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Posts posted by delgirl

  1. 18 hours ago, MX-Drew said:

    Not true, on the second cruise, the 4 day, we were informed many times a reservation in the app was only an indication of how many are going and it is not a firm booking and no place will be saved for you.

    It would have been nice to have been told this as it kept saying no spaces. They checked our booking in bravo and mdr twice.

  2. I have been on both cunard and p and o and have never come across any snobbery on either. Just all like minded people enjoying their cruise or crossing. Having said that my daughter was on azura about 7.5 years ago around the caribbean, said there was an elderly gentleman on board who kept clicking his fingers at the waiters. She was incensed. She normally goes on rccl and had never encountered this.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

    Morning Bob. I'm at a bit of a loose end today. Not much happening on here this morning and the weather's a bit naff too.  I'm just mooching about trying to keep occupied.  I was watching an item about 'Cave Syndrome' and I can definitely relate.  I want to go out but feel very anxious about it and keep putting it off 'until tomrrow', and as we all know, tomorrow never comes.😏

    I hope your day is much more interesting Bob.


    I do that with the housework. Keep saying I will do it tomorrow.🤣🤣

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, AndyMichelle said:

    There is plenty of choice down here, even ones where you don't have to ask for a wine list... 🍷😊

    Don't drink. Just want a nice meal somewhere. Have booked a steakhouse (begins with a C) but when I phoned there was such loud music I couldn't hear him speak. So now am not sure. Unfortunately you have to pre-book everywhere I have looked. The one I have booked had only got 6pm (I wanted 8pm) so that was the reason I phoned.

  5. 28 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

    I enjoyed your original post, everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but did you expect to basically call us louts because we are comfortable with the P&O demographic and not expect us to defend ourselves. 

    You booked a booze cruise, paid peanuts and expected five star service... 

    P&O has lots of niggles, but still suits many of us for what we pay. 

    You don't deserve to be insulted or abused, but nor do we... 

    Rant over, I'm off to Wetherspoons, I think it's curry and a pint for a fiver, anyone coming? 



    Off to southampton know any good restaurants.😍🤣

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  6. 51 minutes ago, lindylooellalouise said:

    We waited in the queue for about 30 mins and our results came 10 mins later as we were driving to the ocean terminal 


    35 minutes ago, Bobblehat71 said:


    We had a boarding time of 1:15pm . Got to the test centre around 12:45pm and only had a 5 minute wait in the queue. Very efficient.

    thank you, good to know maybe get to mayflower about 11.30ish

  7. How long do you have to wait in line at mayflower cruise terminal for your test. Is it quite quick or lots of queues. Asking because going weekend (regal princess, can't ask there as it is 1st cruise for princess seacations.) Have an arrival time of 11.45-1215 to get to ocean terminal so don't want to get to mayflower too early as don't want to hang around.😁

  8. 2 hours ago, Eddie99 said:

    I forgot to say that we treated ourselves to a shared starter of tempura prawns with chilli dip.  Delicious.  Plump and crispy.  Like being in the Glasshouse … we’ll, that’s what we persuaded ourselves; sea view, suntanned masses, 25°C

    daughter and son-in-law had the sharing turbet, I think thats what it was, on the mains £55.00 thought they were mental. Fortunately I was captivated by 2yr old granddaughter wanting the lemon out of the drinks and then pulling funny faces as she was eating it.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Eddie99 said:

    Oh dear - broken arm & scary fish!  Hope you have some fond memories of Weymouth too 🙂


    Rockfish is not a restaurant for the fish-phobic.  The menu only has chicken burger and plant-based ‘meat’ burger as alternatives.  For pescaphiles (I’ve probably just made that word up), it’s heaven!


    Another hot night but there is definitely a bit of freshness in the air now and potential extreme rain/thunderstorms for the weekend.  Hopefully that might clear things and leave us with a more normal and more liveable 20-22° for the foreseeable 

    Dog and I enjoyed a refreshing walk just after 6.  We’ll take a leisurely stroll to the cricket field and return via the fish van in a little while.  Tuna, for a Niçoise, hopefully

    Still love Weymouth. I am boring when it comes to fish I just stick to cod.

  10. 3 hours ago, Eddie99 said:

    We’re  continuing to enjoy access to a seaside property.  This is, in effect, a holiday for us.  Lots of eating out; lots of shore access.  Very relaxing


    Whole oven cooked plaice (enormous!) with garlic butter for Brian to salivate over




    DH had exactly that 3 weeks ago when we were in weymouth. Couldn't look at him or it😃😃

  11. 3 hours ago, kalos said:

    Oh dear you wouldn't be much fun in the jungle would you :classic_unsure: You would be eaten alive!

    I'm same as your hubby nothing bites me unless it's desperate (wife included ) but a few 

    mozzies have been known to have a go . The Mrs on the other hand is a bit like you and 

    makes perfect insect food ,some of the states she used to end up in with ankle bites etc 

    were not good . That was until  I read up on an article about the Royal Marines and how they 

    stopped the bites when out in the tropics .  They use Avon  ! :classic_ohmy: I kid you not . 

    They use a spray called Skin So Soft  (In the Blue bottle not the pink, the latter does not work )

    We  have some  and it does work ,last few holidays we had zero bites .

    So for future reference  after you get these bites sorted  by even letting your local chemist

    have a look at your current bite . You could try slapping some of the Avon spray over your

    exposed skin before venturing out . It smells nice and makes your skin soft  and the little

    nasty's do not like it ...It worked for us . So contact your local Avon Rep who will sort you out.

    If not there must be a Rep out in the jungle flogging this spray to our Marines somewhere.

    Good luck and hope you get that ankle sorted .:classic_smile:

    Hilarious as always🤣🤣

    • Thanks 1
  12. Hi from extremely hot west midlands. Have one foot in bucket of cold water. Got bitten monday evening on my ankle. Yesterday morning looked I had an egg on my ankle. Last night whole foot was swollen and today the same. So I am soaking my foot in very cold water to try and reduce the swelling. This is the 3rd year running I have had a reaction to a bite. 2 yrs ago had to have antibiotics as finger was turning black and 3 bites on back all oozing. Had same problem last year but thankfully no antibiotics. Don't know why I am getting this reaction. They don't attack dh (don't blame them)!!! just me. If swelling not down by tomorrow will have to e-mail doctor. Just don't like bothering them for just a bite.😁

  13. 1 minute ago, P&O SUE said:

    I made the mistake a few weeks ago of walking past a school at ‘kicking out’ time, it was awful, all in big groups with no social distancing at all.

    Same here. In my other grandsons playground (off sick today too much sun yesterday) there is always large groups sitting together. One group not one of them have ever worn a mask (don't look like they are exempt, don't wear a lanyard) I suppose I will find out tomorrow when he is back at school. I shall still wear my mask and try and keep my distance as much as possible. School are often sending e-mails about not talking in large groups especially on the pavement outside of school after dropping kids off. I often wonder if they can read!!!

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  14. When I took grandson to school this morning was amazed how many people were not wearing masks. I know it is outside but you still have to go into the playground. In the bit I went into this morning there was me and two others wearing masks few more this afternoon. You would think that all the kids that are getting covid they would be sensible, but no. 2 weeks ago there were 4 classes self isolating and then a bit later some more. I am sure some people think they are invincible.

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  15. 2 hours ago, PAMJP said:

    We had no choice when I started booking, but more became available as the days went on. Trouble was I could book dining in all three but couldn’t cancel any! All sorted now though. Than you for your input, we’ve decided on Concerto.

    I booked our table time a few weeks back. It then allocated us concerto. When I looked today to see if it was all still okay our times wouldn't come up and it was saying dine my way not available. So just hoping all is ok😒

  16. 5 hours ago, Presto2 said:

    Not sure if everyone knows this but at 2pm tomorrow Virgin are going to launch their new 'space ship' with a crew onboard (including Richard Branson). So if you're bored with tennis and fed up (like me) of the build up to the football it could be a nice distraction!


    Been reading all of the issues those of you who took part in the vaccine trials. Surprised that JB has not replied as he is usually pretty good at getting back when e-mailed. I'd try again !


    Anyway, not on me jollies this weekend so off to Crewe (oh the excitement) to do some shopping and then go searching for new furniture. We are decorating over the holidays (oh deep joy) so are planning ahead. Hubby very miserable as he hates decorating with a passion ! 


    Have a good day everyone

    Everytime hubby redecorates I learn some new swear words. You'd think I would know them all now after 44 years of married life.

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    • Haha 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

    It looks like we will be unable to cruise for the foreseeable future, we had an email from Princess telling us that we need to show proof of our vaccination status on arrival at the port, it then went on to say that only vaccines approved for the current mass vaccination push would be accepted.  I rang them to check whether my letter of proof of receiving a vaccine during the trial would be acceptable and was told that it was not even though Jonathon Van Tam has stated that people who have received actual vaccines during the trials would not be discriminated against.  I have just checked with P&O and Cunard and they have confirmed that they have the same policy.

    For those of you have taken part in any vaccine trials I would advise you to confirm whether you are still able to travel.


    Lesson learned, don't take part in any future medical trials.

    that is awful, and surely unlawful

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