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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Thanks for taking us with you, Lisa! I'm excited for you and can't wait for your posts! Safe travels!
  2. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I enjoy apple turnovers from Tim's, have NEVER had a bikini body, and am far too easy going to ever become a workaholic. They tend to be type A personalities; I think I'm a D or even an E. LOL We've been to Stockholm on the Rotterdam and took a HO HO bus tour which we really enjoyed, especially because the weather was absolutely perfect for it. Super late to the party today - the morning was spent getting the family ready to depart for their home in Calgary. In addition to being very tender hearted, I suffer from separation anxiety (which apparently stems from when I was adopted at 18 months), so spent most of the morning in tears. I'm great at hellos, but goodbyes just do me in. This afternoon has been spent stripping beds, doing laundry, sweeping and mopping floors. Wow, those littles certainly know how to drop food and on the floors! I'm glad we contained them to the kitchen and deck table areas. The one thing I'm almost not wanting to do is erase the little fingerprints on the glass topped tables. I said almost. The sound you hear in our house today is silence . . . it's amazing how full of sound the house was with the family in it. I have to tell you Sochi was a real trooper, being very gentle around the boys, especially the little one who just wanted to be friends - very-close-up-in-your-face-friends. LOL This afternoon she's off her perch on a shelf above the computer and wandering around the house. She knew she was safe from prying fingers and loud voices when she was up there. Feeling such sadness for the 3 communities and the senseless gun violence that took place on a day when there should have been nothing but fun and laughter. @Overhead Fredlove your lake photos - but that deck furniture looks just like the set we absolutely could not get put together and had to return to Canadian Tire. The chair pieces were misaligned and were impossible to match, so back they went. @kazuI'm glad your jam jelled; it sounds like you're super busy while there's good weather, just don't overdo it! I like that today's menu suggestion is a dessert - yay! We've had Mexican Wedding Cookies, as a former neighbour was from Mexico and used to make them for us at Christmas. We're tuckered out from getting the house back into order, so it's going to be a simple dinner for us consisting of Monte Cristo sandwiches and tomato soup on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine who are so brave. We'll clink our glasses together to salute all on the celebration list. Get your boosters, be safe, wear masks when needed and stay well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
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