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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. After hearing so much about Indulge, thought lunch time would be a good time to give it a try…reflections given I’m sittin g outside…breezy bit temps are on the cool side of warma
  2. Appreciate everyone’s concern. I’m fine. Sore and moving slow, but fine. So far, I don’t see anything showing up on my account. And, I authorized no charges (to my knowledge, but have to check my ticket fine print)! I’ve received no receipt for any treatments or charges! I think I’m good with all that! Called AMEX, my credit card on file. They said no charges showing. But, we’ll see what the final NCL invoice shows!
  3. Quite nice not hearing…. “Bing-Bong….today in the atrium don’t miss our $10 watch and jewelry sale”. Shops are pretty subdued. Reminds me a lot of Celebrity!
  4. DEMOGRAPHICS….have had a chance to get around the ship (still much more to go)! Ages are all over the map. I’ve seen a few couples with pre school children. I’ve seen 20s-30s. And, plenty my age group, too It’s not a young party group, but it’s also not a geriatric cruise. Vast majority U.S. passengers! Aside from some crew, I don’t think I’ve heard anything other than English spoken.
  5. I keep finding these little pockets of relaxing areas around the ship…nice furnishings…soothing colors and textures!
  6. A little side note about our Concierge, Lyster! One thing NCL does is hire the best Concierges in the industry. Just as an example, he called earlier this a.m. wondering how I was feeling. He knew about my mishap last night. Even though breakfast was no longer being served, he offered to have my Butler put some pastries together and bring them to my cabin! Side note, Adrian Bica (sp?) is generally considered the best Concierge at sea! Lyster was trained by him, and it shows! Adrian left NCL but last I heard he’s either with Windstar or Oceania..can’t remember which! Lyster has been with NCL for 17 years.
  7. Thanks! Might forego Costa Maya today. We don’t dock until this afternoon, though! I’m on a beautiful ship, having a grand time, being catered to at every turn. A sore ankle/knee won’t hold me back!
  8. Thanks, Henry! I’ll be fine! Was a little taken aback about the breathalyzer and signing a form stating I was responsible for payment of medical services. I don’t know what the charges would be, but 3 x-rays, prescription tylenol, a cane, and an ankle wrap along with the actual Dr consultation! My guess it’s in the 4 figure realm!
  9. Security…follow me to the Local and show me where you fell. OK! We get there. Security asks the manager if he knew of the incident-NO! Asks me which NCL personnel I spoke to-I don’t know…we interfaced for a few seconds, mostly while I was on the floor! I ask Security for a copy of whatever report he fills out and a copy of the medical report. Maybe something…maybe nothing! But, I don’t want any surprises showing up on my credit card!
  10. Here’s the funny part! While I’m answering questions, and about 2 mins before the Med Center closes, a lady literally comes crashing through the door stating loudly…. ”I have explosive diahrea and need something to get rid of it”! She makes eye contact with me, as I guess I recoiled a little and said…”I don’t care who knows! My bathroom is a mess”! Poor room steward! They immediately put her in a separate examining room! Onward…. The admitting nurse pits me in another examining room. About 15 mins later, Dr comes in. We chat about what happened. He looks at my knee, my hand and my ankle and immediately says “let’s x-ray those”! Nurse comes back in to do the x-rays but wants to take my BP first. 126/73. “It’s high”! ””What? You think that’s high?” Whatever! Let me move this along! X-Rays were negative! Yay! A little black and blue, but I’ll live! The Dr puts a compression sock on my ankle. Gives me the script version of tylenol and some anti inflammatory cream for my knee and hand. He tells the nurse to get me a cane. Unnecessary but OK! As I’m getting ready to leave, security shows up to ask a few questions. Same ones I answered before…drinking? CBD/cannabis ingestion? Breathalyzer? NO TO ALL!!!!! Please sign this waiver!
  11. Got to medical, and remember some of the horror stories about ship hospital medical bills. Ahhhh…not to worry! I have cruise medical insurance. Anyway, I get to their waiting room about 30 minutes before they closed. Explained what happened and the barrage of “non-medical” questions begin… “Were you drinking or taking any cannabis products?” “I had a one beer about 2 hours ago” “Will you take a breathalyzer?” ”No! You’re misssing the point. I fell because of a puddle of water at the restaurant entrance. “Do I look inebriated to you?” Admittedly, this caught me off guard and made me a little perturbed! “Will you sign this waver to cover your medical treatment costs?” ”No!” Yes I have insurance but now they’re insinuating it’s my fault! Not covering it!
  12. So, alluded to a “thing” last night! I was headed to the local to grab something quick to eat before headed to see DONNA! There was a wet spot right at the entrance to the bar portion (2 entrances…one to the bar area, one to the sit down restaurant area). Moving to let someone else pass me who was leaving, I hit the wet spot (quit trying to make this sordid…LOL)! You guessed it….I turned immediately into “lucha libre” (look it up)! and ended up face down on the floor. Embarrassed! Like a fish out of water, I flopped my way vertical. Already the twisted ankle is swelling as is my knee and hand that hit the ground. An NCL person (waiter? bussboy? who knows as it only heard his voice and got maybe a 2 second glimpse before he went back to doing whatever it was he was doing) told me I should go to medical. It happened so fast, I hobbled my way to deck 12.
  13. It is, indeed! NCL is definitely moving this class of ship upmarket! Less “crazed” buffet dining…more focused and smaller dining venues. Materials all through the ship are nicer. And, nice art throughout!
  14. Huge NCL faux pas. Doors to some Haven areas are unmarked! Wandered past this one many times thinking it was crew access only!
  15. Given the ship does not follow any patterns of any previous NCL ship, I’ve relied on the nifty maps by the elevators. Touchscreen and they operate snappily!
  16. So far. it’s been way too windy to ever see anyone on the Vibe. Wondering if they will refund those who purchased it?
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