slightly stiff upper arm for 1 day from the booster. I guess my body must be prepared to do battle this winter! @Cruzin TerriI'm so glad to hear you're finally on your way - safe travels and enjoy your 41st honeymoon! Not a lot going on today, just general clean up around the yard, doing battle with the pine cones and now falling leaves. DH likes to mulch the leaves as he mows the lawn, but we have to pick up the pine cones that the little squirrel drops all over the place. Because it's still nice out, I think we'll fire up the barbecue and grill some smokies tonight. Along with fresh corn on the cob and some coleslaw, I think it'll make a nice dinner for us on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for those who are hurting, cheers to all the celebrants. Stay safe, everyone! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  7. OMG, you're not going to believe this . . . DH found my earring! It wasn't anywhere I thought it should be. He was blowing the leaves off the back patio when he spotted something sparkling in the debris, bent down and there it was! I am so relieved, and immediately thanked St. Anthony for the role I'm sure he played in this. I'm in a much better mood now! Thanks @kazu, DH checked my foot this morning and said it's only got a hint of pink where the nail broke the skin. I subjected it to the alcohol (not wine again), and peroxide treatment just to be on the safe side.
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've always respected custodians / janitors, because my Dad was the janitor at our town's movie theatre for many years. Later in life, I was tasked with showing newbies around the court house and told them in order to make their lives much easier, they had better seek out and show respect to both the custodians and the secretaries, as they are our greatest assets. Our cars don't have names, just Yours, Mine, and the Topless. Being carnivores, we are grateful for farm animals. I love today's quote - we will often go outside and enjoy the night sky. Well I called the drug store and grocery store, and neither has had an earring like mine turned in. I looked throughout the house and car, and even put a nylon stocking over the vacuum hose to check out the car, to no avail. I don't think St. Anthony's going to come through with this one. I did get one thing checked off my "to do" list yesterday, that was washing the living room windows. I got up on the ladder with the swiffer mop, but replaced the flimsy tissue with an old bath towel, had my pail of vinegar water and squeegee, and went to work. A short time later, we could actually see out of them again! Unfortunately, when I was coming off the ladder, I put my foot down and felt a sharp pain in the ball of my foot. I tried stepping on it again, and ouch - what the heck? I had stepped on a nail. DH in all his wisdom and glory had thought it a good idea to nail down the small tin ant trap so it wouldn't roll around in the wind, but it appears our friendly squirrel had been digging around and upturned it. I limped into the house where DH promptly brought out the alcohol (not wine) and peroxide. Fortunately I'd worn good shoes to go on the ladder, not just flip flops, so it wasn't deep, and also we'd updated our tetanus shots just a couple of years ago when we were planning on going to SE Asia. I checked it this morning and there's not a lot of redness, but will keep an eye on it. I like today's menu suggestion, and recall having it in Tokyo where we could select our ingredients and have it made in front of us. DH particularly liked that he could get just vegetables, while I enjoyed the rice with pickled daikon and tempura shrimp. Yum! Sadly, we won't be having any of that today, but will be going out for dinner with DH's daughter and her husband for their anniversary tonight. Not sure what we'll be having, but I'm sure it will be delicious. And wine. Prayers for those who are hurting, especially those affected by both Fiona and Ian, as well as the people of Ukraine. Cheers to all the celebrations. Stay safe, everyone! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
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