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Posts posted by delgirl

  1. It is too windy to sit outside on a balcony on a transatlantic. Have done this trip 3 times all in july and august and apart from I day near to new york we have only been able to sit on promenade deck for a little while, we were well wrapped up but still cold and windy.

  2. I absolutely love the cunard pillows they are so soft and you just sink into them. The pillows standing up behind seem to be a lot firmer and I don't use them. Would love to know what sort of pillows they use

  3. It is about $50 or thereabouts into manhattan if you could share a taxi with 2 others it would take the cost down considerably. We are doing westbound in july (did eastbound last time) but we are going with 2 others so we are sharing a taxi. With tolls and taxes and a tip its only about $15 each

  4. we also we on this crossing. had a great time, we were with friends and they drank cocktails most evenings. Some were extra strong and some were weak, one night in g32 they both had same cocktail, one was a darker colour than the other and tasted stronger, bit weird you would think they would be the same.

  5. On our TA end of july samantha barks was one of the guest lecturers, now it is showing emma samms instead. But if you look on cunard insights it is still saying samantha barks. Don't know which one to believe. I'm not bothered either way but our niece who is coming with us was really excited when she new samantha barks was on as she is a big musicals fan.

  6. going to nyc for 3 days pre transatlantic crossing. If we have any american dollars left (big if) can we use them to pay our onboard account. Just a bit worried in case we pay part cash and then they take the whole amount off our credit card, would it be difficult to get reimbursed as we wouldn't know until we got home.

  7. sailing from new york to southampton in july. Have booked an oceanview with window not porthole, picked cabin no, all showing correct on my personaliser. Agent clicked for upgrade I am now wondering if I should have said no upgrade as the next grade up is obstructed balcony. When I mentioned this to hubby he said how can an obstructed view be an upgrade. If I do get upgraded can I refuse and will I loose my original room I have booked.

  8. We were on a ba charter flight in july this yr for queen victoria. Had to collect our luggage from the carousel and then when we got outside bags taken off us and put in a lorry we then had to proceed to coach. Didn't see bags again until in our cabin. Hope this helps.

  9. they have now changed our itinerary on our cruise 23 july, not now going to kusadasi but kotor instead. Original itinerary was athens 23july, sea day, kusadasi, santorini, katakolon, sea day then overnight in venice. It is now Athens 23rd july, santorini, katakolon, kotor, then 2 seas days before we get to venice on 29th july (disembark 30th july) Where will we be cruising for the 2 days as kotor not that far from venice. Last year we sailed from venice and got to dubrovnic the very next day. Can't seem to make any sense of it. Feeling confused or will we be cruising at a snails pace.

  10. Going on queen victoria saturday. Had excursion booked in kusadasi to pine bay beach resort. Just had e-mail to say excursion is cancelled along with a refund. When I looked last week it was showing limited availability for this trip so I don't understand why it has been cancelled as we are still going to kusadasi and trips are showing on voyage personaliser to ephesus or adaland water park. Has anyone else had this trip cancelled.

  11. Going on queen victoria saturday. Had excursion booked in kusadasi to pine bay beach resort. Just had e-mail to say excursion is cancelled along with a refund. When I looked last week it was showing limited availability for this trip so I don't understand why it has been cancelled as we are still going to kusadasi and trips are showing on voyage personaliser to ephesus or adaland water park. Has anyone else had this trip cancelled.

  12. we have the ship transfer from queen victoria to marco polo. Flight is not until 15.30hrs. Does anyone know what time we will be able to stay onboard till or would we be better storing our luggage and getting private transfer. Do not want to arrive at airport in the morning, as venice airport is a nightmare. Says on cruise personaliser we will know day before what time we leave venice.

  13. it says on cunard website that you have to have documentation for injections or you may not be able to travel. Going to easter med (turkey and greece) and says no injections needed. Do we still have to take our vaccination cards with us or not bother. We did eastern med last year on celebrity and they never asked.

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