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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Not sure who the captain is, but he sure is a good tooter!
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I believe we should recognize people with disabilities every day, and certainly agree with Let's Hug day - DH gets hugged every day. The weather has moderated somewhat so that it's only -27C and feels like -39. LOL We're a hardy bunch up here on the "frozen tundra"; last night when it was colder than a witch's kiss, DH and I were standing out on our driveway watching the international space station pass over us. Although it was u-g-l-y cold, the sky was crystal clear, just sparkling with stars, and we could see it clearly as it went across the sky. On another note, I am finally able to say the historical video that DH produced and I narrated is now available for public viewing. If any of you are interested in seeing it, grab a cup of coffee, tea, or your favourite beverage, sit back and get to know a little bit about the history of our province. I don't know how to make a link, so I'll just spell out the site for you: www dot riverlands heritage preservation region dot ca Take out the spaces between the words and you should be good to go. @JazzyVprayers and comforting hugs to you and BFF as you lay his father to rest today. @dobiemomBon Voyage! I like today's menu suggestion and happen to have ingredients for what I think the recipe will call for, so I'm pretty sure we'll be enjoying triple decker tacos and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all who are celebrating. Be safe, stay well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm all about faux fur, we celebrated several bartenders on the Oosterdam last month, and every day should be pollution prevention day. Holy ice cubes, Batman! Someone must have really ticked Mother Nature off because she's angry . . . right now it's -31C with a slight wind bringing the wind chill to -41C. Yes, that's the same in Fahrenheit. C-o-l-d. Will definitely have both fireplaces going today! It's just about time to break out the down filled pantyhose and polyester stuffed ties to keep us warm! @Quartzsite CruiserI'm so happy to hear Steve has come home and is doing so well! @rafinmdI'm glad that the medications seem to be working; that must be very uncomfortable! Not a lot going on today - it's a good day to stay home - so will likely make a first batch of Christmas Crack, as we went out yesterday and bought the popcorn twists. I made and bagged the Nuts & Bolts and they're safely ensconced in a large Rubbermaid tub on the deck until I start dividing them up into smaller bags for giving. The same will happen with the Christmas Crack once it's all done. I like today's menu suggestion, but it's Friday night, so we'll be checking the online menus to see what appeals to us and will order in to dine at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all who have celebrations going on. Stay well, be safe! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  4. My question is: was the offer still available when you called back? Generally you have to jump on the offer as soon as you get it, before it’s either sold out or they move onto another customer.
  5. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love seeing Christmas lights, but this year we were too late and it's too cold now to put any on the house. AIDS has slipped off the front pages, but is still prevalent throughout the world - hopefully soon there will be a cure for it. Happy for all Romanians who are celebrating their independence today. I can hear a lot of scraping going on outside even though it's still pitch black. Our neighbour plays senior hockey, so likely has a game, and has to shovel his driveway before getting out of the garage. I really hope it's a light snow and we can just use the leaf blower to clear it. Fingers crossed! I made the first large roaster full of nuts & bolts yesterday and will make another batch today. I use the largest roaster I own which will hold about 25 cups of cereal/nuts/crackers/pretzels without overflowing when I stir it, but I still have to make more than 1 batch. Next will be Christmas Crack, but I have to buy several bags of popcorn twists first; after that it will be Puppy Chow (our DS's favourite), and then I'll do some sweet baking. @Ichiban NekkoI'm so sorry to hear your DH ended up in hospital; I know the pain of being medically disembarked with an ill spouse. We ended up in Panama City. @smitty34877hoping Tana's troubles are brief and that she will be on the mend soon. Good wishes coming your way about your hip. @Lady HudsonBon Voyage to you; enjoy your cruise to the fullest! I like today's menu suggestion; I've never used mustard on top of meatloaf before, but it might be very good. I always use a ketchup/nutmeg/dry mustard mix on mine, so I'm looking forward to seeing the recipes. For tonight though, I've got to clear out space in our freezer, so have brought out a couple of containers of turkey soup that will be served along with mini cheese croissants courtesy of a trip to walmart the other day. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all who are celebrating today. Stay safe, be well. EDIT: I just went out to get the paper to discover our wonderful neighbour shoveled our entire driveway and sidewalk - woo hoo! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  6. I’d definitely go for the Neptune, but that’s just me. What are you going to do???
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Computer safety is so important; when DS was here this weekend, he cleaned out our computer and said he found a "little Sochi" in there - apparently it had a lot of fur in it. Oops. I haven't made a mousse in ages, and congrats to Barbados on your celebration of independence. Well the cold weather is working it's way in; this morning we are at -21C (-7F), and there's a strong wind making it feel like -28. Brrr. DH is heading out to the farm with his son today to check on things, so he'll be bringing his heavy winter clothing and emergency supplies just in case. I'm going to stay home (where it's warm) and might make up my first batch of nuts & bolts for the holiday season. @aliaschiefsafe travels today. @kazuI'm happy to hear your foot is improving - don't overdo it, though! I like the pork chop portion of today's menu suggestion, but don't have any available. Instead, I know we've got a container of chili in the freezer that will be thawed and heated along with rice and a cucumber salad at the kitchen table for dinner tonight. I also have a box of chocolate mousse mix that I'm going to make for us for dessert. And wine. Prayers for all who are hurting, cheers to all the celebrations out there! Stay safe, be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  8. Thank you - I tried logging out of the app and going back in, with the same results, then went on our PC where everything went through and I now have an email confirming our reservations. Yay!!
  9. I have a question for my Daily friends. I’m trying to book our complimentary dinners (Pinnacle, Canaletto and Tamarind) on the Rotterdam, but when I select the number of people, NAN comes up and I can’t progress any further. Any idea why, and how to get around this? Thanks in advance!
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't square danced since my parents' 50th wedding anniversary celebration in 1982. Every day should be a giving day in some form, and I'd love to try a slice of lemon cream pie. Looking out the front window, it appears we had more snow overnight along with a wind to blow it into drifts. I think today we'll be getting out the little electric snowblower, our high boots and heavy coats to do the driveway and sidewalk, as it's going to be too difficult to try to shovel the hard drifts. The temperature is dropping throughout the week with an expected low of -31C by Friday. Ah, the joys of living on the "frozen tundra". Despite the weather, we'll be heading out today to have lunch with the friends we'll be cruising with in January. We want to determine the nights we'll be enjoying dinner in the specialty restaurants, and need to make our reservations soon or we'll be left with whatever's available. I love planning for our holidays; not everybody does. I think I'll give today's menu a pass, although I like raw cauliflower, or when like @marshhawk, it's cooked and smothered in cheese sauce, but not in a pizza. The restaurant our friends chose for lunch today is known for their large portions, so I'm not going to be making anything for dinner tonight. I'm pretty sure we'll be eating leftovers - mine will be a beef dip, while DH's will enjoy breaded veal cutlets - at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for those who are hurting, cheers for everyone with something to celebrate. Stay safe, be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  11. Good evening, time for a late check-in. @JazzyVmy heartfelt condolences on the passing of your BFF's DF. I'm sure he felt comforted by your presence to the point that he was able to let go, knowing his son had someone to lean on. Sending you both caring hugs across the miles. Well it continued to snow throughout the day - we only shoveled once, this morning and said let the rest fall and we'll deal with it tomorrow. It's cold and dark now, so there's no point in changing that plan.
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Like Black Friday, I don't expect to be buying much of anything today; I love French toast and applaud Mauritania Independence Day. Well the family arrived back in Calgary safely, but ran into snow about 2 hours from here, so it made the trip seem longer with oncoming vehicles swirling the snow around. I'm sure they were as happy to be home as we were to know they'd made it safely. Speaking of snow, it did come eastward and we've had a good snowfall overnight, with a snow advisory for the full day. As soon as it gets light out, I think DH will take the heavy duty leaf blower and see what he can do on the driveway. If that doesn't work, we'll take the shovels and clear it all. We're having someone come to the house today to measure the front entry for a new door and sidelights. Ours is original to the house (built in 1975), and doesn't fit the opening well, making it a real heat loss area in the winter. We're currently having "discussions" as to whether we're going to have full length or half sidelights; I'm wanting half, DH wants full. We'll see who compromises. LOL I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, but our neighbours across the street have invited us over for a late afternoon visit to hear about our cruise, and to enjoy dinner with them. She's a marvelous cook (great Ukrainian heritage), so whatever appears on the table tonight is bound to be delicious. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is hurting and in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Stay safe, be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  13. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never had a pie in the face, but DH has; I'm pretty sure I've never had a Bavarian cream pie, and those who adopt turtles as endangered species are wonderful people. I'm seriously late to the party today - the family left a couple of hours ago for their long trip back to Calgary in the new vehicle. Prayers accompany them that all goes well. Before they left however, we had to have breakfast, so out came the bacon, eggs, toast, condiments, juices, fresh fruit, etc. Everyone ate well, so at least the travelers won't have to stop too soon for nourishment; they may stop to let the boys run off some excess energy, but won't need food. Like @smitty34877, I'm a teary person when it comes to goodbyes, so as I was blubbering my farewells, the little guy (almost 3) said "Grandma, you come wif us." I think if he'd have asked twice, I might have! LOL The house is pretty much back in order - sheets are in the laundry, the dishwasher is humming right along, and although the house still smells of frying bacon, it's a good smell with memories attached to the giggles and laughter that occurred around the table. Now I'm going to focus on getting ready for Christmas and our next cruise in January. We aren't going to put up a tree again this year, as we'll be heading to Calgary, and right after Christmas will be coming home only to turn around to head to Florida for our cruise, so it doesn't make sense. I'll bring out a few small Christmas ornaments (like a ceramic Christmas tree and some plush stockings) to help make the house look a little festive, but that's about all. @JazzyVI'm saddened to hear about your BFF's DF, and do hope what little time he has left will be comfortable, and that he has a peaceful transition. You are a gem to help out at a time like this; it isn't easy. I'd like today's menu suggestion, but even after sending a big batch of porcupine balls with the family to Calgary, we still have enough leftovers that we'll be enjoying them again tonight. I'm going to make potato patties out of the mashed potatoes and will serve them with green beans at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who have sadness or hurt in their lives, cheers to everyone with something to celebrate. Stay safe, be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  14. @puppycanducruisethere is a weight limit, but I have no idea what it is; they let our 7 year old go by himself, by Dad accompanied the little guy and found that the speed slowed down when the weight increased. Not that they're fast anyway, but you get the idea. @Seasick Sailorcongratulations on the new family member! @lobsternightwelcome to the Daily; we're a pretty friendly group here! @Cruising-alongHappy Angel Birthday to your Dad. The porcupine balls are cooking as we speak . . . the kitchen still looks like a bomb went off, with both boys helping. LOL
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Love cake, especially the icing; we need laws and I do respect all small business owners. It's a flurry of activity here today, so I haven't had time to read this entire thred - the family arrived at midnight last night with both boys shouting "Grandma, Grandpa, we're here!!" Who'd have thought a 7 and almost 3 year old would be coherent at that hour . . . Apparently each had about an hour's sleep on the road, so they were wide awake when they got to our place. We had some snacks and everyone was in bed by around 1:30. This morning the parents got up and headed over to the car dealership where they're still "wheeling and dealing" on their new vehicle. They've been gone a couple of hours, and we expect to see them home in the next little while. DH and I have been busy with the boys; so far they've eaten oranges, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, Eggos, yogurt (Grandma's special with mini M&M's on them), and bananas. Right now it looks like someone trashed the kitchen. LOL This afternoon we're planning on heading over to a mall where they can run around and possibly enjoy the ride-on motorized animals for a while. You can rent these cute little critters, sit on them like a horse and ride them around the mall . . . can't wait to see them do it. I like today's menu suggestion, but we've got the plans for the family to enjoy the baked porcupine balls that I started yesterday, mashed potatoes, carrots and a salad around the dining table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, and cheers to everyone with something to celebrate. Stay well, be safe. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  16. The dining room food was good, especially the appearance of escargots on 2 gala nights! Having said that though, we ate a couple of times in the Lido for dinner and enjoyed the offerings there as well, especially the "Neptune Dinner" on the last night. The seafood boil was absolutely delicious with huge peel & eat shrimp, potatoes, corn, etc. DH liked the sweet baked salmon they also served that night. The one thing I noticed in the dining room at lunch was that the food was never really hot, even though the dining room was nowhere near full. Not sure why.
  17. @marshhawkyou really gave me a good giggle this morning! No porcupines were harmed in the creation of this recipe, I assure you. @ottahand7 this is our family's recipe - I think it originated when Minute Rice first came on the market, and has been a favourite ever since. It can be doubled, tripled, etc., just add more water to the soup, otherwise the sauce becomes too thick and can burn. Porcupine Balls 1 lb ground beef 1 med onion, chopped 1 cup uncooked Minute Rice 1 tsp salt 1 can tomato soup Mix together the beef, onion, salt and rice. Shape into balls and brown in a little oil, draining off fat. When browned, remove to a casserole dish. Add 1/2 cup warm water to frying pan, scraping up the browned bits. Add the tomato soup to the pan, stirring well and pour mixture over the meatballs in the casserole. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes, covered. Remove cover, stir and bake another 15 to 20 minutes.
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I won't be partaking in Black Friday madness, although I need to get a few groceries for the weekend, I'm pretty sure there won't be crowds there. I'm not sure I've ever had maize, but I'd love to have a parfait; that's something I haven't made in ages. I think one of the days today should certainly be Sandwich Day, with all the leftovers that folks have from their Thanksgiving turkeys, chickens and hams. I always like making a turkey because it provides an abundance of leftovers that means no cooking for a few days. Today I'll be making a gigantic batch of porcupine balls - a family favourite - so there will be enough for our dinner tomorrow night and lots that can be sent home with the family when they return to Calgary. @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear you had to cancel your cruise - I hope your BFF's DF will return to better health. @kazu yay that your luggage found it's way home; I hope everything was intact! I like today's menu suggestion, as it's a nice fish, but it's Friday night, pizza night at our house, so we'll peruse the menus to see what appeals to us so we can enjoy pizza at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for those who are hurting, cheers to all who have celebrations going on in their lives. Stay safe, be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  19. It depends on the ship; a couple of weeks ago we were early enough for the dining room on the Oosterdam in Barcelona, but it was closed. One of the chefs who was coming out of the side door told us it wasn't open for embarkation lunch, so we headed to the Lido. A bit busy, but not so that we weren't able to get a table.
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