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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Thank you, you're correct; it's 11AM Atlantic, not Eastern. I'm way out west where we're 3 hours difference in time. And I haven't had my morning coffee. I've just edited the post to read 11AM Atlantic. Gerry
  2. I just phoned the funeral home who said a password won't be required; if we click on the livestream link on the site about 5 minutes prior to the service's start (11AM Atlantic), we should be able to watch it. Thanks for the reply! Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Daily! Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! I admire the talents of cartoonists, we enjoy museums we've visited in our travels, and while I've not used the services of a midwife, know how valuable they truly are. The day is starting bright and sunny already where we're at +11C (51F) and it's expected to go up to +27 (80F), woo hoo! My head seems a little clearer this morning, but the cold seems to have settled in my throat - I sound like a croaky frog today. DH spent a good part of the night coughing, so at some point, got up and slept in his recliner chair in the living room. We needed to get some cough medicine for DH yesterday so went to the grocery store where they'd just received a shipment of hanging plants to start the season. Timing was everything, so we bought 6 hanging baskets of begonias; 4 in coral, 2 in fuschia. The fuschia will brighten up our deck, while the coral ones will be set out in the yard in pots. I'm past trying to get little flowers and transplant them all over the place, hoping they look like I hope they will - instead, I grab a hanging basket, take the whole plant and root ball out and set it into my own planter pots. Voila, instant success! Think smarter, not harder. I'm going to be watching Jose's funeral today and will be thinking of @kazu as she says a formal goodbye to her DH. Because it's Cinco de Mayo, we'll be enjoying a simple dinner tonight of quesadillas and salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for our dear @kazufor the strength she needs today. Extra also for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance. We'll clink our wine glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list. Stay well, get your boosters, wear your masks when you need to, and be safe. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  4. Back for a quick check-in this afternoon. @rafinmd, I'd hold off contacting Jacuqi until Saturday at least; she may have family from out of town staying with or near her that she needs to spend time with. Just my humble opinion. @luvteachingI'm sorry DH is in hospital; hopefully he'll get the extra therapy he needs while he's in there. It's always a struggle when our loved ones are in hospital, as it means the daily routines are thrown to the wind and the world revolves around the hospital and it's hours. Know you are in my heart. @HAL SailerOMG, talk about a scandalous length for your skirts! LOL Didn't know you were such a rebel!
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Daily! I rode my big-tired bike to school during elementary years, but of course it wasn't cool once I entered high school. We enjoy watching the birds in the back yard, but because of the prevalence of bird flu throughout Canada, have been advised to take down the feeders for a time. I don't think I've ever consciously eaten candied orange peel, unless it was in a fruit cake. Although it's foggy right now and only +2C (35F), it's supposed to go up to +23 (75F), which will be wonderful. I might try picking away at stuff on the deck - didn't get much accomplished yesterday as this cold has sort of sapped my energy. I ended up having a 2 hour nap in the afternoon - yes it felt good, but it was unusual for me to do that. I guess my body needed the rest. Not sure about the quote for today, although I can see how some people can be totally entranced by others at the beginning of the relationship. Another drink with bourbon, I'll pass on it, but I think (depending on the price), I'd like to try today's wine. We've never been to Hawaii, but that doesn't mean we'll never get there. There isn't a lot on the agenda for either of us today; DH spent most of the night in the recliner as he was coughing so much, so it'll be a quiet day around the house for the two of us. I'm glad I made the turkey soup so I don't have to worry about what to cook - it'll be turkey soup and sliced ham sandwiches for us for dinner tonight. And wine. And because it's May 4th, I couldn't help but post this here: Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for @kazu as she prepare for Jose's funeral, and for @cat shepardwho is dealing with the loss of her cousin. Extra also for the people of Ukraine and all they are having to endure. We'll salute all who are on the celebration list with the clinking of our glasses. Be safe, get your boosters, wear your masks when you need to, and stay well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
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